Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Marty Prehn's $60/60, aka "Feed the Fat Guy"

Spring is in the air, CoMmies... 

Watdayasay we throw a scam fundraiser!

After Marty was hospitalized during his "near death" heart episode, followed by his scheduled in advance "emergency surgery", I started to become concerned. Marty claimed to several people that this traumatic experience had a profound effect on him. He was now a changed man who would direct all of his energy to making positive change in the world. A "stop and smell the roses" kinda guy, if you will.

As you all know, Marty has always been at his comedic best when attacking people and spewing his hatred or fantasy life lies all over Facebook. In all honesty, the kinder, gentler Marty was really quite boring. I just couldn't get interested in hearing about Marty attempting - and failing - to walk a few blocks in some protest march. I felt pity for the unfortunate soul who had to give his sweating, panting fat ass a ride after he only made it a few dozen yards. You can imagine the relief I felt when Marty opened the Sabbath with this new post:

I knew Marty wouldn't be able to contain his desperate need to lie and scam.  You just can't teach an Elder Dawg new tricks. It was only a matter of time before the lies  would return for us to laugh at. There is so much stupidity in this one post that it more than makes up for any time lost while Marty was pretending to be a changed man. Let's take a closer look at just some of this Mongoose dropping, shall we...

Marty begins with announcing his next great MTM or MVP or maybe his new imaginary non profit LLC production company's event. It's Marty's 60th birthday party, so we'll just call it $60/60 for the donation Marty wants for a chance to attend "this historic event". Who, other than Marty, could possibly think this complete idiot's birthday is in any way historic? I find it amazing that  Marty is still free to roam among the sane, but certainly not historic. You just can't make this crap up, CoMmies.

The location for this event has yet to be revealed because well, if he gives a location, it's easy to confirm that he's lying when the venue has never heard of the event and doesn't have anything reserved on that date. Marty learned this with his Great Lakeview Homecoming reunion dinner he was trying to sell tickets to last year. Also, Marty doesn't tell us where to buy the tickets or who is selling them. I guess we'll just have to wait for yet another event page that'll never materialize. I'm sure he'll get that up and running right after he posts the transcripts from his big PPO hearing with Flem Ling from nearly a year ago.

Only the Mongoose could turn his own birthday party that he's throwing for himself into a fundraiser. The interesting part of this fundraiser is the reason Marty gives for needing the funds. His "medical bills" will be a go-to excuse for at least the next year, but now he's added a new need. Marty needs a fundraiser to finance repairs to the cottage he inherited. Apparently, it needs a well, water heater, new pipes, and a toilet. You think he'd have started with these important details before installing the 10 person hot tub he bragged about putting in last fall. I'm also left to wonder how all of the people who work in the various offices he set up in the cottage last year can operate in those conditions. Are Pete Lucido's office staff having to pee in the bushes? Ugly Betty in the kitchen sink? If it's good enough for Marty, why not a state representative and a bully advocate, right?

Another question comes to mind. If Marty still needs to pay his medical bills, how is he attending, along with "his lawyer" as a guest, $100 a plate fundraisers for election candidates? Did CoM miss the fundraiser for Marty to buy tickets to these fundraisers?

We all knew Marty was long overdue for another great fundraising event. It just seems his imagination is lacking with this latest scam. No big name Hollywood celebrities. No national television coverage. No big corporate sponsors. The only incentive Marty gives for anyone to want to buy a ticket is the chance to win a stay in his parents old lake cottage. You know, the one where all the celebrity friends of his parents visited when in town. Of course, no one in the Prehn family other than Marty can recall the Prehns having any celebrity friends, much less them visiting the cottage. Maybe they autographed the walls or furniture so the lucky winners can get a picture of Marty's proof he's not lying. I know I'd love a chance for a weekend stay at a cottage with no water or toilet, just as long as a celebrity visited it 50 years ago. There just are no words to describe how stupid Marty is.  Speaking of chance, this birthday party now meets the Michigan legal definition of a raffle and, accordingly, is regulated by his close friend Ruth Johnson and requires a permit.  I'm certain the tickets will have the permit number printed on them, just to keep it all on the "up and up" (wink, wink).

The next part of this latest press release by the Mongoose is basically the same recycled threat we've been hearing from Marty for years with just a slight new twist. Marty is going to use the remaining funds after his medical bills are paid and the cottage is refurbished to go after his siblings - again! I thought that was the reason for the Marty Prehn Legal Defense Fund but, whatever. He mentions the same old RICO blah blah, federal lawsuit blah blah, federal prison sentence blah blah bullshit. We've seen this same threat how many times now? The new twist this time is Marty now claims his "distinguished lawyer Barry R Powers" will be filing this federal lawsuit. At first I assumed this was Marty just dropping the name of Denny McLain's lawyer but, who knows. If Marty has "retained" Mr Powers for his legal crusade, I have two thoughts for Barry. First: Before you file anything for Marty Prehn, you'd better research everything he told you. Marty's story has been proven as complete horseshit many times over. Second: Plan on working on this federal lawsuit for free because, a) there is not chance of winning because of the above mentioned detail, and b) there will be no "remaining funds" from the great $60/60 event. Marty will be lucky to get enough money from that farce to pay his cell phone bill, much less fix the cottage and pay for it. I guarantee you, Barry, there's no money there for you, so good luck. 

I have a feeling someone is going to wish they'd never fed that pesky Mongoose...


  1. Well Wowzers!! That is a lot of Mongoose shit in one PigPrehn post for sure!! Damn!

    I'd like to point out that typically, the low standard retainer is 5K (enough for him to have paid for the "new well" himself, with enough left over for a shitter) for a normal civil suit. This is being alleged to be a Federal suit, so the retainer I imagine, would be quite a bit higher. Now, IF PigPrehn hasn't in fact PAID the retainer fee to this attorney, I would imagine the ramifications behind the direct threat and attempted intimidation and harassment of a pending frivolous suit, might get Farty in some very hot water with this attorney.

    You know previous failed and unsubstantiated "relationships" between Farty and various others have backfired on him. My personal fav is the City Counsel slap down on tape. The "in your Mongface, STFU and stop name dropping" smack down. That was awesome!!

    I guess time will tell the lies. It always does when it comes to exposing the PigPrehn's fake money begging events.

    1. I have never been able to see that video. Does anyone have a link? In the name of baby Jesus, please let there be a video online!

    2. There is, but I don't have the link. I watched it several times and it was awesome. Hopefully someone else has it and can post it.

  2. If there will be "limited" tickets, exactly HOW many will be sold to be enough to cover the price of cottage renovations, medical bills, and attorney fees? I mean, what exactly is the dollar amount he's aiming for here?

    10K in renovations?
    300K is medial bills?
    50K in attorney fees?
    @ $60.00 a ticket? Does the Monglooser own a calculator? Or does he do Windsor math?

  3. I'm sorry but the whole Flo exploitation thing irks me. Here we have what I believe is an elder predator, aka Marty P.R.E.H.N, who has repeatedly conned money from Flo for various scams, mainly her inability to realize she's being manipulated by a career liar, and no one in her immediate family who is stepping up to oversee the fact she's being taken advantage of. HELLLOOOOO!?!

  4. In P.R.E.H.N.'s blathering yammer above? He says "...seminal Federal lawsuit..." Could Mr. Barry Powers, Esquire perhaps drop by the CoM and explain exactly what seminal Federal lawsuit means? Is it just me? Or is seminal new to his yapping? I'm also curious when the last time was that DoucheCanoe traipsed up to the illustrious lake cottage? What about that hot tub? No toilet but a hot tub? Ewwwwwww!
    I'd hoped the Mongmoose getting a "smart phone" would help him recall his previous liarrhea spews. I see that didn't happen. Those violated 1st, 4th and 14th Rights are getting a workout again! I find it giggle worthy the SpecialAagent's cherished video is now credited to little Davy Scheid, and not his messiah Windsor. That's funny!
    I hope the $60/60 party has a humongous venue planned! The math on all those listed expenses is gonna take a lot of $60s!

  5. I called and asked Powers himself if he was Prehns attorney and he did not answer. I am not sure why that is anyones assumption. Personally he could of just said yes or no.

  6. I'll be buying my ticket right after Stephanie "Renee" Hoskins buys one.

  7. When is Fatty P.R.E.H.N. going to figure out that you CANNOT use a personal attorney to prosecute people for crimes? Did he take Civics class in high school? Is it really that hard to figure out - civil suit/personal attorney, criminal charges/district attorney. You'd think a Special Agent with such an extensive law enforcement background would understand this ridiculously simple concept. My nine year old understands it. Seriously.

    1. Back off, Anon 8:58!

      He's just retarded, that's all.

  8. Damn, he's a busy, important and well connected man.


    That or quite insane...

    1. Work in progress...


      He's busy, that Mongoose.

    2. Marty;

      Your entire existence is so miserably pathetic that you create fake little events and relationships on Facebook to attempt to numb the pain.

      How's that working out for you? Does it pay the rent to Jr? Comfort you in your old age? Will anyone truly miss you when you finally croak?

      Everybody who has ever met you, hates and laughs at you. The closest you've ever come to even being noticed was when Bob Cookout decided to actually pay attention to your endless stream of pure bullshit.

      Too late in life to turn things around. Look about you - it's as good as it gets...

  9. I wonder if Terry knows Melissa Gilbert of Little House fame?

    She's been through a nearly identical obsession of Marty's. Perhaps she can share some stories, like how an episode of LHOTP saved Doc Chism's life.

    Marty is insane, you know...


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