Monday, July 25, 2016

Justice 4 Dimitri's aka Feed the Mongoose

Today we'll continue our trip down Marty Prehn's memory lane. As Elder Hawg is hyping up his latest Michigan legislation claims, I though I'd once again point out that Marty was financially wiping out his mother's savings before she was saved from his care. Here is a good example of a week of Marty having access to mom's bank account even though she was no longer living with him. 

"Marty Prehn Everyone needs to share this with their friends and family as if it can happen to the MONGOOSE it can happen to anyone. Like · 2 · Mar 28 2013"

As you can see, Marty was literally eating her out of all her money. Certainly not someone I'd consider elder advocate material.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Witness for the COMPLAINANT: Exhibit "A"

I hope everyone's weekend is off to a good start. Marty's latest childish games have brought us quite a few new West Coast and Nashville readers. Kansas City, too. Thanks, Marty! 

To help these new fans get a better understanding of the imbecile we love to laugh at, I thought I'd revisit some of our past artwork. Who can forget this classic?

That's a letter found in the trash left at the curb - along with other "intellectual property" - outside of the Lair of the Mongoose after eviction. It's from Florence Iverson, a 94 year old veteran that Marty has been bilking for several years. This poor old woman has never even met Marty, yet he counts on her monthly handouts. This is elder abuse, plain and simple. Certainly unbecoming a Special Agent to the Stars!  What a friggin' dirtball.

Stay tuned, CoMmies. Next up; "Linda Speaks!".



PS: Shout-Out to my favorite twins!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Marty Prehn Reports

From the desk of the Mongoose:

Keep spreading that love, Marty...

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Marty Prehn Aspires to a New Failure Pinnacle

Welcome back, loyal readers - and a special welcome to a few new readers from the Los Angeles area. I hope your Marty research has been very informative and has given you a better understanding of the fake advocate and all around complete fraud, Marty Prehn.

As I'm sure you have figured out from the lack Marty updates recently, there hasn't been much going on with Elder Dawg lately. It appeared that Marty was having a hard time getting over his complete failure with his fantasy Mero dinner and awards program. When you add his expulsion from the Eastpointe Cruise committee on the same weekend of his Metro Detroit Dan Haggerty Orgy/Extravaganza flop, reality was once again kicking the Mongoose in his mangina. What Marty really needed was a new drama to insert himself in so he could pretend to be involved with something other than his total failure at being anything other than a worthless loser. Well, rejoice, CoMmies. Marty has found his next adventure and, as with anything involving Marty, the grandiose idiocy is flying! Among a few rambling, long attack posts from Marty, I've selected this one for your requisite trip into the mind of a complete imbecile:

Welcome back, Marty. I sure have missed your complete stupidity and moronic claims. This one small sample is a classic Marty idiocy spew. God, this dumb-ass just doesn't understand how he highlights how delusional and stupid he is with these posts. I'll quickly point out just a few things in this comment because it pretty much speaks for itself.

Marty starts his post by pointing out he has absolutely no involvement with or connection to this story. "To the attorney and law firm..." He doesn't even know who the firm is that he's now working with as their star witness. Shouldn't you contact Kerri Kasem and find out who will be presenting your greatness to the court?

You're a moron, Marty and the Kasem family told you to go to hell and you know it.

The stupidity continues from there. "Feel free to present this video as evidence of my work as a body guard..." So what Marty is saying is; "show the court this YouTube video of me standing around looking like a fool wearing my special agent hat as proof that I'm an expert at something". No certification, no degree, no training, no work history in the subject, not even a handwritten note from Florence - just a video of an idiot. I can just hear the judge now: "A delusional idiot in Detroit thinks you should get a PPO because he managed to scam his way into a video and sell some t-shirts. GRANTED! Next case."

Next, Elder Idiot makes some stupid claim that two women who cut off his Tennessee bill hijack attempt have made death threats against him and Ms Kasem. And, of course, it's all his "cyber stalker's" fault. These women also committed the heinous crime of commenting anonymously on this blog to slander him. That should blow the case wide open, Marty! This is nothing more than dumb-ass Marty trying to find anyone to come after Sean Fleming and this blog because he has no case against either and is powerless to stop us from exposing him for the idiotic fraud he really is. Good luck with this latest attempt, Marty.  You should ask Bill Windsor how that worked out for him.

Marty finishes his comment with his standard claims of racketeering and conspiracy that he's having several government agencies investigate. He claims he can prove a crime was committed when he attends the federal hearing about this matter. Apparently, everyone has committed RICO violations and death threats. Here's an idea, Elder Idiot. Instead of presenting the court with a non-relevant YouTube video you claim validates your importance, provide the actual death threats made to you. Everyone who reads here, including you, knows that will never happen. We all want you to be around longer than Saturday Night Live!

I'll wrap this up by predicting what is coming next. Marty will now start begging for donations to cover his travel to California so he can present his expert opinion to a law firm he doesn't even know the name of. He'll also need hotel, food, new clothe, and a haircut. I sure hope Flo can somehow get the checkbook back that her niece took from her after she found out about the $600 deposit for Marty's dinner. 

Ahh, just one more thing...

Get busy, Marty. You've got huge failure shoes to fill after your last flop at attention!