Sunday, June 8, 2014

God Mocks Marty Prehn

The picture below might be the best one ever posted on this blog. That is the container holding the ashes of Marty's late father, Gehard Prehn. The woman in the picture is his loving daughter, Marlene. As you can see, Marlene is extremely happy to be posing for this picture.

This would have never been possible without the kindness and sensibility of two good hearted individuals. The same people who tried to help Marty with a place to live, a job, and many home cooked meals. The very same good Samaritans Marty now stalks and slanders every time he's near a free WiFi signal or library - his former landlord Guy Moceri and his mother. 

After Marty waddled away from the rented room he had turned into a literal pigsty because he found a new sucker that would let him move in rent free - not to mention his needing to preserve the illusion of fear of the roommate he leveled Domestic Violence charges against - he abandoned everything. Marty never once called the people that had helped him when he was sleeping in the Mongoosemobile to make arrangements to pick up his meager belongings. Being the coward he is, he couldn't get up the courage to call for his things - and for good reason. Later, it was discovered just how shocking this reason was.

In that trash heap Marty left behind, the ashes of his father were found buried under the slop. After waiting for Marty for over sixty days without a single phone call, the landlord was forced to start the cleanup process. That's when they found out just how despicable Marty really could be. What kind of man just leaves his fathers ashes to be thrown away with the garbage they were buried under? All because he wasn't man enough to make a phone call. 

Marty, was your cowardice so overwhelming you couldn't even find the courage to call what was once your friend to save your dad's remains? Is this end result what you really wanted? Was it all worth it in the end?

In most cases, a story like this would have a rather sad ending, as most Mongoose tales do. Thanks to Guy, this story actually has an ending that restored this writer's faith in the goodness of people. After MANY unreturned messages to Marty, Robin (Guy's fiancé) began to search for a family member to turn the ashes over to. Thanks to a Facebook post on another friend's page, Robin found Marlene.

After exchanging a few messages and phone calls, Marlene provided Guy with legal documents proving she was Gerhard's legal spokesperson. Gerhard had given this responsibility to Marlene because he didn't trust Marty to make decisions in the best interest of the family. Of course, Marty showed that dad knew him best.

After being given the green light to claim her father's ashes, Marlene immediately made arraignments to fly to Detroit and hand carry her father home. Unlike Marty, Marlene wasn't going to leave the fate of her father's remains in the hands of strangers or garbage men. After several years of being tormented by Marty, Marlene finally had the last piece to the puzzle that would allow the Prehn family to at last be free from the monster named Marty Prehn. Those ashes were the last thing Marty had left to hold over his siblings' heads. When Marty loses his parents cottage for unpaid taxes, he will have nothing left to link him to the Prehn family history. Maybe he can change his name to Fergan and claim a new set of victims for his greed and hatred.

Now that Gerhard's ashes have been rescued from the ungrateful, greedy, bad seed of this otherwise great family, there can finally be the closure Marty's siblings deserve. Gerhard will finally get his wish to join his loving bride Bernice in a final resting place together, as it should have always been. Marty's reign of terror and hatred towards his family is over at last.

This over due happy ending for the Prehn's would have never happened if not for Guy and Robin. They could have easily chose to just throw everything in Marty's room away just to be rid of him for good, as would be their right when he left with rent unpaid, refused to return phone calls or acknowledge legal notices.  They chose to do what was right instead of what was easy. We all know this act of kindness won't go unpunished because, after all, this is Marty we are talking about. I'm sure these kind people will be attacked for months to come just for doing what Marty should have done years ago. That's why it's important to me to get the truth about this out now. How will Marty justify attacking people who actually helped his fathers final wishes become a reality? Of course Marty will show once again that he doesn't care about anyone other than himself, period. I hope you're paying attention Linda, you are already his next victim and you just refuse to see it.

I'll close this article by saying this: Thank you Guy. It's great to see that there are still good people in this world that are willing to do the right thing despite the risk that they will be attacked for it. Congratulations to Marlene and the other Prehn siblings. I hope this will finally bring you the peace and closure you so deserve. And to Marty: When you attack everyone involved in this story like the spoiled, vindictive, child we know you to be, just remember as you're often quoted: "God will not be mocked".  You see, Marty, God generally promotes good in the world and everyone can serve Him.  In your case, it's serving as a bad example of the human race, leading to the best possible outcome for all involved in your evil, failed plans of terror.


  1. *wipes tears*
    Marlene & Siblings? I'm so thankful that your parents' final wish to rest together, in peace, is now a reality.
    Bob? You've done a spectacular job of editorializing this story. Your words have shown us all that despite those bad among us, the truly good people do exist & they do extraordinary good deeds for strangers. Guy & Robyn? Thank y'all so much for making my far away friend, Marlene smile.

    ❥ ♛ ℗

  2. Marlene is beautiful, stunning. If I sound surprised, it's because I've seen pics of Marty too. Are y'all sure Marlene is related to Marty?

    1. Nuffin? I can attest that she's as stunningly beautiful on the inside. She has had so much heart ache, pain & loss, yet she has lifted me, my family in prayer, sent messages & been 'there' when she ached so deeply herself. That's a beautiful soul~
      I cannot think of anyone that deserves a this peace more. We barely glimpse the monster that has been traumatizing Marlene & her entire family for years.
      I hope her days are brighter now & forever~

      ❥ ♛ ℗

    2. Thank you my beautiful friend from afar... I am blessed.. gratitude/attitude... I hope and pray that my Brother will turn from his ways. It is very sad to see the person that he has become...

  3. The great almighty does a facepalm every time Marty "does his good works".

    Excellent article, RC3. Let the spin begin on how Marty has a previously unknown codicil specifically stating that his dad's final wishes were to spend all of eternity buried under dirty clothes and porno magazines...

  4. Awesome article!
    To Guy...Bless you for having such a wonderful heart, strong character and compassion.
    Marlene, this was Karma. Your parents wishes are going to finally be fulfilled with your direction. It is such a heart warming story to know good does prevail over evil.

    My thoughts are that the Karmic shift has begun, and this is the first step to end the disgusting antics of Marty. I believe he will be seen now for the truly disgusting, lowlife, heartless, soulless, POS he really is.

    1. Robyn...Bless your heart too. I was so disgusted when reading this story, thinking what an asshole Marty is, I completely grazed over how you were the one who reached out to find Marlene. You both are truly amazing people.

    2. I agree, Ninja... I am grateful for Guy and Robin... somehow I believe that my precious Son, Nick had some pull in heaven making things happen..xo

    3. Amen to that!


  5. best story ever... thank you Mr Cookout... Guy & Robyn. bless you all and Marlene too

  6. I know nothing is too shockingly disgusting when it comes to what Marty is capable of, but this comes damn close.

    Right up there with abusing his own elderly mother.

    I shudder to think what he'll do for a hat trick...

    1. If I were Linda, I'd be really nervous.

    2. If this is how he treats his own dead or dying parents, what surprises does she have to look forward to?

  7. I am so grateful to you all for seeking out the truth.. Robin and Guy... thank you for finding me and being open to hearing the facts and documentation.. It has been a long and difficult journey. It the end of the day... I reflect back and remember the cherished memories of my Parents and the love they had for all of us 6 kids.. I really do not know what happen to number 5.. Thank You from my Heart <3

    1. Thank God he got that vasectomy and the gene mutation stops with Jr...

    2. Marlene,
      My heart breaks for you and your siblings for what Marty has done to your family. Its unbelievable that anyone can treat their family like Marty has most of all to treat the women whom gave him life the way he has. This act is just unforgivable.... However, the other side of me is thankful without Marty's hatred I would have never be able to meet a amazing women and I'm so thankful to call you my friend... Guy and I did what I would like to believe any person with a heart would have done. I'm so happy you fathers wishes are finally happening and what your doing is what should have been done from the start. When you are a heartless person who is unable to feel love (like Marty) you cannot understand the feeling and meaning behind wanting to spend the rest of your life with your partner whether is on earth or in heaven..... Thank you for putting your parents back together were they belonged. Hugs to you and your Family...
      Bob thank you for getting the truth out. Great Job as always....
      It breaks my heart that Marty didn't care enough about his own blood to call and make some type of arrangements to not only get his Father but his other things..
      Funny how he took his clothes but NOTHING else when he took his clothes why not his father too ??
      Hugs to you also Bob God bless you both and your Family's

  8. Thank you, Bob Cookout and the team for seeking truth and exposing it. I am sure that my Parents and for sure my precious Son Nick, is so happy the truth has come out... xoxo

  9. Hey Marty!! Glad you could join us from the library today. Don't you need to post a rant or something?? You have any defense for being a disgusting loser? Probably not huh?

    1. His soiled pants are around his ankles and everyone is laughing...

  10. Hello, I am the head of Special Citizens United for Mongoose or SCUM. SCUM will be reporting you to the googlers, and all media. SCUM will call our close friends Bill Shooty, Hellen D. Generous, Colonel Chicken and Captain Crunch. SCUM supports the Mongoose Dawg. Please let us know if you would like to support Mongoose and be a SCUM too.

  11. Thought I'd stop in and say hi to Marty. He's one of our more recurring readers now. I feel honored he's using up all his prepaid data on his flip phone reading here. It kinda makes me giggle. HAVE A CRAPPY DAY MARTY!

    1. What else can he do?

      With his latest Facebook suspension, all he's left with is committing to attending events that occurred days earlier.

      He's such a laughing stock, both in real life and his make believe internet persona...

    2. Does anyone else here realize how easy it is to send a scanning code to old T-Mobile phones from a webpage?

  12. The Special Citizens United for Mongoose are starting a Broadcasting Action Group; or S.C.U.M.B.A.G. for short. The SCUMBAG will be coming to radio waves near you to spew half-truths, promote the SCUMBAG's cause du jour and solicit for next SCUMBAG's meal ticket on the Abolitionist radio show out of Ann Arbor. If you know of any media desperados that need material, let me know if you would like to be a SCUMBAG too.

    1. Will Marti Oakley be the host?

    2. The honorable MS Oakley???? Piece of Crap she is for sure!!!!

    3. Back off, Mar Mar!

      She's a highly sought internet radio journalist...

  13. This is exciting news that at last Mr. and Mrs Prehn are once again united. Marlene looks so at peace. It has taken some time but at the end of the day two people who loved each other are together. God is good!

    1. Thank you, Eva. I am at peace and so very grateful... If you could have known my Parents .... they were ,"LOVE BIRDS" forever and always . I am so grateful to reunite them together, <3
      God is Good!

  14. The Pastor Will Be at Dearborn Tommorow. Will Marty Be there?

    1. Previously scheduled engagement (Marty speak for no one wanted him there)...


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