Sunday, April 13, 2014

Marty Prehn Comes Through For Us

As we approach the end of another weekend I have to admit, I'm disappointed in our favorite super hero. Not a single post from The Elder Avenger about his great triumph at Friday's "Elder Abuse" summit. 

Experience tells all of us Marty would never attend an event without photo bombing everyone in attendance. Why haven't we had the pleasure of seeing his smiling face in the background of pics from this event? Has Hula Helen been too busy this weekend to convert his pics sent to her in text messages into email so he can post them? 

Marty was supposed to be a keynote speaker this past Friday. He claimed he would be discussing his mother's case as well as his historic participation in the Dr Chism case. Why didn't Mrs Mongoose post a video of Marty "saying a few words" immediately on her Facebook? I would think this speech would be far more important than the drunken ramblings from the VFW she posted with great pride recently. 

What about the national task force against elder abuse that Marty is going to lead? Wasn't this luncheon supposed to be it's great introduction? I would think the press would have wanted to record this historic beginning to such an important task force, including pictures of Marty front and center wearing a T-shirt under a sports coat that's two sizes too small?

As the weekend slowly passed I became worried that Marty's trip into enemy territory had resulted in something terrible for the Mongoose. Then Saturday night we received a reassuring gift from Marty that showed that all was well and nothing had changed. He provided us with another completely idiotic comment on Big Vexi's page:

"Marty Prehn Based on a phone call by This same Sean Fleming the Troy Police department has opened a case file on him as they believe he is unstable and was telling them that I was a threat and a terrorist and left his telephone number with them and provided copies of text messages from me that also showed his IP address and his stupidity as he did not know that back in the 90's I worked with the sgt. that he called and talked to and that I also know the Troy police Chief back when I worked at Oakland Mall. Everyone in law enforcement was made aware of the verbal and written threats that this ACME boy wonder has made against both XXXX XXXXXXX and myself. This includes the Oakland County Prosecuting Attorney's office, the DOJ the FBI and the SPECIAL AGENT with the Secret Service. Sean Fleming has shown how much of an ass he is. A true disgrace to the uniform. I wonder why Sean does not reveal the REAL reason that he is no longer in the military and the reason for his divorce."
8 minutes ago · Edited · Like

As usual Marty's stupidity oozes from this comment. I find it very amusing anytime Marty comments on someone's mental state. What is it about him that makes him believe he's an expert on mental issues? Is it because he suffers from so many he's able to spot them in others now?

Marty seems to think because he learned how to type the acronym "IP" that now it's another tool he can threaten people with. Why would someone else's IP be attached to text Marty sent? He should learn more about IP's than just how to spell it. 

Of course no spew by Marty would be complete without including all the 3 letter agencies he has told about his target. Not to mention he can't help but include his all caps SPECIAL AGENT in any rant he posts. I did notice he decided to add the Secret Service to his list this time. Were they added because of Marty's close ties to the present and past presidents? Are they now going after anyone who makes Marty mad because he's become so important to national security? Or is it because he saw something on TV about them last week and he managed to remember the agency's name during his latest rant? 


  1. Let me guess: His involvement with the cops while working at JC Penney was after he admittedly stole the Christmas display and put it on his front lawn on Trombly Street?

    1. Wasn't that the confession he made to the reporter of the local newspaper on his daughter's birthday?

    2. Yep!

      Everyone laughs at that particular Marty Moment!

  2. OMG, he is such a liar ... thre is no Sgt in the Troy police dept that is still there that know Marty back in the JCP days .. the Sgt long ago retired if he evr existed. And is Marty talking about the Chief of Police, Dane Slather? The same Dane S that Marty created a blog about and accussed him of embellzement, lying, covering up crimes inc. rape committed by a high profile Detroit family member & covering up Sen. Debbie Stabacow's husband's case, and claiming Slater stole $40g's ??????????????? REALLY?

    1. He really needs to keep a journal of his lies, or at least refer to this blog before he gets on Facebook.

  3. After seeing the last couple of Marty comments about Sean I've noticed something. Marty thinks it important to mention people's divorces when commenting. Considering Marty has been divorced twice I guess I should follow his lead and try to get an interview with one of his ex wives. I'm sure all of our readers would like to know what would cause a woman to divorce such an important, powerful, American patriot. I'm sure it was because they felt unworthy of being with such an incredible man. I'll have to try and find out.

    1. Why does the term "eat them out of house and home" come to mind?

    2. I'd just like to get an up close perspective of how he because such an important man. How much work went into him having such great success in life?

    3. Does Johnny count as an ex?

    4. I think you'd probably have years worth of daily articles from his ex's. It's one thing being able to watch what he does on FB, and the meetings he goes to while trying to freeload something, and find the truth behind his lies, but can you imagine the one on one dealings with him? OMG I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

  4. Fumigation and Soiled sewing baskets come to mind for me.

  5. Well his post reminded me of Paul Blart Mall Cop. I know that Marty is Jealous if my Prestigious Military Career that he will never know why I got out. I and even if he does it is no big deal. I am though a veteran during two wars. I have also worked with Navy Seals, Army Special Forces, and Airforce Special Ops for sometime. I know this might be too much for Marty who only could dream of being a full member. He is if anything an auxiliary member of the VFW because his mother was a veteran. He also has about as much pull with Senator Levin as I do. He also has something about my face. He sounds like a little 3rd Grader.

    1. Yeah, but he still gets the hot chicks...

  6. That poor old lady is so lonely...

    "Marty Prehn
    Greed and the love of money are the root of all evil Florence. There will be prosecutions in my mother's case and will be handled in federal court as a seminal case to set an example across the country for those who dare to do physical, emotional or financial harm to vulnerable adults like my mother and then use a corrupt court system to try to justify their selfish and illegal actions
    Edited · Like · 6 hours ago
    Florence Iverson
    Or even a father or husband, as you know from the Dr. Chism episode. Keep up the good work Marty. I hope people support you in your endeavor to clean up the corruption.
    Like · 3 hours ago
    Marty Prehn
    Gee Florence you almost make me feel like a modern day Elliot Ness. lol
    Like · 1 hour ago
    Florence Iverson
    I have to give credit due.
    Like · 27 minutes ago"

    1. More like J. Edgar Hoover. Anyone else recall Marty dressing up like Dolly Parton?

      "Gee Florence you almost make me feel like a modern day Elliot Ness. lol"

    2. "Ness began drinking more heavily and spending his free time in bars telling (often exaggerated) stories of his law enforcement career. He also spent himself into debt. "

  7. Marty Prehn I wonder if this is where the word analogy comes from. By definition an analogy is the study of the rectum and is synonymous with the people who post as anonymous.

    5 hours ago · Like · 1

    1. His linguistics and medical double major from BJU comes in handy...


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