Thursday, December 12, 2013

Marty Prehn's World of Real Estate Woes

How would you like to own a lake access cottage in northern Michigan for only $873.64?

Marty Prehn is once again, looking a gift horse square in the mouth, and we're not talking about Helen Childers this time.

Having inherited free of all encumbrances, his parents lake access cottage appears to be heading to the same fate as his late mother's house due to Marty's complete disregard of his responsibilities.  You may recall that while under Marty's control of her finances, he neglected to pay the property taxes on his mother's home for two years, ultimately resulting in a tax foreclosure.  This was the primary residence that his parents bought, maintained and allowed their good-for-nothing son to live rent free in.  It went to the tax man for a mere $582.33 before the sheriff kicked him to the curb. 

To Marty's credit, he did the only thing he's good at in an attempt to save the ol' homestead - beg for money!

His benefactor last time was Florence "Take my Money" Iverson, who sent Marty $600 through his Legal Defense Fund scam.  However, being the financial wizard that he is, Marty used this act of charity for other purposes - likely junk food.

If history is any predictor of future behavior, you may deduce that:

A) Marty will hit Flo up for an extra $900 to his existing monthly stipend.

B) Marty will eat it.

C) Marty will lose his inheritance to tax foreclosure.

Thanks, Mom and Dad!


  1. I would think saving your house from tax foreclosure would be more important than say:
    A $50 a plate civil rights fundraiser just to get a picture with Danny Glover
    $150 fund raiser so you can get a picture with an ex convict former pitcher
    Spend a night drinking at G. Willies so you can run a sting on the imaginary people following you!!

    1. True. In actuality, I doubt he paid for anything.

      Schied probably got the Glover tickets from his "Hollywood contacts" and he's yet to post pictures of that Tiger function.

      And even if he does, it doesn't prove that he paid to get in. More than likely, he conned Flo into making a $150 donation to Wounded Warriors and pocketed her ticket.

      Serial scammer.

    2. Yeah, i think if Fat Ass was really at the Denny M charity event he would have plastered them on Facebook on every news station, Police Dept ... FBI ... Gov of Mi ect ... page's ... he'd have made it his profile pic ... he may have been down there cleaning up after the event, but ... that's about it .. The G.Willie's gig he did not put in when the tab came & I thought we already knew he was sweeping floors at the Glover thing .. the guy is a pro, he doesn't pay for anything, know anyone or actually give a shit about what event he crashes and freeloads off of ... PURE SCUM .

    3. In one of the videos Marty did for non vetting Windsor, didn't Marty say he lost his home because of the family? Blamed them completely. Like, he took no responsibility what so ever, like they just swooped in and took it from him?

      He lost the home. WOW, what a complete jerk. That home, his parents works so hard for, to pay off, and he conned them into leaving to him...I bet they would be so hurt to know he just let it slip away for such a stupid reason, and for such a small amount of money. Unbelievable, he cherishes nothing.

      And now he's on to lose property number two. It's a shame the family couldn't do something to get it away from him, before it is lost too.

    4. Ninja- I beleive in the LA video he says he lost two homes to foreclosure. Those were his own home & lake cottage. He lost those because he was using the trust money to make the payments. Marty's parents were paying his mortgage on both of those properties before Mr Prehn passed. After Marty lost access to the trust money he lost them both to foreclosure for non payment of the mortgage.

    5. Ok so basically what I am getting, is that he allowed the three homes, including the "family" home to be taken, because he failed to be a responsible adult. He was being spiteful, throwing a tantrum. Got it.

      Did it never occur to this fat farce he could have rented out the homes, and let more people pay his bills?

      I don't give a crap about his own two homes, that's whatever, his karma, but losing the family home, where I assume they all had fond memories, there are not enough words, that aren't four letters, that I can think of to describe my feelings about him right now.

    6. At least he managed to salvage that stupid souvenir statue from the family vacation out west!

  2. Never occurred to him to get a job, I suppose.

    Just ramps up his con games...

  3. Marlene Nelson-Rhoades (Prehn)December 13, 2013 at 10:25 AM

    What Marty doesn't say is that the Estate paid for the mortgage, utilities, taxes and insurance on the Cubberness home and the cottage for almost 2 years.(after my Dad died) The Cubberness home was free and clear when my Dad died. Marty took out an $80,000 mortgage and blew through that Money in 5 months. Marty will never take responsibility for his actions. Shame on the stupid woman that believe and support him...

    1. Aside from eating massive amounts of junk food, how did he blow $80k so fast?

    2. Marlene Nelson-Rhoades (Prehn)December 13, 2013 at 10:51 AM

      I will have to go through the bank statements ... but what I remember..$900 to $1,200 a month on eating out!

    3. Marty gives new meaning to "living large"...

    4. Wasn't that money being supplied by your mothers SS check?

    5. Wow, well bank statements or not, just look at his gut, that's good enough evidence for me. How disgusting. He made sure he didn't go hungry, but let the home go. For under 700.00. Disgusting.

    6. You'd think a Special Agent, Rocky Trainer, Pilot, head of security for the Detroit Tigers, and Presidential bodyguard would he able to come up with $700. Especially when you consider Flo sent him $600 of it.

    7. $1200/month is a lot at expensive restaurants.

      Marty eats less expensive greasy spoon/bar food.

      That's A LOT of food!

    8. I've been told it's at places like Linda's, Travis Burgers, and his big favorite Del Taco.

    9. How on earth can Florence and Helen not get they are being used? I mean, Florence gave him the money to save the home, and he lost it anyway.

      What kind of idiots would keep handing over hard earned money, to a man who hasn't done a damn thing to deserve it, other than coming up with an extravagant lie, to make them feel sorry for him.

    10. Do people understand why he calls Florence Iverson "my adoptive mom"?

      She sure stepped into that role.

      Or should I say bank roll?

    11. I would say "Yes". People understand very well. Better question is, does Florence? She was played, and is still being played. I don't know what's worse. The fact that the Master Manipulator Marty hones in on people with big hearts, or the fact that people would ignore the truth, and continue to feed the beast. (pun intended)

    12. Marlene- How did Marty possibly qualify for a mortgage on that house? With no income it would be hard to get a loan. And was the home in his name when he did it. With Marty's history I can't help but think something shady went on there.

    13. @RC3/Marlene Nelson-Rhoades (Prehn)

      Good question.

      The foreclosure notice listed Gerhard Prehn as the deeded owner of record?

    14. I am wondering if he used the "guardianship" as leverage for income qualifications since Gerhard Prehn was still on title. Maybe Marty forged some documents? There are lots of possibilities here. But, Marty got the case out and used, he was the one who benefited regardless of how he did it.

      Depending on the year it was refinanced he may have gone "stated" no income qualification. There were plenty of loans going around before the market crashed, that I am sure he could have manipulated, but Marlene could be more specific, as I am just throwing out guesses.

    15. Marlene Nelson-Rhoades (Prehn)December 15, 2013 at 3:27 AM

      The loan was in my Mom's name.MP said that he was a co-signer.. but I never saw any documents that would support that claim.

  4. Marlene Nelson-Rhoades (Prehn)December 13, 2013 at 10:28 AM

    What I meant to say ... After my Mom came to live with me is when the estate paid for the Cubberness and Cottage expense even after my Mother passed.

  5. Marty is too busy planning for the revolution and grand juries. When the revolution starts he's the first guy I'm shooting.

  6. I see Marty promoting the grand jury stuff again. (Guess he's helping Schied since Bill is, well, um, taking a short "break") He shared the link from Niki Hannevig, IE Varonica Hannevig same woman who is also listed on the Sovereign whatckadoodle watch list with David Schied via the SPLC.

    Quote from the SPLC hatewatch page.
    " apparent adherent of the radical antigovernment “sovereign citizens” movement (whose followers believe they are exempt from most federal laws and taxes and who often indicate their movement affiliation by inserting punctuation marks into their names). Hannevig maintains a personal website, The Truth Store, which features prominently a notice to the government that she was “born in the United States of diplomatic representatives by hereditary succession of the Kingdom of Heaven” and that she claims “the property, rights, privileges and immunities granted to me and my heirs by hereditary succession by Our Father, Y’hw(v)’h, the Creator and sovereign ruler of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them.”

    1. Marty mentions Citizen Grand Juries in his interview with Oakley. He said one was needed to prosecute his siblings for the crimes they committed against him. He could never produce any evidence in a regular court so he wants to go after them with a CGJ. He wants to just say "this is what they did, lock them up". I think they had trials like that many years ago in Salem didn't they??

    2. I don't think Marty could come up with 12 monkeys that see things his way, much less jurors...

    3. Ah but Spamanon, these anit-government peeps don't want regular jurors, they want their spiffy, hand picked, everything is a conspiracy, therefore we must overthrow the government types to make up the juries. You know, how William M Windsor laid out in his Lawless America website, where they charge everyone with "treason" the only thing that will uphold the death penalty as punishment.

      Marty is anti truth. They all are. Marti Oakley supports this kind of destructive belief, and has interviewed Bill worshipers. It's just a disguising group of Anti-Government people that found common hatred of the USA to promote their hatred against anyone who tries to stand up for what's right.

    4. Nikki is also on the teaching staff at Roger Sherman Institute, which was co-founded by Schied.

    5. Dang. Did y'all watch the video Marty posted? I'd be willing to bet Marty has no idea what that's all about. The video came from a group called National Liberty Alliance. They are on a mission from God to be free from all laws.

      On their web site there is an Oathe Keepers video - LMAO for about 3 minutes then had to turn it off. Dude is smarter than 90% of population, didn't have any psych training but learned a lot rubbing elbows with those that did during his 5 years in the army and quotes scientific proof that the US government staged 911.

    6. I wonder if he has to take an annual aptitude test like Marty does for all that classified intel they have access to...

    7. For those just tuning in...

      "Marty Prehn August 26, 2013 at 8:35 PM
      Due to the nature of my activites and the access I have each year I am required to take a mental aptitude test so to refute one of the comments made on the Joey blog. I am not an idiot."

    8. If he goes to the same people he would like to make up his grand juries, I'd say, proof they are bias, unable to be diplomatic, earnest, or truthful. Marty, you sir, are an idiot. Fail! (if it's not by his bias people, what toilet cleaners association requires a mental aptitude test?)


  7. Marty Prehn - My stomach is almost as large as my heart. Time to get out my Richard Simmons work out and my tricot shorts and tank top 1 and 2 and 3 and 4. I'm too sexy for my drawers August 15, 2011 at 1:27pm

  8. Marty Prehn - Well at least you got the side and back of my head. Top right of center. December 19, 2012 at 10:11am..

    Marty Prehn - Guess this is why they call me the Silver Fox.
    December 19, 2012 at 10:12am

  9. Every time I see the word y'hw or any other form of the word, I think of crazy people and child molesters.

  10. can't get my posts to post here about Agent Fatty ... Ugh !

  11. Marty just can't wrap his fat head around the fact that his Chism adventure is over, the family ignores him and Barbie Nemeth ended her stupid blog radio program weeks ago.

    While Laurie shares about her travels, Marty turns the conversation to his tonnage...

    Never did get that invite to Tampa last month, eh Marty?

    "Laurie Chism About 3 hours we are outside of Tampa on the west coast
    Like · Yesterday at 8:52pm
    Marty Prehn Hey little sister. 70 down and 100 or so to go. HAPPY ANNIVESARY to TEAM CHISM. And Moneyhands is in trouble. I am thinking that it is time to do a follow up blog radio show with Barbie Doll and TEAM CHISM and THE ELDER AVENGER.
    Like · 1 · Today at 5:42am"

    1. I don't think Barbie is gone for good. She's to desperate for attention. As far as Marty and "Team Chism" go, I think he's been cut from that team for good. Now they just want him to go away.

    2. *shudders*
      Why don't they use the SETTINGS feature on these pages & block him? It's really making my brain ache!
      I will say I haven't noticed any new posts from him on the SCS Summer a Reunion FB page, since Marlenie made the request private contact info not be out for stalker to pluck!

    3. He'll gets a lot of mileage out of that Chism crap and even exploits it to penetrate other families. Below is one of his more despicable attempts, going after the poor family of Terri Schiavo:

      "Marty Prehn
      March 27 via YouTube
      Get ready for Marty the MONGOOSE aka the ELDER AVENGER.I am taking this story on the road and will be traveling across the county to EXPOSE the fraud and corruption that went on in my mother case where I believe she was starved to death just the way Terri Schiavo was. Both were acts of greed and MURDER. So many things have happened to me over the past three years and I am convinced that Terri Schiavo's spirit plays a very big role in the people I have met and the purpose for me meeting these people and having to go through what I went through is ALL being to make sense. The ONLY thing that Michael Schiavo and the court system killed was Terri's physical body. Her spirt and her soul live on today and I KNOW that she helped save the life of Dr. Jim Chism a chiroprator from Fraser, Michigan. In April I will be at the MURDER trial of the fiance / husband of Janice Grace who was strangled to death in her home on Gallagher street in Hamtramack, Michigan. I also attended a memorial service held for the wife of an Eastpointe woman who ran a popcorn store and she too was MURDERED by her husband. If you want to know if guardian angels exist just ask me. THEY DO and I believe that Terri Schiavo is my guardian angel. The name TERRI, or TERRY or Theresa have come up so many different ways when I asked this "presense" or spirit to identify themselves. I was told to look to the name of my vehicle for the answer. I drive a TRAILBLAZER. DO YOU SEE IT? Her name is hidden within the name of my SUV. There are the letters T-R-I-E-R or TERRI as in Terri Schindler-Schiavo and she saved my life and the life of Dr. Jim Chism and I believe that she wants me to prove that her husband Michael Schiavo tried to strangle her to death on February 25th, 1990 and I believe that I have uncovered how he was trying to poison her as well. Get ready for GHOST II."

      He really is a horrible monster, the way he mines the internet looking to latch onto decent, mourning families. He's currently data mining obituaries in Michigan...

    4. I had heard of wedding crashers before but I'd never heard of a funeral crasher before Marty. What kind of person goes to multiple funerals of people he doesn't know?

    5. "Marty Prehn You already are a part of my team that is why I friended you. Most people do not know this but Terri always wanted a big brother and now she has a really big one who is going to prove with a citizens grand jury and help from the Florida Attorney General's office, the FBI and the US Justice Department that Michael Schiavo intended to kill Terri but she would NOT DIE!. JUst like a fricken scene out of the movie GHOST II Terri's 1st words to me was I thought DITTO until I realized she was telling me that HE DID IT! That MIchael Schiavo tried to murder her and I know why and I know how.
      March 28 at 7:07pm · Like · 1"

    6. "Marty Prehn commented on a link.
      April 7
      Chris Ingram this is just the tip of the iceburg my friend. What makes yoiu think that the FBI and the US Department of Justice are going to STOP their investigation into this matter. There were several local, state and federal crimes committed here and I am suprised that no one other than myself have made the connection with Jim Greer and his brother Circuit court Judge George Greer who was the Judge who ordered the MURDER of Terri Schiavo by having her starved to death. Funny how Charlie Crist and Judge Greer are such good friends and how Judge George Greer's brother Jim was able to use Hank Coxe as his attorney and yet he never signed in as Jim's attorney or record and who paid this high price attorney his going rate in order to make a last minute deal that threw out the fraud charges and reduced his sentence to only 18 months. Kinda makes you wonder if Judge George Greer used hus judicial influence and power to get a reduced sentence for his brother Jim. And finally what is the relationship between Judge George Greer, Jim Greer, Charlie Crist, Michael Schiavo and Michael Schiavo's attorney and a suspected terrorist from Iran who just came back from a visit over seas. I hope this is not the case but with all of the information that Jim Greer has and the threats he made to expose politicians and Charlie Crist if he went to jail I will be VERY surprised if Jim Greer walks out alive in 18 months. I believe he is a marked man and viewed as a loose cannon by many in the Florida Republican GOP. News reporters need to get back to investigating their stories and their sources. My sources tell me that this suspected Iranian terrorist contributed $300.00 to Charlie Crist's campaign back in 1998 and has contributed to other politicians as well and is friends with all of them and yet he is sending large amounts of money back to Iran to support the terrorism that is going on there as well. He brags to people that he is working as an informant and spy for the FBI and CIA to get information about the nuclear program back in his country but this too is a lie. Now one has to wonder if the court order by Judge George Greer to have Terri Schiavo starved to death was a conspiracy from the very beginning to commit MURDER. Looks like it might be time to bring in DATELINE MSNBC with my friends Lester Holt and Chris Hansen to EXPOSE the FRAUD and CORRUPTION that has been going on in Florida for many, many years now."

    7. Sorry for the lengthy Marty-rant above, but readers need to see the depth of his insanity.

    8. Marty is clearly a very disturbed threat to the public and himself. Why he is allowed to wander free and harass decent people day and night shows what is wrong with our mental health system.

    9. Nice work Spammy. I think it's great to show just what he does. He finds stories like this, then falsely takes credit for something he had absolutely nothing to do with. He uses stories like this to gain trust from those too stupid to actually research.

      You're right, this guy is totally disturbed. What kind of rational, normal, sane person, needs to rant on like this, and sell himself? It's just like the Gala story. He has absolutely nothing to do with that case. He didn't get the cameras into the court. He didn't do any such thing. He is a total liar. I mean, not little white lies, we are talking full blown malicious lies, that hurt people. He's also a name dropper. Finds all the already news worthy stories and attaches himself like a leech. Its really scary to think he could work his way into someone's life, by pretending he will take care of them, like he's some expert elder care person, only to get them to give him total control over their estate, finances, health care, etc. He has tried before, and he will do it again.

  12. Me too, exactly in that order!

    ℗ ♛

  13. So, I have decided to call Agent Prehns buff with this BS Regan photo. I know your over here reading. If Prehn you don't answer to who you are in your profile photo and why your there if your really in this photo or why you claim you were on some security detail and you don't explain it all to us, I will be calling the Detroit FBI office on Monday Morning explaining to them there is this Whackjob who is telling people at local establishments he is an EX-CIA agent and or FBI agent. Then they will figure it all out. This is not the Greatest American Hero episode.

    1. Sean- I've never heard him claim he's ex anything. He acts as if he's active.

    2. @ Sean, good, you should call. Maybe the reason so many people fall victim to Marty, is because he pretends to be sewn into the FBI, CIA, DOJ, all three letter organizations because he falsely impersonates a "security detail" type job. If people knew he was a fraud, that he doesn't have any connections what-so-ever, and throws this stuff around solely to "USE" to work people over, through trust, maybe he'd finally be exposed as a fraud, a con man, a swindler, a manipulator, and a thief.

      Working his way into wealthy families who have issues with guardianship by using his fake credentials, only to get them to trust him, and milk the family. Perhaps the three letter people will uncover some of it, once they put a stop to his impersonating some kind of "special agent" b.s.

    3. Yeah, Marty. Please explain the whole Reagan thing to us and all the readers of this blog who prefer to not post - and there are a lot of them.

      This isn't just a private chat between Joey expatriates...

  14. I feel bad for both of his children - and grandchild.

    I really do. Jr is a victim, to a certain extent, of his father's criminal behavior and his offspring is going to have a rough road ahead.

    I don't remember reading much about his daughter. Marty never seems to mention her. Hopefully, she's escaped from the curse.

    1. I've heard nothing but great things about Marty's daughter. That's why I refuse to drag her into this. I won't discuss her unless she wants to get involved.

    2. I agree. Power to her if she's successfully escaped.

      I was only pointing out Marty's apathy towards his own children.

  15. Great News! Five months after asking to be invited to speak at Cheryl Chodun's (that's how you spell it, moron) going away party, Marty and her finally became Facebook friends today!

    "Glenda Lewis how would you like to be one of my co hosts of I NEED A HERO program that I am putting on in the City of St. Clair Shores on Saturday August 10th to address the issues of Elder and Guardianship Abuse, Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Adults, Bullying, Human Trafficking and to see about raising money to keep me alive with a pacemaker that my cardiologist say I need as I have just been told that without it my days are numbered. Call me at 1 586 563 0989 and let me know when channel 7 is having a dinner in Cheryl Chodoun's honor as I want to be invited and speak as to her greatness as a tv journalist. I will be having a contest between the 3 major Detroit Networks to see which Michigan Heroes and which Hollywood legends we can have come to raise national awareness of these crimes against the elderly. I am thinking of also have Bise from Channel 4 and Taryn Asher or Amy Lange from FOX 2 news Detroit as my other co hosts as well. Call me and let's make this happen and I figured out a way to reprive you in your mother's role as the reporter who interviewed the future Heavy Weight Champion of the world. I think you will like it. Youwill be very suprised who the 2 Super Heavy Weights are that will go into the ring to Fight to STOP Elder and Guardianship Abuse.
    Edited · Like · 4 hours ago
    Marty Prehn Many do not know this but I was Sylvester Stallone's speech coach and had to teach him to talk with that Philidelphia accent and east coast drawl. Absolutely."

    1. Never in my life have I encountered a person that is as full of crap as Marty is. Does he really think anyone believes any of this drivel???

    2. I think it goes beyond lies. I think Marty believes these stories as irrefutable truths.

      You don't need a PhD in psychiatry to come up with a diagnosis of extreme mental illness.

    3. @ 1:29 "Five months after asking to be invited to speak at Cheryl Chodun's (that's how you spell it, moron) going away party, "

    4. Spam what page was this on? I know these WXYZ news anchors. My father retired from there and passed a couple of years ago and I received many emails and phone calls from them. Point is Marty Does not know them at all.

    5. It's on his Facebook in July or so.

    6. He is like a News Groupie that drops names like who knows. Weird.

    7. He's nothing like a news groupie, Sean.

      Marty is the most ignorant and uninformed person I've ever come across in my life.

      He just lives in a fantasy world. Totally unplugged from any semblance of reality.

    8. Ah I think you're giving him an out. Ignorant and uninformed means he doesn't know what he's doing. I think he does this maliciously and intentionally to promote himself as larger (not just the gut) than life. He pretends he knows everyone, so when he does his stupid interviews with dumbasses like Marti Oakley, or posts his "Look at me" rants on FB pages, he's well versed in name dropping for the appearance of importance. It takes an experienced con artist, to drop as many names as he does, without blinking an eye.

    9. I wouldn't call him a con artist. More like a con amateur. Difference is his targets and anyone else who actually believe him.

      An artist can fool normal people. Anyone who falls for Marty is subnormal. His success is found in the fact that he hasn't been jailed for fraud or committed to a mental institution.


    10. Fair call. My bad. Ok, con man. (really con monster)

  16. Here is another prime example of Marty trying to latch on to someone's misfortune. Thank God after 10 years, Amanda can spot a slimeball and ignored him.

    "Marty Prehn recommends an article on NBC News.
    Jul 28 via NBC News
    Why to go Amanda. Good to know that you are no longer a victim but a survivor. I am looking forward to the 3 of you coming to FDetroit when we have our conference of public awareness to what human trafficking is all about. Myself and many others are so very proufd of you and the courage to get set free. You can contact me at so we can discuss this further.

    Cleveland kidnapping victim Amanda Berry surprises concert crowd
    One of three women held captive in a Cleveland home for a decade appeared at a public event for the first time since her rescue, a day after her abductor pleaded guilty in the case. "

    1. Again, for those just tunning in, Marty hallucinated that he was putting on some sort of Elder Abusapalooza, which then morphed into Human Trafficstock, and was to feature every celebrity from LA to Bollywood. The main event was to be Marty giving his own eulogy, complete with casket and spooky lights!

  17. Feeling pretty confident in that new defense attorney next week, eh Marty? What are you going to say if Jr gets locked up? Aside from running a drug house, he has some pretty nasty probation violations he also has to answer to.

    "Deborah Howell Roser > Marty Prehn
    2 hours ago ·
    Marty, yes I will be at work in Judicial Aide on Wednesday. I knew you would be at court that day because I do all of the attorney cost sheets for the judges. Stop up and say hello. I am at the reception counter and everyone knows my business there. There is no privacy at the counter! You better behave yourself! lol — in Warren, MI."

    1. It would help if I included this:

      "Marty Prehn Big new coming out of the Macomb County Court this week regarding misconduct by several of the detecti drug enforcement team similar to what recently happened out in the LA area.
      1 · 6 hours ago"

    2. I am seeing some type of sexual misconduct going on there. What about you. Do you have a link to these comments?

    3. Anything is possible with the Mongoose on the loose!

    4. Spam where is this convo at?

    5. Where else? On his Facebook.

  18. Marty says in a latest statement, " Shows how much you know about riparian rights and a court ordered lake level by the use of a dam. There are no legal riparian rights west of the BIG river Curty."

    I question though is not those rights common law rights the same rights that he wants to govern by?

    1. It appears Marty's argument in the case was based on common law. I looked up the property on Google Earth. Based on news reports, satellite pics & MI law - Marty appears to be within his common law & MI rights to build the dock.

      But that whole Marty statement confuses me. If there are no riparian rights, then what was the law suit about? The property that is subject of the suit is east of the Big River. And I found no exclusions to MI law re: east/west side of the State.

    2. Marty's comment is very confusing. I don't think he even has a clue, he only knows that his attorney was able to negotiate a settlement on his behalf. And why is he posting this article now? When it appears it was settled in 2009?

    3. LOL @ Self..more coffee needed. stat! Ninaj...hahahaha

    4. Common law probably also establishes legal remedies for that attorney to place a mechanics lein on the subject property for nonpayment of his $200/hour legal bill.

  19. I wonder what grampa is going to get Lil' Trey-Trey for Christmas?

    For that matter, how about momma Flo?

  20. Marty seems to love my big lips. I am concerned he might try to stalk me down in bill fashion and rape me. He is a bigger man. I have heard men like him being called "bears".

    Marty states, "Just in case you did not know what a cyber stalker and cyber bully looks like. I don't know which is worse the pot holes in the roads in Michigan or the pot holes on Sean Flemming's face. Dude time to get a face lift or maybe even plastic surgery. And Marty is spelled Marty. How much did you pay to have your fat lips made to look that big. Dude seriously you lookm like a white version of NBA New York KNICKS star Patrick Ewing with those lips and sewer holes for nostrils."

    For the record I am a disabled Veteran because of my skin. I am asking for a formal apology here or I will make certain that everyone that he tries to advocate for knows that he wants to pick on peoples skin issues and the disabilities of Veterans.

    My advice more than an apology here is that Mr. Prehn understand that he is advocating for Lawless America to which he has bestowed upon himself the Michigan Director. This group believe in executing politicians.

    I would make more rebuttal videos of this sorry guy who appears to be a some type of attention needing guy. So I will starve him of any more limelight. Maybe unless there is some real news story covering him as a wanna be.

    I am starting to think advocate = Ass for a cause.

  21. Marty stated in the blog he won the cottage bag from his family in co. lies now back a while in 2012 he stated in the paper or blog one of that Dr and kids could live in his home for 600 a month knowing far well his ass was heading to the street curb// good thing the kids did not get there way what would have become of Dr chism omgawd I shudder

  22. Sean its ok ill tell you what as a vet I can not understand Flo Iverson who is former woman marine ret standing up for that pos Marty and to claim USMC not the same corp I was in>>>makes me wonder if flo ever was a wm

  23. Del Toco any one??? ummmm Marty you wont starve if you cant have tocos for a while smh I mean your sooooo fat You have to turn sideways to get thru most doors now???"??? hey wide load did it cross your mind that bark radio Barb Nemateh or whatever and them kids may have played you also like you play everyone else>>where are them kids I wonder the care so about elders where are they HMMM was it all about money the one child vist and said it was a good vist his dad was fine??what about relative up north she basic told you to piss off from what I read LOL what a looser Marty

  24. hey Marty Im just wondering how many scs classmates did you piss off anyways>>>and good going jerk off I here Val Clark lost her job because of you/ tho she should have checked the story out first lol
