Friday, November 13, 2015

Perpetual Victim, Marty Prehn

In preparation for our annual Mongoose Year in Review Holiday Supplement, a CoMmie favorite, I came across a nugget that was worthy of immediate discussion. With the abundance of stupidity the Mongoose spews, the entertainment never seems to stop.

While browsing Facebook yesterday, I happened across another hilarious example of how irony is completely lost on Marty. Watching him accuse and complain about people doing the exact things he does 20 times a day on Facebook amuses us all. How does this idiot not see how stupid he makes himself look every time he posts his accusations about others? Here is a good example of what I'm referring to:

"Flem Shady admits to HATE speech and has made a number of threats to a number of people as has the Grim Healer and her ball less fiance. Yesterday at 1:25pm"

Am I the only person who sees how ironic this post is? The undisputed king of the Facebook threat is complaining about some imaginary threats he claims were made. How stupid can Marty be to cry about someone making a "threat" to someone when he does it several times a day? That one part of this post is enough to review alone. I'm just going to skip over his hate speech claim. Apparently what Marty says about Muslims isn't considered hate speech in the book of Mongoose etiquette. I also won't bother pointing out what a coward Marty is to post his crap to fake friends only or his fear of using his target's real names. Today, I'll just stick to his threat whine.

Marty's constant crying about his fabrication that Sean Fleming threatened someone has become quite laughable. He's always claiming threats were made and he has the proof. Yet, despite the fact that Marty's entire fantasy life is posted all day on Facebook, not once has he ever shown a threat. EVER! Where are these numerous threats, Marty? Just more of your constant lies on display. Show us a threat Marty!!

Anyway, even if some sort of threat had been made, what right does Marty have to complain about it? He posts numerous threats toward a multitude of people all day long. For example, his lame ass made up threats were flying towards a recent widow before she could even bury her deceased husband. Here is one of several threat filled comments Marty made after the death of Dr Chism:

That's right, Marty, your little "change the group settings" plan to hide your utter stupidity worked out just like everything you attempt - complete failure

We saw everything posted in your little group and I chose not to publish it because several people who had actual grief over a family member's passing read here. Your new whining about threats made me change my mind. How in your twisted little pea brain is it somehow acceptable to post that type of crap all over the Internet, even though you tried to hide it like the true coward you are, then complain about some made up threat by someone else that doesn't actually exist? Typical stupidity from the absolute dumbest person I've ever encountered. The worst part of this bullshit threat is the fact you're most likely guilty of everything you claim this person will be charged with, upon information and belief, of course.

In a recent comment exchange, even one of Marty's "friends" pointed out that he complains about things people are supposedly doing to him, then proceeds to do that exact thing himself. Of course, after he insulted that person for pointing out his hypocrisy, they realized he was an idiot and removed him as a friend. That seems to be the regular result anytime someone pays attention to what he's saying. No matter how hard Marty tries, he can't seem to hide being an asshole. They all figure it out eventually. Except maybe old senile polish women. 

I'll close this article with a few words directed to our biggest reader: You're an idiot Marty. When you spend all day posting threats on Facebook, it's really stupid to cry about someone making a threat. Even though no threats were made and you just lie out your fat ass in another attempt to paint someone in a bad light, it's very ironic to see you whine about it. Maybe you should look up the word "irony", Marty. 

On second thought, just look up "imbecile."


  1. He's a disgusting vile man.

  2. Wimp, just like in High School.

  3. Fleabag, hooker heaven. Crack Central.

    "Marty Prehn
    Amazing how you typed away and set up and instant group page of over 1,500 members at our command post over at the Georgian Inn in Roseville.
    Like · 1 · Reply · More · 7 hours ago"

    1. Can you picture what a Marty command post looks like? Slim Jim and Twinkie wrappers laying on top of empty pizza boxes. Empty beer cans everywhere. You get the picture. Or just reference the pictures posted here of his rented room.

    2. ...and everyone knows you set that group page up, Marty.

      Any government officials contact you lately?

  4. Fairly certain that the Illitch family hates you like everyone else, Marty...

    1. Pandering for donations. Shameless.

    2. Pretty sure they do too especially if Dense has seen his numerous posts over the years about her brother, that Marty has been posting about for years.

  5. Marty the moron can change the privacy settings on that group page dozens of times. All 3 of my Facebook accounts are members. All that was necessary for the freak to include my Facebook accounts? Profile photos of well dressed, well groomed females, one is only 19 years old, another is 67 years old! Prehn doesn't discriminate on age, or if members even knew Dr. Chism. 4 of my Facebook friends are also members of that group page, the only one familiar with Dr. Chism is a popular journalist in the metro Detroit area, one is a police detective.
    Several of us have a months' long running Facebook private message thread in which we ask each other, "What happened to the "FundMe" account Prehn was setting up for the adult children?" "What about the 1st ever Humanitarian Award in Dr Chism's name?" "What about all the celebrity name dropping?" (From Denny McLain to the daughter of Casey Kasem). We giggle at Marty's delusional Facebook fantasy *philanthropy*, and exchange screenshots of his posts, comments and even his private messages to several of us!

    Marty? You moronic imbecile! There are so many watching your Facebook bs closely, you better be real careful to make certain you aren't committing fraud by collecting funds under false claims. You have no clue how many people hate you and are fed up with your lying, stalking and harassment.
    Prehn? You're notorious, and not in any good ways.

    1. LOL he doesn't have a clue does he? While he likes to name drop and fake he's got "friends" he's completely missing the fact that there are real people on that page who do know each other, and do laugh about what he's posting. There isn't one truthful thing he's said to date on there. He can continue pretending there is a big audience who actually believes him, but he's just a lying scum bag.

      However, even with the laughter behind Marty's back, I still find it absolutely atrocious how he and those degenerates are trying to spin this. Mrs. Chism is an amazing woman who does not need the continual harassment and defamation from Marty. I'll sure do what I can to make sure he is held accountable.

  6. Well groomed females? WTF is that?

    1. "Marty Prehn - how tall is this girl? Look at her leg from her hip to her knee. I am guessing 5'8" or taller. These beautiful women are like a Lay's potato chip which is a Detroit favorite. You can't eat just one.
      September 29 at 10:06am"

    2. Well groomed females? Totally opposite of Linda.

  7. Another weekend of slumming around the southeast corner of Macomb County making an utter fool of himself and putting shame on his family.

    That's a tall order, embarrassing a convicted drug dealer...

  8. Without any context of the above, not to mention that it has nothing to do with Marty, why the hell are you propagating her crap here?


  9. [IMG][/IMG]

    I guess this is Marty communicating with one of his "business associates".


    That's some high level business going on right there.

    1. He's a business tycoon, I'll tell you what...

    2. Marty truly has no idea who his "friends and business associates" are, hence the above. Hence 2,000...

      Everyone hates Marty.

  10. Marty Prehn
    Anti Dog Advocate

    1. Back off, ninja!

      He's "Doing A World of Good" (D.A.W.G.)...

  11. RIP Lucy, but the bruthas still hate you, Marty...


  12. Of course, "war" means posting silly Facebook memes, his army is Florence in between naps and the enemy is really just some dork in Madison Heights...

    "Marty Prehn - Ditto Nichole. I would also like to ask others who follow me and are part of my army to please state where you are from. Thanks. We have declared WAR on Elder and Guardianship Abuse. June 13, 2013 at 9:14am ·"

    1. No headline. No article. No anything.

      Big mouth, small brain.

      "Marty Prehn shared a photo to Jamie Cook's Timeline.
      June 11, 2013 at 6:48pm ·
      So are we doing the article on Wednesday or Thursday for Fridays paper and would like the headline to read "Marty Prehn declares WAR on Elder and Guardianship Abuse"."

    2. He must have been distracted from working with Jamie after he got busy getting interviewed for USA Today.

  13. "One less burden to society.


    I've survived worse than you. World wars, old age, marriage and weak men like you. Men who don't have the guts to survive in the real world.
    Men who are just scared little boys
    intimidating everyone with their aggressiveness...because they're afraid the world will find out just how small their penises are."

    1. Said Carol Caputo and Becci Cleghorn...

  14. Replies
    1. Ha ha we locals have known that for years and call it ROACHVILLE. Funny that only after Pig Prehn squatted in it and added to it's stank, did this go national. HAHAHAHA

  15. Better question is where did Marty get the gas money to even attend?

  16. I'm shutting up now. The last thing I need is for Marty to aim another "Tom and Jerry" cartoon at me.

    Sends a shiver straight through my bowels...

  17. Is tomorrow the day Aagent MongMoose's big article hits the newspaper?

  18. Forget about those high level government officials like Levin and Stabanow that he pals around with.

    Gets his daily briefings on Facebook from a horse breeder chick in Kansas...


  19. This might be a long shot, but I suspect Guy's mother won't be feeding Marty out of pity again this Thanksgiving...

  20. Yeah. Good luck with all of that...


    Everybody hates Marty.

  21. Oh GAG maggots! Ain't no one gonna touch that with stolen, rented or a discarded 'cuddler'!
    Mind bleach stat!

    1. Is the special aagent doing meth? He's steadily cranking out MongMoose snit this morning like Facebook is going outta business.

    2. Yep. Hated on everyone he can think of, then blew the dust off the Doc Chism nonsense.

      Lonely retard.

    3. Ashes to ashes dust to dust, marty will be stalking the grave of chism with a shovel at dusk.

  22. How's that "Trust/Verify" thing working out with your 2,000 close personal friends and business associates, Marty?


    1. Maybe Marty should verify which of his friends he can trust. It appears he's been pretty wrong about most of them.

    2. We do the same at a certain auto parts store.

    3. We do the same all summer long at Mike's on the Water.Lol

  23. Replies
    1. Thank you for your service Mr. Flemming.
      Prehn is glomming onto yet something else he has never done or participated in, i.e. law enforcement, government agencies, elder advocate, human being.

  24. I'm offering my CoM T-shirt to anyone who can come up with a name of someone who has spent 30 minutes alone with Marty and doesn't hate his guts. Family included, but it's well publicized that they wish he was stillborn. Now that I think about it, maybe he was.

    Before you suggest Florence Iverson, she's never actually met him...

  25. Well played, Mongoose. Following your "army" has rendered me impotent...


    Well played, indeed.

    1. Can't say she didn't warn everyone when she claimed to be "a female Marty Prehn"...

    2. Most people have a forehead. Poor thing, has a twelve head.
      Bangs maybe? Not such a close up? Darken the lighting?

    3. Or just paper bag it.

    4. What's really gross, but certainly expected, are the sexual innuendoes that Marty constantly lobs her way...

      How the hell are people like this permitted in a civilized society?

  26. Public Notice:

    Anyone who doesn't like Marty, which means just about everyone but Florence Iverson, is working in concert with the evil FlemShady...


    1. Hey Marty! Is now the time, is the time now? Time to go back to the judge?

    2. Keep it context, Columbo:


      Now dedicate a song to me...

    3. ^Ha^
      She doesn't seem appreciative of the Special Aagent DoucheCanoe's attention!

    4. Marty;

      Please go back to the judge and have her clarify that whole verbal warning thing. I obviously don't understand.

      Thanks, buddy.


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