Friday, October 3, 2014

Marty Prehn's Fall TV Lineup

Maybe you don’t have cable. Maybe you do, but you only watch network-TV shows. Or maybe you’re just searching for a handy resource to set your DVR. Whatever the case may be, enjoy our compendium of every Marty Prehn show airing on television this fall.

Print out this handy guide and keep it close to your TV. Don't miss out on any opportunity to see our favorite idiot in action!

Monday nights are one of the most important in Marty's "must see" TV line up. The first and third Monday of each month are the Saint Clair Shores City Council meetings. By now it should be obvious that every TV in the metro Detroit area is tuned in for the bi-weekly State of the Mongoose address. This is when everyone gets both a recap of the last two weeks of Marty greatness but also a preview of what lies - I mean events - Elder Dawg has coming. On the Mondays when there is no council meeting, catch Marty on Fox2Detroit as a regular on "Let it Rip" as he joins his close personal friend Huel Perkins to discuss his greatness.

Tuesday nights will feature Marty's new variety show. Robin Williams was the original co-host but now that he's assumed room temperature, Marty's unemployed good friend Jay Leno has agreed to join the show. Rumor has it that his friends Bob Seger, Amy Lee and Kenny Chesney will be leading the house band. Bette Midler and Debby Boone might just stop by, so don't miss it! In fact, this show will feature different friends of Marty's from all walks of the entertainment industry, as well as various politicians and heads of state. The list of possible guest is too long to list here but, based on Marty's Hollywood connections, this show will put Kimmel, Letterman and Fallon to shame. One of the recurring skits will be Stupid Marty Tricks. You won't want to miss this, folks. "Watch me lie out of both sides of my enormous ass!" Don't miss his "Dwarf Bowling with Jamie Victory" sketch, either.

On Wednesday Marty will be pulling a double shift. MTM (Marty the Mongoose) productions couldn't let a week go by without having Marty on a daytime talk show. Marty will be teaming up with his gal-pal Ellen for this daytime magic. This show will cover current events in Marty's life with a focus on his good works. Each week Marty will present his case for why Ellen should buy him a house, car, clothes and such. The ceiling of the studio will be lined with tin foil to protect Marty from lightning strikes. You know, because God will not be mocked and all...

Marty will also have a prime time Wednesday night production because America needs the Mongoose five nights a week. This show will be another fundraiser for Marty's biggest charity: himself. Each week Marty will highlight his latest money making scam. This week will feature his Lakeview Reunion Dinner. The location for this event has been changed once again but Marty figured out he shouldn't reveal it. If he doesn't say where it is, people can't call and find out it's all another lie.

Thursday nights will be dedicated to Marty's various federal crime fighting operations. This show will be called "The Stalkout Stakeout". John Walsh will join Marty as they expose the worst code violators in Saint Clair Shores. Covert stakeouts, "quad copter" flyovers conducted by real estate agents, and voice recognition of Facebook posts will be just a few of the techniques used by the "Code Violation Avenger". This America's Most Wanted type show will feature a different criminal each week. His former landlord will be featured on the first show, followed by an old lady with sixteen cats who refused his sexual advances. Programing Note: May not be suitable for younger viewers or those offended by watching XXX masturbate to multiple orgasms".

Next comes the biggest night for MTM productions. Marty will completely take over prime time with a three hour extravaganza! Friday night will be:

"Marty's Elder Abuse/Human Trafficking/Cyber Stalking/Deed Restriction/Veterans/POW/Domestic Violence/Suicide Prevention/Good Works Telethon!"

This show will have a different co-host each week. So far, Grizzly Adams, Betty White, Doris Roberts, Paula Dean, and Sarah Palin have already been signed up. When you include every television news anchor that's appeared on Detroit TV the last ten years, the list of co-hosts is unbelievable. This show will highlight all of the above mentioned atrocities and show viewers how they can help Marty end them: DONATIONS! The catering and lotion cost have skyrocketed at the MTM production studio at apartment #6 at the Saint Clair Apartments, so everyone needs to contribute. All of Marty's good works aren't possible without people like you.

So make some popcorn. Gather up the kids, friends and any elderly veterans you may know and get your PayPal accounts ready for the new MartyTV lineup. If successful, plans are "in the works" for a 24/7 cable channel - All Marty/All the Time!


  1. You'll notice we have added a countdown to the SCS city council meeting. We wouldn't want anyone to miss what is usually some of Marty's biggest lies and stupidity.

  2. Nice touch, Tuttle.

  3. Great. Now I'm spending the rest of the day programming my TiVo...

  4. Oooooo!
    My DVR is ready!
    Thanks Mr Tuttle!

    ℗ ♛ ❥

  5. How about "Baseball/Pension Robbing Talk" on the weekend, with his very dear friend, Denny McLain?

    After all, Marty was the head of Tiger's security at the tender age of 11 years old...

  6. A year late, but what the hell...

    Marty Prehn Get ready for some BREAKING NEWS about a syndicated tv program that will be produced in Detroit. It looks like MTM productions will become a reality with shows starting in the fall.
    Like · Nov 11 at 7:50pm

    1. Again, a year late...

      "Marty Prehn shared Brenda Battle Jordan's photo.
      Oct 3 ·
      Think of me as the John Walsh of Elder and Guardianship Abuse and if you financially exploit a vulnerable adult we will be coming after you. Looks like America's MOST WANTED tv producers are interested in doing a pilot program to see what kind of viewing response they will get. This should be interesting. California here I come."

    2. Apparently by conning fat desperate lonely women into letting him move in.

  7. Has anyone else noticed that Marty has never claimed this blog slanders or even lies about him? Just "cyberstalks" him.

    What da say, Marty? How 'bout picking it apart either here or during your next 30-40 five minute speeches to City Council?

    Your "good works" updates can wait. No one believes them anyway...

  8. Let me be a little proactive here:

    Marty just might try to get attention by taking a pie in the face for suicide prevention. Sorta like the "Ice/Chicken Bucket Challenge".

    Problems with this possible stunt are:

    - Doesn't have money for a pie.

    - Doesn't waste food, especially since Linda arm wrestles for desert.

    - Doesn't have a phone that records video or could upload it to YouTube.

    - Doesn't have five friends to counter challenge.

    We'll see. He wants to go viral yet. That Lemmings-R-Us video didn't make it...

  9. I'm surprised he's not doing an episode of "Ghost Whisperer", with his former bodyguard client Jennifer Love Hewitt, since the late Terri Schiavo constantly contacts him through his SUV nameplate, butterflies on the sidewalks and other outlandish craziness he concocts...

  10. "The C Team", staring the old Team Chism gang...

    1. Even the Chism brats aren't stupid enough to fall for that.

    2. They don't have to fall for anything. He goes rogue with that fairytale all the time.

      We are talking fiction, aren't we?

    3. If Marty says it, it's fiction.

  11. Marty is actually using one fake event to cover for another fake event:

    "Marty Prehn‎ Lakeview Class of 1974- 40th Class Reunion
    Wed · St. Clair Shores, MI ·
    Many changes going on due to the OUT OF THE DARKNESS FUNDRAISER. More information will be posted on Thursday October 2, 2014"

    No additional information posted yesterday.

    Can this idiot get anymore pathetic?

    1. So basically, Marty found a real event to try to take credit for so he's canceling his fake event nobody was coming to anyway.

    2. The true victim here is his close personal friend, actor/comedian Dave Coulier who was on his guest list...

  12. Talking about his Detroit Tiger events ... whatever happened to his getting his best buddy ever in life, Denny McLain's jersey retired ...and having Denny on a box of Wheaties, the Ellen show and into the Hall of Fame that coincided with his "" Denny McLain day" at CoAmerica that 7:up was sponsoring, that he endlessly posted about?

    1. They all happened and were just as enormously successful as all of his other events.

      He's just too proud to brag...

  13. With just a little over 24 hours until Marty's address to his adoring public, it's going to be another sleepless night for him and the residents of the city.

    If they were smart, City Council would line up some advertisers and consider making it PPV...

  14. Marty Prehn Makes you wonder if he will let me borrow Air Force One to get these guys and fly them home to their families. I may need John Travolta to fly AF 1 as I am only certified to fly a single engine plane. Maybe I can get my friend Jennifer Love Hewitt to be a stewardess on our FLIGHT of FREEDOM. Me crazy? Yeah so I have been told but then again I did get President Ronald Reagan to get the Berlin Wall torn down for my dad. And yes I will put a Silver Wing in "our son's chest for he IS one of America's best and will NEVER be a mere shadow of a soldier for he has been tried and purified and next week he SHALL COME FORTH AS GOLD. There is even a new song for the occasion called OH REJOICE IN THE LORD.
    March 7 at 9:53am · Edited · 1

  15. Marty Prehn commented on Take Action 5 months ago
    On Tuesday May 6, 2014 the Michigan Senate via the Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Senator Rick Jones will have a hearing around 4:00 pm to address the 2 news bills introduced by Senator Rick Jones and Steve Bieda and co-sponsored by the remaining members on the Judiciary Committee. It will be voted on and sent to the full Senate and then sent to the House. These are Senate bills 924 and 925 and deal specifically with revenge porn and the posting of other things in order to humiliate, intimidate or harass former friends and acquaintances. This is expected to pass the Senate unanimously. Google Joey is a little kid which is a HATE blog group and the Chronicles of Marty Prehn which has been set up to harass and intimidate me or to embarrass me. I have the FBI and the Michigan State Police tracking the IP addresses of those involved and am waiting for there to be charges of cyber stalking and internet terrorism.

  16. I'm so excited to learn of Marty's last two weeks of "good works" and find out if that notorious cyber stalking/car selling/zone violating gang of thugs has been locked yet tonight.

    Maybe he'll finally deliver on his much promised "fireworks".

    Equally excited to see the new fall fashions. Maybe Linda bought him a new shirt or perhaps he robbed the Salvation Army drop box again.

    I'd really like to know where the high school reunion dinner with Dave Coulier is going to be held this week.

    Don't forget to comb your hair, Marty. Wouldn't want your fans to think you're a mentally ill bum or something...

    1. I do wonder how much cleavage the Mongoose will show. Will he go with a push up bra, sports bra, or just let those huge breast flop freely??

  17. i am very flabbbbbeeeergasted that marty was a no show tonight. Maybe city council spoke to him about his fake events. SMH! It's a great America when you can email city councils.

    1. Bob used to tell me of the hits from SCS. Likely council members. He had identified a bunch of his high school alumni.

      Miss that drunkard, Bob...

    2. *sigh* me too~


  18. Oh Oh seems the Special Agent has again been "Tamped" down ... this time by the city of SCS.

    1. I think Lovely Linda's neighbors and customers got to her about her obnoxious boy toy...


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