Sunday, July 10, 2016

Marty Prehn Aspires to a New Failure Pinnacle

Welcome back, loyal readers - and a special welcome to a few new readers from the Los Angeles area. I hope your Marty research has been very informative and has given you a better understanding of the fake advocate and all around complete fraud, Marty Prehn.

As I'm sure you have figured out from the lack Marty updates recently, there hasn't been much going on with Elder Dawg lately. It appeared that Marty was having a hard time getting over his complete failure with his fantasy Mero dinner and awards program. When you add his expulsion from the Eastpointe Cruise committee on the same weekend of his Metro Detroit Dan Haggerty Orgy/Extravaganza flop, reality was once again kicking the Mongoose in his mangina. What Marty really needed was a new drama to insert himself in so he could pretend to be involved with something other than his total failure at being anything other than a worthless loser. Well, rejoice, CoMmies. Marty has found his next adventure and, as with anything involving Marty, the grandiose idiocy is flying! Among a few rambling, long attack posts from Marty, I've selected this one for your requisite trip into the mind of a complete imbecile:

Welcome back, Marty. I sure have missed your complete stupidity and moronic claims. This one small sample is a classic Marty idiocy spew. God, this dumb-ass just doesn't understand how he highlights how delusional and stupid he is with these posts. I'll quickly point out just a few things in this comment because it pretty much speaks for itself.

Marty starts his post by pointing out he has absolutely no involvement with or connection to this story. "To the attorney and law firm..." He doesn't even know who the firm is that he's now working with as their star witness. Shouldn't you contact Kerri Kasem and find out who will be presenting your greatness to the court?

You're a moron, Marty and the Kasem family told you to go to hell and you know it.

The stupidity continues from there. "Feel free to present this video as evidence of my work as a body guard..." So what Marty is saying is; "show the court this YouTube video of me standing around looking like a fool wearing my special agent hat as proof that I'm an expert at something". No certification, no degree, no training, no work history in the subject, not even a handwritten note from Florence - just a video of an idiot. I can just hear the judge now: "A delusional idiot in Detroit thinks you should get a PPO because he managed to scam his way into a video and sell some t-shirts. GRANTED! Next case."

Next, Elder Idiot makes some stupid claim that two women who cut off his Tennessee bill hijack attempt have made death threats against him and Ms Kasem. And, of course, it's all his "cyber stalker's" fault. These women also committed the heinous crime of commenting anonymously on this blog to slander him. That should blow the case wide open, Marty! This is nothing more than dumb-ass Marty trying to find anyone to come after Sean Fleming and this blog because he has no case against either and is powerless to stop us from exposing him for the idiotic fraud he really is. Good luck with this latest attempt, Marty.  You should ask Bill Windsor how that worked out for him.

Marty finishes his comment with his standard claims of racketeering and conspiracy that he's having several government agencies investigate. He claims he can prove a crime was committed when he attends the federal hearing about this matter. Apparently, everyone has committed RICO violations and death threats. Here's an idea, Elder Idiot. Instead of presenting the court with a non-relevant YouTube video you claim validates your importance, provide the actual death threats made to you. Everyone who reads here, including you, knows that will never happen. We all want you to be around longer than Saturday Night Live!

I'll wrap this up by predicting what is coming next. Marty will now start begging for donations to cover his travel to California so he can present his expert opinion to a law firm he doesn't even know the name of. He'll also need hotel, food, new clothe, and a haircut. I sure hope Flo can somehow get the checkbook back that her niece took from her after she found out about the $600 deposit for Marty's dinner. 

Ahh, just one more thing...

Get busy, Marty. You've got huge failure shoes to fill after your last flop at attention!


  1. Wow, I am glad I get filled in over here. I am not the one to get mixed up in other peoples custody and guardian cases and family matters. I think that this is just another stunt for Marty to get on TV. Id love to see how these death threats have to do with me too. Maybe they should call the police if they are so real.

    1. The police stopped taking his calls years ago.

      Even 911 has his number blocked or forwarded to a mental hospital.

  2. When you get your free Slurpee today, don't forget to help yourself to a fistful of free Slim Jim's, Marty...

    After the press conference in the parking lot, of course.


  3. Instead of giving interviews about the tragedy in Dallas, you'd think Malik could make better use of his time by protesting on Flem's front lawn to save Marty Prehn from the cyberstalkers...

    Priorities, man.

    1. I'm small beans Dallas is big stuff

    2. Yeah, but Marty is a national hero/mero...

    3. Marty is the most important human on the planet, and he has a YouTube video to prove it!

    4. Back off, both of you before he has Terry Jones come up and burn a Torah in Flem's driveway...

    5. Listen now Sammy Davis Jr. And whoopie Goldberg are Jews too!

    6. Yeah, but they aren't cyberstalkers making death threats to a fat retard in Detroit.


    8. Back off, both of you anonymous readers!

      Marty's not going to just "stare at the stairs, he's going to step up the steps" come Sunday.

      But only if he can crash your church picnic afterwards...

    9. He told the news he was cracking down on the thugs

    10. Right after he cracks open a bucket of KFC...

  4. I'm sure in Marty's feeble mind, this is a death threat. Anytime someone exposes him for the fraud he really is, it's like death to that attention starved moron.



    1. His delusional claim about the Berlin Wall. I wonder if tells my fellow comrades that at the Bruce post that? I was told he even goes on further to get them to believe he was a secret service agent. He's been watching too much tv. One thing for sure is that Marty was never responsible for protecting the president and had nothing to do with the Berlin Wall. He's never worked undercover for any law enforcement agency and the most he's done was hang out with a bigoted pastor from Florida hating on Islamic and Muslims from Dearborn wearing his teabag crusades shirt.

    2. That's not true. He also raised a fine and loving son, Marty Jr.

      Other than that...

    3. "Marty Prehn August 26, 2013 at 8:56 PM
      I have put many people behind bars as their actions require it and it was their actions not mine that put them there."

      Delusional idiot.

  5. Still no takers. I can't understand why this hasn't gone viral:

    "Marty Prehn
    Does anyone else agree with that assessment that I am kind, compassionate and care for others?
    Yesterday at 9:45am ·"

    Maybe the "Make a Wish Foundation" could get involved like they do for the handicapped kids...

    1. Does anyone else agree that you are kind, compassionate, and care for others? NO. Why? How compassionate is it for you to go around accusing people of murder plots when there isn't a shred of evidence to indicate anything remotely like this. You are defaming everyone in sight. One day, your reckoning will come, Marty. Don't forget that you were considered a danger to those who were testifying in support of the Tennessee bill. An armed security guard was placed outside the Senate Judiciary hearing because you threatened on your page to come to Nashville and make a scene. You will do ANYTHING to cling to this idea that you are important and friends with the stars. After all, Nancy Reagan loved your dimples, and you are responsible for the tearing down of the Berlin Wall. I won't visit this page again because NO ONE should give a rats ass about what you think. What you are doing is incredibly cruel. I predict that soon you will embarrass the hell out of Kasem due to your con- When that day comes, no one will be there for you to pick up the pieces.

  6. Spot on about Marty again, Chad.

    Couldn't have said it better.

  7. Here's a blast from the past I'm sure Marty would rather forget.

    Vickie V. Hawkins I have tried to remain neutral and civil. You are ridiculous. No student at BJU was ever in security for a Presidential candidate--INCLUDING YOU!!! How do I explain your father being asked to go to Berlin do tear down the wall? I don't even attempt to explain it because I think that it's another of your lies. You are sick, Marty. He was never asked not to return to BJU. There are two types of people who go there---and remember---I have lived here all my life: mostly Northerners who don't know what the school is REALLY like--albeit a few do "walk the walk;" and hypocrites, but I'm not getting into that! He found out---and thank God, is not a hypocrite!!! I've known firsthand of several students in the last few years who drink, smoke, play poker, gamble, work as bouncers at night clubs (secretly of course) and a few who are even strippers. My point? Every school has every kind of person. BJU still won't even allow students to go to movies, nor Christian concerts (other than their own!)! They tried to get machine guns on campus to prevent integration!!! And, BTW---He never "posted as me!" He told you in the very first line, "This is Craig...." You're alienating everyone who has ever known you, including your friends & family, and bs-ing everyone else for some desire for fame and glory! You're a dangerous man, and I feel sorry for you. I will delete you after this post, do don't waste your time with any more lies and drama. Why don't you post a few pictures of your dad tearing down the Berlin Wall? I'm sure that all of your FB friends would love to see them!!!!
    March 8, 2012 at 2:36pm · Like

    1. Vickie knows what everyone else - including Catherine Falk, Kerri Kasem, Terry Bomar and even his daughter knows - Marty is full of shit:


      And like everyone else, Stephanie just ignores him and assumes the Mental Health Department will eventually take him away...

    2. Wow. Vlad in Russia has competition. Marty just made a fake Facebook friend named Stephanie Renee.

      I'm like a dysfunctional family moderator...

  8. Flem's been in hot water for almost as long as Marlene has...

  9. I have never written this blog nor am I responsible for other commenters. Just more of his idle threats of nothingness. Every day I have to read something like this here. I wonder if he has called the police to report those fictional death threats from me just like he called SCS police to report someone parking in the handicap spot at some apartment claiming it was me. What a Joke. I hope Marty gets to speak on behalf of Elder Abuse for the Kasem case, Maybe it will be on TMZ or Court TV and we can all watch it and critique it.

  10. Kasem told him to go to hell.

  11. Kasem had the standard response. MARTY WHO?

  12. Shucks! I wanted to see him playing Barney Fife on TV in court.

  13. When you're dead, he'll pretend you were friends and beg for money...

  14. Just keep pointing out how pathetic you are Marty. Your entire existence is based in how many people you can get to accept a friend request on Facebook. You're a sad little excuse for a person aren't you? The funny part is you actually think anyone cares about you or how many imaginary friends you have. Enjoy sitting in that dump Jr calls home all by yourself. Dumb ass.


    1. I really don't care how many Facebook friends he has. SMH I hope Marty makes his 5,000 person goal then he can't have any more friends.

    2. I am waiting to cruise gratiot again. This time Clinton township should be cool.

    3. Just be careful around those racist cops, always harassing Deonda and Skye.

      Also, kicked Jr in the head making him a worthless vegetable and didn't even feed his dog before they left the raid on his smack house.

      Other than that, enjoy the cruise. Perhaps Danny D and his Vagabonds will be playing in the park again.

      Bring your flag to waive in case Ambassador Trudy shows.

      Never hide your American pride and all...

  15. I suspect MVP Productions is exploring a fundraiser through its new satellite office headed by Teresa Weier...

    Let no tragedy go to waste.

    1. It's the code of the Mongoose.

      Cash or Walmart money orders only, please.

  16. Jr lost another customer...

    In other news, there's a free buffet on Monday!

  17. Replies
    1. The only difference between this guy and Marty is, Marty has no money to guy the badge, gun, handcuffs, bullet proof vest, or any of the other items mentioned. All Marty has is a $9.99 Walmart hat.

    2. Back off, Tuttle!

      He has 100's of pounds of pure fat to protect him on assignments...

      "Marty Prehn - See I told you that wearing my bullet proof vest in this picture would make me look bigger than you. lol I hope no one notices the black bag from the Oakland County Coroner's office on top of Bill's Jeep. He found Jimmy Hoffa while he was traveling in Michigan and dropped him off in Las Vegas . April 18, 2013 at 8:46pm · Like · 1"

    3. Someone should make a call to the macomb county FBI office about Marty's diatribes

  18. Evolution of a hijack.



    1. Let the hijack begin.



    2. was watching E! Last night there was a snipet about the Kasem trial and some protective order.

    3. Summarily dismissed as coming from a mentally ill person in Detroit.

  19. [IMG][/IMG]


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