Monday, February 3, 2014

Marty Prehn: "My Hidden Camera Watches You Masturbate"

As we encounter Marty's daily rants and comments, an alarming trend stands out. Every comment at some point includes sexual content. Is this a result of a condition known as Hypersexuality?

 is often associated with addictive or obsessive personalities, escapism, psychological disorders, low self-esteem, self-destructive behavior, lowered sexual inhibitions and behavioral conditioning.

As you can see in the Wikipedia definition above, Escapism is closely associated with this condition. 

"Escapism is mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation, as an "escape" from the perceived unpleasant or banal aspects of daily life. It can also be used as a term to define the actions people take to help relieve persisting feelings of depression or general sadness."

We all now know that Escapism is a driving factor in all things Marty. 

It seems that Marty has to insert something sexual into every statement he makes, even when it adds nothing to the overall point he's trying to make. There are many examples of this but we'll highlight just a few here today. 

While describing an "FBI sting" Marty claims to be involved with, he suddenly includes this detail supposedly caught on hidden cameras:

"even shows her masterbaiting and having multiple orgasms as she bullies and stalks people on the internet." 

Is this a detail that's important in describing the criminal activities that Marty alleged were taking place? As we all know, there is no video of this person, so what would make this scene part of Marty's description?

While also describing this same person's activities in another conversation, Marty feels the need to include this nugget:

"and takes pleasure in pretending to commit sexual acts with stuffed animals such as horses, camels, Llamas and Alpachas." 

Once again, how is this a detail that's important to establishing this person is a criminal?  How could Marty possibly know this detail and more importantly, what type of person would even think this detail up and include it in his description? 

Is the inclusion of these particular fantasies a symptom of the disorder Hypersexuality? Will this disorder continue to escalate until Marty finally crosses a line and become a danger to others?


  1. For further discussion on this disorder, see:

  2. He further attempts to cast his victim in his perceived bad light by pointing out "her other sisters wedding to a black guy", not just wedding.

    Another sister is just a lesbian.

    1. I'm sure he would have no problem with the sister marrying a black man if it had been Danny Glover or Jesse Jackson though.

    2. No doubt.

      It does, however, illuminate his many other problems such as racism and homophobia...

      Societal menace.

  3. The least he could do is spell masturbate correctly...

  4. His comments in the screen-shots above are disturbing on many levels. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Rhetorical of course, but DAMN!! He's is frighteningly scary. There is something really wrong with him mentally, and god forbid he should snap. The warning signs are all there..

    1. You'd think at minimum SCS Animal Control would get involved.

    2. I'm pretty sure no fast food joint would allow him to work there.

      Too much potential for theft...

    3. .... and, he'd eat all the profits *****

  5. Replies
    1. What about ME, an A L P A C A?
      What in Tarnation is he doing to innocent little stuffed Alpacas?
      *faints* hoofs up*

      ℗ ♛

    2. I re-read the above screenshots, just now.
      How could ANYONE, even Aagent Douche Pontoon, spew that snit? Makes me wonder IF, when he re-reads it here, he shudders and thinks to himself "wtf was I doing?" OR in Steve Urkle's voice "Did I do that?"

      SeanFlemming? I'm so sorry about the lip loving thing, dude. That is seriously scary.

      ℗ ♛

  6. There are no new marty posts And I am having to watch NCIS tonight. :-)

  7. How long until Marty brags that it was his son that sold the heroin to his close personal friend and bodyguard client Philip Seymour Hoffman?

    1. About two minutes after he reads this at the library tonight.

    2. The funny part of Marty using the library computer is he must have forgotten to clear the browser. Looks like everyone that's used it today looked at this blog. There have been a lot of visits from that IP all day today.

    3. Interesting. Maybe someone reported it to law enforcement?

    4. Marty finally got someone to put him on camera. Unfortunately it's black and white with no audio.

  8. Fat-Ass probably doesn't know how to close the browser .. & what libarary is he at, I wonder ... since he has to be a resident to use the computer @ the library ... he probably just showed him his "Special" Agent hat 7 badge and told them he was on a "Secret investigation" ... I hope his fat ass ends up in jail with his "Hood-Wanna Be Thug, kid.

  9. Ellen DeGeneres donated $25,000 to the Detroit Achievement Academy today live on her show .... ( Marty is livid & profusely emailing mean messages to Ellen, for ignoring his plea for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for himself & for not flying Mama Flo to the show)

    1. He'll personally slap the cuffs on her and Portia de Rossi for conspiracy.

      Forever the victim, that Marty...

  10. The most telling observation is that Marty likely has no regrets for anything he says or does. Normal people have remorse and change their future behavior. Marty does not and continues, progressively getting more bizzare and offensive.


    1. Wonder why Marty has not posted his "Facebook movie" ... hmmmmm, mybe because it would be proof of his insanity, lies, threats & prove he is a true Loony Tune?

  11. I didn't see Marty's name mentioned in this press release:

    Must be an oversight.

    1. Now that you posted that be looking for Marty's offer to "say a few words".

    2. You're probably right!

      He'll claim a scheduling conflict.

  12. I just want to throw up! Though I appreciate all the research etc. . . . sin and sick are not the same thing. How about that Affluenza defence?? Sin is not an excuse, and why oh why do insurance co. pay for sin . . . and why do the courts let sinful acts get a pass? Will a bad guy like MP get some attorney and court to say he is a victim of whatever and let him off...Yuck

  13. I don't see Marty ever being able to retain counsel. He didn't years ago, despite his begging on Facebook for assistance with his attorney costs.

  14. Where's his star spangled tribute to his close personal friend Ronald Reagan today, his 103rd birthday?

  15. A grown man should be working, supporting his family, be a productive member in society. Not someone who sucks the life/bank account of his elderly parents or anyone else who crosses his path. It's a shame that our society has so many men and women that feel they are entitled to whatever they want. Disgusting

    1. Marty is the lowest of the low when it comes to this type of person Anon@4:24 .. because he swindles senile old women like his (Mama) Flo & lies and say's he served in the military which he exploits to leech money from acting-lying that he's collecting for vets .. he goes to strangers funerals to leech a meal & plants his fat ass in courtrooms pretending to be a advocate, attorney, special Federal agent etc .. to scam for potential victims .. he is truly the Biggest Bottom Feeder I've ever encountered.

  16. You're right, Spammy .. I heard he calls, contacts ..emails .. text messages every notable attorney in the Det. burbs & they all block him, ignore, disassociate themselves from the Whack-A-Doodle

  17. Attorneys have a bad habit of wanting to get paid. And not with donated Walmart gift cards!

  18. Or a vocher for a free coney dog & cup of coffee from Dimitri's (that Marty scammed Dimitri's out of promising Denny Mclain would appear at the resturant with Marty)

  19. He couldn't even get a lawyer to take his $30,000,000 lawsuit against the Sheriffs department. It's was an easy win according to Marty.

  20. Lol, Bob ... they are afraid of him, I'm telling you. They think he is CRA CRA !!!

  21. Marty just posted he "ATE the Phil the Groundhog" .....

  22. Marty Prehn shared a link.
    18 minutes ago ·
    Maybe MVZ should have taken some of her own advise and realize that what you post on the internet STAYS on the internet and ALL of this information has been sent to Detective Russell Stevens. Megan may not give a F$@K but I know law enforcement does including people I work with within the FBI the Texas Attorney Generals office and the US Justice Department. And oh look an albino Petunia Snodgrass. Now isn't that SPECIAL? As in SPECIAL AGENT MAN. Yes THE H.E.A.T. IS ON!

    1. Either he ran out of reasons to mention the Michigan AG and the Detroit FBI director or they smacked him around to quit lying.

      Texas is a whole new state to lie about!

  23. Marty just posts ramdom crap & say's it is about some poor lady in Texas ... WTF? I for one hope he continues because he is the best thing that ever happened to the Pie Guy LOSING everything ... you go, Mart .. you go !!!! And, apparently Ramse El Armini didn't get the memo that his buddy Marty hates Muslims, esp. illegal ones from Yemen.

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