Friday, December 26, 2014

Marty Prehn is His Own Worst Enemy

I hope all of you loyal readers had a Merry Christmas. I know I really enjoyed the holiday with my family and friends. From the looks of things, Marty's Christmas was just like every other day of the year. He spent all day on Facebook either posting more "I'm a powerful and important person" lies on Bill Windsor's page or spewing more of the same threats towards his enemies he's been using for several years.

Christmas was another great example of how pathetic, bitter, and despicable Marty is. I know I can think of much more enjoyable things to spend my time on than Facebook bullshit. I'm not going to post his comments today because honestly, they look just like the thousands we've already posted here. Same claims to Windsor that he knows every elected official in the country and is personal friends with their staff members. He continuously offers to provide phone numbers that can be obtained from the most basic Internet search. Marty must think the rest of the world is as stupid as he is and can't find public information without spending hours on Google. Sorry Marty, the only people as dumb as you are either locked up or a Lawless America lemming.

Marty is such a POS that anyone who meets him in person almost instantly can't stand to be around him. Why did Marty have so much time to spend on Facebook on Christmas? His own kids can't stand him. Marty Jr won't even use his last name or join Marty's friends list on Facebook. Did Marty see any of his family on Christmas? His kids or grandkids? The short answer is no, he only has one person that actually knows him in real life that can stand to be around him. It would be sad if Marty wasn't the reason for this. I feel no pity for a man who is a complete asshole to everyone he ever meets, including his own children.

Instead of enjoying your loved ones for Christmas, what type of person spends that day attacking the only people who felt sorry for Marty and helped him when no one else would? My guess is Marty had no loved ones to spend time with. Instead we saw all his same meaningless threats. The FBI, AG, and US Marshals were all mentioned. People are going to prison or be deported. His illegal eviction will be avenged. Blah blah blah Marty. We've seen these exact same rants hundreds of times. It's really quite funny that you can name all the cars at a repair shop or owned by your ex friends. Sounds like someone is completely obsessed. Or is it the fact Marty's life is nothing but misery and rejection because he's a repulsive ass?

With a life as empty and miserable as Marty's, I'm not surprised he decided to become a suicide prevention fake advocate. If I was as worthless and bitter as Marty is, I might need someone to talk me off a ledge. His self worth is based totally on trying to get respect and praise from others but it's just not happening. When you're a jerk and an ass to anyone you come in contact with, you're never going to get either of those. 

Merry Christmas Marty. It's unfortunate you're just too stupid to learn what you're doing wrong after 58 years.

Some legacy for the kids, eh?


  1. Why does Marty keep talking with Jenny now that his boss is mad at her? Something smells rotten.

    1. Let him keep "talking" to her. He can be charged as stalker in Texas as well as Michigan ... where the charges are piling up.

  2. Only a few more days to the OPA event I've been talking to fox to see if they are going to be at the big gala in the park. They seem interested.

  3. As usual another Christmas has come and gone and Fatty's PPO's, arrests, stings FBI investigations etc ... never came to fruition. Just like last Christmas and the Christmas before. What a sad sack of shit that fat man is.

  4. Marty at home. And that's not Eastpointe!

    1. OMG anon@552 the special agent is going to file FEDERAL charges against you .. report you to the FBI (his close personal friends) Homeland Security etc ,, you sir, are a very brave soul.

    2. You forgot the DOJ and the SCS City Council. Oh, and USA Today. I'm sure he had a drone flying overhead to catch the stalker in the act.

    3. And Ellen is bumping the stars of "The Interview' & flying him & 1/2 Pint in from Michigan so she's the first to interview & hear his litany of charges he's bringing against you ...


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