Monday, February 24, 2014

Homeless Marty Prehn is Up for Adoption!

"I am up for adoption and looking for a good home."
Marty Prehn Jan 9, 2012

As we enter another week without a new Marty weekend rant to discuss, I begin to wonder who convinced Marty to shut up. As he has proven in the past, he wasn't smart enough to come up with that idea on his own. Without any type of organized audience to boast his bullshit to, who would listen anyway?  He is homeless in both his physical and virtual worlds.

Home #1:  Bernice Prehn

Marty was kicked to the curb of his late mother's house after a Sheriff's Sale for Marty's nonpayment of property taxes. 

Home #2: NASGA, Marti Oakley and Barbi Nemeth Blog talk Radio programs

After this blog uncovered and documented the true nature of Marty's entire "Elder Abuse Advocacy", they quietly severed all ties with "The Elder Avenger". 

Home #3: Bob Jones University Alumni Association

Oh please.  Marty Prehn a college graduate?

Home #4: Lemmings-R-Us

The first suspect to enter my mind would be his local Michigan hero, David. As the FBI has begun to look more closely at his anti government activities, I believe the extra attention Marty was drawing had become quite bothersome. When you're trying to stay under the radar, the last thing you need is an extra large idiot spewing Secret Agent crap everywhere. Could David have finally put a muzzle on the Mongoose?

Another suspect in the tamping down of Marty would be Grand Poobah Bill. Marty's rants about Megan being his arch foe had reached a new level of his lying stupidity. As Marty continued to post as if Bill had instructed him to do it, damage was being done to Bill's pending lawsuit. We've learned since, Bill actually paid no attention to his Regional Director or what he posted. Bill never even noticed Marty, much less responded to him. 

The conclusion I'm drawn to is that the people who participate in this blog are the reason for Marty's silence. Congratulations! As so many of his victims and former supporters began to speak out against him, Marty's rants became even more worthless. Everything he posted was immediately dismissed as just another Marty lie. Since he realized Flo was the only person that still believes him, he has taken to an unprecedented level of private communication in order to preserve his monthly check. 

Flo will soon become "unavailable" in the cycle of life, so the question is:

Who wants to adopt a morbidly obese, lying 58 year-old idiot?   


  1. So don't get to claim him twice on my taxes

  2. I'm still waiting for Ellen and Portia to snag him...

    1. He can always go to the battered wife shelter. There is help available for domestic violence victims.

  3. Yup, Yup 4sure someone has stuffed a sock in "Agent' Prehn's huge Pie-Hole .... he is the worst thing that every happened to that David dude & the Pie Guy. I'll be shocked if both of them don't end up being arrested & charged by the FBI courtsey of Special Agent Prehn & his big, fay lying mouth, facebook page and numerous posts & comments he's saturated the internet with.

    1. If you adopt him, you gotta feed him. That's the law.

      Who can afford that?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Truth is finally coming out... I am grateful.

    1. The pleasure is all ours, ma'am.

    2. yes it is Marlene ad nauseum!

  6. I really hope it all comes back on MP. All the lies and crap that he has spewed on good people... Karma, is not going to be such a good girlfriend.. FOOL !

  7. Some animals shouldn't be adopted. Ever.
    Just sayin'

  8. Lol, Spammy ... how about any post or comment that the Agent makes. Just like now, he's got another 20 links up of him & disgraced Denny MClain in photos that were taken at a chariety event that Marty crashed .. yesterday, he posted 2 links he pulled up 20 more from December .. now, the funny thing is in the 20 posts-links tonight are comments where Marty is called out for being a lying scam & a link to this blog ... lol .. that DUMBASS !!!! Now anyone who may have missed the link to this blog that Bobby had on Mart's FB wall because Mart deletes them .. can now see the link and read the blog .. thanks to Marty ... lol

  9. I'm not taking that bet, then!

  10. Spammy .. notice I only made it ten bucks ... but, it's such a sure thing with Marty .. I'd be stealing anyone's money that bet me ... ha, ha

  11. Try Flo. She's an easy mark...

  12. Marty Prehn You clearly demonstrate with the EMPHASIS on DEMON how sick and demented you are and are a cyber bully and stalker and lack any love or empathy at all. You are just like the sickos from the Westboro Baptist church who disrespects the rights of others. Please flush yourself down your self righteous toilet and return to your septic tank with MVZ and all off the anonymous little joeys and STOP cyber stalking and harassing me and making threats against me. It is no wonder why your daughter was removed from you and why you lost custody and any visitation rights. You ARE indeed SICK and a WHACKJOB. This is a CEASE and DESIST DEMAND under state and federal internet laws under the Homeland Security Act.
    Edited · Like · 1 · 1 hour ago

  13. Marty Prehn Florence tells me no more peroggi's or german sausage or sour kraut or potato salad. Lungs were filling with fluids and was not able to breathe. I felt like a fish gasping for air. I evan had to give up my cuban cigars and 15 cups of coffee a day. The scarry part and what amazed the Doctor's is what was keeping me alive as by all accounts I should have had a major heat attack and still am in my recovery mode. I was asked over and over by each doctor and heart specialist, ARE YOU SURE YOU CANNOT FEEL YOUR HEART RACING AND POUNDING OUT OF CONTROL? Ane the truth is that I could not.
    Like · 2 · Feb 27, 2012

  14. And "This is a CEASE and DESIST DEMAND under state and federal internet laws under the Homeland Security Act." to IMMEDIATELY REMOVE ANY AND ALL REFERENCES TO AND OR IMAGES OF:

    Betty Krenik
    Elizabeth Krenik
    Balloonytik Betty
    Balloon Betty

    And any other reference thereof under penalty of law.

    1. Would need the complainant's name to comply.

    2. Haha!! I've been wondering where you went Betty. Now that you found out MVZ has nothing to do with this blog and you could no longer use Marty to slander her, I thought you would be gone. Maybe you should go tie some balloon animals or whatever it is you do with those balloons. As far as your cease and desist, you left off abate and you can bite me!

    3. RC3 - May I request a future article about Betty, complete with photos of her in action, as the only woman able to tame the Mongoose?

    4. She intrigues me.

      I, too, have fallen under her hypnotic spell...

    5. I hope that MVZ person sues the fat & helium outta these 2 POSs! For months & months they have both spewed venomous filth about her. The wannabe Aagent MongMoose of the AlphabetSoup 3letter agency impersonating DouchePontoon would blather ANYTHING any female told him!!! I can only imagine the late night texts & calls this balloon woman will be recieving from her friend in the near future. She invited him to do to her what they've both been doing to MVZ. The worms will turn on one another. There's my prediction. I give it less than a month. DouchePontoon will be harassing & sending sexually explicit messages to his balloon blowing buddy.

      ℗ ♛

    6. And she owes it all to trusting a pathological liar who will say and do anything for attention and/or money.

      Of course, Marty wanted another one of his famous "virtual relationships" with her. That ain't going to happen and he's moving to another mark closer to the gravitational pull of his enormous mass.

      Her balloon popped right in her face this time...

  15. Marty Prehn and the St. Clair Shores Memorial Day Parade Committee is accepting applications from veterans groups, school marching bands, scouting groups, and other organizations who would like to participate in the parade on Sunday, May 25.

  16. Brady Gregg it's obvious that some of these senseless posters are KK, Krispe Kreme, and the rest of that satanic bloodline.
    Like · 5 hours ago
    Marty Prehn Agreed.
    Like · 2 hours ago
    Marty Prehn Bob? Bob who? Oh that's right it is Robert Lookout III now.
    Like · 2 hours ago

    1. You can call me Bob or Robert, just don't call me darling.

    2. Maybe you should get a webcam, Bob...

  17. One thing I know for sure is that Marty is Marty. He is still Stupid I believe that these guys are smarter than SPPPPEEECCCIIIAALL AGGGEEENNTTTT PREHN....

  18. Don't worry Betty, I haven't forgotten about you. I'll be sure to include you in a post again soon. You just keep checking every 15 mins like usual!!

    1. No worries "Bob". Very soon proof of your identity and vicious online activity will be distributed to your neighbors, employers, and churches. Some of you have more to loose than others, particularly those of you who have trouble keeping a job, have prior felony arrests, etc. Imagine the looks on the faces of those charity groups who claim to support domestic violence victims has one of their own caught red-handed targeting such a person. Should employer equipment be used in the process during work hours, that makes them liable as well and employee termination will be the only solution. That cease and desist was NOT a "request", it was a legal DEMAND and will be treated as such.

    2. The legal requirement of a C&D is full name and address of complainant.

    3. Wait, now I'm confused. I thought I was Megan and I lived off of mental disability? What employer do I have? Did you decide I'm not Meagan now Betty? I sure hope you make up your mind before you start telling everyone about me.

    4. One more thing Betty, I DEMAND you make me a balloon unicorn!! You know how much I love unicorns.

    5. Is that a unicorn in the photo that I just found using Google Image Search?
      Damn. I think those church ladies would appreciate a mug shot any day....just saying.

    6. "...~ online activity will be distributed to your neighbors, employers, and churches."

      Cool! More readers!

    7. this thread is pants pissin funny!

  19. ****** FRIDAY FUNDAY... Thanks to the Special Agent (who does not know, is not friends & has no role in any of this ) ******** .... =

    Marty Prehn shared a link. 7 hours ago · Edited.
    Hey Shannon Wahl and Scott and Vickie aka Victory Behenna and friends and family of Michael Behenna. Our HERO has been tested and tried and purified and shall soon come forth as gold. And we now have the answer to 2 classic songs. The first is WHO LET THE DAWGS OUT? And the answer to the Cats and the cradle and his Silver Wings. WHEN ARE YOU COMING SON? I DON'T KNOW WHEN BUT WE'LL GET TOGETHER THEN DAD. YOU KNOW WE'LL HAVE A GOOD TIME THEN. On March 14, 2014 Michael IS COMING HOME MOM AND DAD AND WE WILL HAVE A GREAT TIME THEN. For "our boy" and an American HERO will be FREE AT LAST.
    SSGT. BARRY SADLER lyrics - The Ballad Of The Green Berets

    The Ballad Of The Green Berets lyrics - SSGT. BARRY SADLER

  20. I thought unicorns were bi-sexual women wanting and willing to be part of a threesome. I must spend too much time looking at Craigslist ads

  21. I am advertising this blog on my facebook wall. I have lost many friends because of this man. I have patronized him and put up with his crap because I pitied him. Not worth losing "real" friends over!


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