Friday, December 20, 2013

Living Large: Marty Prehn Style!

How would you like to carelessly spend your days DOING NOTHING BUT EATING?

Forget about work. Forget about giving your son any semblance of guidance. Forget about paying bills, filing income taxes and all those other pesky details of a normal life. A typical day in Marty's life, by following his charges to his mother's bank account, unfolds as follows:

Day One:

Head out to his favorite restaurant called Dimitri's Family Dining and eat a family-sized breakfast and lunch.  Tell stories to owner for hours on end about how he and Ronald Reagan saved the world from the Klingons.

After his meal(s), he gases up the Mongoose Mobile and heads to his next stop: Duke's Liquor Store!

No one should drink on a less than full stomach, so it's a quick stop to pick up a snack at GS Pizza, (before hitting the drive through at Burger King) and it's back to his mother's house in time to watch Ellen DeGeneres and send fan mail.

After getting the voicemail of every Detroit media personality on his T-Mobile Deluxe cellphone, it's time to head out for dinner. Yep. You guessed it. Back to Dimitri's, followed by another visit to GS Pizza and Burger King.

Day Two:

See Day One.

Bank records show that Marty ate at Dimitri's an average of 1 1/2 times a day and as many as FIVE TIMES A DAY!

The records we reviewed are nothing short of amazing. Just a quick overview:

84 visits to Dimitri's
27 visits to Burger King
17 visits to McDonalds
12 visits to GS Pizzaria  

That's not all but I think you get the idea. The fact that Marty could spend this much time eating and still get his job done at the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ is truly an incredible feat. 

We can only assume his evenings are equally disgusting in his mothers bathroom...


  1. You mean an incredible gluttony feast !

  2. I have tears in my eyes, from laughing ... STOP !!!!

  3. Add that "Taco Bell" visit to the list of 84 visits to Dimitri's
    27 visits to Burger King ...17 visits to McDonalds ... 12 visits to GS Pizzaria
    LOL !!!!!!!!

  4. I didn't include Taco Bell, Arby's, Applebee's, or Dunkin Donuts. This also doesn't include the times he paid cash or stuck someone with the tab!

    1. There's always room for Jello!


  5. And One Golden Goose, Gone to Colorado. God Bless that Sweet daughter.

    1. On a sad note there were also purchases at Perfume Mania & Fragrance World. But he never sent his mother so much as a birthday card.

    2. Let me guess:

  6. OMG, are you kidding me? Dunkin Donuts, Arby's, AppleB's & Taco Bell ... what a Pig ! I hear that now between mooching meals from funeral memorials, crashing any & every grand opening of food establishments & crashing any event at the VFW with food being served, he hangs out at a Coney Island .. usually 3 meals a day there inbetween "Mourning Mooching" ..

    1. I would suspect he would do the occasional "dine and dash" but we all know he couldn't dash anywhere.

    2. He also makes his son take him out & buy him meals ... now, that's just sad.

    3. LOL@ dine and dash its a wonder MartyVan wackoff can walk

  7. He probably bought Sal a nice Flowery Perfume ...

  8. Was any of that food take out for his mother? No human could eat that much.

  9. Wonder if he also was using his "Bridge Card" (Food Stamps) then ? I know he is now.

  10. No anon 1:53. If you'll notice the dates on the statement above, these are records for after his mother had moved to Colorado. That's all Marty!!

  11. "Marty Prehn
    Aug 26, 2012 ·
    There is SO much that my sister and other family members do not know about me and what I have done for the past 35 years, BUT they are about to find out."

    We all just did...

  12. gluttony is a sin. Wow so he is eating there like 4 times a day. That is a lot of eating. He must be up there flirting with the wait staff.

    1. eww young waitress looking at fat ass >don't think so Marty VanWackoff don't leave mad just leave/ hes is like a fart keeps lingering on and on and on

  13. WOW. Amazing little list of his expenditures on his mothers dime. Where are the loud mouth supporters? How can anyone even begin to defend Marty's misappropriation of his mothers money? He is not entitled to this money. It was his mothers! She wasn't even there.

    No wonder he was so mad when he lost access to her funds. His free for all came to an end. Now he's left dangling out there on that proverbial "rope" Marti Oakley was speaking about. The proof is in black and white, and hopefully more will be coming since the blind, deaf, and dumb "Marty is a hero" supporters didn't care enough to look into things. Sure, they expect others to prove their claims, but not the one who stood to benefit by freeloading his entire life.

    1. Must have put a huge dent in Dimitri's sales.

      But on the flip side, they don't have a fat slob sitting around all day harassing their customers...

    2. Something you have to keep in mind. This is only Marty's restaurant spending. We didn't even mention his other expenses. There are ATM withdraws, cash withdraws at the bank because they were too large for an ATM, gas, Jr's probation cost, it goes on & on. There is one day Marty took out over $8000 in cash with three seperate withdraws. No telling where that money went.

    3. Thank you for pointing that out. How disgusting. To profess to be an "elder advocate" when he was clearly exploiting her finances while she was alive, and not living with him. Taking away from monies that should have gone to her care, and not that monster.

      Then hook up with a bunch of groups who seem to support this kind of abuse, because they got all uppity when anyone tried to say "hey, wake have an abuse in your midst." Makes me sick!

  14. "Marty Prehn Get ready for some BREAKING NEWS about a syndicated tv program that will be produced in Detroit. It looks like MTM productions will become a reality with shows starting in the fall.
    Like · Nov 11 at 7:50pm"

    Today is the last official day of fall...

  15. "Marty Prehn
    Jun 15
    Ok for all you GREAT dad's out there how about a FREE meal for you in Honor of father's day. Click on the link below for the details and make sure to bring a camera as I am working on trying to have a VERY special baseball legend stop by to say Hi to you all and see about getting him into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
    Marty Prehn created an event.
    Jun 15
    Dinner for Dad at Dimitri's is FREE!
    4 people like this.
    Florence Iverson Sounds like fun. Hope that baseball great shows up. Get me an autograph.
    Like · Jun 16"

    1. I'd be willing to bet Marty's monthly restaurant Bill that no baseball legend showed up.

    2. "Marty Prehn Richard A. Sands do you have the names of the other people from both events in the pictures that you sent me. Jamie Cook from the Macomb Daily wants to use them for an article that will be out tomorrowe and I need the names to identify who I recruited into my army to combat Elder abuse and Human Trafficking and we are going to get Stephanie's story out there again to make sure she is NEVER forgotten or the crimes and criminals that killed her. If you can make it come to Dimitri's today and have a dinner on the house for being a great dad.
      Like · Jun 16"

    3. "Dinner for Dad at Dimitri's is FREE!
      Dimitri's Family Dining 23 and Gratiot in Chesterfield
      Sunday, June 16, 2013, 3:00pm - 8:00pm
      As a way to honor our father's my good friends Nick and Frank Gegic owners of Dimitri's are hosting a Dinner with your Dad at Dimitri's and your dad's meal is on the house. I will be emceeing this event as a way to honor my father Gerhard E. Prehn who passed away on January 19, 2007. I will be going around to each table and find out why your dad is a HERO to you. My name is Marty Prehn and I am a National Elder Advocate and helped saved the life of the Legendary Dr. Jim Chism who was financially exploited and nearly died. I will be sharing other stories as well and hope to have "Mike/Bob" come with his accordian and play some songs and just have a GREAT afternoon making memories with you and your dad so please join us from 3-9 pm. If there are any public officials who want to stop by and get introduced please bring your dad and stop by. If you are a Gold Star mom or dad please stop by so I can personally thank you and your family for giving the ultimate gift to keep our country free. I hope to have the parents of Matthew Landry to stop by to honor their son as well. Please make sure to let me know who you are when you come and Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel and Sheriff Anthony Wickersham and the Levin brother Carl and Sander Levin and all local and state politicians please feel free to stop by and help wait the tables with water and or coffee. And Dr. Jim Chism where ever you are I would be honored if you and your wife Karen would come so I can have that dinner that we never had once you were SET FREE from your court appointed Guardianship and Conservatorship and maybe we can call your children Laurie, Steve, Jim, Curt and Susan and your sister Rocky so they can tell you just how much they LOVE you and miss you. Laurie is getting married next April 14th (4-14-14) and wants you to walk her down the aisle but if she does not know where you live know I will have to take your place and I would rather you do the honor as she is your daughter.
      Hosted by Marty Prehn"

    4. "Marty Prehn
      Jun 15
      If you have any questions about this event and the press conference that I will have at 5 pm or you are a member of the press or media please contact me at 1 586 563 0989 so I can answer your questions. My suggestion is to make sure to bring a camera just in case we have a surprise visitor who may stop in to say hello to all the father's who come out."

    5. "Marty Prehn
      Jun 15
      It would be GREAT for any and all tv stations in the Detroit Metro area and radio stations and newspapers to come to this event as yet another way to honor our dads. Yes WXYZ, WDIV, FOX 2 NEWS DETROIT and TV20 I am talking about you and WJR and WWJ and the Macomb Daily, the Oakland Press the Sentinel and Detroit News and Detroit Free Press I am talking about you. If you come your cameraman and tv reporter eat for free as well. The key time will be from 3-5 and there may be a few special guests that make an appearance.
      3 people like this.
      Marty Prehn I remember many years ago that WJBK channel 2 had a saying at the top of the 11 o'clock news which was "It's 11 pm do yuou know where your children are?". I would like to modify this as we no longer know where Dr. Jim Chism is living as his wife sold their hone in the Moravian Forest in Clinton Township in January of 2013 and he has not been allowed to call his biological children or his sister that lives up north and the one time he was able to talk to his son Curt he told him that he was not allowed to say where he was now living and as long as Karen Chism is alive which is his current wife that he would NEVER be allowed to see his children. This in itself should be a crime against humanity and a great dad. So my challenge to WXYZ, WDIV, FOX 2 News DETROIT and TV@) is for the rest of June which is National Elder Abuse Awareness month to ask at your 5, 6 and 11 news broadcasts..... "IT'S (whatever time it is) DO YOU KNOW WHERE DR. JAMES CHISM IS?" It is unbelievable that the Probate court would order a heathy man who just recovered from being poisoned and nearly starved to death to go and live with the woman that is alleged to have tried to kill him and not allow him to go live with his son Steve when I asked him who he wanted to live with. Yet another crime against the elderly.
      Like · 1 · Jun 15"

    6. that's the same Steve Chism that said there is or has to be some decisions where at the doc will live lordy good son >>not who saidid like dasd to come to my home or somehere close>>> doe that mean a facility hmmmm is that not what they were bitching about all along they could take care of them in there homes>>>loosely translated cast him awayin a florida nurseing home well some one help me out here I don't get it

    7. Sound to Me Like MoreMarty Van Wackoff Bull Crap Curt Chism Just Posted on Martys Page He vist his dad last week in there home in Michigan Martys so full of crap MARTY VAN WACKOFF JUST GO AWAY AND WACKOFF STFU Stay out of everyone business

    8. they outher boy jim was up for a vist and posted some where last summer early fall I think ???

  16. Maybe no one showed because Father's Day was Sunday, June 16th, not the 15th.


  17. Awww ... I see Marty's "Sugar Mama" aka Helen is defending her man again.

  18. I thought Special Agent Fatty was Helen's BOY TOY.

    1. I thought it was the other way around?

    2. Helen is an even bigger idiot than Marty. This week we are all Marlene Nelson?? Last week it was a woman in Irving. I wonder who we'll all be next week??

    3. From what I have heard Helen is Marty's sugar momma and totally into fat, old men who prance around for her with nothing but "Special Agent" hats on.

    4. That Maui Wowie confuses the best of us...

    5. Lol, Spammy = Maui Wowie - from what I know, the used up Maui Wowie is lucky to be able to buy the FAT man's love & attention.

    6. it CANT BE Marty likes boys smh see picture with that beastality with the poor poor animal


    8. I applaud Marty Prehn for being the voice of all who seek a mature and consensual relationship with our four-legged, furry friends.

    9. LOL he Sure Is Fond Of That Special Agent Wallmart Hat

  19. I just remembered today was the day that we were supposed to be escorted to court by LE. I hope they didn't knock while I was in the shower. I would hate to miss them.

  20. There is suppose to be big news at 5,6,11 per Marty's page lol

    1. He's referring to that Fraser, MI motel case he's trying to insert himself into.

    2. Past 5pm ... Past 6pm ... where's the big news, Marty?

  21. OMG, are you kidding me, Anon@1:03 .. Breaking news from the Special Agent ? OMG !!!


  22. Warning this is a little gross but I hear marty goes to sperm banks to make money. He even made comment that he want to be or might be the father of Ellen's new baby.

    1. The operative words being "little" and "gross"...

    2. Like that fat porker can even find that little thing in the folds of his fat to make a sperm donantion .

    3. I think he was also talking about Jennifer love Hewitt having his baby How many marty’s are out there? Sickening

      "Laurie I am letting these assholes hang themselves and know exactly who they are and even post as people and use their identity which is a fraud and will subject them to legal actions. They are trying to bait me into having a dialogue with them and I make it my practice to not even to engage in their artful deception. They have used Bill Windsor's intellectual property in the way of what they used in their video and will be prosecuted for their actions. Law enforcement has their IP addresses from both their fb page and their computers and they have a complete listing of the people they claim to be and every account is a bogus made up account with like 3-5 friends. I love you to Curt , Laurie, Steve and Susan. Carla I even suggested that Megan Van Whackjob become a writer for Saturday Night Live and I and many others laugh our asses off with some of the creative pictures they have come up with. Danny Glover to the one of him kissing me and autographed it. What will they do with themselves other then to play with themselves when I show up on the set with my friend ELLEN and Jennifer Love Hewitt?? Jennifer and I are going to give them something to talk about that is for sure. Watch for us on TMZ and the alledged romantic fling we were involved in and the media inquiring as to if I am the biological father of her baby. She and her boyfriend are great sports for going along with this. See you in April Laurie if not sooner. News at 5, 6 and 11 this Friday December 20th from Macomb County.”

    4. Yet when he was asked about paternity test results, he claimed he had a vasectomy after Jr was born. That was the comment that showed Eva he was a liar.

    5. Somehow I Do Not Think Any Buddy With Common Sense Will Press Charges lol Now Go Sit In Your Corner And Wackoff You FRIGGEN JERK

    6. Ask That Chism Girl To help she can be Your BUTT BUDDY WITH HER STRAPON

  23. He did such a bang up job with his own children...

  24. You know when Marty was claiming he was an investigator and telling me Marty had been attacked, I was also informed about the Joey site and how they were haters... now I can see why he didn't want me looking at the blog... there clearly are so many truths that I was not aware of, and he did not want me to read facts about well as I get to see all the really sick things he has done, and the lies he spoke....I honestly have no idea who that person is, he gave a different perception about who he was...I felt feeling for a person that was based on lies....I have empathy for any and all who cross his path....

    1. Warn your friends, guard your children, hide your food...

    2. FYI, Eva - I'm certain that he's gloating that you didn't take your phone to the police and file a complaint.

  25. Quote of the year...

    "Florence Iverson At 91 Elder Abuse has become part of my vocabulary Thanks to Marty Prehn
    Like · 1 · Jun 17"

  26. I can't speak for the other two but I'm sure Marty's chief fear is that the Muslims will take his food.

  27. This POS knows his mother is elderly with needs and he goes on a burger king feast? And he goes on to drain her account for whatever his heart pleased?

    He's the biggest waste of skin I've seen in a long while. You are a SICK SOB Marty, hope you've packed light. Eternal hell is going to be a hot one!!!

    Oh! LOOKS LIKE that TeamX video was accurate in their account! I think they mentioned how he drugged up his mom & left her alone so he could go eat out and live the high life.

  28. Here are some interesting factoids for what it is in life.

    1. Laurie Chism is a person who helps cross dressers and tans genders while she supports republicans. I wonder how her Gay and transgender friends think about this. Or is it that her transgender friends are closet transgenders and cross dressers that are GOP also.

    2. Laurie Chism supports Michigan for Parental rights tv show own public TV Silent Voices I believe. So, if this is the case. Laurie’s business partner is a VP or was one at JP Morgan Chase. Deanna Klosotra says Bankers are cheating helping fathers with loans. Michigan for Parental Rights and Gov Abuse believe that the 99% need help Yet Chism is with the 1%.

  29. Where the hell have you been, Sean? Marty's new best friend is a Muslim Photographer convicted of some sexual misconduct charge ... ( I belive the girl was a minor)

  30. "Marty Prehn This is a tactic that is used by a criminal mind in order to make a sane person appear crazy by doing things that the average person would not believe and the "criminal" has a doctor who may have been paid off to claim that Jim thought that Karen was trying to kill him which in this case may very well be her motive or that of her son in Eastpointe. The love of money is the root of all evil. Many things are being looked at regarding the timing of what has happened and Alicia I have your contact information and will be talking with you tomorrow as yiur were let go or fired for a reason as "they" knew that you were loyal to the good Dr. and would not have agreed to what was done to him and would have tipped of the family or the local police. Google BARK radio station and listen to the 3 hour segment on the life and murder of Bernice Prehn who was and always will be my mother and how I believe she was allowed to die and why. I am hoping to get Dr. Jim Chism case disgust on Fridays show and watch for Laurie to be on the news this week. Laurie I need the names and call letters of the tv stations near where you live and the major local newspapers.
    Like · Jan 10, 2012"


    2. "The love of money is the root of all evil." Why yes it is Marty, as we can see in the bank statements above, YOUR love of money, and just how evil you are.

      We can also see the love Laurie Chism aka Laurie Gallagher has of money, by the article here, where they report she ripped people off, by misleading them. (not one scam, but two) Wonder if she's paid the Judgment yet, or if that was part of her driving factor to get her dad's money out from the guardianship.

      Oh, how interesting it is, when we start digging into the backgrounds of people who's past show the motivating factor for their behavior...GREED.

    3. Here is another interesting tid bit. I now wonder if the above is why Laurie needed another person (Michael J. Meagher) to set up the business in his name. So, perhaps she wouldn't be caught running another scam (someone else will take the fall first)...

    4. @ ninja 11:59. Err, I think it's also tied to his love of junk food.

      Just saying...

    5. LOL. C.l.e.a.r.l.y. Proof is in the belly!

    6. Well Have Been Comeing To the Clinic For 8 Years For The Last Year Or So I Cant Recall Seeing Alicia??? Ihad Asked /Was Told She Quit They Did Seem To Be Open Less Hours Tho. A While Back I Was Contacted Buy Alicia She Was On And On About Karen >>Told Her Not To Bug Me Yes I had Seen TV and I DONT BELIVE ANY OF THIS

    7. Why Is This Still Going ON The COURTS HAVE AWARDED KAREN HER HUSBAND BACK.....Its Over

    8. Ihave Never Seen Her Son ???How en eDoes He Fit In???rSeen The Daughter In TheNews????

    9. Did I Miss Something Why Marty Needs Laurie To Send Him Info///// Special Detective And All?

  31. (Marty's Crap needs to be STOPPED to protect the innocent who when they read the following post bt the Fat Turd, are led to believe the Fat Asshole has something to do with the Proscuter's office & works with her ... isn't this ILLEGAL .. Marty has NO Relationship with the Macomb County Prosecuters office .. He DOES NOT work with or for them ... as he is claiming to lure potential victim's ) = Marty Prehn shared a link. about an hour ago · Edited.
    This is the case in Macomb County that will be receiving national media coverage when the case reconvenes on January 13, 2014. I was at this hearing with Asst. Prosecuting Attorney Suzanne Faunce who heads up the Elder Abuse Criminal Division of the Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney's office. My friends from channel 7 Action News were there and covered the whole story.


  32. Marty Prehn I asked someone at that by chance meeting where I could get one of those Log Cabin pins since I owned a Log Cabin on Houghton Lake in Roscommon County. They were so ready to sign me up and were so SWEET about it and even invited myself and the guy I was with to a special dinner. Talk about being happy when we found out at dinner what this group was all about. We started to have a clue when we were asked how long we had been seeing each other and when we came out of the proverbial closet. I almost felt like singing that song from ANGER MANAGEMENT "I feel pretty oh so pretty I feel pretty and happy and gay!" March 29 at 10:09am · 1


    1. Marty Prehn- I told her how I leaned over and put my hand on his leg and asked him if I could be the dominate one tonight the "fellas" at our table stated how cute of a couple we made and this candidate became concerned once he realized our picture was taken together and was greatly concerned that he and I were going to be on the front page of a newspaper stating that we were seen together at this historic event. I think the magazine was called the GAY BLADE.being gay I am 6'4" and 360 some pounds. I like many songs that Elton John sings.Look at my profile picture and you will see that I was on Ronald Reagan's security detail which is another reason why I am gay .. I was the guy who talked Ronald Reagan into getting the Berlin Wall torn down for my dad.. I am scheduled to have dinner with Sarah Palin in Philadelphia, PA next weekend March 29 at 10:36am ·

    2. Marty Prehn - I think the story goes when the clock struck 12. Not that the sun was setting. What am I wearing tonight. The metallic blue mini dress or the cayman outfit? With the 4" heels of course and matching clutch.
      May 1 at 11:15am · Like


    3. Marty Prehn - I thought this might be somewhat of a formal event. Well then if it is casual then a sheer braless silk top shorts and flat open sandels to show off those cute red toenails. May 1 at 11:30am · Like

    4. Ewwww the visual of Agent Porky in a braless silk top & red painted toenails made me throw up my breakfast.

    5. PLEASE wear the bra, Marty...

    6. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww ... Man Boobies

    7. Monster double D's...

    8. Wow Spammy. That's sooooo wrong.

    9. I calls 'em as I see's 'em.

  33. Where's his pictures posing with the prosecutor?

    Or his reenactment posing with flies in his mouth?

  34. Spammy .. he's waiting on his Sugar Mama (Helen) to wake up and post them for him.

  35. Oh, Oh Marty has found a new victim in Novi ... who the HELL is he to request Novi police do a welfare check on someone he's never met and no relation to? Local police departments must put a stop to Marty's illegal activites of court stalking .. claming to be working with local LE, the FBI, DOJ etc ... the guy is nothing more than a homeless bum, on food stamps that stalks the courts for new victims to scam .

  36. @3:59

    Marty Prehn shared a link.

    In the courtroom as an observer was Jill Shafto hose mother is under a Guardianship in Macomb County. I went with her to the group home where her mother was staying and had to call the Novi Police Department to have a welfare check done on her mother as she was no longer there and Jill was not told where her mother had been taken other than she was no longer allowed to visit her mother without supervision and a severe restriction placed on her as to a 1 time a week visit for only 2 hours and only with supervision the group home had a complaint recently filed against them there for a woman by the name of IVY and this restriction appears to be in retaliation for a complaint being filed with APS. More to come and I am suppose to be receiving some photos of what was sent to APS to investigate. group home owner HS the legal obligation to report ANY suspicion or actual proof of elder abuse and it appears that this was not done. The group home is located in the City of Novi. @ officers from the Novi Police Department did come and talk with me an the owner of the home and a welfare investigation is no underway to find out what has happened to the mother of Jill Shafto and if her mother is in a compromised and unsafe locatin or f she has been transported out of the State of Michigan to Colorado. I have also contacted the FBI and the DOJ in this matter.

  37. This sounds like a missing persons case. Welfare checks are done to check the physical wellbeing of a person, not the absence thereof.

    Marty can't even keep his police jargon straight!

    Marty Prehn shared a link. about an hour ago.

    There was a preliminary hearing yesterday at the 39th District Court in Roseville, Michigan. Both Norma Gala,78 and Chester Gala, 93 were at the court but had to sit outside of the courtroom as they are potential witnesses in this case. Eric Gala's wife and son were also at the court. I was there with Jamie Cook from the Macomb Daily as well as with Suzanne Faunce who is the senior Elder Abuse Prevention Asst. Prosecuting Attorney and Sgt Poole and the witnesses for the prosecution. This story is going to be picked up by the Associated Press and the United Press international and MSNBC DATELINE and 20/20 are going to be doing a story on this case and others that have gone on in Macomb County

    1. When your credibility is questioned, divert!

    2. Exactly, Spammy ... I knew the FAT BLOB was reading this blog.

    3. Wonder if Jamie Cook knows the truth about Marty ....!/jamie.cook.7524?fref=ts

    4. I don't think Jamie Cook does.

    5. Mart's Sugar Mama Helen thinks anyone who points the truth out about Mart being a scammy, bloated leech is childish ... Really?????

    6. Is Jamie male or female?

    7. Male, Spammy ... Marty for years hounded him by calling him, texting him, messaging him .. posting Marty BS all over his Facebook page etc .. now anytime Jamie covers a story, Marty claims he is with him ..

    8. Sounds like yet another stalking victim.

    9. WELL WELL Marty Van Fatass Special Agent Sucmk Off is like a ambulance chaseing lawyer pond scum

    10. u gun eat your corn bread lolBITCH

    11. LOL 2@ THEM Chairs W may have wackoff ..Destroying Public Property His Fat Ass Broke Them

  39. He is a FN Moron ... Spamanon

  40. Here is another good example of what POS Marty is:

    Like · 57 minutes ago

    Marty Prehn
    You are so correct Marli as the Probate Judge and the Court administrator were friends and in my opinion are unethical and corrupt just like you are.
    Like · 15 minutes ago

    Marteiz Adoofis
    As are the police, the hospice, the credit union, the doctors, the nurses..

    All corrupt.
    Like · 1 · 12 minutes ago

    Marty Prehn
    The ones that handled your disabled and now dead son due to your negligence out in Colorado. GET READY as you will be going to prison for over 20 years and your ex husband took a plea deal and is spilling the beans on all of you.
    Like · 1 · 7 minutes ago

    1. Like · More · 15 minutes ago

      Marty Prehn
      Yes BCO III please post this report that Marli claims exists. And know I do not know which of her 2 remaining children will be the next to die in a freak or horrific accident nor do I wish this but God is not mocked and the wages of sin is death and often times a child is taken as punishnent for the transgressions or sins of their parents . I am not the one who self medicates on alcohol or prescription pills.
      Like · Just now

    2. WOW... one very SICK dude... and what do you have to say , Helen and the poster queen for photo show??? Marti Oakley????? Shame on all of you and the Marty Morons ! Let us not forget the shameful Chrism kids.

    3. Sorta make's that Windsor fella look like Gandhi, eh?

    4. I just can't think of anyone I've ever come across who laughs or mocks deceased children or wish other children would die. That's a level of PURE EVIL which is completely out of my comprehension skills.

      For Marty PREHN to pretend he's some elder hero all the while knowing he abused and neglected his mother and then to say what he does about his own nieces and nephews hoping they'll all die?

      Seriously evil!

      Flo, Helen and the rest, you must be unbelievably sick people to support Marty Prehn. Very very very sick!

    5. I think Flo is just ice cube stupid and Marty exploits the fact.

      Helen, Chisms and the rest of that ilk are probably part of his scam.

    6. Thanks for the clarification Spamanon. Which to me, makes it all that more awful if Marty has been able to scam Flo because of her inability to think for herself. More proof he's a predator.

  41. OhhhhhhhNooooooooo Don't Spill Beans ill get hungry

    1. His Food Bill Is More Than MY Mortgage

    2. Mine too Anon 10:46. I am glad the truth is out with documentation .

    3. You could feed a small third world county with that much food.

  42. God Is LOVE You Flipping Fool He Does not Punish Jesus Did DIE ON THE CROSS FOR YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVIN

  43. Somehow We Have To Stop This Monster///He is on the edge o f doing something unspeakable I hope we do not read on a front page he harmed somebody when he totally snaps

  44. There after you marty run forest run

  45. Marty Prehn
    That sure sounds like a THREAT to me Love All. You have slandered me and now legal action WILL be taken.
    Like · 56 minutes ago

    1. I'm pretty sure the mayor of Troy, Mi is offended and feels "Slandered" by Marty. =
      Marty Prehn - I am VERY interested who the 3 police officers were. Well the other 2. I have 2 names besides Dane Slater's who were involved with what appears to be a coverup and crime scene evidence being tampered with and destroyed in order to protect the son of a high profile family in the Detroit Metro area. He was given special treatment and was not arrested on the scene of a very brutral sexual assault cae and let's not forget the special treatment that the husband of US Senator Debbie Stabenow got when he was caught in a hotel room with a teenage escort. I have the video of the police interogation. It is my understanding that Captain Dane Slater headed up that investigation as well and look who is contributing to his campaign war chest to be elected the Mayor of Troy. Another Pay to Play situation with an unethical Mayor to be?
      May 2 at 8:27pm · Like

    2. I call a big fat Marty sized BS on this one. Prove it fat boy!
      "I have the video of the police interogation."

    3. Oh please you know he doesn't have any video & didn't the liar just post recently he was a Sucide march with his besty friend Stabenow?

    4. The only way the fat lying attention seeking pig has a copy of the video or any other police docs, is if he stole them or obtained them illegaly.


      Marty Prehn ·August 7 at 7:15pm · ..
      It is amazing the similarities between Lt Luke Davis and Detective Justin Locke. Very interesting the items taken from my sons home that he rents and the inaccurate statements told by Detective Locke. I met him for the first time yesterday and I always go with what my gut tells me and I believe that he will be charged with similar crimes of racketerring and extortion and embezzlement. The properties seized in my sons case?? Cell phones, cash, cars that were not even on the property and flat screen tv's. Bad boy bad boy what ya gonna do when the FBI comes for you.

    6. The FBI should send Marty a cease & desist to stop him from saying their name anymore.

    7. How Y Going T Sue Fat ASS YO You Have No Money//?? Ohhhhhh I get it Well I Can Stiff My Lawyer Out Off His Fee.s Just Like Them Chism Kids Did Yeah That Can Work So Like Are You Going To eat All That FOOD CAN I HAVE IT....MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH BURP FART UT OHHHHHHHH ...BRB

  46. OMG ... Finally the truth comes out about the fat pervert, Marty Prehn. Thank you whoever is responsible for outing the SCAM-Man .... he has nerve crying slander ... are you kidding me, Marty? After what he has said & written about .. his own family, friends, women he was rebuffed by .. police dept's ... attorneys ... judges ...mayor of Troy .. etc ... he has mental problems and hopefully now he will be put into a mental hospital so he can no longer threaten, harm, scare, scam innocent people.

    1. Mt Clemmons Sanatarium Has A few Beds Left


    3. Oh And I Am WILLING TO BET MT CLEMMONS SANITARIUM WOULD BE HAPPY TO HAVE MARTY seeing he put them chism kids up to there bull crap and told them what and how to do it and how to act out for ATTAENTION AND NEWS COVERAGE

    4. and MARTY Don't Say You Did Not Why You Were At a Hearing OnThere Behalf When They Were Out Of Town running your mouth.its out there on the saving page and news papers

  47. Why does Marty always try and bring up some reporter named David Webb? I saw posts-comments before on Marty's page that this Webb guy seemed to not know or support Marty's claims .. yet, Marty always trys to pull him into the middle of Marty's messes .. Marty per his own posts is the only anti-gay guy .. and yet he always trys to bait this Webb guy into rallying behind the SCAM MAN ...!!!!

    1. Well, the reporter should speak up then. He doesn't like to be discussed, and has taken much offense to it other places. And seeing as Marty has misquoted him numerous times, that should irk Mr. Webb. When Marty claimed that Webb was the one who said Bill and he are bi-sexual, I expected Mr. Webb to immeditally make Marty retract that statement.

      Why is Marty so focused on Mr. Webb's sexual preferences, unless Marty is trying to get supporters from the LGBT community, like he gloms onto other groups, for the sole reason of making himself look important. I think the LGBT would be offended personally.

      Certainly Mr. Webb should be offended at the least.

    2. Totally concur anon@ 11:35 ...

    3. what paper is that Webb Guy from?????

    4. @anon440 .. not sure ...

    5. He doesn't write for any paper, says he's retired but he was really let go several years ago I believe when he worked for the Dallas voice. All he has is a blog now.

    6. Please don't involve "that reporter" 4:40, he's as sick as Marty.

  48. Them EFN Chisms Aint Said a PEEP what up with that?????????

  49. What the hell is wrong with the Marty supporters? They ask for proof, it's posted, and they act like they can't read. Uh duh, gee George...why you hatin' on Marty?
    Did you read the police report? Uh, duh, no, where is it? It's in the comments above this post you're commenting on. Uh, duh, cricket, cricket.

    1. Yep. Dumb as a door nail or deliberate refusal to read factual documents that would prove to all exactly what Marty is. If they choose to deliberately ignore, they have NO RIGHT to cry foul when Marty scams them at some point in the future.

    2. There's a sucker born every minute and, damnit, Marty's gonna find them!

    3. Spammy, They seem to be older women who don't live in Michigan and have never met Marty. Like that Julie who commented tonight, she & Farty just became FB friends a week ago. Helen doesn't live in Mi .... and he has a couple of old boards he went to high school with looking for a new husband (you know Marty has called & texted them) protraying himself as a rich stud. The Chism kids are only protecting him to protect themselves ... I'm hearing all kinds of stuff about what really happened with that case that reeks of Marty Stank. If you look-read closely he actually has NO real friends in Michigan .. Saint Clair Shores despite trying to insert himself into his high school page and his bogus bullshit he posts. No friend ... Seriously .. does anyone not have at least one buddy, pal to hang out with?? Marty is in panic mode .. he has worked himself into a sweat trying to find WiFi for his Bama phone so he can get on FB and read this blog and comments-doc's that are outting him for the jumbo piece of crap he is. I expect to see any moment a post by him saying he's been rushed to the hospital ... trying to deflect and divert from the truth about him and gain sympathy from the duncecaps that belive his bullshit.

    4. Whoops ,,, "meant .. OLD BROADS ...above ^ " broad, board .. with Marty fans theres not much diff.

    5. 12:31 anonymous, TeamX, this blog and others out there are watching. We will not let Marty off the hook and will expose his lies. His diversion games are over!

      Great blog guys, good job!

    6. There is A LOT more to those Chism spawn.

      Stay tuned...


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