Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Curse of the Mongoose

I mean, seriously, what would you expect?

Full Election 2015 results to follow soon, so check back often...


  1. Wow! nice likeness of him good picture" new diet program looks like its working"........................................way to go Marty.................nice tattoo on your skull.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snickers.

  2. I think it's safe to say Marty can kiss the Eastpointe cruise and his spot on the committee GOODBYE!

    1. Possibly even kiss slumming around Eastpointe goodbye.

  3. Wrong again Sean Fleming.

    1. Did Fleming say something? What's he wrong about you moron?

    2. Ha! Marty's only hope at hijacking next year's cruise was a new mayor! You have to wonder what event he'll try it on next. What a loser, kinda like all the candidates he was hoping would be elected.

  4. Marty: Think Hillary Clinton, 2016...

  5. Interesting that Marty thinks i was commenting earlier when I was not. Lol giggle snorting here. Secondly what in the heck does Barry Powers have to do with everything? While Marty is tagging everything so barry can see it. I can tell you that every time marty works with Billy in his litigation against me will be easy to prove things to the judge if I have to go back for an restraining order or get an injunction against marty. Then there is the question is Marty held to Billy's injunction. They are working together.

    1. I'm fairly certain that if you print out and bring any of your comments here, or even take an elementary school literacy exam right there in the courtroom, you'll be off the hook for writing this blog.

  6. Oh boy, marty shares a video from election night of the East point mayor. He refers to the secretary of state Ruth Johnson and The attorney General Bill Shutte as if he's close friends and they are reading and also makes sure that he says he's with Channel 7 Ronnie Dahl, His supposed friend Sheriff Bouchard, and someone else. I wonder about his butthurt friend bills car. Registered in texas. He's a resident of South Dakota, living in Idaho. He also signed an affidavit of residency with the US Postal service saying he was a resident of Montana to get his p.o. box in missoula. Can you say fraud?

  7. HEY MARTY!! There is a new article pointing out how stupid you are. Check here instead of continuously looking at this post.



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