Thursday, June 26, 2014

Inside the Lair of the Mongoose: A Glimpse Into the Bowels of Hell

Today is not only a historic day for all of the readers here at CoM but for the entire internet - all 80 billion of them. Never before has the general public had the privilege of seeing the inside of the Lair of the Mongoose. Until now, this hallowed site had been a closely guarded government secret. From the looks of these pictures, that was for the health and well being of the public. 

As you can see, Marty went to great lengths to camouflage the top secret activities that took place here. To the untrained eye, this looks like the inside of a garbage dumpster or perhaps a goat's stomach. Only a brilliant Undercover Special Agent could conceive of this incredible plan to protect his tools for espionage. 

I can only imagine how many starlets were seduced by the Mongoose on this mattress. I doubt most respectable bed bugs would go near that mess. Is this where Marty planned on going when he said "your place or mine" to his seduction targets? Could this be where Linda fell victim to Elder Dawg's charm?  Sounds about right, as she obviously has no self respect or sense of smell.

This could be a very important picture from the Lair. Could that box be Marty's collection of FBI surveillance tapes? One or more of those VHS tapes must be the footage from his months long stake out of an apartment. How many hours of masturbating with stuffed animals are recorded on those tapes? I'm sure by now Marty has worn most of them out watching them over and over and over. Please notice the relatively close proximity to the hand lotion supply discussed below.  We'll report back once we unstick them and borrow a VHS player from the Smithsonian to review.

Of course this was Marty's most important forensic tool while analyzing the MVZ tapes. I shudder at the thought of what he was "shaking not stirring" with that bottle of lotion. Overcompensation comes to mind with a bottle that size...

It has been reported that when remediation of this pig sty began, the smell immediately induced violent vomiting episodes from several people. How could someone as influential and successful as Marty live this way? Is this where he hosted Senators, Attorneys General, Sarah Palin or Bob Seger? My most important question would be: Is this really where the late Mr. Prehn wanted his wife to join him for all of eternity - under all of this Mongoose piss soaked crap? I think we all know the answer to that question.

I'd say these photos are proof positive that MARTY PREHN IS THE MOST DISGUSTING EXCUSE OF A PERSON ON THE PLANET.

If any reader wishes to argue that point, have at it.  We're certified experts on Marty.


  1. A picture says a thousand words. Or in this case, induces a thousand gags!

  2. I'm reporting this blog for displaying obscene pictures.

    My God, man. These photos can't possibly be genuine in America. Maybe some backassward third world country, but I honestly didn't think people could live like that in the U.S....

    He should be ashamed of himself.

    1. I can assure you these pictures are authentic. There are other pics that display plenty to identify whose pile of trash this is. Along with A LOT of other stuff I doubt the mongoose would want to have to explain!

  3. Questions: I zoomed in on picture #2.

    Is that what I think it is on the dresser?

    Does Danny Glover and Senator Stabenow know where that piece of junk has been?

    1. Good eye spammy! Yes that is the now famous Marty statue.

    2. I feel like I need a shower after reading this...

    3. Imagine how that poor statue feels.

    4. The horror. The horror...

  4. That looks like a crack room. Is Marty a drug addict? I mean, if he isn't-- hoarders comes to mind. If he's not a hoarder or a drug addict, and just a low life scum bag, that is the lowest life scummiest bag in the world. Homeless people have better organization, and hygiene than Marty.

    Not to mention for the landlords safety, he could have burnt down their house. That is a fire hazard. What a total mess they were left to clean up. That is just sickening, how disrespectful he is. He is not human.

  5. I work at a bar in Saint Clair Shores that Marty hangs at. I'll pass this around tomorrow night!

  6. I sincerely hope that the kind souls & good Samaritans that had to pilfer through that disgusting cess pile, wore protective gear.
    It breaks my heart that Mr Prehn's remains were basically held hostage there, purely out of vengeance.
    Vile is not even an appropriate word.
    It does make my heart smile knowing there are wonderful people that did what was needed & Marlene was able to fulfill the eternal wishes of her parents.
    Thank y'all to A L L that were involved in making it come together, despite the disgust.

    ℗ ♛ ❥

    1. Well stated, Petunia... I have a heart of gratitude as well .

  7. One more question, what's in the Rx bottle with no label?
    And? Sheets? He couldn't use sheets?
    I cannot imagine the horrific odor!

    ℗ ♛ ❥

    1. Sheets. Frame? Box spring?

    2. Some people have a canopy over their bed.

      Marty has a can of pee next to his bed...

    3. It was beyond bad. I have a tough stomach and the smell was overcoming to the point of wanting to throw up.

  8. He comes in every day to use our computers. We know what he's up to by the server logs.

    1. I'm sure he'll be here in a little while.

    2. You'll never guess who just came in.

  9. Does jerk have the insurance an tag he is supposed to yet on the mongoose mobile/ he needs a ticket or 2 lol

  10. With all the so called law he spews all over the internet that's the new office. The office of Stink and STINK p/c.

    1. Marty knows just about as much about law as he does personal hygiene...

  11. I would have billed his fat ass for the cost to clean that hazard. I hear he gets on from the eastpointe library many times. I hear they save all the browser cash and they have cameras as do all libraries. They also have key logging software. I hear they have that at most libraries looking for specific words. I hear the ATF is going to raid Linda's home looking for Marty and recover evidence for the case with harassment against the owner of vinsetta garage.

    1. Cant get the unpaid rent I don't think anyone can get clean up cost !!!

    2. Good luck with all that...

    3. If Marty owes you money, your best bet would be contacting Florence. I have her address and phone # if you need it.

    4. Better move fast.

      92 years old and nuttier than squirrel turds...

    5. When I was in the army I had a unclean roommate but this room tops it all. I hope they fumigated for roaches. Marty could make it on that show buried alive hoarders but he really doesn't have that much. I wonder if my ppo is in that pile. I think I have a better chance at getting a ppo on marty. Well see. With all his trying to get my personal info for bill.

    6. "Do or do not."
      - Yoda

  12. I came on the blog last night when the photos were first posted ... they and the thought of Marty the piss-stained bloated turd squatting in those rooms were so repulsive to me that I literally got sick and puked. I have been ill all day .. can't eat get those images out of my mind ... honestly don't know if I will ever be right, again.

    1. He does seem to consistently have that effect on people...

  13. "Marty Prehn
    Marty Prehn commented on Take Action 1 month ago
    On Tuesday May 6, 2014 the Michigan Senate via the Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Senator Rick Jones will have a hearing around 4:00 pm to address the 2 news bills introduced by Senator Rick Jones and Steve Bieda and co-sponsored by the remaining members on the Judiciary Committee. It will be voted on and sent to the full Senate and then sent to the House. These are Senate bills 924 and 925 and deal specifically with revenge porn and the posting of other things in order to humiliate, intimidate or harass former friends and acquaintances. This is expected to pass the Senate unanimously. Google Joey is a little kid which is a HATE blog group and the Chronicles of Marty Prehn which has been set up to harass and intimidate me or to embarrass me. I have the FBI and the Michigan State Police tracking the IP addresses of those involved and am waiting for there to be charges of cyber stalking and internet terrorism."

    Keep waiting, you simple bastard...

  14. I hope that FBI Agent Brand that visited with little man Schied awhile back is the agent I get assigned to track my ip & investigate me!

    Why does Aagent DoucheCanoe aka the MongMoose havta have other 3 letter agency officers do the investigation? Why can't he do it himself?

    Oh! Will national media be covering the #investigation?

    We're gonna need more popcorn & some sno-cones!

    #spunout #lielielielie

    ℗ ♛ ❥ ~

    1. Welp, gag a maggot. Don't that top it all?

    2. The funny part of that is Marty helps us spread the word about him every time he asks people to look at the blog. After reading most people figure out Marty is full of it and forget him.

  15. Have you seen what Linda looks like, Spam ???? She is not exactly a prize ... unless you are a Chubby Chaser that thrives on the stupidity and desperation of a 50 year old fat chick, ..lolololololol

    1. That's why she's f&cking him.

      Get it now?

    2. The fact that Linda lives with and supports Marty tells me she knows exactly what he does. She knows about all the Facebook threats, lies, even the conning of Florence. That makes her just as bad as he is in my opinion. She's no better than him so I think she deserves the same treatment from me as Marty receives.


  16. Yup, Bob you are right ... she is as big of a bottom feeder as Marty is ... and I don't mean only having as many rolls of fatty blubber as the agent but being just as devious, scammy SNEAKY & nasty as the Pigman.

  17. FYI - Tomorrow is the absolute drop dead possible date for Marty's SCS Elder Abuse Summit.

    Maybe it's time and location are a secret. So secret, that even his keynote speakers from the FBI, LE and Attorney General's office don't know...

    Picture Marty and Linda sitting around the apartment in their underwear.

    "I'd like to thank you all for coming..."

    You'll never find a bigger lying failure anywhere than our muse, Marty Prehn.

  18. Everyone send your emails now!


    1. I kinda doubt 7 emails is going to make much of an impact.

    2. Live it up. This blog is going down in 72 hours.


    3. I'll start my timer now. I'll try to post my goodbye before then.

    4. You are not going anywhere if they do it wont happen /ill start a blog Marty pee pee pants stop sniveling and take a dose of your own bull crap AINT LIFE GRAND. Cry baby.

  19. Emergency call for Marty Prehn supporters;

    We have 13 emails sent to Google to get this blog taken down. Commitments to send bring us to 25, with only 48 hours to go!

    Do your part. Copy everyone in your address book now. We're a quarter of the way to JUSTICE!


    1. Somehow I do not see this happen/when everything is backed up and is the truth unlike the post by the goon Marty on several blogs for the last 4 years. Truth is if he was not so broke and lazy had anything he would have been sue 10 ties over and could have ended up in jail. Most likely the reason he is not already to much drain on resources .

  20. What would happen if Big Stinky pic were shown all over the Eastpointe library?? Would he stay away? how many kids wait to use a p/c while Marty waste the publics computers for his bull crap.

  21. We now have 17 emails to Google and a firm commitment for nine more for a total of 26.

    If you haven't sent yours, what are you waiting for?

    Only you can stop cyber bullying!


    1. When did stating the truth and backing the facts up with paperwork and pictures become cyber bullying ??? hardly. Id think face book would do
      a good look at this before if and I say if they did something/ don't hold your breath /facts are facts.All you so called Marty supporters are sicker than he is you look right at the proof and choose not to do anything about it. Its all ok you can not fix brainwashed stupid people.

  22. >>>Waiting for the close up pic,s hurry up already /cant wait to see them.

  23. Please post the pics before they shut the blog down.

  24. Just wanted to remind everyone that Marty did not turn stupid in the last few months .... it has been a lifelong trait of his as this old post illustrates, lol ! ( Marty Prehn - You can call BHO WHIMPY as the Democratic party is about to drop him like a bad habit and have Hillary Clinton run in 2012.)

    September 14, 2011 at 2:44pm · Like · 1

  25. Listen up, group.

    We're getting closer, but need your help. Send your email to Google just as soon as you read this!

    Together, we can make a difference.


  26. People;

    I'm not seeing the hue and cry I had hoped for and have yet to hear from Marty himself. With only a day left, I don't think we're going to hit our goal of 100 emails to Google in 72 hours.

    I hope you people who did nothing never need Marty's help for yourself or a loved one.

    Marty, if you even read here, I tried.


    1. Marty never helps anyone but himself he trys to make it look like he did something he does nothing in fact sometimes he makes things worse he is all the time scam his next photo to make it seem like he is a someone he is a nothing. He Marty spends half his day reading papers and ect looking for his next picture opportunity to insert himself into. FUNNY HE NEVER DEFENDS HIMSELF WITH THE PROOF AND PHOTOS THAT ARE DUG UP ON HIM >>>>>>>> all the same I too would hide if I were him.

  27. This anonymous Bullshit save Marty is a JOKE right ??? She/He wasn't screwed out of money from Marty like we were obviously ?? Whom ever you are Please I beg you to do your research before you get SCREWED I would be happy to give you any proof of what he did to our family !!!!

    1. Haters are going to hate. Photoshopped pictures don't wash with me.

      I stand by Marty Prehn.


    2. The only reason this blog isn't shut down is because Mr Prehn is busy or out of town. He'll come back and you all will be held accountable for your lies.


    3. Damn he must be good Marty out of town and Eastpointe all at the same time! hes Marty car faster then George Jetsons why anon don't you go soak your head it may help you and guess what We in this blog don't give a fiddly flip if the truth don't wash with You JERK!.

  28. I, for one, would like to see a follow up story on "Michiganian of the Year Candidates: Where are They Now?"...

  29. Are you kidding me Mr Prehn is out of town really because I just seen him today a Fergens where he works part time he's lying to you ... I feel so sorry for you who believes his lies BULLSHIT Stories because I once did too and it got me screwed... Good Luck with your save Marty hope he doesn't turn on you like he did everyone else....

  30. Guess looking at lmaof all them porn tapes helped Marty score big I mean BIG WOMEN lol LMFAO!.

  31. Ha, ha .... Marty's out of town, ha,ha,ha,ha ...HA !!! Not a chance that this is true considering Marty doesn't even have gas money to go visit Jr in jail .... He barely made it to Baganosco's Funeral home this afternoon to crash a stranger's funeral hoping to gorge himself on the free luncheon buffet.

  32. #saveMaryPrehn? From what? Himself?
    Has Anon EVER laid eyes on Marty?
    What exactly has Marty done to help Anon? In detail.

    It's a joke, right? It's got to be a joke!

  33. What is this page about? Just a bunch of people complaining about a person Marty Prehn. What's up with this. Is he a celebrity? You sure are turning him into one, it seems. At some point the demonizing gets so ridiculous on this page, you've got to wonder who the REAL Big Stinky is.


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