Sunday, October 26, 2014

Good Morning, Linda...


  1. Poor Linda. She didn't realize what she was setting herself up for when she fell for the Mongoose. Unfortunately, she's just starting to see the effect Marty has on people who choose to associate with him. Good luck Linda, just remember, you brought it all on yourself.

    1. Just another victim.

      I have faith she'll wise up. Everyone but Flo has and she's just got to have more brain cells left than that crazy lady...

  2. I have known Linda Fergan for years and no she wasn't always so heavy. No one is pleased with some of her current choices but don't think this blog is the place to discuss it. I'm sure everyone has done has done things their not particularly proud of and Jesus forgave everyone on the cross. If your without sin cast the first stone.

    1. Sorry anon, I don't see it that way. As long as she is supplying Marty with the tools to do the things he does, she's just as guilty as he is. I consider her part in this to be the equivalent of driving the get away car for someone snatching old ladies purses.

    2. Jesus forgave the thieves on Mt Calvery with him. She has been delivered by the blood of Christ. You would know that if you went to a Christian church and not that scientology nonsense. I'm not saying Marty Prehn isn't guilty but she shouldn't be judged by the likes of you. Only God can judge.

    3. Blah blah blah. As long as she's an active participant with Marty, she gets judged with Marty.

    4. I'm with Tuttle on this.

      You're judged by the company you keep. And we all know Marty is a kept man...

    5. Instead of preaching to us, maybe you should be trying to convince Linda to change her evil ways and partner.

    6. Or at least change his underwear...

    7. And with this Ebola thing, hazmat suits are in short supply...

    8. Apparently Linda has also let Marty take over her Facebook page.

    9. What is it about those Prehn boys screwing fat chicks?

  3. Oh Marty, you lovable idiot. Will you ever figure out that all the "cyber stalked crap you post is referring to revenge porn? Some morons just can't comprehend what they are reading.

    Marty Prehn Bill I sent you a recent article about a cyber stalker that is being charged by the FBI. I suggest that you contact the Special Agent mentioned by name and have him investigate your case as he is from the same area as the little Joey's in the Dallas and Irving area. Glad to hear that Curtis Butler (when sober) is spilling his guts in ordered to get a plea deal.

    10 mins · 1

    1. Plea deal?

      When did he get charged?

      For that matter, when did he even get served?


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