Monday, November 10, 2014

Marty Prehn's Veterans Day Greeting Cards

Happy Veterans Day Eve to all of our loyal readers, especially those that served in the armed forces. As our coverage of all things Marty Prehn continues, the supply of utter stupidity seems endless. Amid Marty's latest updates to his imaginary charity, OPA, Marty released some new information. This is the opening line of one of his lie filled updates:

Marty Prehn "Ok Mary. I am official now as a dear friend went and bought me official business cards which look very cool."

That's right CoMmies, the Mongoose is now official. Apparently VistaPrint has now ordained Marty an official something or another. Unfortunately, Marty never bothers to reveal what that is exactly. I guess as long as Flo buys him some business cards, it doesn't really matter what they say. Of course we are going to give it our best guess as to what exactly Marty's new official capacity is.

The base of every business card is the person's name. Even this is a tough one to figure out when dealing with Marty. He's called himself so many different things, how did he decide which of his great names to use? I'll list a few of the possibilities.

Marty "The Mongoose" Prehn

The Elder Avenger

Marty "The Elder Dawg" Prehn

Martin E. Prehn ESQ.

After Marty recovered from the headache induced by all the deep thought that went into which name would become official, the hardest decision of all was to be next. Marty would now have to decide what his "official" title was going to be. A business card is only so big and with all of the titles Marty has bestowed upon himself, he'd need a 5'x7' card to even come close to listing them all. How could Marty possibly limit advertising his greatness by choosing just one title? Personally, I think Marty should just go with _______________ Advocate and carry a crayon. Unfortunately, that would cause to many problems. There is no spell check when writing on a business card. And having to pull out his box of Crayola's when passing out his card would make him look sorta silly, don't you think? (did I really just write that?). I'll list my best guess at what Marty's latest great title might be:

- Certified Macomb County Elder Advocate

- National Elder Advocate

- Special Regional Advocate

- Guardian Angel

- FBI/CIA/DOJ/Secret Service Agent

- Legislation Consultant

- Campaign Advisor

- Bodyguard For Hire

- Code Enforcement Agent

- National Public Advocate

- Deed Restriction Advisor

- Hollywood Voice Coach

- President, MTM productions

- Auto Part Delivery Professional

- Linda's Bitch

There are just too many possibilities to list them all here. Feel free to add your own guesses in the comments below.

The bottom corners of Marty's "cool looking" business cards are pretty easy to design. One corner would have Marty's official government issue free Yahoo email address. The other corner would have his much publicized flip phone number. I just hope he has enough room for a note by his number. "If I don't answer towards the end of the month, I'll return your call after I receive my free minutes from the president"...

I look forward to the day we get to see what Marty's final decisions were on these tough questions. We shouldn't have to wait long though. Everyone present at the next city council meeting will be handed one I'm sure. And if all else fails, he can have Jamie Victory strategically slip them into the shopping carts at Kroger. I'm also sure there will be plenty of them left behind after Marty visits the VFW.  Think of it as toilet paper for the veterans. What a guy.

Semper Fi, Marty. Semper Fi...


  1. I'm sure this is how Marty acted the day his business cards came in the mail.

    1. LMAO!! OMG, yep, that's totally the response!

      Lets hope one of the City Counsel Members runs a check on whatever title he pulls out of the air. You know, if he's advertising, he should be paying taxes. If he tries to pull a 501 C3 scam, like that Windbag? Yeah, that will back fire worse than his bean and cheese burrito.

  2. What exactly is his business that he requires cards for?

    Who the hell would he give them to?

    On Facebook, people just block him. I suspect he can look forward to a lot of strangers ripping it up in front of him or cleaning dog crap off their shoes with it.

    This idiot never ceases to amaze me.

    Marty Prehn Aug 9 2013
    "2014 will be the year to have Bob Seger join us for our 40th Class reunion so plan now to come. I have been recently certified as one of Macomb County's Elder Advocates."

  3. Why has this blog had so many views from Texas, Montana and Michigan government computers over the last two weeks? I've got a feeling something big is about to happen with our Mongoose muse. Stay tuned to CoM. You know we're cutting edge of all things Marty

    1. Must be all those AG's that Marty contacted for his task force.

      Or not.

  4. I'll bet he'll be thumbtacking those puppys up on every drug/grocery store corkboard.

    If Bob were still here, he'd offer a bounty for every card turned in...

  5. Wow! The attention the Aagent MongMoose has craved!
    Think they'll wanna hear his Berlin Wall story? Or the impersonating various LE?
    Josh & Golly! The possibilities are just limitless!


  6. Today is like Christmas to Marty:

    - He loves lying.
    - The only thing he does better than lying is mooching free food.

    Veterans Day gives him the best opportunity to parade through every restaurant in Metro Detroit, getting free food for his military service.

    It's a wonderful life! God bless us, everyone!

  7. Marty said there will be BREAKING NEWS today about some Robin Williams tribute. I guess as soon as he can find a news release about it on the Internet, he'll share it on Facebook. He's becoming quite the news source!

  8. Replies
    1. Gee. Thanks for enlightening us of your whereabouts.

    2. Thank you! for your service this comes from a vet have a good time at the hall don't drink too much. Some folks are curt on this blog roll it off .

  9. Stumbled upon this timely rant...

    "Special Agent Marty Prehn January 18, 2014 at 3:16 PM
    Hey Megan. Why not show the whole picture of the one you posted at the top of this thread. I was there and Tammy was sitting on the arm of the couch and not on Bill's lap as you want people to believe. There were several of us sitting on the couch including David Schied and another person and there was not enough room for everyone to sit on the couch as my fat ass took up so much room. That happens when you are a larger than life person. However I have since taken off 70 lbs and an working to shed another 100. I will be posting the law that was passed in Michigan back in 2001 regarding internet stalking and bullying and you and the little Joeys are looking at some serious jail time in light of the facr that you were told and ordered by the court in Plano to cease your hate talk, bullying, hacking, and cyber terrorism.As I did in the case with John Kraus I will make a Publisher's Clearing house visit to your apartment and personally serve you with the Restraining Order and Lawsuit that is being filed in Michigan and like I did in Wayne, Michigan I will bring the law enforcement in numbers to back me up and join me on getting you to refrain from having ANY further access to the internet, fb etc. The same will apply for your buddy Curtis Wayne Butler. But in your case I will go even 1 step further. I will bring the national media with me to your front door and show to the whole country what a sick person you are. You have implied threats on my life and you will be held accountable and all of your alter ego friends including your fake friend from Colorado Joy Harrison. You sure can get explosive when you realize that your days of intimidating and harassing people are over. You are one sick individual and it is a good thing for your daughters sake that the sate of Texas took her away from you to save her from becoming like you,. 1st your daughter and next your freedom and you have no one to blame but yourself and all of your alter ego friends. Calling David Webb a fagot is going to cost you financially as well and yes you did do all of the things that Bill Windsor said you did and every page was preserved prior to you editting or deleting any comments to cover your ass. That is known as obstruction of Justice and tampering with forensic evidence. And as a added bonus I will wear my SPECIAL AGENT hat and have the FBI with me as well as a US Marshall to take you into custody to make sure you so up for your hearing and no bail will be granted. After all it is the least I can do for you."

    1. Looks like Marty pulled his usual coward act. Not a single peep from him since the big arrest. I thought he "was Lawless America"? I'm sure Windsor will notice who stood with him and who turned and ran to try to save himself. If I was Windso, guess who the first person I'd sell out for a lighter sentence would be? Think about it Marty. Who supplied him with more targets than anyone else. Bye bye you koward. You're not going to enjoy prison. Maybe you can get a few tips from Jr. before you go.

    2. Waddle Marty waddle!! We all know you damn sure can't run.

    3. At least Marty will be getting three squares and some much needed exercise in the joint.

      And the sex will probably be better than with his current roomie...

    4. But, I thought Marty was best friends with the Fed's & worked for them ?????? I have read/seen at least a hundred posts by Marty claiming that ... are you trying to tell us that Marty really isn't a "Special Agent" with the Fed's? No way !!!!! There must be a thousand pics of him wearing his Special Agent hat on Facebook ... Wow, I'm just floored .


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