Monday, December 29, 2014

Marty Prehn: Lady Killer Wannabe

Bernice Prehn was a fine lady...

Once again, Happy Holidays to all of our loyal readers. As a New Year approaches our coverage of Marty will continue as long as the biggest idiot I've ever witnessed continues his stupidity. Over the weekend I decided I needed to clean out RC3's old office. While doing this I found several potential stories he was working on. One really caught my attention and I decided to touch on it for today's article. Was Marty trying to murder his own mother by starving her?

After reading through pages of scribbled notes found scattered about RC3's office, it looks like the previous editor of this blog had a sound theory. As Marty was spending upwards of $1,500.00 a month feeding his enormous gut, he was over medicating his mother while slowly letting her starve in the dark room he locked her in every day. Marty would gain total control of the family estate with the death of his mother, along with no longer having her there to cramp his make believe secret agent lifestyle. What better motive for the putrid soul we know Marty to be to want his mother gone.

Marty has shown an unnatural interest in other starvation cases. Was this interest spawned by his desire to see how long it would take for his mother to die? He became obsessed with the Terri Schiavo case. He went so far as to claim she was his guardian angel and was sending him signs through the nameplate on the Mongoosemobile. He even became friends with Terri's former diaper changer, a woman in Florida named Carla who appears to be as full of shit as Marty. As of this writing, Carla claims her "friends" in the FBI and CIA are in the process of shutting this blog down. Sound familiar? Why would Marty be so focused on the details of a woman who had her feeding tube removed? Was it research for what he was planning for his own mother?

The pictures and medical reports of Bernice Prehn's condition upon arrival in Colorado have been posted on this blog. She was emaciated and dehydrated. She was so malnourished that she gained 20 lbs the first month after being saved from Marty. Of course, Marty had no concerns about her physical health when his mother left for Colorado. Was this because he knew he was the reason for her condition? It appears to me Marty was just glad mom was leaving so he wouldn't have to be bothered with her anymore. After all, he still had control of the money. We all know how Marty changed his tune several months later when he found out the money was leaving with his mother.

The entire time Mrs Prehn lived in Colorado she never received so much as a Mother's Day, Birthday, or Christmas card from her loving son Marty. Sounds like he really missed her and was concerned about her well being. I believe Marlene actually saved her mother from certain death at the hands of Marty when she moved their mother to Colorado. At the time, Marty thought his sister was accidentally doing him a favor by taking mom off his hands, leaving him free to live the carefree big spender lifestyle. If the move hadn't happened, Mrs Prehn would have been dead in a matter of weeks, leaving the entire family estate in Marty's hands.

When Mrs Prehn passed away after enjoying her final days being loved and cared for by Marlene, it's was the best possible end for a woman who had to deal with a lying idiot thief for much of her life. That scenario was much better than being starved to death while locked in a room while Marty spent his day eating. Marty was too busy to be bothered with attending his own mother's funeral, but he found time to claim his sister had starved his mother to death that same day. Was this the accusation Marty chose because he was knowledgeable on the subject after attempting it himself? That's the way this writer sees it. I'm of the opinion Marty was in the process of starving his mother before Marlene saved her from death at the hands of her greedy son. As Marty shows us on a daily basis, he's more than soulless enough to do it. After all, Marty's only concern with his mother was the continued access to her money.

As Cookout so eloquently stated: "Keep Mom. Send checkbook... "


  1. OMG!! I looked at that picture and it started smiling and almost winking at me!

    He's so disgusting!

  2. You certainly got the story correct !!!


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