Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Marty Prehn Goes Up In Flames

As the days pass since the arrest of Marty's hero, Bill Windsor, it appears The Mongoose continues to burrow deeper underground. Are we witnessing the end of The Elder Avenger as we know him? Has fear of arrest finally stopped Marty's greatness? Has Linda neutered the Elder Dawg? She certainly doesn't let him play with her iPhone anymore. Shudder to think what else he's forbidden to play with. It would seem that all of these factors play a part in the disappearance of our beloved idiot.

As the calendar changed to October this year, Marty was riding high. Coming off his latest Facebook suspension, he went on a posting frenzy. He was so busy on Facebook, his excitement at posting even spilled over onto Linda's page. Who could forget his reposting of the word OPA over and over and over, never quite understanding how to post a Google search of OPA-related crap. October was setting up to be the "Month of the Mongoose". There were several charity walks Marty had done his best to hijack. His newly imagined charity, OPA/Nautical Smile was a great success in his feeble little mind. Bill Windsor had taken over threatening Marty's enemies with his frivolous Texas lawsuit. Marty was still announcing upcoming breaking news about different Robin Williams tributes and updates that, true to Marty form, never happened. In short, it was pretty much business as usual for the worthless fake advocate. Unfortunately, things would take a drastic turn for Marty at the end of his month of charity greatness.

On October 28th, Big Vexi was scheduled for his latest vexatious lie fest in his Texas lawsuit. With the Lawless Lemmings, including Marty, cheering him on, Windsor charged into court ready to tell any lie necessary to get his revenge on his "cyber stalkers". This was one day Marty should have predicted "fireworks" because there were several that day. An unmanned Antares rocket carrying NASA's Cygnus CRS Orb-3 resupply mission to the International Space Station explodes seconds after taking off from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport in Virginia. Oh, and Bill Windsor and Lawless America exploded, too. Now that, faithful readers, are some noteworthy fireworks!

Past behavior would dictate that Marty would be leading the charge to free this innocent man, what with all his contacts into the Texas Attorney General's office and all.  But no, the Mongoose is laying low this time.

Why, you may ask?  I'll tell you my theory.  Marty Prehn is a two-bit con man, too stupid to actually be successful at it. He aspired to attain the infamy of Bill Windsor, as Windsor had a few bucks to invest in his scams. All Marty really has is a fistful of business cards paid for by Florence Iverson. Coupled with borrowed internet access, Marty's tools of the trade are fairly limited. His silly hat intimidates no one. His fake friends still say "Marty who?". In fact, he can't add Facebook friends fast enough to keep up with the "unfriend" demand.

Marty Prehn's days of terrorizing family, former landlords and just about everyone he meets are numbered.


  1. Marty is so busy hiding, he didn't even go to Monday's council meeting and pass out his card.

    1. He knows the authorities are watching and waiting to pick him up.

      Doesn't know much else...

  2. I have the same opinion. I believe Marty could not post up his standard rants and name dropping to save Windsor. If he did this, far too many people are watching, and would know for sure he's full of crap. He has no contacts in any 3 letter agencies, he has no news media friends, he's got n.o.t.h.i.n.g.

    Now, how can Marty possibly get any respect from Windsor now? He boasted all about how he is so great and helps out all these people with their issues, yet, poof--he's cricket quiet when Windsor is arrested. Windsor will know Marty was a liar. He conned the con man. Unless of course there is some code between the con's, whereas they automatically know each other's games--so they just nod and keep going with the lies? Anyway though, there are those on Marty's and Windsor pages, who don't know their games and extreme exaggerations, who are probably left scratching their heads wondering why Marty--with all his millions of contacts--hasn't offered to pull some strings and get Windsor released.

    Just fun stuff to watch, and observe--when the bragging man like Marty, can't possibly make even ONE fake promise, or he'll be completely exposed! HAHAHAHAHAH

  3. Wait until Marty's emails to his jailed buddy are exposed ... you know, the emails that Marty gave names of innocent people to his buddy, claiming they were stalkers ... just to get the ten grand reward for info that his JAILED buddy was offering. Wow, Marty's in a pile of deep shit.

    1. Tip of the iceberg, Anon 11:09.

      Tip of the iceberg...

  4. I'm across the street from Carquest waiting for a picture!

  5. Is this guy too stupid for words or what?

    "Marty Prehn aka THE AMBASSADOR February 4, 2014 at 5:39 PM
    Get ready for some more breaking news that will be getting National Media Attention where Megan Van Zelfden and her imaginary wittle joeys will be exposed for ALL of the word to see. I just notice in the photo on the set with ELLEN that the gold statute has been included. Thanks I thought I left it home whern that photo was taken. And Megan WHOSE YOUR BIG BOY? lol Can you create that photo that I had asked you for? You know the one with Bill Windsor as the Skipper (does the Skipper have a last name?) And me as Gilligan (does Gilligan have a last name?) David Scheid as the Professor (does the Professor have a last name?) Tammy as MaryAnn (does MaryAnn have a last name?) And of course Jennifer Love Hewitt as Ginger (I know she has a last name on the show. And maybe Brenda Battle Jordan and her husband Ken as Mr. and Mrs Thurston Cookout the III. I guess most of those on Gilligan 's Island were NOBODIES as well. Well Maggy are you up to the task? And don't forget to make the boat the SS MEKNOW and on the back of the boat LAWLESS AMERICA Windsor, Ontario. Lets see those artist skills of yours."

    1. Typical Marty. Wants someone to make a picture for him glorifying his place in Lawless America. I wonder if Marty still wants a picture. It could be the Lawless America ship sinking and Marty could be a rat trying to swim away!

  6. Check out @robwolchek's Tweet:

    "Just finished a good undercover shoot.
    Watch out! It could be you!"

  7. "Bill Windsor - Hi Marty. I am betting that the blog will soon be out of business. Google has been served with the lawsuit, and they are an accomplice as I see it. All of the Joeys have been put on notice. More and more of them will be served in the weeks and months ahead. Please email everything you have on MVZ as I will file it along with an affidavit from you."

    I'll take that bet...

    1. Maybe Marty should send Bill any new info his numerous investigations have uncovered. Maybe Linda or Flo will buy the pathetic loser a stamp because email just isn't going to work. Mail it to inmate 14-1898 c/o the Ellis Co Jail.

    2. Just fast track this thing. Marty has been tight with the Texas AG since the MVZ wiretap and Elder Bully Taskforce.

    3. Just so that Marty guy can stay in touch with his great leader & continue giving him tips? Mr Windsor made it abundantly clear that he can be given pertinent #jailmail by email! His email address is
      I'm not certain if it that is Uppercase W or lowercase. but, repeat, Pertinent information can be sent via email to Windsor at the Ellis County Jail in Waxahachie, Texas via
      #jailmail #bwhahahahahahahahahahaha

    4. All across the metro Detroit area, people just heard Marty scream BILL WHO????

    5. That's good for his gf to see how loyal he is, huh?
      If she ever got in a scrape or tight spot, he'd pretend as if he didn't know her.
      My father told me years ago, the measure of a good man is how well he, as an adult, now treats his aging mother, grandmother, aunt or whoever the woman was that raised him.
      Prehn seems to be in the very negative measurements, using my father's rule.

  8. Here is an example of some of Marty's perjury.

    We have all seen the letter Marty received. It says absolutely nothing about Sean violating a stalking statute. All it said was Marty could try to sue Sean for slander. Huge difference!

    1. Windsor is doomed just for knowing the world's most prolific liar!

      Well, Marty always did want to make a difference...

  9. I just finished updating the donation totals for OPA. The gauge in the right hand corner is correct. Looks like all those "unamed corporate sponsors" are really driving donations up.

    1. With a go-getter like Marty calling the shots, how could OPA possibly fail?

  10. MARTY, MARTY MARTY .... Don't you wish you could make this proof of your STALKING/HARASSMENT disappear ? Wait for the knock on your door, fat man .. it's coming .......( Marty Prehn Bill I have identified the person posting as Bob Cookout III that started the Marty Prehn Chronicles as she finally exposed herself and I was able to confirm that she is one of the people posting as Bob Cookout or Robert Cookout III. I will send to your her photo and her address, cell phone number and e-mail address as she has made comments about you on both the Marty Prehn Chronicles and the Joey is a little kid HATE blog group. I was able to meet with the current Michigan Secretary of State and a personal friend Ruth Johnson who will address some of these cyber stalkers and others that committed a retaliation eviction against me and the son of the owner of the car repair place in Eastpointe, Michigan and will request that the Michigan State Police conduct the investigation regarding these different legal issues.
    September 5 at 1:47pm · 1

    Nancy Evans I believe that Cookout used to be Lookout also.
    September 5 at 1:57pm

    Nancy Evans How have the joeys been lately?
    September 5 at 1:58pm

    Nancy Evans Same person has another blog. Oceans recently relocated to ZerosWorld.
    September 5 at 2:13pm

    Marty Prehn Lisa Wood
    September 5 at 4:10pm

  11. Hmmmmm, Fatty is still up to his same tricks to get a free beer = Marty Prehn - Dave you already look lit and have a few bulbs that are burnt out. FYI Joey Vee is playing at the Recovery in Warren tonight. I am thinking that we may need to announce an impromptu Lakeview and SCS holiday reunion there tonight. Anyone interested? He starts at 9:30 tonight.
    23 hrs · Like · 1

  12. I'm surprised he isn't setting up a fundraiser to spring his pie eating friend from the slammer .... ah, nevermind I'm not.

  13. You can run from your past, but can't hide from it, Marty...

    Marty Prehn shared Bill Windsor's photo.
    Jan 8, 2013

    "It appears that American Super Hero and crime fighter Bill Windsor is alive and has opened one hellava 55 gallon of Windsor WHOOP ASS and has opened the Pandoras Box against the Texas Cyber Whackjob and Nutcase Megan Van Zelfden and have Contempt of Court charges brought against her for FAILING TO COMPLY to a Cease and Desist Order and non compliance of a restraining order which is a 3 year felony. This applies to her her agents and her chicken ass anonymous little joeys real or imaginary and Gingesnap and Allie Overstreet Martiez Adoofis BOOBY COOKOUT III SEAN FLEMING and CUrtis BUTTLER et al. And Petootey Sodinherass."

    1. Yep. Non compliance with a PPO, multiple times, is indeed a felony...

    2. Marty's stupidity is preserved forever and "search engine friendly" thanks to this blog.

  14. So when is Marty's fundraiser for Ferguson scheduled to begin?

  15. Shoot. I was hoping to timestamp the Ferguson/Marty scam idea and an Anon beat me to it!


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