Thursday, March 6, 2014

From the Fan Mail Desk

Not a week goes by when I'm not contacted by a reader sharing their personal story about Marty, ranging from theft, sexual advances or just the general poor hygiene of the Mongoose.

The one I received last night is particularly offensive, even for Marty:

"Robert Cookout;

I read your blog all the time.  I know Marty and let him stay at my house last summer when he had no where else to go. Big mistake!

I was so disgusted when I found that fat ass was too lazy to walk five feet to the bathroom and took it upon himself to empty out a sewing box and fill it with piss!  He is the grossest person I've ever met!

I threw his fat ass out before the Moceri's took pity on him and rented him a room that I heard is full of garbage and God knows what else. Those people are too nice to him and I told them it's just a matter of time before he pisses on their charity. All he does is take advantage of people and expects everyone to feel sorry for him.  He's the biggest asshole I've ever met in my life and you can tell him I said so!

Sammy Randazzo"

You just told him yourself, Sammy, and we at CoM couldn't agree more!

Thanks for sharing.  Keep those Marty Moments coming, readers...


  1. Thanks again for the story Sammie. Feel free to comment any time.

  2. That is gross. Is that Mellow Yellow or Pee?

  3. You'd think he would have emptied it in the morning out of embarrassment alone. Just shows you how disrespectful, ungrateful, and downright disgusting that POS really is.

  4. I can only imagine what that rented room looks and smells like if that's what he does as a house guest.

    How can an actual person be that gross?

  5. Someone should tell Lovely Linda to hide her sewing kit...

  6. How could anyone stand to live with someone like that?

  7. She's just after his government pension.

  8. Oh Lord, I knew Marty stunk, this explains why .. you know that he probably never changes his dirty undies ... sweat and piss plus Big time Body ordor = YUK !!! You are a Saint, Sammie ... what a pig, Marty is ..

  9. It's all part of his training as an agent. He has to do it in preparation for long steakouts like specials at best buy

  10. WTF ????

    Marty Prehn shared 95.7 KJR's video.of " The Fruitcake Lady" 5 hours ago.
    Florence Iverson when she appeared on the Jay Leno show as the fruitcake lady. Way to go Flo.


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