Thursday, February 19, 2015

Breaking News: Marty, You're Next...

It's a great day for everyone here at CoM, but one of the worst days Marty has seen since his crushing defeat by a slew of "cyberstalkers" at City Council - and on public access TV, no less.

Today his man crush, hero and savior Bill Windsor was arrested. After 53 days as a fugitive, Windsor's flight from justice is over. Now that he's back in custody, I can't imagine Bill will be getting bail this time. It appears Big Vexi will be gone for a long time.

How does this translate into a bad day for Marty you might ask? Well, several other members of Lawless America (like the Mongoose) will now be facing various charges.

The clock is now ticking on the pending arrest of people who aided and participated in the various criminal activities that Bill was involved in. Regional Director, included.

I'll close this update with a thought or two for Marty, as we know he reads here regularly: 

Get ready Marty, they'll be coming to visit you soon. Be watching out the door at Fergan's Carquest for the sheriff to pull up. Make sure you hide in the closet when there is a knock on Linda's apartment door. Watch your rear view mirror for flashing lights while you're doing deliveries. They're coming Marty!! It's only a matter of time. Just like it was with Windsor. 

I wonder if Marty will cry just like Windsor did when they picked him up?


  1. Yup, while he was puzzarding all the media that attempting to interview Erica today?
    His great leader was being zip tied in Idaho.
    You'd think Aagent MongMoose would try keep a L O W profile considering how the media, the entire courthouse staff knows how he's stalking Erica! But, noooooooooo!
    It'll just make for great photos & videos when #LE gets to him, soon! The same media can use his creeper pics in their stories linking him to Windsor.
    Good job Marty! You're such the brainiac!
    They ARE coming, Marty. The phones, the laptops, those messages? Bwahahahahahah!
    Serves your sorry ass right. Your Coke bottle lensed glasses are gonna be the first thing they yank offa you to take your mugshot, showing your bawling eyes, just like your man crush!

  2. Such a glorious day indeed. Twill be even more glorious when Marty goes down too. Only so much crap you can spew, false allegations one can make, slanderous and harassing, pretending to represent people which is fraud...the list is long for the Marty Moose. When they come for Marty? That? Will be a glorious day too!!

  3. Just wait. Marty will be organizing a Walk for Bill Windsor.

    If anyone can bring his man crush National Media Attention, it's a proven professional like Marty Prehn. He even has business cards.

    Betty White, Grizzly Adams, Delores Roberts, Bob Seger, Kid Rock, Jennifer Love Hewitt, just to name a few.

    Hell, even "Half Pint" herself, Melissa Gilbert, will join in if Marty's involved.

    Look for him promising to get the late Robin Williams to take part...

    You're the biggest idiot on the planet, Marty Prehn. Your "cyberstalkers" will be the only ones attending your trial.

  4. The days question is, will the FAT RAT aka Mongoose come out of his hole in the wall when it fills with rat poo or will it run down to Florida for a gender bender makeover with that CHISM kid that he did not get to walk down the isle to get hitched ? He has to fool them cops somehow! Run forest run. lmao

  5. Poor Fatty, LE has probably spent the weekend reading your "private" messages on Facebook .... your text messages from your flip-phone and the deluge of emails that you sent the fugitive, now jail inmate.
    I'd be expecting that knock on the door this week. LMFAO !!!!

    1. Oh, and expect your Facebook page to be DELETED,permanently. LOLOLOLOL !!

  6. Sing with me...

    'Round and 'round the Shores he goes,
    Marty is a doofus.

    He says he spies for the FBI,
    Marty is a doofus!

  7. Scientology
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