Sunday, November 2, 2014

"Don't Arrest Me. Think of My Good Works!"

I hope all of our readers had an enjoyable Halloween and even better Día de los Muertos! As I distributed candy to all of the Trick or Treaters that visited my home, I found myself thinking of Marty (how scary is that!). What do you think Marty dressed as for Halloween? Was he an undercover government agent, complete with Special Agent hat? How about a Suicide Awareness Advocate, complete with light up hat? Or did Marty spend Halloween hiding at Linda's, now that he could be a marked man for assisting Bill Windsor with his across the country stalking campaign? We know for certain that he didn't pay homage to his deceased ancestors for el Día de los Muertos. At least not this year, since Pop's ashes are no longer buried under his soiled underwear and masturbation waste collections.

As Marty fears for his own personal freedom (such as it is), has he now forgotten the importance of November 1st? That was to be a very big day with his great OPA event. Marty made this comment on his Facebook page recently:

"Marty Prehn
Thanks Teresa for your kind words. The OPA event that I have put together hopefully will get national attention and donations to start being reported starting November 1. Setting up the tv stations and the large commercial companies to take part in this fund raising event and we will have fun with it at the same time. More information to follow."

I take this comment to mean that the incredibly high dollar amounts donated to OPA will be reported on November 1st. As of this writing, still not a single nickel has been donated. The donation tracker in the top right corner of this blog is up to date. Maybe the big corporations and TV networks checks just haven't cleared the bank. Or is it possible they mistakenly sent their donation straight to Marty? We all know where the money went if that happened.

That comment also contains another regular diversion by Marty. Generally, when Marty says more info is coming, that really means he's run out of excuses and is getting ready to move on to his next great lie. I've never seen "more information" provided -
 Mongoospeak© for "I hope you'll lose interest and forget I said it in the first place". Is Marty in the process of inventing his next big event? Maybe we'll see a fundraising drive to help fund a millionaire's felony stalking defense, with money included for Marty's expenses for his diligent, "good work" helping to free Bill Windsor. Hey, it worked out so famously getting Jr off for selling smack to kids. Oh, that's right - he was convicted. But "Justice 4 Jr" was able to get him freed! Oops, wrong again. That was just another failed event with "more information to follow"

Now that Mary's last hope for someone to save him from this blog, which in essence would be saving himself from his own stupidity being parroted beyond his otherwise unread Facebook page, what is the next move for the Mongoose? Will he head up the great "Save Bill Windsor" campaign? Will he follow in his fearless leader's footsteps and get imprisoned himself? Maybe Marty can get the Saint Clair Shores city council to pass a resolution demanding Big Vexi's immediate release. Then Marty could hand deliver it to the court in Montana, after a travel expense fundraiser of course.

Now that Windsor is essentially on ice, what threat will Marty use to attempt to silence his detractors, many of whom find this blog a place to discuss this boil on the ass of society. Will we see new cease and desist demands from him and that dumb-ass balloon clown? Now that his convict son is free, will Jr become his newest threat device? Will Linda step up to save her dream man by supplying him the money to retool his crime fighting machinery? Or will Marty just continue with the same stupidity he's used the last few years? Maybe he can get his old job back at the FBI/CIA/DOJ/ Secret Service. If not, I'm sure he can find a code violation somewhere to report. There has to be at least one evil puppy dog with an excessive bark habit somewhere in Saint Clair Shores.

That reminds me, I need to mow my lawn before Marty sees it and reports me. I'll be back shortly with more Marty updates, so keep checking back. 

Things are moving fast here, CoMmies...


  1. LOL ... Where is Marty now with all his " Stalking" claims? He has littered his Facebook page with hundreds of them ... along with threats of prison time for his "Alleged" stalkers ... now that it has been exposed that he is the actual stalker just like his fat friend ... where are his posts claiming SF ,Gus etc are going to do Federal time in Oakland Co or his posts/comments to his fat (jailed) stalker friend supplying him with innocent people's names? here oh where is the Fat ChickenShit ... hiding behind Linda's size 15xxx tent dress?

    1. Yeah, you're exactly right. Marty has been another "attack" vessel for the leader of the lemmings. I have TONS of his posts/rants captured in screen shots, alerting Windsor of who he believes is who, aiding the false identification of tons of innocent people to be added to the frivolous TX lawsuit.

      Big bad Billy, and Marionette Marty hard at work, harassing, threatening, slandering, you name it, all over the WWW. It's all documented, and waiting to help expose the true menaces, the seemingly deranged cons, that congregate in a "clubhouse" (Windsor's words for GRIP) for Lawless America.

      I have a feeling, all the hot air, that's kept Marty all bloated with positive promises of jail time for the "haters," has completely dissipated. Upon conviction of his bestest buddy, I think the Mongmoose will slither back under the rock he had been living under all along.

  2. Every Greek person, nay every person of any nationality country wide, thinks of Marty Prehn and OPA every time the room gets stunk up by flaming cheese...

    I wonder if he'll need to be extradited to wherever MVZ lives?

  3. Isn't Marty personal friends and worked with every state AG? Why won't he just give his friend a call and get Windsor set free?

    1. With great power comes great responsibility.

      He won't call in his markers for just any old cross-country stalking felon. Needs to save them for the used car sales in Eastpointe, Michigan...

    2. It's a tough call.

  4. You all know how Fatty puts a theme song with all his moronic posts, comments and fake events, right? Here's my song to Fatty & his Pie Eating Stalker friend.... . " Fat boys, Fat boys whatcha want
    Whatcha gonna do when the sheriff of Ellis Co
    comes for you tell me whatcha gonna do.

    Fat boys Fat boys
    Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
    when they come for you
    Fat boys, fat boys
    Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do
    when they come for you "

  5. It's become quite obvious that Marty now knows he's just as guilty as Windsor. All the Lawless lemmings are showing their support for their fallen leader. EXCEPT MARTY! Why hasn't Marty come out to show everyone his true love for Lawless America and his great hope? He's been to busy trying to distance himself from the whole situation because he knows about the crimes he was involved in. They have the emails, Facebook messages, and voice mails you left Marty. Your turn will be here soon. You tried to play an important role in the criminal activity and they'll be coming for you soon. Better get ready, the FIREWORKS are coming!!

    That goes for you as well Betty. The Lawless round up is just getting started. Can't wait for the evidence to come out.

  6. They'll likely come with butterfly nets to catch these mental patients...

    1. I promise you those two idiots never dreamed the innocent people they chose to attack had the ability to get them arrested and charged with felonies for what they were doing.

    2. Marty, being the coward he is, will be the first to turn state's evidence to save his filthy skin.

      He'll sing like a bird about Windsor and it won't help him a single iota. Marty's wrath actually has very little to do with Lawless America, other than the total lie about his siblings and the extreme defamation of MVZ.

      He should be picked up by the Detroit feds, even if only for his constant parading around like a government agent. It's all there on his Facebook, copied here and likely on Windsor's laptop. Pretending to be an agent to further Windsor's stalking.

      What a crew. They'll hang together, figuratively speaking...

    3. ...and that Balloon Clown? She'll probably be declared crazy and be sent away for a nice rest...

    4. A little bird told me (no it wasn't a Robin) that the Windsor investigation had gone federal. It will be interesting to see whose names come out during that.

    5. That's given. It crosses state lines.

    6. Hey Marty. Do you understand what "Seized for evidence" means. If you don't, you will soon find out.

    7. How very funny!
      I've just been enjoying the fact that the MongMoose's Messiah was not only arrested, but forced to await extradition to Montana!
      Wow! Now that I start thinking of all the horrific things the Aagent MongMoose has done? And his homegirl BettyK the balloon freak? Bwahahahahaha
      I just recently met that lady they referred to as MVZ, she is so nice! And? She is so smart! The Judge was asking HER to read statutes to him that she had pulled up during the last hearing! I hope she has a heyday while she provides ALL the horrid things these 2 creeps spewed about her! She certainly endured more than anyone should EVER have had to!
      It hadn't occurred to me the intricate parts MongMoose & BalloonBetty had in Winsdor's vendetta against her! These 2 chimed right in, as if they knew anything! I hope the Feds do to them what they certainly deserve!

      The ripple effect Windsor is making? Bwahahahahaha!
      As a commenter said on another blog, "Buckle up Buttercup(s)! #Justice is indeed coming!

  7. Marty Prehn: when I go from laughing to crying either in joy or pain I no longer try to explain to people what is happening. I just tell them that I have turrets syndrome and do some twitching and they just back away slowly and let me enjoy my many emotions of happiness, sorrow and empathy.
    Like · 11 hours ago"

    Ah, Sensitive, Gentle Giant Marty...

    So much joy. So much pain. So much empathy for his fellow man. So much absolute stupidity.

    He should just tell people he's upset because he never looked up the definition and spelling of Tourette Syndrome.

    You're a friggin idiot, Marty Prehn. Are you posturing a TS defense for your involvement with Bill Windsor?

    Tell you right now, it ain't gonna fly...

    1. I can't believe he hasn't received a cease and desist from Bob Jones University. How can that complete moron claim to have a degree from there.

    2. I think they did.

      That's probably why he changed his education background on Facebook from BJU to "Mongoose Tutoring"...

  8. Marty, did you accidentally hit the comment button while you were reading from Carquest? Or did your Mongoose instincts take over before you said something really stupid?

  9. Maybe the feds are monitoring his keystrokes. Again.

  10. Bill Windsor : Marty Prehn - Now to get a Judge in Oakland County to resolve that issue you were having to deal with where the detective from Madison Heights clearly understood what was being done to you was and continues to be harassment and cyberstalking and a PPO is required.

  11. ^^^^ That's absolutely hilarious. Bill Windsor a little busy in jail right now. I doubt if he got access to a computer, he's going to waste his time encouraging the person who now pretends he doesn't know him.

  12. Here's Marty cyber-stalking former Detroit Lion, Eric Hipple ............. " Marty Prehn - Looking Great Eric. I need you to be part of Operation Patch ADAMS or OPA to address the issue of suicide, depression and other related mental illnesses. I can be reached at 1 586 563 0989.
    November 3 at 9:57pm · Edited

  13. The only pacemaker he needs is one to control his Mongoose pie hole from eating! so much.


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