Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Marty Prehn Beaten Again (and again)

The big day for Domestic Violence victims everywhere has finally arrived. Despite the fact that half of Michigan is underwater, Marty's landmark battered wife trial started today as the Mongoosmobile zoomed into the court parking lot blaring "I am Woman, Watch me Roar...".  The case was resolved in fairly short order and Marty's attempts to use this event as his platform to threaten people for months came to an unceremonious end. Big "fireworks" were going to happen today, but it appears Marty's fireworks were soaked like the rest of S/E Michigan.

This trial was to be another chance for the Mongoose to get on the witness stand and send someone to prison. Not only was Marty going to put his ex roommate away for a long time, several others were going to be in deep legal trouble today as well. We'll review some of these threats and point out that once again, Marty ends up looking not only like a fool, but a big fat sissy.

Marty had all but guaranteed John was headed to prison. This trial of the century would be Marty's chance to testify against him and send him to the big house (with Jr, perhaps?). As is the case with everything Marty claims, it didn't happen. Despite Marty's begging to the prosecutor and judge, there was no jail time handed down. A simple plea deal was struck and probation was the sentence. Stay out of trouble for a while and we'll forget about the whole thing.

Another threat of Marty's heading into this trial was the claim that John was illegally growing marijuana in the basement of the home they shared. Drug charges were sure to be slapped on John and the house seized for being a drug house. Of course as soon as he started trying to bring this threat into play, Marty received his usual courtroom instructions. "Please sit down and shut up Mr Prehn". Marty still hasn't learned he can't throw other charges into a trial, it's only about the official charges brought by the prosecutor. I guess his high level meetings were unable to result in these extra charges being filed. Once again, Marty's attempts at added vengeance fail. Anyone else detecting a pattern here?

Today was also the day Guy and Robin would pay a heavy price for an alleged "Retaliation Eviction" and theft of Marty's "intellectual properties", whatever that could have been. How many times have we seen Marty ranting about MCL 600 and his ex landlord not understanding how much trouble they were in? As everyone, except Marty I assume, knew none of that had anything to do with today's trial, it was never even mentioned. There was also to be a mail tampering charge in there somewhere as this case was dismissed months ago but Marty claimed his landlord stole his mail.

Another big happening today was contempt charges for Robin and Marty passing out PPO's like candy on Halloween. Of course, since none of the targets of these threats were involved in the case, they weren't there to laugh at Marty. Why fight through floodwaters to see Marty acting like the complete idiot he is. There will be plenty of other opportunities to watch that. Besides, as his former friends and landlord, they've had their fill.

This review has only touched on a few of the idiotic threats Marty had made heading into today. Feel free to mention others in the comments as you laugh. Today's court outcome for Marty was exactly what we've come to expect when that moron shows up for anything - a resounding failure. Nothing he said was going to happen actually did. Everyone Marty threatened with pending legal doom remains free and relatively happy. Marty once again storms out of the court room butthurt that he didn't get the results he wanted and looked stupid in the process. And we here at CoM have yet another reason to laugh at Marty. Some things just never change.


  1. I'm expecting him on Dr Phil and Ellen now to discuss surviving the whole ordeal...

    1. I have been glued to COURTV for hours!
      Switching now to Ellen's network.
      I'm sure this court is #corrupt now? Or there was a #conspiracy? #Ricco?
      Did his loving girlfriend join him in seeking #justice today or was he #DoucheCanoe-ing solo? (get it? flooding? douche canoe? bwahahahahahahahaha! I crack myself up!)
      I hope girlfriend took note how fast AagentMongMoose will flip out during an argument & claim he was beaten & abused! She'll never ditch his fugly ass, now!

      Oh? How many national media outlets braved the flood waters to attend and interview P R E H N as he fled the court?

      ℗ ♛ ❥

    2. With all the water in the area today, it's a good thing for Marty that turds float.

    3. This clown is just too damn much.

      How can he live with himself?

  2. Waiting with bated breath for LOSER Prehn to spew tears and threats on his Facebook page after being SLAPPED DOWN, again in court. I am sure he will be appealing this to the Supreme Court, Federal Court .... any court, any city, anywhere in Michigan. LMAO, again at Prehn.

  3. Pretty funny stuff, that whole pesky truth vs hype. He blathers on and on about everything under the sun that's "going to happen", criminal charges, jail, fines, etc. yet the typical Marty epic fail every time. Epic liar, Epic failure, Epic con, Epic solo douche canoe operator (good one Petunia), Epic Epic Epic!!

  4. Oh goodness, I bet Guy and Robin are breathing a big sign of relief ... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHHHAHAH ...... STILL LMAO at Stupido Marty.

  5. Will Secret Agent Mongoose be setting up a event page for Macomb County, as well? Considering he never set up the Oakland County page, then got "tamped" down in Oakland County ... and just got "Tamped" down even more today in Macomb County ... I doubt he has the balls to spew any more pure & total bullshit !(Marty Prehn - Setting up an event page for those in Oakland County and other parts of Michigan to attend to put a STOP to this cyber stalking and death threats.

    August 1 at 8:25am)

    1. Allow me to speak for Bob and the others here:

      NO ONE wishes any physical harm or injury to ever befall our beloved Marty, for we'd all cease to have a purpose in life.

      Besides, we just special ordered 100 CoM T-shirts for the regulars...

    2. T-shirts? Oh!!! I want one!!! Puhleeeeeeease?

      ℗ ♛ ❥

  6. How did I miss the "Agent's" pivotal role in the Bob Bashara case and prosecution? I'm pretty sure Hank Winchester from channel 4 immediately called the agent, lol ) ...Marty Prehn - Hank I have some additional information for you regarding the Bashara case. Call me at 1 586 222 3443 so we can talk.

    June 29, 2012 at 12:07pm · Like

    1. Its clear he is mental!

    2. Yup he is clearly a mentally deficient human and a celebrity stalker. He displays all the delusions that other celebrity stalkers displayed ... like having the delusion that these people(celebrities, local official's, elected official's ..etc) are his personal friends and that he has a personal relationship with ... TOTALLY MENTAL .... the fat dude is scary, if you ask me.

    3. You people just don't understand the higher order thinking of a mongoose...

    4. As I read that? I swear I heard Blondie singing "CALL ME" in my head!
      Bahahahaha hahahahaha!!!!!
      "Mongoose speaking? Is this a media related call? Or Elder dawg? (Different hats required)

      ***EYE ROLL*** #callme


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