Friday, April 29, 2016

Introducing...... I NEED A COMMIE!

So I'm sitting at the kitchen table the other night, worried about my ongoing employment as Editor of The Chronicles of Marty. How could a blog like this compete with another event put on by the likes of one organized by MVP Productions? You know, that powerhouse non-profit corporation comprised of Denny McLain, Jamie Victory and the Mongoose himself?

As I poured another glass of bourbon, I contemplated hanging it up and trying to get my previous job of sorting meal worms at the pet store back, but then I thought "Hey, Tuttle. You're better than that. Let's at least go out with a bang and hold our own event and try to put MVP out of business!"

Now based on our increased page views since our great event/lunchbox announcement, I can only assume everyone is waiting with much anticipation for us to reveal the details of the historic CoMmie weekend we are planning. Well great news, CoMmies, your wait is over! Today we'll announce the kickoff first event of our Marty-themed weekend extravaganza. This weekend will be so spectacular, the word historic might not be an adequate description!

Our first event will be a combination of not only a shoutout to the person who originally brought us all together but also a type of event Marty just loves. I am proud to announce the first event of the Marty weekend will be Campout with Cookout! That's right, Marty lovers, the creator of this blog, Robert Cookout III (aka RC3) will be hosting this monumental event. Who better to start this weekend than the person whose drunken genius conceived our coverage of the world's biggest lying idiot?

Marty originally announced his great Dan Haggerty weekend would begin with a Hawaiian style luau at a local hotel where all the celebrities were staying. After his now famous Easter dinner with a couple of dead guys at an outdoor themed restaurant, Marty changed his first event into a celebrity roast of the dead and buried Griz. It seemed a little tasteless of Marty to hold an event where everyone sits around and makes fun of a dead guy but, you know if Elder Dawg is planning it, it'll be high-class all the way.

Anyway, after Marty's vivid description of following bear tracks through the woods while being drawn to a secluded location for his seance dinner, Cookout decided what better event would go well with that setting than a campout. The Campout with Cookout will be held right outside of the location of Marty's famous dinner with dead guys and soon to be held Dan Haggerty Celebrity Roast - Gilbert's Lodge on Harper in St Clair Shores!

As you can see in the above satellite image of Gilbert's location, it's amazing Marty was able to find the bear tracks to follow to get there. With all of that concrete it must have been an incredibly large bear to leave tracks. Or perhaps its feet were just filthy from riding shotgun in the Mongoosemobile. There also seems to be a noticeable absence of any type of wooded area. What was Marty wandering through to get to this "secluded location"? Maybe I just can't see the trees for the forest, as Marty's once upon a time hero likes to say. Or was Marty's vivid description the result of a hallucination brought on from him making the walk from the parking lot to the door? Not unlike his recent attempt to walk a few blocks while participating in a protest march and needing a ride after about 25 yards. Skip a meal or three, fatass.

But back to the Campout. There were several Campout activities that were mentioned in planning this event. As Cookout began to plan the various fun stuff, there seemed to be complications involved with each. He considered a celebrity roast of Marty, who was still alive as of this writing. After contacting all of Marty's celebrity friends and hearing "Who?" so much you would think he was already in the forest restaurant surrounded by owls, that idea was scrapped. The only people we could find that were willing to roast Marty were John DiNardo, Dave Wilson, Catherine Falk, and Erica Hamel. After we informed them we meant tell jokes about him and not actually light him on fire, they didn't want to waste their breath.

There were other problems that came up while trying to plan our big campout. We originally were planning on everyone bringing their own tent in order to fully enjoy the entire camping experience. Unfortunately, after surveying the area, we became concerned if we started setting up tents and mentioning Marty, we could be mistaken for a newly formed homeless camp and be asked to leave by Marty's good friends at the Eastpointe Police Department (yes, he crashes their council meetings, too). S'mores over the campfire also had to be cancelled because the Fire Marshall said there was a city ordinance against open flames within the city limits and we all know how Marty just loves to run down to city hall and report those code violations and such. I guess that's what happens when your location "in the wilderness" is on a major thoroughfare.

We had also planned to do a little "star gazing" as the numerous "left coast Hollywood stars and Nashville legends" came and went from Marty's big event, but you know why that's not going to happen, either.

After these problems were discovered, Cookout came up with a great solution. Our Campout with Cookout will now be held in the Trophy Room at Gilbert's Lodge. I'm as surprised as you are that nobody had secured this spot for any gatherings on Thursday June 16th. A small $100 deposit was all it took to reserve our spot. Now that we have secured this location we'll be free to enjoy the activities we settled on. We plan to have Sean "Flem Ling" Fleming of the Sean Fleming Show give a lecture on how to GoPro the biggest fail in Mongoose history, all while wearing an ankle monitor and dodging all the various law enforcement agencies that are assigned to arrest anyone Marty doesn't like. Cookout will be hosting a screening of the now famous TeamX video featuring none other than our guest of honor, Martin E Prehn. This will be the first screening of this video since its name was changed to "Justice 4 Jean is Coming". Funny how just a little name change can make a video appear first when certain google searches are done. Robin and Guy have agreed to regale us with stories of the various items that were found while shoveling out Elder Dawg's abandoned rented room. I've been led to believe that Marty should refer to it as "sexual property" instead of intellectual.

Cookout also assures me he has a couple of "mystery celebrity guest" lined up to make appearances as well. Apparently, he believes all it will take to get them to attend is playing the simple children's game Red Rover. Always seems to work for Marty so, why not?

The ending of our Campout should really be spectacular. We will be using a Ouija Board to get the best "lifelong good friend" stories from all of the dead celebrities Marty knows. Maybe the Artist Formerly Known as Alive, Prince, can sing! And Doris Roberts can do whatever the hell she did when she was still breathing.

As you can see, The Campout with Cookout is a can't miss event for anyone who follows the antics of Marty the Moronic Mongoose. Seating is limited to the first 60 people to sign up so don't wait to place your reservation. Fortunately, dead celebrities will not count against that number so, the overwhelming popularity among Marty's great friends shouldn't cause any problems.

And all of Marty's friends, both living and dead, get to eat for free!

That means Bob gets to drink my entire deposit.


  1. I'm in! I happen to have a little pink glittery 5th wheel...I'll be #glamping! ♛ @Ninja will be bunking with me!

    1. How soon you've forgotten me...

    2. How fun!! I'm in too. Yay bunking with Petunia is always a blast, she's the only one who can paint all my paws without getting the polish all over my fur! So don't be jelly Spammy.

      I'll bring a very special guest too, that I bumped into a short time ago, can't say where...but this person also unfortunately knows of the only Monglooser and his lies. Quite comical actually. Such a small world... when your lies are spread far and wide.

  2. Robert Cookout IIIApril 30, 2016 at 6:56 AM

    I decided I would look into a little protest I heard was going on last night at 7 mile and Winthrop. When I arrived I saw a small group of protestors holding signs and walking down the street. Then I saw Marty lagging behind before getting picked up by Jr and being driven the short distance the protestors walked. Here they are standing in the back of the group after Jr helped Marty out of the truck to join in.


    What a couple of idiots these two are.

    1. Back off, Cookout!

      Marty was advocating to the stars and Jr was on a sales call...

    2. LMAO Marty looks like grumpy the cat in that picture. HAHAHAHA

      Oh and damn!! Jr is looking rough ("ruff"), along with a hint of distain/intolerance. I can almost feel his irritation for having to play tag-a-long/escort for disabled, demented, old daddy dog. Or is that look of "confusion" on his face, trying hard to learn how to con his way through life -- you know, like take your kid to work day? Except, there is no "work" and his feet are probably too big to fit in old daddy dogs shoes?

    3. I think Jr is shopping for a new baby mama.

    4. what was the protest about? thx

    5. Killing babies, but Marty tried to make it about his greatness and life milestone of closing in on 3,300 fake friends.

      Nobody wanted to watch his Bill Windsor video on his cellphone...

  3. Marty has to be the loneliest, most pathetic wretch in the world.

    Happy Saturday night, Marty!

  4. Marty seems strangely aroused by Malik's colorful native wear...


  5. I thought Marty told him he just gave up pork.

  6. "My black panther friends are going to fight my battles now. They're going to protest you Flem Ling"


    Marty Wow!

    1. Deja vu.

      Griz and the cowboy gang are so last month...

      Marty Prehn's Life Doesn't Really Matter...

    2. Malik: did you find your hat?
      Marty: No
      Malik: I guess your no longer special agent Marty Prehn

  7. Wow! First of all this is not my blog. Marty if you protest I front of my home I will have you arrested and file a complaint of harassment against you. I suggest you find something to do other than make posts day after day about me. That's is all you do.

  8. So Deonda axed Marty and Barry to sit this one out, eh?

    "Marty who, your honor?"

    1. Or maybe Marty showed up on Sunday.

  9. "Red Rover, four leaf clover. Let anyone with or without a heartbeat come to my stupid-ass awards dinner..."

  10. Poor Skye is learning the hard way that everything Marty comes in contact with inevitably fails...

  11. I hear Marty is telling people he has worked on cases with the Clinton Twp detectives. Was he undercover or what? I bet they will say "Marty Who" when asked.

    1. Probably means Jr's drug house bust and assault less than manslaughter cases.

  12. [IMG][/IMG]

    What happened to Marty's life long, I only met him once in an autograph line, good friend Dan Haggerty. Were Marty's new targets not big fans of Grizzly Adams so he had to change the name of his imaginary dinner? Will he be offering refunds to all of the Dan fans that were buying the tickets that Marty said were "going fast"? Is Malik Shabazz a big Danny D fan?

    1. Better change the menu...

      "Hello, Popeye's? Do you cater and take Bridge Cards?"

    2. "Gratiot Eastpointe Gratiot Cruise"?

    3. And who is "we", re: "We're halfway there folks"?

      Fake Facebook friends are a hell of a life's mission...


    4. Might want to stick with Jamie Victory for this go-around...

      "Dear Paula Deen. My name is Marty Prehn and I am a national Elder Advocate who has fought for the rights of the elderly, the military and those who are the victims of bullying. I am putting on an event on August 10th to get National and International Awareness of Elder and Guardianship Abuse, human trafficking and groups that are working to address those with Alzheimer's and Dementia. I need a co-host for the show and would like for you to join me. It is my intentions to get national media at this event as I will be conducting my own memorial service as I am dying and need to have a pacemaker implanted to keep me alive. Please contact me via e-mail at or like you southern girls do just give me a call on my cell at 1 586 563 0989 so we can talk about this further. Please do me a favor though. You made your apology and asked for forgiveness so let's move forward and Let's give them something of substance to really talk about. Love you Paula and hold you head up high as you have nothing to be ashamed about and I will be your wingman any time of the day or night." on Paula Deen's timeline.
      Jun 29"

    5. Grizzly Adams is so last month. I wonder if Rita Maid is going to attend anyway. And will Marty still have lunch boxes and coffee mugs for sale?

    6. I'm sure Malik Shabazz and CEOMick can't wait to get their hands on one of those Grizzly Adams/Marty the Mongoose hoodies!

    7. Grizzly who? I wonder about those 1600 more friends Marty will be getting. Is he going to be the one clicking and requesting for friend requests from people he doesn't even know from Facebook threads he's involved in or will people somehow by miracle ask him for a Facebook friend add. Look people who like your comments on Facebook on some topic on fox 2 are really not your friends. News reporters, politicians, law enforcement, celebrities eye are not your friends. I also heard the Clinton township clerk and the supervisor said "Marty Who???" When asked about him. It is confirmed he never worked with the detectives.

    8. Wow! Playing around with handguns is one easy way to hurt yourself, others and land in jail or end up dead. Where's the mother now?

    9. Considering that it's after 5:00, maybe marching at the courthouse with Marty?

  13. Marty certainly had a dream last August:

    "Marty Prehn
    Let's get the guy tgat paid for the sign up here. I has a history with MLK Jr. and wal ked side by side with him the day before King was assassinated."

    This time, it only involves getting fake friends on Facebook, but it's a dream nonetheless...

  14. Need to confirm with a few more sources, but prepare for Marty's latest failure, CoMmies.

  15. Is he giving an award to himself for this admiral feat?

    What a f&cking retard. Less personality than a webcrawling bot.

  16. Clearly no genuine purpose in life.

    No use to society, either.

  17. Seriously. Isn't this irrefutable confirmation that no one likes him in the real world?

  18. by having 5000 people that he continually makes libel, defamation, and slander statements about me daily I plan on suing using the Windsor Lawsuit Money I am going to be collecting to sue him and get an injection about his fake undercover self. I will ask for $1,000 for every post he makes these remarks about me. I am sure it will be far over the cost of the property in Houghton Lake. I will have to force him to sell it off. Great thing that Windsor sued me and lost so I could get such big payout from winning the largest Defamation Case in US history.

  19. On a sidenote, Not too long I will be in Roseville at the Gratiot Cruise with my GoPro and Driving Gratiot to make great video footage that weekend. Should be nice :-)

  20. Just try not to hit the meet and greet tents in the median...

    Mike Goetz had surgery. Was Marty there to bring him cookies and flowers?

  22. Denny got a sports drink, God rest his foot...

  23. I'm guessing Malik planted his flag last night.

    1. I'm betting he never did come thru with the Supervisor, Chief of Police and Macomb County Prosecutor for him all because he does not really know them and they are not doing Marty favors just like Goetz will never do anything about me having an opinion on Martys made up fantasy events.

    2. You mean like his "Breaking News coming Tuesday May 3rd about his Hometown Heroes Dinner and Stop the Violence Crusade"? He promises crap every other day and nothing happens.

      No one ever asks because no one cares. No one respects anything this idiot has to say because they just plain don't like him. In fact, most people eventually hate him.

      His life is a rolling lie and all of his promises fade into the Facebook nothingness where they came from.

  24. would love to see his "Friend" count start dropping; that would reflect the true situation.

  25. [IMG][/IMG]

    Typical Marty. "I'll be at a protest so come look at me. I'll be wherever the news truck is trying to get interviewed or at least get in the camera shot while they interview people who actually matter."

    1. "Let's interview that fat white guy from the suburbs and make it our lead story tonight!"

    2. "Isn't he the Lansing power-broker who walked Wyatt's Law through the House and Senate?"

    3. Marty couldn't even walk that far.

    4. Is Marty just being dropped off at the CVS then? He should take it easy he just got a heart surgery.

    5. Maybe Jr's dropping him off. Is it Tay Tay's visitation night?

    6. I figure Jr will hang around so he can pick Marty up after the Mongoose passes out from walking the first 25yrds. Not to mention, Jr might be able to make a few sales in that neighborhood.

    7. Descension in the ranks...

      I sense a coup d'état afoot.

    8. I hear the eagle is crashing not landing

  26. We haven't had much chatter about this year's Grand Marshall. Odds-on favorite is Skye Pearson, but only if Russell isn't in the crowd because of that outrageous PPO by the racist cops, prosecuting attorney and judge...

    1. Will she be out of jail by then?

    2. Depends. Now that Marty's involved, she may get 20 to life..

  27. Maybe Marty can advocate for this "Patriot", getting his Nashville stars, Hollywood cowboy legends and Trump supporters to hold a fundraiser. That should easily get on the news:

    Warren Mott student suspended for having Confederate flag attached to his car

    Scratch that. I forgot that he's black now and his Detroit pals think Trump is a "Racist White Supremacist"...

    1. Wonder if Marty will Ditch all his Tea Party Republican Friends.

  28. So, which one is Marty?


    1. The one with the piss stains on his sheet, silly.

    2. One for sure has to be that Carla Sauer-Iyer She's really racist. We all know Marty doesn't like Islam.

    3. I'd like to introduce you to my good friend who's name I don't know.


    4. B.Y.O.B.

      Bring your own blacks.

    5. Marty is now a member of the Black Panther Movement?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Rough room last night, eh Marty?


    2. Yea a clown he is. His lane is with islamiphobes Carla sauer-iyer and pastor terry jones

  31. I give it a week or less before Marty tries to hijack this, take credit or offer an award...

    Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette to speak at Pontiac human trafficking recovery fundraiser

  32. He's counting down like Casey Kasem. How sad is that?

  33. Shouldn't he be doing his best Guardian Angel bit for Skye this morning?

  34. But they were tight. Marty even went to the imagined church picnic with his newly adoptive family and was teaching her son to drive and everything?

  35. That's was in Marty's fantasy Facebook life. The jail she's going to today is in the real world.

  36. Are you implying that Marty is mentally unstable or something?

  37. What I'm saying is, Marty is a liar. Period!

  38. Cracks me up that the keynote speaker for that internet security seminar in Auburn Hills a few years ago is too stupid to figure out the embedded code added to his Facebook profile picture...


  39. Somebody is in the can now. All I can say guns on Instagram and in the open stupid ideas.

  40. Another great job by the guardian angel and special agent to the stars, Marty Prehn. When he's on your side you're pretty much screwed.


  41. Is he going to have another candlelight vigil in the jail parking lot like he did with Jr?

    Is his good friend Jesse Jackson coming again?

  42. On a positive note, Deonda might have a spare room now for Marty to squat at...

  43. Overheard from a lonely jail cell:

    "Marty Wow!"


  44. Wasn't Marty supposed to give more clues about the location of the big Unity in the Community task force press conference tomorrow? He must be to busy sending friend request to random strangers to bother with that.

    1. The media is scratching their collective heads trying to be the first on the scene by interpreting his "Metro" clue...

  45. Spam you know Detroit's finest guy Sam Riddle. The ex-con all tied up I. The Kwame issues. That's Marty's favorite friend.

    1. Back off, Flem!

      Sam's got people on the inside getting the escape plans to Skye...


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