Friday, April 22, 2016

Marty Wow Commemorative Lunchbox - Just Add Food!

Now is the time, the time is now - for a big announcement from everyone here at CoM!

As we continue to watch Marty rename and change the content of whatever he's calling his great weekend of fake events, all of us here decided we'd go to Happy Hour for a little team building and brainstorming session. After a few adult beverages, some bright intern, who shall remain nameless, found some inspiration and came up with a great idea. Why not have a competing weekend extravaganza to honor the biggest lying fraud the world has ever seen?

As the drinks flowed during our meeting, so did the great ideas for various events we could hold during our Moronic Mongoose tribute weekend. Unfortunately, these ideas were scribbled on a cocktail napkin that became unreadable when Cookout vomitted on himself and the table. I can't remember all the great ideas now but, as our staffers remember them, I'll release the details. For now I'll just use the go-to delay tactic our hero Marty uses when announcing his great upcoming events.

"Details to follow. Watch for the upcoming event page!"

One idea that did manage to survive this historic night was a merchandising idea that will be available to all of our loyal readers for purchase during the various weekend events. I sent the order to begin production to our factory this morning. Other items are "in the works" but here is our first official item to commemorate this historical weekend:

Order now, CoMmies, quantities are going to be limited to preserve the collector's value. These won't last long, so don't hesitate. Order now!

Stay tuned to the Internet's foremost authority on "All Things Marty" as we get approval from our legal department to release certain correspondence sent to the former Eastpointe Cruise Committee member. Nice work, Bob. Now go apologize to that waitress from our meeting...


  1. Whatever event you're planning, Tuttle, I hope you don't expect to charge $73 without the likes of Marty and Jamie Victory hosting it.

    If you are, I'll just get one of Marty's tickets from a scalper...

  2. All I know is I will be at the Gratiot cruise in Roseville and then In the Park on the 15-/ 18th. Should be an awesome weekend.

  3. This will truly be a historic set of events.

    And no Spam, there will not be tickets for sale. This great weekend will be funded by our corporate sponsors. Unlike Marty, we here at CoM understand that when an event has corporate sponsors, the public shouldn't be charged admission.

    1. Then what has Marty been doing with all of that money?

      Duh! Forget I axed.

  4. [IMG][/IMG]

    I'm sure she feels the same way about you dumbass

    1. He's just looking for a date to his dinner because Jamie can't legally put out...

  5. I've been going through the pictures and videos, scanning the crowd of attendees and speakers at the Kasem Cares Conference in California and have yet to spot one ratty sport coat or Special Agent hat.

    What gives? I'd think that they'd just cancel the conference when they found out that Marty only raised enough gas money to get to Kroger's and bum a few returnable bottles from Jamie.

    Wait - There's his picture on the overhead PowerPoint. Looks like it says "Predator" underneath...

    1. Silly Kerri. That's P-R-E-H-N for the media...

  6. Oh Marty thinks he can stop me from attending public events still. First of all I will be talking with the Eastpointe Mayor about this banning you want to do about people. This is a public cruise. I can go anywhere I want. I can go to the gratiot cruise either Eastpointe or Roseville or even Clinton Township. I will also be visiting the Arsenal of Detroit again soon. Good luck trying to stop me from attending public events buddy LMAO. As I have said and will say again. I'm not interested in harassing you or seeing you I just love some old cars.

    1. I'd call Suzanne Pixley to confirm. Might be illuminating...

      Just sayin'.

    2. I wonder what ever happened to Paul Zappa? Did he ever get a huge send off for his brother as he was told he would. He's a ham radio guy. I will have to catch up with him at field day.

    3. You just gave Marty another idea towards his 21 honorees.

      Dead guys don't put up too much of a fight...

  7. Oh and for the record Brooks l Patterson is not friends of Marty.

  8. Nah, don't lock him up. The comedic value of his stupidity is far to good.

    1. He'd need to have a family member who gave a shit to sign the papers, anyway.

    2. I wonder if Malik Shabazz know that Marty hates muslims. So much he wears a crusades shirt. I wonder what he would think about that photo? Inquiring minds want to know.

    3. Friday at Gus's Coney Island sounds good.


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