Wednesday, April 27, 2016

More Mongoose Magic!

We've got your back, Marty...


  1. I'm afraid to ask what he kept in the cigar box.

    MVZ surveillance supplies...

  2. Sean - See you for lunch at Taste of the Orient.


  3. Not too much longer I will be out on gratiot at the cruise in Roseville. Should be nice.

  4. Sean, while you're there stop by the CoM meet and greet tent. We should be located next to Marty's various reunion tent so we can bum food like Marty plans to. It should be a great location for getting some video of the Special Agent to the Stars that have no idea who Marty is.

  5. I will be driving the Eastpointe cruise in a very special car with very special people inside all and I also can say GoPro

  6. Screw that celebrity crap, I wanna meet Florence and her niece!

  7. It would be interesting to ask Flo's neice if she's aware of how much money Marty has bilked Flo out of.

  8. Planning on it. Maybe get Marcia Southwick involved.

  9. Word on the street is a certain Special Agent is planning on rounding up parole and probation violators at 7 Mile and Winthrop tonight.

    Pass it on...

    "Marty Prehn
    August 26, 2013
    I have put many people behind bars as their actions require it and it was their actions not mine that put them there."


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