Monday, July 25, 2016

Justice 4 Dimitri's aka Feed the Mongoose

Today we'll continue our trip down Marty Prehn's memory lane. As Elder Hawg is hyping up his latest Michigan legislation claims, I though I'd once again point out that Marty was financially wiping out his mother's savings before she was saved from his care. Here is a good example of a week of Marty having access to mom's bank account even though she was no longer living with him. 

"Marty Prehn Everyone needs to share this with their friends and family as if it can happen to the MONGOOSE it can happen to anyone. Like · 2 · Mar 28 2013"

As you can see, Marty was literally eating her out of all her money. Certainly not someone I'd consider elder advocate material.


  1. If someone were to throw raw meat at Marty, he'd eat it.

    Ain't that right, Jeanie?

  2. And now he's basically living in a closet? I think I saw that on here somewhere. Doesn't he have a job?

    1. Couldn't afford the closet and got evicted for nonpayment.

  3. This is just another example of Marty Prehn's history of elder abuse.

    1. Leaving her alone in bed all day, malnutrition, dehydration...

      "Hey, I left the TV on for her..."

  4. Here is a little flash back story Marty inserted himself into. Read all the comments by others, and compare them with Marty's. Only Marty's is about Marty. Everyone else comments about Dr. Chism.

    "According to Marty Prehn, a national elder advocate and NASAGA member, he was contacted by producers of the Dr. Phil show, interested in covering the story."
    Uh, did anyone verify that? Just like all the other big empty claims of the Mongloser, no Dr. Phil for you!

    I'm going to drop some other links here, just to show how NASAGA and Marcia have been a direct vessel for Marty to promote himself as a "Member" to gain access and trust by people who haven't heard of him. Years now this has been happening, and when Marcia spoke to a group of people in a LinkedIn conversation and told everyone THIS blog would get tired of chit chatting about THEM if they just ignored it (LMAO Uh, not quite...), and never publicly denounced Marty's involvement with them -- leaving Elderly people and their loved ones completely exposed. Now including Ms. Falk. (Side note, there is a saying Marcia -- by Einstein -- "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those that watch them without doing anything". BOOM BITCH!)

    I previously made a point to say that I didn't approve of Marcia's handling, (as well as the others) regarding Marty, and said recently here that I would put my opinions aside for team Falk, but at this point in the game, I'm thinking that Marcia is no better than Marty, and if team Falk is really serious about linking their legislation to NASAGA et al (Marcia), that "relationship" will tarnish their credibility due to Prehn being a con artist.

    SHHHHHH, just ignore him, he'll go away....NOT!
    You promoted him, and he conned numerous people. That stinch of Mongloser is deeply seeded in NASAGA MARCIA!

    1. Back off, Ninja!

      Just concentrate on his "good works" for the blacks and vets...

      Can't discount his deed restrictions advocacy, either.

    2. Spam, if I did that, there wouldn't be anything for me to comment on...

  5. It's not surprising RC3 started drinking and sold the blog.


    It is funny that the end of this police report stated Marty was under a restraining order and mentally ill.

    1. I remember that.

      Bob was pretty shook up.

      Shaken and stirred...

  6. I can understand why. An imaginary death threat towards and imaginary law enforcement officer that gets you an imaginary 20yr sentence. I can IMAGINE it was pretty scary.

  7. Meltdown DefCon 1...

    Go, Marty, go!

  8. Next, "Marty's lawyer" Barry Powers will be Fleming as well.

    Ohh, I have a question for you Marty. How exactly has Sean Fleming ever been exposed?

  9. Back off, Tuttle!

    He's already misspelling four letter words...


    Always the professional. Professional idiot.

  10. Back off, Anonymous!

    Marty can get Tom thrown back in the nuthouse with a single call to his "good friend" Carl Marlinga...

  11. I can't help but wonder, will Rita Maid and Kelli Mims show their BFF's Travis and Trudy Campbell what Marty is really all about? And if they do, will the Campbells continue to let Marty use their names?

  12. Back off, Tuttle!

    It's in his advocacy contract in exchange for saving Glen's life!

  13. Besides, he's a Guardian Angel and Hair Stylist to the Stars!

  14. [IMG][/IMG]

  15. Replies
    1. What you're going to be called is an inmate and someone's bunk bitch if you don't learn, boy...

      It's coming.

      Go, Team Marty!

    2. This screen shot of his own post should be all the evidence needed to lock you up for 20 years in prison!


      Marty singlehandedly disproves evolution. That or he's just good ol' fashioned retarded...

    3. That's really fitting. Every piece of evidence Marty has ever had was something he made up.

    4. Back off, Tuttle!

      He's setting an IP address trap, silly.

      Oh, he's good...

    5. Kelli Mims must have taught him how to do that.

    6. I'd like to think he picked it up at Quantico.

    7. Marty should prove that I am Rita Maid it would most entertaining. maybe he could get Gorcyca to believe I am Rita. She believed he worked undercover.

  16. Marty's figured out my latest fake profile Rita Maid. Shucks! :-( my IP Is

    1. You ARE Rita Maid.

      And Marty really is an Elder Advocate...

    2. LMAO! Do any of these people who once supported him, or aided him in any way, EVER acknowledge what a twisted fuck he really is, when he's calling them Fleming, just as he called someone else, that they were all too happy to support him doing?

      And isn't team Kasem a tad bit suspicious that Marty was team Falk, until Catherine cut him off? And they're simply his sloppy seconds?

    3. It always amazes me. For instance, he hyped his imaginary Dan/Mero dinner every day for four months. Claim after claim after claim about how historic it was going to be. Then after the day the big event was supposed to happen, not a single one of his over 4,100 Facebook friends asked about. Not a single mention of how it went, asking to see pictures, nothing. It just vanished into thin air. Not even Flo asked about it.

    4. What shocked me is he was actually embarrassed for once.

      Couldn't even crash a cruise event that night. The Mongoosemobile was stashed away behind Jr's dope house.

      There's a pun - dope house...

    5. I guess that's pretty much the point of fakebook. Everyone on there is so self absorbed and Narcissistic that if it doesn't directly involve them, they couldn't give two shits. They love drama, so when Farty's spewing, they feed into it, until it becomes personal on some level, and his lies touch a nerve by stepping on the toes of the other Narcissist, in his livelihood of hijacked events.

      Then, the Mongloser responds his typical yet boring comeback that they're either Fleming, or a Cyberstalker of some sort, hits their credibility calling them a liar, of which they know now -- first hand -- HE is the LIAR, and they should never have fallen for his crap, nor fed into it. But, that is Karma. You dish it, you'll eventually get it -- MONGOOSE STYLE. Cause he's so slick and all....


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