Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Marty Prehn: Back to Basics

Today, Marty has decided to return to his roots. He has dusted off his original scam and rolled it out for the public again. 

Marty Prehn
6 hours ago · Edited 
"Now to go after those in my mother's case who financially exploited her that lead to her death by starvation. Please go to you tube and watch the video JUSTICE 4 JEAN that exposes the fraud and corruption that went on by family members in order to undo a Michigan Living Trust and ignore the specific written wishes of my mother in her Last Will and Testament. Please join me and attend the STOP ELDER ABUSE Conference that will be held on April 11th at the Troy Community Center in Troy, Michigan from 9-12. This event will be historic as a national task force is now being put into place in order to find Justice for my mother and give a purpose to the sacrifice of her life that she had to make because of GREED and jealously of my family members and a corrupt probate system out in Colorado Springs, Colorado in El Paso County with Magistrate Barbara Hughes and Magistrate Robin Chittum and 6 unethical attorney's, a court appointed conservator and my estranged brothers Dick, Gary and Paul and their spouses and my 2 sisters Shirley Jean Ellis and Marlene Prehn-Nelson-Rhoades and their spouses. This case will be getting national media attention and I believe that several if not all involved will be going to jail for conspiracy, fraud, extortion, financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult and contributing to the death (murder) by starvation of my dear mother Bernice "Jean" Prehn. This issue of Elder And Guardianship Abuse is now a national epidemic and the fastest growing white collar crime in America."

Yes we've heard this spew many times before with all of these same claims. None of the facts in this case have changed and the truth about this has been exposed. I'll give a brief recap for any new readers (Carquest employees) that have joined us. 

Marty lived off of his parent's money his entire adult life. He spent more of their money than they did. After his father's death he became his mother's caregiver and proceeded to neglect her because he was busy living it up on his parent's savings. When his siblings discovered the deplorable treatment of their mother, they moved Bernice to Colorado to be cared for by his sister Marlene. Marty had no problem with this until his mother's Social Security check stopped coming to the bank account he controlled. His uncontrolled spending of his mother's money has been documented here

As Marty continued to blow through his parent's estate, his siblings realized there wouldn't be anything left for his mothers's care. He had even gone so far as to take out a mortgage on the family's paid in full home. He spent that $80,000 in less than 9 months. The family started court proceedings to get control of the money to pay for their mother's health care needs. This is when the true evil in Marty surfaced. 

Marty tried every thing he could dream up to keep his access to the money. In his video he claims the court ignored all the documents he provided. A simple records search clearly shows he refused to provide any documents at all. He even received a contempt of court charge for refusing to supply an accounting of the money he had spent. 

After the biscuit wheels were removed from Marty's gravy train, he really sank to new depths. He accused his sister of murdering his mother, wished death on his nephews, and tried to get his siblings fired from their jobs by lying to their employers. He's been claiming he will have then all thrown in federal prison for years now yet not a single court proceeding has been held about it. 

I'll skip now to Marty's current situation. He has recently moved in with Linda Fergan Bowery after being evicted from his rented room for non payment. Shortly after that he used Linda to have her brother committed for a mental evaluation. It's not hard to draw some conclusions from this. Has Marty found some new elderly people to try and pilfer assets from? 

Has Marty decided to revive his elder advocate claims to reassure the new Ms Mongoose that he's a stand up guy? Has he fooled Linda into thinking he has her family's best interest at heart? Is having one of the Fergan's  children committed just a way of eliminating any opposition to the elder Fergan's  money? Has anyone in that family researched Marty at all or do they just believe all of his lies? Is Linda an unsuspecting victim of did she enlist Marty's help in setting up her takeover of the family assets? Only time will provide answers to all of these questions. 

My final questions to Linda and her parents are these: Do you really want a man who abused his mother while trying to steal her money around your aging family? A man who sold off his parent's prized possessions so he could continue to eat out 4 times a day while unemployed to join your family and it's business? Do you blindly trust a man who wished death upon his own innocent nephews and was so uncaring that he abandoned his fathers ashes to be thrown out with the trash that Marty piled on top of them in his room. If Marty would treat his own blood family like this, what will he do to yours?


  1. "I believe that several if not all involved will be going to jail for conspiracy, fraud, extortion, financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult and contributing to the death (murder) by starvation of my dear mother Bernice "Jean" Prehn. "

    Yeah. They can share a cell with MVZ...

    1. "His dear mother Bernice" who's funeral he didn't care enough about to try to attend!

    2. Back off, Cookout!

      He was busy attending high level meetings in Washington DC...

    3. Marty is confused about that day. He told the police he was in DC when he was called them to accuse his sister of murder(police report featured on this blog). He has claimed he wasn't told when the funeral was, and recently he said on his Facebook page that he was home in SCS because he wasn't allowed to attend. The truth is he was afraid he was going to get served at the funeral so saving his own fat ass outweighed any desire he might have had to go.

    4. Read about the day of the funeral here:

  2. Fundamental flaw in his lie about April 11th in two words:

    Gas money.

  3. This is from an article about the event Marty is talking about.

    The event will focus on the most common types of elder fraud: investor fraud and identity theft. Examples of fraudulent investment schemes to be discussed include: advance fee schemes, affinity fraud, Ponzi and pyramid schemes and Internet fraud. Identity theft is the unauthorized use of someone’s personal identifying and financial information for the purpose of stealing money and good credit.

    The perpetrator is often a family member or friend of the victim, experts say.

    Sounds like what Marty is doing to Flo. They should invite him to show the elderly an example of who to watch out for.

  4. Well if this isn't some seriously sick shit. Linda sounds like she's either codependent or she is a female version of Marty. Its one or other. But either way, Marty is disgusting. I can't believe anyone would befriend a monster like this.

  5. I'm pretty sure that the mayor of Troy & the Troy police dept. are going to be waiting for the Pig Fake Agent when and if he has the balls to show his fat face in the city of Troy ... after they have read this blog among many Agent Pig created about them ...!/pages/No-to-Dane-Slater-As-Troy-Mayor/590525757626569

  6. Yup, Troy cops & the mayor are kinda pissy about Marty's BS like this =

    Marty Prehn I am VERY interested who the 3 police officers were. Well the other 2. I have 2 names besides Dane Slater's who were involved with what appears to be a coverup and crime scene evidence being tampered with and destroyed in order to protect the son of a high profile family in the Detroit Metro area. He was given special treatment and was not arrested on the scene of a very brutral sexual assault cae and let's not forget the special treatment that the husband of US Senator Debbie Stabenow got when he was caught in a hotel room with a teenage escort. I have the video of the police interogation. It is my understanding that Captain Dane Slater headed up that investigation as well and look who is contributing to his campaign war chest to be elected the Mayor of Troy. Another Pay to Play situation with an unethical Mayor to be? May 2, 2013 at 8:27pm · Like

    1. But, but...

      Senator Stabenow got to hold his stupid souvenir statue...

  7. Hey Marty!! Better be careful driving the Mongoosemobile around town. I'd hate for you to get a ticket for no insurance.

    1. I thought he had Lovely Linda chauffeuring him around?

    2. She was at work. Someone has to pay his tab at Dimitri's.

    3. She's not just tossing him her keys?

  8. all about that conference

    1. He just posts that crap to try and impress Florence Iverson.

      Wants to keep the "cashflo" going...

    2. "Cahflo" ... OMG, so perfect, Spammy .. and you're right he just pots anything and everything that he thinks will get people's attention ... but like we all see, he only gets "Cashflo's" attention ...

    3. Whoops "CASHFLO" not "Cahflo" damn auto-correct


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