Monday, November 14, 2016

Linda Gets Desperate and Marty Gets Neutered

That look when caught giving a blowjob to a hobo. Priceless.

You guessed it CoMmies, it's that time once again. Here is the latest update on the Moronic Mongoose, Marty Prehn.

Now that Marty can't mooch off of his incarcerated felon son, it appears he has convinced Linda Fergan Bowery to take him back and support him yet again. This is just another example of what a great, powerful, connected, mover and shaker Marty really is. Homeless idiot convinces a lonely woman to take care of him. Sounds like Marty's entire life story.

Anyway, now that Linda is holding Marty's purse strings, it seems she also made him hand over his Facebook testicles. Marty has started using his backup Facebook page instead of his previous incredible life page with 4,118 friends. Instead, he's now posting to just a handful of obscure crackers. That's a pretty small audience for someone as influential as the often black Elder Avenger who has been at it for more than 60 years, don't you think?

Just like most of you I'm sure, I began to worry. We all know a neutered Elder Dawg isn't very fun. Well, don't despair faithful readers, Marty will never be able to contain his inner dumb ass. He posted this recent tidbit:

Of course, we've seen basically this same rant many times before. Elected friends, blah blah blah, proof of stalking, blah blah blah, five year felony, blah blah blah. I'm sure all of these alleged warnings Flem Ling was given by the judge are easy to read in the transcript of the great PPO hearing. You know, that transcript Marty has been threatening to publish for over a year. "It's coming, boy!" Sha, right.

I'll wrap this update up with a very brief summary; Marty has conned Linda into supporting him once again. I believe she now has his filthy testicles in the same purse that holds the money that sustains his lavish, jet-set lifestyle. We are still laughing at his idiotic threats that he'll never be able to deliver on.

Marty Wow!