Friday, March 7, 2014

Drats! Foiled Again!

Imagine James Bond arriving home to his swinging bachelor pad after a hard day of fighting international villains. He staggers up to the door completely exhausted from the rigors of being a Special Agent and discovers his key won't work. Apparently, that recently happened to Special Agent Prehn.

Based on intel gleaned from Marty's latest meltdown, he is currently locked out of the Lair of the Mongoose. The locks were changed while he was busy seducing the latest Elder Dawg hottie. Can't you just imagine the despair Marty must have felt knowing he wouldn't be able to lay on his pallet on the floor and drift off to sleep watching MVZ masturbating with a stuffed Alpaca, trusty bottle of hand lotion nearby?

At first thought, I wouldn't think a simple door lock would have much effect on Marty. Lock Picking 101 has to be one of the first classes he took when he arrived at Langley. Maybe he left his lock pick tools in his other pants or in the nightstand at Linda's. Unfortunately, Marty must have been unable to find a window he could fit thru. Thankfully, he had the restraint needed to keep from pulling out his service revolver and just shooting off that pesky lock. Were the locks changed because of non payment of rent? Did the landlord discover Marty's makeshift crock pot toilet?

This situation needs to be resolved quickly as this could be putting our nation's security at risk. A virtual treasure trove of classified information is buried in that pile of crap he left behind.


  1. Lol, that must be why the Agent is having a meltdown and spouting how he's going to the Macomb proscuter blah, blah ... too bad for him that now he doesn't even have a pot to piss in .. lol

  2. Hmmmmmmm, wonder why the Sexret Special Agent, Mongosse Abuse and Macomb County's #1 Elder Abuse Advocate is not a part of, doesn't know about SCAMS ???? Maybe when the Agent drops by to see his best pal, Eric .. they can discuss it or maybe Eric is talking about Marty = ("These criminals often pose as repairmen, or professionals, and present themselves as trustworthy")
    (Stop Crimes Against Macomb Seniors) Senior Fraud Hotline
    866-498-8503 - Letter from Prosecutor Eric Smith:

    As your prosecuting attorney, I feel I owe a special debt of gratitude to the senior citizens of Macomb County. You are the generation that built this county from the ground up. You started the businesses, built the schools, and made a lifetime of sacrifices to ensure that your family and all families could live and work in our community in peace and quiet enjoyment.You've earned your day in the sun. You've paid the price for all of us.Unfortunately, as you know, criminals target seniors as prey for a host of crimes. And the criminals aren't just strangers you meet: too often, they turn out to be close family members, 'friends,' or legal guardians who take advantage of you. They also target you for the fruits of your life's labor - many of you are retired, and have saved money and protected your personal belongings. To a criminal, you are ripe for the picking.That's why I've developed and implemented the Senior Crimes Unit, or SCAMS Unit (Stop Crimes Against Macomb Seniors). We have prosecutors and investigators dedicated solely to listening to your needs, teaching you how to protect yourself, and, in the unfortunate event of a crime being committed against you, taking your case from beginning to end and getting you the justice you deserve.These criminals often pose as repairmen, or professionals, and present themselves as trustworthy. Most senior victims are unaware that they have been victimized until their lives have been ruined. I hope that by following some of the guidelines in this section, you can help us protect you from harm.By working together, we can protect our loved ones and ourselves.Sincerely,
    Eric J. Smith
    Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney

    1. ^^^ Now that you posted this here, by Monday Marty will not only be on this special team, he'll be the state coordinator.

    2. He did such a bang-up job with Lemmings-R-Us...

  3. Excuse me?
    ".....stuffed Alpaca...?" why you gotta go there?


  4. Lol, Petunia ... poor thing

  5. LMAO no pot to piss in or window to throw it out of. Drain circling is almost complete! I remember him asking for Karma to come visit him...I think she has.

    *waving to Petunia* Sorry Marty had to drag you into his disgusting mental psychosis. It is emotionally scaring!

    1. *weakly waving*
      I just, so, uh, umm...victimized!
      I need shearing & a shampoo now.
      What is wrong with him? (rhetorical. don't even begin! we'll never have enough bandwidth)

  6. Lol, Ninja ... maybe Marty should change his name to "Agent Pee Pee Pants Prehn"

  7. This is serious, folks.

    He had the nuclear launch codes, cleverly disguised as McTrash, in there...

  8. Certainly not that "bodyguard to the rich and famous"...

    "Marty Prehn shared National Rifle Association
    I carry a gun because a body guard won't fit in my purse. LIKE and SHARE if you agree!"

    He could never afford the permit, anyway.

  9. Oh great, Special Agent Pee Pee Pants is back on his "I'm a Bodyguard for the Rich & Famous" .... kick ...

    1. He can't get a gun with a protection order against him.

  10. I see Ellen is taking a backseat to Marty's newest Celeb Stalking victim, Angie Harmon ... wait for the post by Pee Pee Pants Prehn that he's Angie's bodyguard & new boy-toy.

    1. What's up with Aagent DouchePontoon posting everything twice on his FB page? Derrrr.
      That's a gross understatement regarding the one saying a bodyguard won't fit in the chick's pocket!
      I notice he hasn't been back blathering his nasty sexually explicit comments to his hero Big Vexi's page in a day or so...those vile comments were real thread killers.

  11. Like·Comment·Share

    Marty Prehn
    Why are you marching son? To keep this country free. I plan on going to Kansas to meet up with Scott and Vickie Behenna and Michael's bride to be Shannon Wahl to meet him as Michael is SET FREE and escort him back to his home in Edmond, Oklahoma the land of the FREE and the Home of the BRAVE and home of this American HERO. We need to see about getting him and his family on the Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show. Let's make it happen and give Michael one HELL of Welcome Home party.
    Like · 3 hours ago

    Anyone want to give odds on Marty actually making it to provide "escort" for this guy.

    1. If that's how we repay our soldiers, I'd sooner fight for the other side...

    2. Could someone explain to the Special Agent that he's not talking about free food?

      "Why are you marching son? To keep this country free "

    3. Marty has no method or means to go further than Detroit, and that's only after bumming gas money for his uninsured SUV.

      He's looking for someone to donate him money, in exchange for a TV appearance. No different from his Ellen/Florence Iverson scam. Not too much a variant from the "You Wanna Pizza Me"/Ellen bullshit.

      Marty, and we know you read this, you are the most pathetic person on the planet. Save the effort for when your son gets paroled.

    4. Besides, "Lee's Cafe and Coney" has their All You Can Eat Fish Fry for lent on 3/14. He'd never miss that.

      Readers need to be here Friday to ask Marty why he's not in Oklahoma.

  12. The most disgusting thing about Marty's lie is that people for years and years have worked so very hard to get this guy released, they have spent money, hired attorneys, got national & international press coverage etc ... and now that all the hard work, time and money they spent has finally secured his release .. FAT ASS PEE PEE PANTS SPECIAL AGENT PREHN jumps onboard and "acts", lies ... scams that he was/is a part of this guy's release !!!!! The family & attorneys already have his release day planned complete with "escorts" .. they already have a agent with "Real Contacts" handling the press coverage & any appearances that the guy will do .. they don't even know Agent Pee Pee pants exists (like most people) they ignore him and his on-slaught of emails and private messages .. (like most people) ... he will not be in OK, he will be at work mopping the bathroom floor of the atuo parts store texting Flo Flo to send him more $$$$$$. Or peeing in one of Linda's potted plants.

  13. Marty Prehn Several of the Joeys have been identified here in Michigan Bill and more specifically in Macomb County and from the cities of Eastpointe, St. Clair Shores and Clinton township and in fact one that works right next door to the Eastpointe police department and has been posting under the name of Robert Cookout III or a similar name and is looking at charges of slander, liable and defamation of character to be filed against him and as a cyber bully and cyber stalker under the domestic terrorist homeland security act.
    15 hours ago · Like

    I guess I don't live in Irving Texas anymore. Did I move to Michigan? Do I still drive a gold SUV? Sounds like Marty is walking around looking over his shoulder because he thinks he's being followed by "Joey's".

    1. Geez, Bob. You really get around!

      What about the videos of MVZ "doin' her thang" with the stuffed animals?

    2. Oh No, Special Agent Pee Pee Pants knows who I am , lololololololololol .... NOT, keep guessing Marty and keep peeing in the potted plants (I see you )

    3. How many more people could I possibly be? The Secret Undercover Agent's investigative skills are on display for us today!

    4. bla bla bla..Stinky not one thing you have said in the last 4 years has come to fruit .You have big ZERO ZIP NADA ....Keep

  14. Bob thurs night at 9pm see you at the Madison heights big boy. I love the salad bar there.

  15. I'll be there with all the documents we discussed.

  16. You go to Lamphere when in school??

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. The Dunce-Cap aka Agent Pee Pee Pants just had the guts to tag his fat ass in a post from Denny Disgraced Mclain's wall about a Harley fest in Hartford, Mi ( which is way too far for the Agent to ever get to, even if he started saving his pennies now) ... what a loser, tagged himself like he's going and a part of the event.

    1. Somebody should message Denny the link to this blog, so he could see who is biggest fan that's going to put him on a box of Wheaties and the Ellen show, really is all about.

    2. Bikers are just another group that ignores him. He was shunned at a double play Vet/Biker funeral a few months ago.

      Just can't seem to get anyone but Flo in his corner these days. And I think she's just about had it with a 58 y/o baby...

    3. @Anon 8:25 Don't forget about the Slurpee cups...

  19. So is he flying or driving to Kansas this week?

    1. Good question! He doesn't drive the Mongoose Mobile to work anymore. Maybe he can get his new driver to help him with his escort to Oklahoma duties he signed up for.

    2. All important people have a chauffeur.

    3. Now that he's shacked up with a coworker that has a car, he doesn't have to worry about gas or insurance. Now it's only a matter of time until she's paying for everything.

    4. Wait until her passenger side shocks wear out.

    5. I cannot wrap my head around how any woman can be so desperate & insane to let Marty move in and leech off her ... sleep her her bed, sit in her car and pee in her plants and sewing baskets ...

    6. It's only a matter of time until she gives him the boot. He couldn't keep either of his two wives around and back then he could still mooch off his parents. This won't last when you consider he can't even do that anymore.

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