Monday, December 30, 2013

Marty Prehn's "Year of the Mongoose"

As 2013 comes to a close I thought we should bid a fond farewell to "The Year of the Mongoose". Marty had great things in store for our country this past year. His plans were so incredible he proclaimed it the year of the mongoose - fighting crime, jailing siblings, freeing soldiers, blah blah blah. Looking back at these plans reveals what amounts to nothing but failure for a man who has never accomplished anything his entire life. 

Marty's marquee event for the year was going to be his own personal memorial service with self-eulogy - complete with a donated coffin - recapping his life story. The "I Need a Hero" extravaganza was to be his greatest event ever. Paula Deen was going to co-host this nationally televised and internationally streamed event to pay tribute to the greatest American since Ronald Reagan; Martin Erwin Prehn. All of Hollywood were to be in attendance with performances by Bette Midler, Debby Boone and Bob Seger.  This two day event (with hotel and 5 Star restaurant discounts for out of towners) would raise a cool $1,000,000. However, this star-studded gala was canceled when Marty couldn't come up with the $200 deposit to hold his high school auditorium.

Marty did do some groundbreaking civil rights activism during his year of mongoosing.  He managed to sneak into a video at a fundraiser that actor Danny Glover attended.  At least I think that was Marty. All you ever really see is the back of an enormous grey-haired guy eating.  I'd say that's some of his best work ever.  Bill Windsor would be proud.

Speaking of Windsor,  somewhere on the road to Mongoosapalooza we noticed that Marty had dropped the make-believe title of Lawless America's Regional Director from his long list of credits. Can't be sure if this title was stripped from him or, like the rodent Marty is, he jumped off that sinking ship. 

While Marty continues to vow prison terms for everyone who has ever looked cross-eyed at him (mostly his siblings and people who read this blog), the only incarceration we know of is Marty Jr who as of this writing sits in a county jail.  The charge doesn't really matter, as his rap sheet is longer than this article. All of his other nemeses are either at large or unaware of his top secret pending charges.

2013 brought sadness to many who lost a loved one. This, however, was a record year for Marty to crash post-funeral luncheons!  At last count, he scammed his way into at least 14 of such family gatherings, but only if food is provided to the mourners.

Looking back on the past year, Marty continues to evade that illusive J.O.B. word, but who cares? Marty's greatest accomplishment for 2013 would be continuing to milk Florence Iverson of her retirement money while seeking donations to his legal defense fund. Look forward to his "Save the Veteran's Living Legacy Cottage Fund" in 2014.

Feel free to post your favorite Year of the Mongoose accomplishments below.

Have a Happy New Year, fellow Prehntenders!


  1. There are just so many...but this one comes to mind first. When he said he was going to be on "let it rip," but oops, that didn't happen either. Date came and Marty ripping anything but Marty Farts.

  2. How about his weekly television series that was to start in the fall of 2013?

  3. Can't forget Denny McLain Day!

  4. Don't forget him dropping the boom on all the corruption in Florida and all the trips there that never happened...

  5. Never did get on Ellen, Dr Phil, Letterman, Today Show, Good Morning America, 20/20, Dateline, World News Tonight, etc.

    1. Attending the "TEAM CHISM" reunion.

    2. The Chisms don't even attend the "TEAM CHISM" reunions...

      He calls for one every two or three months and they pretty much ignore him.

  6. Trying to take credit for saving Dr. Chism, and getting several corrective smack downs by the Chism children's attorney for lying and having zero to do with it.

  7. Awww Marty could add loser father of the year with Juniors achievements.
    Good article and sums up Marty's life perfectly. Although I may consider suing this blog for the photo's they keep posting. It's giving me nightmares.

    1. Maybe he'll get his bff Jesse Jackson to march on the courthouse again. This has become a twice/year event!

  8. Marty Prehn
    Jan 14
    Marty is going national with the issue of Elder and Guardianship abuse and the financial exploitation of the vulnerable adults. Marty's goal in 2013 is to be on ALL major news stations and talk shows to EXPOSE how he was BETRAYED by his own family members and how they used a kangaroo court in Colorado Springs, Colorado that had NO legal jurisdiction over his mother who was a Michigan resident. Through forged legal documents ALL of his money was taken from him in an instant leaving him completely broke except for his sense of humor and his will to fight back. He was forced to be foreclosed on with not 1 but 2 properties that he and his parents had invested in and then was evicted from his parents home that was to be conveyed to him FREE and CLEAR in his mother's Will. He was NOT even allowed to attend his own mothers funeral and he was chosen by his mother to be her personal representative and her wishes were that she was to be cremated and her ashes joined with Marty's father's ashes so that they could become as one again. This was NOT done. His mission is to find JUSTICE for his mother in how she was emotionally and physically abused and financially exploited by the Colorado Probate system and see that each attorney that co-conspired with his family members get permanently disbarred for elder abuse, ethics violations and attorney and or judicial misconduct.. To say that this will be a GRUDGE match would be an understatement. The word "may" in a legal document is a permissive term and has options. The word "shall" is mandatory and is NOT open for any legal interpretation. As they say over in England "It is going to be a bloody mess". The question that Marty often wonders is "Did they REALLY think they were going to get away with it and Marty not fight back?" Welcome to the Marty Prehn 2013 version of FAMILY FEUD! The announcer has the microphone lowered to him at the center of the boxing ring and asks. "ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE?"

    I don't even know where to start with this one.

    1. Marty, you're a seriously disturbed freak and that post shows REVENGE not justice. Who abused his mother? He did.

      The woman gained 20lbs after a month of being away from him. He was starving her while he ran around stuffing his face spending her money like he was some big shot. He hates that his cash source was removed from his massively fat hands. GREEDY FREAK

      Amen to a great 2014 - exposing Marty for what he is - abusing con man!!

  9. I'll start - he claims he was in high-profile government meetings in Washington DC during his mother's funeral.

    Must not have offered him lunch...

    "He was NOT even allowed to attend his own mothers funeral and he was chosen by his mother to be her personal representative and her wishes were that she was to be cremated and her ashes joined with Marty's father's ashes so that they could become as one again"

    1. He didn't attend because he had a contempt of court order waiting for him.

  10. Lie much Marty? and people talking to us have actually seen you. YOU GAINED 75lbs not lost. LMFAO

    Marty Prehn Hey Bill at least you are not hearing voices in your head that are not real. MVPs new court date will be Jan 27, 2014. I have further proof of who she is on fb under assumed names or as anonymous and phone records as well. Her father has agreed that she needs to be committed to a mental institution for her bi-polar and multiple personality disorders. She failed to appear in court on the 30th. As that infomercial goes WHACK ON WHACK OFF THE WHACK JOB. Much news going on in Michigan and Macomb County. DATELINE MSNBC and 20/20 are coming to Detroit in January as is The Honorable Federal Judge Mary Elizabeth Bullock. Maybe you can join us. It was reported that an attempt was made on my life and my cell phone hacked telling a loved one that I was in a coma and that I was on life support and fathered a child and that I abused my mother. There is going to be HELL to pay for these lies and slander. I TOO AM ALIVE AND WELL and have lost 75 pounds and got title to my parents cottage AND have been recognized in court
    44 minutes ago · Edited · Like

    Marty Prehn Cont. Recognized by the courts as a national elder advocate. We need to include Sean Flemming to your lawsuit as he was the person who produced the plagerized video Marty Prehn MAN, MYTH or MONSTER and the Chronicles of Marty Prehn. Feel free to include all of the members of TEAM X and Team Xlax as co conspirators that are involved in racketeering activities. And YES I will come and testify as a material witness.
    9 minutes ago · Like

    1. and where did any court recognize him as an elder advocate? His lies are literally endless.

    2. It was reported that an attempt was made on my life and my cell phone hacked telling a loved one that I was in a coma and that I was on life support and fathered a child and that I abused my mother."

      He is trying to cover for his many texts and calls to Eva by saying his cellphone was hacked. Can't undo your lies, Marty...

    3. "plagerized video Marty Prehn MAN, MYTH or MONSTER"

      Did I miss a video out there or is it possible that Marty can't even get its name straight?


    "Well" is subjective. And no one cares anyway...

  12. "Pay attention to me, Bill. I'm a good soldier. All the media is coming, I own property and have lost weight!

    Pleezzee... "

    1. He won't own it for long if he doesn't pay the taxes!!!

    2. "Feel free to include all of the members of TEAM X and Team Xlax as co conspirators"

      Whew. At least now BW has Marty's permission...

    3. Bill can't sue on your behalf Farty! Another failed attempt at a free ride.

  13. "We need to include Sean Flemming to your lawsuit as he was the person who produced the plagerized video"

    Who exactly is "we" in the above quote? Sorry, Marty, BW rides alone and you can't glom along.

    And Fleming's videos are all... how you say "distinct" and it's obvious he had nothing to do with that TeamX video. His writing style is also somewhat less sophisticated than RC3's.

    Swing and a miss...

    1. Unfortunately in the land of Marty, you need not accuse the correct person. You only need to throw out a name and stick with it. He believes if he says it enough it will eventually become true. Same with all his other lies.

  14. "that are involved in racketeering activities"

    Does this idiot know the definition of racketeering?

  15. Marty would have a tough time finding any criminal or civil relief against anyone, as this blog pretty much regurgitates his own words and actions.

    1. Absolutely Spamanon, just like the TeamX video - HIS words used to prove what he is. And that boils his blood :)

  16. Only 3 1/2 hours left for Marty to "raise $1 million or die, whichever comes first" (his words).

    1. I wonder if there will be a buffet at his funeral? Only seems fair that there will be.

    2. Catered by Dimitri's. It's the least they could do with all of his mother's money that was spent there...

  17. Marty Prehn shared Brenda Battle Jordan's photo.
    Oct 3 ·
    Think of me as the John Walsh of Elder and Guardianship Abuse and if you financially exploit a vulnerable adult we will be coming after you. Looks like America's MOST WANTED tv producers are interested in doing a pilot program to see what kind of viewing response they will get. This should be interesting. California here I come.

    So how did your trip to California work out Marty? When are the networks going to start the bidding war for your new show?

    1. Is it possible that Marty actually believes his own bullshit? Would certainly explain a lot.

      He's crazy. No doubt about it. Hopefully he'll be restrained soon before he hurts himself or others.

      This could be the Year of the Mongoose No Longer on the Loose...

  18. OMG financially exploit a vulnerable adult? LIKE HE DID to his own mother?
    Marty! I am so thankful others provided evidence to show me what a sick POS low life you are and all the factual evidence to back it up! 2014 WILL NOT be a good year for you GUARANTEED!

  19. Marty Prehn shared a link.
    22 minutes ago ·
    Somebody with a Gold Toyota Highlander from Irving, Texas is going to be sent to prison for continuing to stalk and harass and threathen people like myself and Bill Windsor and this includes her pseaudo and imaginary and anonymous little Joey friend.She is a threat to the community and to herself and appears to be suicidal and needs to be put into a mental institution before she kills someone or school children or movie goers. She needs to be arrested BEFORE she kills. SHE IS A CYBER IED JUST READY TO EXPLODE. The FBI in Texas need to move in NOW to stop her from what she has threatened to do.

    Marty just continues to show everyone what a complete dumbass he is. Meagan has nothing to do with any of this but for some reason you can't get that through that fat ass head of yours. Funny part is your son will be in prison way before she ever is. You think posting her personal info online is going to help you? Throwing Bill windsor's name in with yours isn't going to help either. Maybe you should finally man up & fight your own battles. Who am I kidding, you've never been a man and you never will be. You're nothing more than a worthless loser who will never be anything else.

    1. Sounds like Bill is stalking her, not the other way around. He's already got one order of protection against him for posting personal information about someone on line and documenting his every move while stalking them in person. I guess maybe Marty being the habitual moron he is, doesn't get how it is HE who keeps proving that Bill is conspiring with others and not the other way around.

      Don't you just love it, when a big fat blabber-mouth like Marty, keeps posting publically all of Bill Windsor's creepy, stalking, harassing, moves, slandering and libeling an innocent person over and over again. LOL it's going to get really good now. Falsely accusing people of "crimes" while actually committing them, themselves. Oh yea, thanks for the post Marty! Move evidence against Windsor and yourself!

    2. Wow. Fellow agents are now putting out BOLOs over Facebook to each other.

      What will they think of next...

    3. It's time to put a stop to FB post like these. He's claiming MVZ is threatening to kill school kids or shoot up a theater. If people would report these post to FB they would shut him down.

    4. And you're right Bob, Marty isn't a man, never was and never will be. He's an inhumane POS lowlife bottom feeding sicko creep who drools over young women that could be his grandchildren.

    5. Everyone reading this blog should do their part in stopping Marty Prehn's reign of terror.

    6. I have done what I can. Hope everyone else will too.

  20. I sure wish I could get Marty to explain why his own mother didn't want to talk to him. I can't think of anything that would make me not want to talk to my kids.

  21. This blog has provided a great service to warn people just how dangerous and deranged Marty is. I know there are plenty of people out there, reading, and thinking, damn, that's what he did to me.

    Think about it, if you had been warned before he inflicted misery in your life, how you could have been spared. Please let people know what he did to you, so they don't become a victim too. Wouldn't you have liked to have had someone warn you?

  22. This blog has exposed the sleazy perverted con man, Marty the Fatty and I thank all who made it ... PURE EVIL =
    Marty Prehn - Hello Karen Chism. Remember me? I now run a funeral home and am wanting to make your funeral arrangements for you. Might I suggest that you get cremated just to get you used to what it will be like in the lake of fire. You did the crime now you will do the time right where you belong. Going down! Oh yes you are. God is not mocked. For whatsoever a stepmother soweth THAT shall she also reap. I guess you never learned that you should never mess with the biological children of Dr. Jim Chism. As paybacks are HELL! September 20, 2012 at 10:00pm

    1. It seems that this is Marty's response to anyone who gets between him and someone else's money. Maybe his son is currently locked up for non payment of child support because "God will not be mocked". How many times have we seen Marty crying "payback" yet not one single time has anything happened to the people he's going to pay back!


  23. Alicia Payne Dawidowicz @Marty Prehn...besides the handful of his patients that are in the group, i have made calls to many more regarding the upcoming court date. A few may come if possible. But the rest, though they love Dr., they feel the Dr. Is where he wants to be(ugh) and, they dont feel the need to attend! It's frustrating for sure BUT, i do understand how they feel! September 13, 2012 at 5:49pm

    1. That about sums it up, until Marty sticks his fat money-sniffing nose into things...

    2. Isn't there a privacy law against contacting patients, personal information, (phone #'s) and if so is there a statue of limitations on this crime?

  24. You'd think that Farty being a "Public Defender" and all as he claims on his Facebook wall would know that he's commiting "FRAUD UPON THE COURT" by lying & protraying himself to unknowing victims as a attorney. = ( The term public defender is primarily used to refer to a lawyer appointed to represent people who cannot afford to hire an attorney in the United States )

    1. Marty Prehn commits fraud just trying to pass himself off as a member of society.

    2. Damn, you got me there, Spammy .. That is so true. On a serious note, he can get into big trouble impersonating being a attorney ... and his solicitation of monies via his misrepertation of being a attorney and or a court advocate is also a problem .. his lies proclaiming to be a agent with the FBI etc .. are all bogus and criminal charges could and should be brought against him by REAL attorneys, Judges and local law enforcement.

    3. I am a person that marty said would help me see my children more. He said he'd first contact my ex and demand more time and if necessary he would talk to his police friends and a judge friend and file a moition with the court for me. He sent my ex a message on fb and threatened to get the fbi involved. My ex laughed at him and now I see my kids even less.

    4. He misrepersented himself to me as well anon@11:37 saying he was basically court advocate with connections to the media, courts, judges etc ... after obtaining personal info from me ... I discoved he is nothing more than a perverted con-man. Marty Prehn should be in jail. I'm sorry for what he's put you through.

    5. He did bring up sex alot and even asked when was the last time I had intercourse saying it would be brought up in court.

    6. He did with me as well anon@11:59

    7. Does Marty read what he posts & tags himself in?

      May 20, 2012
      — with Marty Prehn.

    8. I'll bet he didn't get as graphic with you as he did with me saying its normal to want sex every day but I should refrain from intercourse and stick to oral sex until after the hearing he was going to have set up for me. His words were far more crude.

    9. No buddy wanted You Marty You Were turned down so be a good lil creep and bend over and let MR CAMEL do his thing lmao

    10. OMG God! Really? I hope y'all didn't respond to him, other to say it's not any of your damn business.

      AnonymousJanuary 2, 2014 at 11:59 PM

      He did bring up sex alot and even asked when was the last time I had intercourse saying it would be brought up in court.

      Hey Marty: it's not true what they used to say about single women. You are in a new generation now, single women don't have to take any crap off men like you.

  25. Since the universe revolves around Marty Prehn and the only reason his son was busted running a drug house was retaliation by the mayor of Troy, Michigan trying to silence him, how does he want to spin Jr knocking up this woman and not paying a nickle of support ever?

    I think the mother was a government plant, seducing Jr with her feminine ways and purposefully getting pregnant knowing full well that Jr wouldn't pay his obligations.

    Total setup.

    1. How much are you suing the cops for this time?

      I wouldn't hold my breath on that Friday night dinner this evening...

      'Marty Prehn 60 minutes in an hour times 24 hours in a day and he has been held with never being read his miranda rights since June 28th. 60 minutes in an hour times 24 hours in a day equals 1,440 minutes in a day times $1,000 a minute is $1,440,000 a day and he has been held for 16.5 days so far. Not including missing his 22 birthday which only happens once in a life time the amount so far is a staggering amount of $23,760,000. Hey son it looks like you will be buying me dinner on Friday nights for some time to come. Will someone PLEASE make sure that Macomb County Sheriff Anthony Wickersham and Detective Locke and the Macomb County Board of Commissioners see this post. Thanks. Maybe Jamie Cook should put in on the front page of the Macomb Daily.
      Edited · Like · 1 · Jul 14
      Florence Iverson Fight on. All Politics Marty. Seems to be planned especially with your upcoming Hero Program. Whatever please take care of your health.
      Like · 2 · Jul 14"

      And Flo, you're just crazy as all get out...

    2. For those just tuning in...

      "Marty Prehn likes an article.
      Aug 4 ·
      More illegal conduct from law enforcement officers who are on a power kick just like Detective Justin Locke of the Macomb County Sheriff's Special Drug Enforcement Team. I reached out to Sheriff Wickersham in an e-mail for an opportunity to meet with myself, Prosecuting Attorney Eric Smith and Macomb County Executive Mark Hackell who were people that I personally know and respect and Mark is the former Sheriff to discuss this matter and all he would reply is that if my son had a complaint that he could file one with his department. I will do better then that and file a complaint with Barbara McQuade of the Department of Justice with the US Attorney's Office of the Eastern District and file one with Eric Holder the US Attorney and with the American Civil Libertties Union since my son's civil rights and his 4th amendment rights were VIOLATED and abuse of power was used by a member of the Macomb Counties Sheriff's Department which is appears that Sheriff Wickersham condones since he has to this date has not done or asked for an investigation into this serious matter. Please forward this fb post to your Macomb County Commissioner and ask why this case is NOT being investigated that could via a federal lawsuit cost the County and the Macomb County Sheriff's Department over $30,000,000. Look at the minutes of the July 11, 2013 Macomb County Commisioners meeting in the public comments as I did bring this to their attention and nothing has been done to correct this situation. So I am being left with no alternative then to file a federal civil rights lawsuit against the Macomb County Sheriff's Department and Macomb County and the Macomb County County Prosecuting Attorney's Office for not protecting the rights of its citizens from civil rights violations. Is my son Martin (Jr) the next Trevon Martin to be shot and killed because my son owns a flat screen tv or has cash in his pocket from his gainful employment or has a car in his driveway that is not even his but mine. When will this Police and Law Enforcement vigilanty abuse STOP! So what does a drug house look like? No Guns. No Weapons. and NO SEARCH WARRANT and drugs plantewd on my son in order to arrest him. And you think I will not speak up for my son? I did not have the luxuary of having a deputy sheriff to call me and tell me that my son was publically intoxicated and making a fool of himself by ripping off his shirt and telling the police" Don't you know who my dad is? He is the Sheriff and there is nothing you can do to me" and then come and thank my officers for watching my back and driving my son and his 3 drunk friends home so that they would not get arrested. As I have been told this is NOT the first time that this has happened I wonder if this is what they mean when they say POLICE PROTECTION? The other difference between Sheriff Wickersham and myself is that I am not allergic to horses but he is and cannot be near the horses in the mounted division of 12-14 horses due to this."

    3. Soooo Crazy, someone please forward this to the Barbara McQuade of the Department of Justice with the US Attorney's Office of the Eastern District & the Macomb County Sheriff's Department/ Sheriff W and Macomb County and the Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney Eric Smith per Marty's request ... PLEASE !!!! So you can arrest and lock up this mental case for impersonating a attorney & being a domestic terriorist ...

    4. Good old Marty Farty just has to add that extra zing of crazy = "The other difference between Sheriff Wickersham and myself is that I am not allergic to horses but he is and cannot be near the horses in the mounted division of 12-14 horses due to this." ???????????????

    5. That's the least of their differences, when you add that the other guy has a job, real badge and isn't crazy...

  26. 20/20 did a special on "Serial Hoaxer's" tonight. None of the Lying, Scamming Hoaxers featured were as big of LIARS as Marty is ... Marty is King of the Serial Hoaxers.

    1. If he were the king, 20/20 would put him on. He may be the biggest bullshitter of all time but a king is giving him way too much credit. Any scams Marty has pulled off is minimal or we'd see a ton of very vocal supporters in his favor.

  27. Hide your liquor, prescriptions and children.

    Two Prehn males are on the street tonight.

    1. Poor Jr. .. Farty probably made him walk home from jail, it is bitterly cold here in Michigan with lots of snow... there's no way Marty moved his blubbery fat ass off the couch to pick up his son. Well, maybe Farty picked him up if he heard about a memorial buffet at Kaul's on the way to the jail.

    2. I'm thinking Mimi sobered up long enough to get him.

      Someone has to score for the weekend...

  28. Bobby Schindler, brother of the late Terri Schiavo, is going to be on FoxNews tonight discussing a similar case that's been in the news.

    You remember Bobby, Marty. He's the guy whose foundation you so desperately tried in vain to attach yourself to? The guy that you said "by hell or highwater you were going to Philadelphia to wine and dine with Sarah Palin before you would permit Bobby to hold your stupid souvenir statue? The foundation under which you tried to solicit haircut and gas money from?

    The man who's late sister you claim is your and Dr Chism's guardian angel and saved both of your lives? The woman whose name you see in a beat up vehicle name plate and who inspired you to write a script for "Ghost II"?

    The man whose sister you claimed was murdered and you had irrefutable evidence to blow the case wide open?

    Well, he's going to be on a nationally televised program tonight. I hope it doesn't conflict with your own TV show that started airing last fall...

  29. "Marty Prehn Did I mention that there will be some real live Husky dogs at this years reunion picnic? Classes with a 5 year incremental reunions 1959,1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009. We will be looking for classic cars from these years to be on display for photos to be taken and a drive down memory lane. Whose car do you remember as being a really cool car while attending Lakeview High School? My friend FISH at INCHES custom car restoration will be having some of his restored "pimped out rides" on display and there is a rumor that a DeLorean like the one on back to the future will be on display and also in this years Memorial day parade. The class of 1974 is challenging these other mentioned years to a parade float contest for the 2014 Memorial Day Parade. I have to get with Bob Montgomery and the SCS Parade Committee but several of my Detroit Tiger old timers from the 1968 and 1984 World Series Championship Teams have agreed to take part in the parade and possibly our reunion picnic as well. Helen Childers check with Bob Seger who is vacationing on Maui and see if he is still going to come and sing a few songs with Billy Hulet and the Hip Replacements. The invite is also out to Kid Rock and other unnamed tv personalities. Does anyone besides myself remember Russ Ryans 1968 or 1969 white and orange convertible Camaro that was the Pace car for the Indy 500 in 1969. It helps that his dad either owned a Chevy car dealership or worked there. My friend FISH has one of those and pimped out Nick Fairley's Escalade who is #98 on the Detroit Lions Football team.
    Edited · Like ·"

    1. OMG, How can one fat man lie so much? Marty has "NOTHING" ... I repeat NOTHING to do with either the Lakeview Reunion or the SCShores Memorial Day parade ... NOTHING !!!! He is not on any boards or committes .. he is nothing more than a observer at both, he has NO Det.Tiger player friends NONE (except for being friend with Denny M on FB, who Marty lied to and promised him he would get Denny on a box of Wheaties & on the Ellen show) LOL ... like that ever happened... he (Marty) is NOT friends or connected with Bob Seger or is Helen the dimwit. He basically is just blowing smoke up everyone's ass, AGAIN ... !!!!

    2. Is this a new comment?? It sure looks like all the same stuff he promised for last year. Is he recycling his lies again?


      There's pathological liars and then there's a level of sociopath in Marty that is off the scale.

      Marty, several from the reunion page that are making fun of you behind your back in private. They have been killing themselves for a few weeks now waiting for you to spew your next pile of crap. You truly are the butt of jokes, keep up the outrageous lies! :)

    4. Lol Anon@6:51 ... The parade people are laughing even harder than the reunion people are, espically about Marty and his closeTiger pals being in the parade behind Farty's back. They too have been waiting for one of hos "COMPLETE LIE & BOGUS" posts and the speciial asshole came through again with the above crap. Lol .. Spammy, Marty just posted that pile of crap on his FB wall ..

    5. I guess he didn't have the guts to post it on the SCS site. He buried it in the comments on his own page. I wonder if Helen has run over to Bob Segers hotel and talked to him yet??

    6. He posted part of it on the reunion page, Robert. And, I hear Helen is way too busy posing for pic's of herself from NYE ... the strange thing is ... the dress she is wearing is from 20 years ago .. I wore the same dress on NYE 20 years ago ???? So, either Helen found herself a 20 yr old dress at the thrit store or .... these are not this NYE's pics (like she's claiming) but NYE pics from 20 years ago .

    7. What an a hole fat Farty Marty was not in scs high school in 68/69 to remember the orange and white car damn turd

  30. What the hell is "Mongoose Training"?? Does he teach people how to figure out which funerals will have a buffet afterwards?

    1. That's "Mongoose Tutoring", RC3.

      Get it right, damnit. You're making a mockery of his education.

    2. My bad Spammy. Now I worry about how many other mongooses there are out there needing tutoring. Marty sure did a fine job tutoring the Jr Mongoose. Seems like a carbon copy of Mongoose Sr!

  31. (Wow, just Wow .... these posts by Marty show what a disgusting, self-serving, egotistical piec of shit he really is ..)
    Marty Prehn - Ditto Nichole. I would also like to ask others who follow me and are part of my army to please state where you are from. Thanks. We have declared WAR on Elder and Guardianship Abuse. June 13, 2013 at 9:14am ·

    Marty - Gosh I almost sound like Jesus don't I? "FOLLOW ME AND I WILL TURN YOU INTO A HERO AND AN ADVOCATE FOR THE ELDERLY AND VULNERABLE ADULTS." June 13, 2013 at 9:16am ·

    Marty Prehn Do I hear an AMEN?
    June 13, 2013 at 9:17am · Like..

    Marty Prehn - My statue now has a name. It is Oscar as in Oscar Meyer Weiner for If I am an Oscar Meyer Weiner. Everyone will be in love with me. June 13, 2013

    1. Marty (and we know you're reading this):

      If anyone including family, children, former high school friends, make believe Facebook friends, people at Dimitri's and even Florence Iverson gave a shit about you, you'd be on medication and in some type of institution where you couldn't harm yourself or others.

      The fact that you're running free speaks volumes of how much anyone really cares about you.

    2. He is a freakin' Weiner ... a Scummy Weiner who is insane and dangerous with his solicting names, locations, emails and telephone numbers from women across the internet under the guise of being a elderly advocate.

    3. yappy is now feeling very illJanuary 5, 2014 at 1:31 AM

      MAKE IT STOP! For the love of God and all things humane, please do not discuss his tiny little invisible weiner. There are some things a woman should never read about........................... Marty Prehn's weiner is one of them!!!

    4. MR Cookout hit me up I cant send you email ect fix this thanks

    5. Anon 4:37 I'm not sure what the problem is but I'll see what I can find out.

  32. see January 5 @8:35 re Alicia's possible crime

    1. Who is Alicia and what crime are you referring too?

  33. one of her admissions was copied and posted here on Jan 2 @1:55. It would appear she was a major contributer in the Doc Chism travesty.

  34. Replies
    1. To violate HIPPA laws you have to reveal private health info. I don't think the comment by Alicia would qualify. Now the fact that she had access to the Dr's patient list and was using it for personal things would be highly illegal. Who gave her access to people's health records??

  35. She worked for Dr Chism and also the new Dr and would have all patients information, personal and health.

    1. Using that info for any reason other than her job is illegal.

    2. The best part of Alicia's post is her pointing out most of the Drs patients think he is where he wants to be. It shows they don't think anyone should be trying to force the Dr to seperate from his wife. The only people who that to happen are the ones who want to get control of his money. Marty included.

  36. Sure looks that way. The love of money is the root of __ ____.

    1. I agree with 9:35 that its a violation of hippa federal state and local laws and needs to be removed immediately

    2. That's not going to happen. There isn't a HIPPA violation in the comment. Not to mention that is a cut and paste of someone else's public comment. I didn't make the comment it just happens that someone found it interesting and re-posted it here. I'm not removing it.

    3. I don't understand the anon's concern about a copy pasted comment being a HIPPA violation, and thus needing to be removed from here. There isn't any client or patient information posted in the comment first of all, and second, if she publically admitted to using patient information to contact them directly, that's her issue with the patients and the Dr.'s. No one on a blog can file anything against her, it has to come from those directly violated.

      Also, maybe the anon should find out where the comment was originally posted and work from there, if they have some concern about it being shared other places. (since it could end up being shared again, like it was shared over here)

  37. Wonder who, what or why wants to delete? There is a whole lot more comments where that came from. Nice to see someone standing up to the bullies.

    1. It's someone that doesn't like the fact that the comment points out most people didn't think the all the interference in the Drs life was needed. He was happy where he was so why not let him stay. Wouldn't you want the last days of an elderly person life to be spent where they are happy? One mire indicator that people weren't concerned with his happiness, only his money.

    2. I agree!! That comment is priceless. Those who knew and loved the Dr. knew more than the distant (physically and emotionally) offspring, and their grifter loud mouthed spokesman/conman.

    3. Very insightful, Ninja and Mr C. 3rd. The offsperm along with the MP bully team smelled a new tragedy to profit from. Nice to see some evil exposed. Good Job!

  38. Ive overheard that Marty plans to take over whatever money Florence Iverson has left when she passes. According to Marty it wont be long.

    1. Usually that's Marty's plan. Only problem is he isn't patient enough to wait until they pass. He wants to start spending it now.

    2. He said he has a gift of sweet talking to old ladies.

  39. Is the anon kidding .. remove the post that is on Marty's facebook and Alicia's? The two of them had a running converstaion going .. the post from Alicia was in response to Marty asking for emails of the Dr's patients that Marty was hoping would support his and the Chism kids claim the Dr was being abused ..this was just one of the posts that Alicia plastered all over Facebook including this one ...

    Alicia Payne Dawidowicz- WXYZ-TV Channel 7
    January 22, 2012 at 7:15pm · ..

    Thank you for running the story about Dr. James F. Chism and his children's fight for his life!! Please continue to follow his story, there is so much more that needs to be told!!
    2 people like this..
    Susan Lucier - This story is speaks about Elder Abuse that is hidden in this country!

    January 23, 2012 at 1:30am · Like..

    1. Is Alicia one of MP's "hot" girl friends or just a co-conspirator? Ditto re Susan Lucifer the lone "like" to Alicia remark

  40. Posted on a pic of the Chism Kids =
    Marty Prehn - I found a camera that was hidden in your dad's room that had a picture of KK asking the nurse to please shut the door to your dad's room so she could be alone with him. This too will be in the article that I will get Jamie to write. February 18, 2013 at 11:30pm..

    Marty Prehn - My new sisters are so fricking HOT! You ALL look great. February 18, 2013 at 11:31pm..
    Marty Prehn - We need to find a way for TEAM CHISM to go to Bobby Schindler's fundraiser in Pennsylvania the 5th of April. Sarah Pail and Marty Prehn will be the featured speakers for the evening. February 18, 2013 at 11:33pm

    1. How'd that speaking engagement work out for you Marty?? Those people don't even know you exist much less ask you to be a "Featured Speaker". You really do live in a dream world. Just one more grand thing you claimed was going to happen that never did.

    2. Should VOYEUR now be added to MP's titles?

    3. Who is "KK"?

      Krispy Kream?

    4. So Marty Prehn not only tells Jamie Cook what stories to write, he now dictates the content.

      Marty controls the media. Does Cook know?

    5. "Marty Prehn - We need to find a way for TEAM CHISM to go to Bobby Schindler's fundraiser "

      Read: We need to bum vacation money...

    6. Marty Prehn - My new sisters are so fricking HOT!

      If you had said that to your real sisters, it would be considered incestous Marty. How BIG of a sick perverted scumbag are you? Should the cops be checking your computer files?

    7. I can only imagine the horrors they'd find...

  41. Susan is one of the greedy daughters.


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