Saturday, March 12, 2016

Happy Anniversary!

Really, Marty? You had all of that highly valuable stuff and it was stolen from you? Were you storing it here?



  1. Intellectual property?

    Oh, please...

  2. Someone should explain to Marty the difference between abandoning your stuff and someone stealing it. He's still really confused.

  3. Douche bag! You can see what is most valuable to him. Monetary shit. List his father's ashes last. if THAT doesn't scream the true essence of the Pig P.R.E.H.N.

    Essence of Pig-PREHN

    The wretched, pathetic old man,
    Who's life resembles that of a garbage can,

    Waste goes in and out,
    A plague on society, he is no doubt,

    Nothing of value to recycle,
    Same empty vessel as his bestie B. Michael,

    Greedy, money grubbing slob,
    Who pretends he's undercover for his job,

    But look at those sheets when pulled back,
    His true filth repels even rats,

    Lies, deception, and sin,
    This is the essence of Pig-P.R.E.H.N

    1. Oh yes, I believe I've heard of the poetry subsection. I believe it was enacted around the same time as "Because I said so" (Billshit) subsection and "Butthurt Lawless Losers" subsection.

      BTW, Did Pig-P.R.E.H.N finally drop the LA MI chapter affiliation from his long list of fake titles?

  4. What happened to the federal Crimes before? I thought they were "Commin" LMAO What a joke this guy is. seriously. LOL rinse, repeat, over and over again. YAWN!

    1. In the real world, not Facebook world, Marty has no attorney, no friends and no family.

      He has nothing and no one. Remarkable, if not sad, how someone can be on this earth for 60 years and have nothing to show for it, except for hatred and loathing by everyone he's ever come in contact with.

      Go, Marty!


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