Monday, October 13, 2014

Marty Prehn: Failure Extraordinaire

Just hours after his Lakeview High School Reunion fiasco, Marty Prehn adds to his ever-growing list of miserable failures. Marty is so desperate to appear to be fronting a charity event, he has resurrected the scam he forgot about - Operation Patch Adams.

Marty originally had this event scheduled for October 5th. It was the planned finish to his great Robin Williams tribute weekend. As with all of Marty's events, it simply never took place and he was counting on no one noticing so he didn't bother to bum gas money and stayed home. He even skipped his regular appearance at the Saint Clair Shores city council meeting to brag about how successful it was while wearing his latest skin-tight, see-through participant T-shirt complete with his number documenting his attendance. Marty didn't even bother to register for the event which tells me he never planned on attending. But what the hell, "Those council members couldn't possibly find out that I'm lying for the umpteenth time to them".

After this blog once again pointed out that another Marty bullshit story had come and gone, the Elder Avenger finally found the energy to get off the couch and at least attempt to save face. Luckily, there was another suicide walk scheduled within driving distance that Marty could attempt to hijack.

Suddenly team Operation Patch Adams is registered for the upcoming walk. Of course, this latest fundraising event will be his greatest. The target goal for team OPA is a cool One Million Dollars, a goal not seen since Mongoosapalooza, aka " I Need a Hero". From the looks of things so far, Marty is keeping his usual charitable pace. With zero team members and not a nickel in donations raised or even pledged, when you factor in the last walk, this charity is running a deficit in simply meeting the Mongoose, when you consider the free pizza he ate and stuffed in his pockets.  "Good Works" has a price, you know.

The reviving of OPA seems to fit with what we've been seeing from Marty lately. Elder Dawg's scams and claims have taken a downturn. Has Marty's creative lying ability finally begun to fade? Couldn't he come up with a new wrinkle for this latest walk? In fact, all of Marty's lies and threats have been downgraded lately. Now, instead of leading multi agency investigations, he's reporting alleged code violations. And how long has it been since we've heard Marty's spew about the great cyberstalkers MVZ or Flemshady? Has the crusade against them, headed by Marty and every elected official he could name, finally ended? Has Marty stopped listening to some sexual fetish balloon clown?

These latest developments leave me with a few questions: Will Marty manage to find the motivation and gas money to actually attend his own event this time? Will Flo join team OPA and donate? Or did she make the mistake of sending the donation straight to Marty? Will the Mongoose find the courage to update the city council of his latest "good works" despite the fact that Robin could be waiting to expose him as the lying idiot he really is? And what will Balloon Betty do now that Marty has forgotten about her and the balloon she had stuck up his ass?

You readers know this blog is a guilty pleasure. Stay tuned right here to find out the answers to all of these questions as they happen!


  1. Excellent update, Mr.Tuttle ... thank you for keeping the public aware of Fatty's failures to scam the good people of Saint Clair Shores, Eastpointe, Berkley etc = (any city that may have a event he can hijack) I'm pretty sure his days of bullshitting, lying and trying to scam City Council are over ...much like his constant claims to appear with his celebrity, news media besties on every local metro Detroit TV stations. I think those PPO's finally forced Fatty Prehn to stop stalking the news media & celebrities .. the most Fatty can do now is send reruns of himself at the SCS council meetings to CashFlo and hope she's too serial to realize they are OLD tapes ... lol !!!!

  2. Watch out, Tuttle.

    RC3 was constantly threatened by that balloon psycho.

    Probably one of the reasons he bailed...

    1. Pretty simple solution to any problem she might have with me. If she doesn't like it, don't keep reading here.

    2. Then how is she to report back to the mother ship or convince Marty to harass her nemesis?

  3. Forget Operation Patch Adams, Nautical Smile, Elder Abuse, Homeless Veterans, Domestic Violence Survivors, Wayward Mothers, etc...

    Where's the update on planting that damn evergreen tree in honor of dead classmates?

  4. Replies
    1. That musta been Douche Canoe cussing with pizza in his typing had! Durn autocorrect! Damn damn = pan pan?

      Great job again Mr Tuttle! There are probably balloons being popped while your name is being wildly Googled, in a helium haze!
      Bwahahahaha! Balloon Betty! Giggle snort each time I see her photo! Scary #WhatLurksBeneath


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