Friday, February 14, 2014

Puppet Master: Balloon Betty Pulls Marty's Strings

As we await the next Mega Marty Meltdown, I thought we would touch on another subject. How did Marty come to the brilliant conclusion that we are all Megan?

Pictured above is the infamous Betty Krenik, aka Balloon Betty. She is Marty's source not only for the claim this blog is run by Megan but also everything he posts about her. We all knew Marty wasn't intelligent enough to dig up all of those old blog posts about Megan. Someone had to be supplying the research to him. Enter, Balloon Betty. 

Betty's second ex husband was the lawyer Megan accused of raping her after he broke off their affair. During a bitter divorce and custody battle, the couple's bizarre fetish sex life was put on display for the court. Her ex, according to Betty's sworn testimony, had a balloon fetish and wanted to have sex with children. Isn't it ironic that she would combine these two things and become a balloon entertainer for children's parties? I'd be very scared to hire her for my kids party and no doubt they'd be terrified too!

A bitter feud between Megan and Betty went on for years. A lot of accusations were brought up by both sides. Megan hasn't been heard from on the Internet for quite some time. Apparently Betty, on the other hand, can't go away quietly. She continues to troll the Internet in search of more ways to seek revenge on Megan. 

Betty finally found the complete idiot she needed to continue her hate campaign - Marty Prehn. For months now, she has fed Marty all of the things he now posts about Megan. Betty recently went so far as to commit perjury in her attempts to harass Megan by supplying a sworn affidavit in a lawsuit. I wonder if Marty will ever realize he is nothing more that a moronic puppet being used to advance a bitter woman's hate campaign?

Knowing Marty, I highly doubt it!


  1. The only part Betty didn't consider is somebody dumb enough to do her dirty work is also dumb enough to give away his source.

    1. Follow the unmistakable smell of latex...

  2. I'm a starting to smell elephant dung

  3. So?
    Her ex husband likes freaky balloon sex & she makes balloon art at kids' parties?


    ℗ ♛

    1. Bible Camp?

      The smell of sulfur and latex is strong in Garland...

  4. Marty Prehn - I am on assignment from 9-3 but can talk after 3:15 pm.
    February 14 at 11:17am · Like

    1. Yes he was on assignment. He had brake shoes, two starters, and a clutch to deliver.

    2. ... with stops at Burger King, Taco Bell and MickyD's after each delivery...

  5. is this for real? if you guys are serious then the world just entered a new level of messed up. this is the twilight zone, right?

    1. It's very real. Just google her name.

    2. Anon 5:06 Where have you been??? :) You entered the twilight zone a while ago... It just gets more mind numbing !

    3. I still am stuck on her sworn testimony about balloon fetishes & kids...then her affidavit to BigVexi! I do believe helium has wreaked havoc in her noodle!
      Who tells snit like that?
      & if he really did have a balloon fetish? (I doubt that) Why in tarnation would she EVER go near another balloon ever?

      *faints again*
      ℗ ♛

    4. Few mortal men can resist the allure of a woman with balloons and a can of air...

    5. Look at the pic above. If that's not the "I'm going to boil your daughters rabbit" look I don't know what is!

  6. Must be running out of Marty topics. Don't really care about balloon Betty or Megan.

    1. Anon 6:09- Sorry you have become dis-satisfied with our Marty coverage. If you'll please contact our customer service department I'll authorize a full refund of you subscription price. Thanks and have a great day. I hope you find a blog that better fits your interest.

    2. Marty is pre-occupied with his numerous gigs Anon...he's working the Balloon-head lady for his bestest buddy Bill, and deep undercover Aagent exposing Megan. If you are bored, go ask Marty to get back to his epic melt downs. They are far more fun to watch- no doubt.

    3. @ 6:09 - read up on Balloon Betty, you might be more interested and you'll get a good dose of Marty's stupidity.

    4. @anon-6:09 ..... Really? Didn't you read above? The "Special Agent" is on special assignment. Lol ....

    5. Wonder how his big date night went?

  7. I feel so special today. Marty and Betty on the blog at the same time. I think Betty has set a record today. 7hrs on the blog in one day and it's only 3:30. Don't you have some balloon animals to make?

    1. Poor Marty. At the library today using a computer but is to afraid to spew his usual crap on FB. I almost feel sorry for him.

    2. I'm sure the balloon lady was able to cheer him up.

      She is, after all, a professional.

  8. Aagent MongMoose is likely saving self for #Spunday #Sunday #PartTwo

    ℗ ♛

    1. Oh where oh where has Marty gone? Oh where oh where could he be? Who has the right to remain silent now?

    2. ...or his library card was rejected.

    3. I agree with Petunia ... he's waiting for today aka "Spin-Out Meltdown Sunday" to saturate the internet with his pyscho blabber ... He's so insecure & ego-swelled that he doesn't have the self control to not post his cra cra crap ...

    4. It's SUNDAY!!!
      Is Aagent MongMoose THE Douche Pontoon on the loose?

      ℗ ♛

    5. Define "loose".

      You mean like "not tightly wrapped"?

    6. Snort! I think I kinda did!
      Bwahahaha! Spamahilarious? You make my snorter giggle:)

    7. What a bummer that the Agent didn't have the balls to entertain us this Sunday. We can only hope he makes Monday a "Marty Funday" ...


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