Monday, March 7, 2016

Marty Prehn's Dan Haggerty Humanitarian Award

Our great CoM operatives have uncovered an exclusive photo of Marty's newest award. 

Here it is, CoMmies - The Dan Haggerty Humanitarian Award!


  1. He's running out of worthless bric-a-brac to claim is an award...

    Use those hospital soaps you stole, Marty. You'll never actually wash with them.

  2. Hahaha!! Pay your rent Marty so I dont have to throw your award garbage away with your matress again!

    1. At least it's not a sewing box.

    2. I'm betting that hospital tagged and bagged the bed he used to medical waste...

  3. I hope everyone realizes that the ONLY reason Marty isn't on Eastpointe's Cruise Committee is because it conflicts with this award ceremony, right?

    1. That and he wasn't invited...
      And banned...
      And everyone hates him...
      And the city attorney sent him a letter.

      Otherwise, it's just a scheduling conflict.

  4. Have at it, Tuttle and others...

    "Marty Prehn
    Terry Bomar my friend. I had a dejiview moment yesterday as my travels took me right past the location where you and Dan "the man" came to in June of 2014 in Washington Township where we met and history of sorts was made. Still out in public display at Cha Cha's Antique store is that beautiful brass American Bald Eagle that Dan had crafted and on the early summer day engraved that artwork with his signature and date. How amazingly prophetic was this event that in less tgan 2 years Dan would leave this earth and fly to the heavens to be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He has SPREAD HIS wings and continues to watch over us. God bless you Terry Bomar and lets discuss the Memorial Dinner that I am planning on here in Michigan tentatively set for June 17, 2016 in Macomb County just north of Detroit. I am doing so since I was not able to attend your Hollywood tribute due to health reasons but God us good and I am on the mend. At this event will be several recipients of the 1st annual DAN HAGGERTY HUMANITARIAN AWARD in order to keep Dan's memory alive and then a day of festivities at the Eastpoint Cruisin' Gratiot annual classic car show and car cruise on June 18, 2016. I would love to extend this invitation to Dan's friends including Darby Hinty, Robbie Knievil and any other Hollywood celebrity that would come to help celebrate the life and legacy of our friend Dan Haggerty aka GRIZZLY ADAMS. This invitation extends to his children as well. Please contact me so we can plan this event. There will also be a page in the cruise program book that will also pay tribute to Dan and a picture of him in that classic sky blue T-bird with that big shitty Dan Haggerty smile. We will need to discuss the design of this award as well.
    1 hour ago ·"

    1. Let me catch my breath from laughing and I'll point out a couple of idiotic things in this statement.

    2. "Please contact me so we can plan this event."
      In other words, please plan this event, foot the bill, and set it all up so I can proudly hijack your hard work as my own..."

      "...with that big shitty Dan Haggerty smile."
      Uh What? That's an insult you MORON! Mr. Haggerty's smile was amazing. You on the other hand have a creepy, shit eating grin you think is a smile, which doesn't even extend over your yellow stained teeth.

      "We will need to discuss the design of this award as well."
      Again, translation would be, I need you to pick and pay for this "award" of which I will gladly accept for my fake efforts of this fake ceremony. So please, just let me keep claiming "WE" are working on this, since you made the fatal flaw of acknowledging me on your facebook, and I can now pretend "WE" are bestest friends and continue tagging you in my posts.

      EYE ROLL!

      (Side note--he couldn't attend due to health reasons? WTF? His fake emergency heart surgery was long after the memorial. Nice try fat boy!

    3. Gotta love a man with a plan...

      "Marty Prehn
      You know me Minda Shelton. I am still as shy as I was when I was a member of the Calvary Baptist Youth Group in Roseville with Pastor Les Ollila. It would be interesting to hear of the where abouts of the old gang and have a youth group reunion. I know that Craig "stint" Sikkelee and Don Shorter and I have talked about it in the past. So here is my suggestion. On Saturday June 18th is the Eastpointe Gratiot Cruise. I am on the executive board. I can make arrangements for one of the main islands of north and south Gratiot to be used for this location for a Calvary Youth Group Reunion picnic. Everyone bring a dish to pass and we can get some grills set up for ribs, brats and corn on the cob. With some portable picnic tables and some 10 by 10 tents. We can get the members from Faith Baptist and Shelby Baptist, Troy Baptist churches to join us. We need to get the word out now and I will check into discounted hotels for those that would be coming in from I out of state. We can have a revival meeting and rev up the classic cars at the same time. I also am planning a sit down DAN HAGGERTY MEMORIAL DINNER on Friday night the 17th of June in the Macomb County area where I will be hosting this event with a few unnamed Hollywood and Nashville celebrities. At this dinner fundraiser will be several recipients of the DAN HAGGERTY HUMANITARIAN AWARD. Dan played the role of GRIZZLY ADAMS on a tv series by the same name. Sadly Dan Haggerty passed away on January 15th of this year from cancer of the spine but was led to the Lord as his Savior and Dan is now soaring with the eagles in the heavens. It will be a family fun filled weekend that coincides with father's day. Michigan State Representative Pete Lucido introduced me to the mountain man back in 2014 and we became friends with Dan and his agent/manager Terry Bomar. So let's get busy people and make this youth group reunion a reality. I will set up an event page to get people to sign up so we know who will be coming. Once the event page is set up share it with the other members of the best darn church youth group there ever was in Macomb County and we care share are memories from many, many years ago. Who is in?"

    4. "Made history of sorts" What history was made? I guess Marty thinks it's a historic event anytime he can wait in an autograph line and meet a celebrity. History indeed! What a star struck moron.

    5. Eye on the prize...

      "Everyone bring a dish to pass and we can get some grills set up for ribs, brats and corn on the cob."

    6. SMH. WOW. He just doesn't get it. In this day and age, where all these scammers operate with the same wording games he does, it's no wonder no one falls for it. He is so NOT original. With the more words used, he thinks it makes him sound important, what I see is him looking desperate and pathetic. Oh, I know so and so...I'm doing such and such...but in reality, you can read right through it to see that he's asking everyone else to do everything. Isn't the point of being an "Event planner," planning the event? Not just delegating every detail to others? Transparent. Totally and utterly transparent.

      All he's doing is picking a date and setting up a Facebook page. You bring the food, you invite the people, you do all the details he's to lazy to do, and he'll take all the credit. Yeah, that's not suspect. All you have to do to see through Marty Spew, is skip over the name dropping and fake "glory," notice me, notice me crap, and there it is.

      What a loser!

    7. Exact same thing he continuously did on his high school reunion page. He finally used their name so much they banned him from the group. Also the same thing he tries with the cruise. Same results. That's his entire advocacy career in a nutshell. Try to take credit for what others do. He's a complete fraud and a worthless loser.

    8. Yep, I agree. Fraud and worthless loser.

      When I see people try so hard to toot their own horn about their greatness, that's my first sign they are just the opposite. People who are truly great, don't need to brag, their reputations shine brightly on their own. Other people will gladly share how great someone is.

      But not Marty. No one is boasting about his great achievements except him. He is the one name dropping. He is the one glomming onto other people's good reputations to boost HIMSELF. Tag-a-long Marty. Just like that picture with him following the pack of people...that picture spoke volumes to me.

      Once a loser, always a loser. He is not self-less, which is the true indicator of a persons true character. He is selfish. Just go back through all his posts and there it is. His self professed greatness, patting himself on the back. Years and years of proof. Selfish, self centered, glory hound.

  5. No problem when one of those kids runs into the busy road from one of this islands and gets killed blood will be on Marty's hands

  6. I'll be damned if I don't see a picture of "Dimples Prehn" adorning Nancy's casket as she lay in repose...

  7. Doesn't that woman have any common sene about having a picnic in the middle of the road

    1. Doesn't matter. Will never happen.

      Marty calls for a "reunion" of some sort every other week. No one wants to be reunited with him, ever. Never ever.

  8. This lie changes every time he tells it. Only thing that doesn't change is how delusional this lying idiot is. No sane individual would post this in public. Get help Marty.


    1. Must not be having a free buffet in Simi Valley.

      Same reason he blew off Dan's service...

  9. He knows as much about Ronald Regan as I do looking it all up on the internet. WOW! What's my Codename? FLEMSHADY?
    I was also there in Germany when the wall came down. I never seen his father there.


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