Sunday, June 1, 2014

Marty Prehn: Mongoose Re-Invented

Having failed miserably with his elder advocacy, Marty has discovered his newest area of expertise. Apparently during his Facebook suspension, Marty decided he would become a land use and deed restriction advisor. 

As Marty now continuously posts about how the City of Berkley, MI cannot allow a thriving business to better serve it's customers with better parking, I'm reminded of several things:

Marty can't get a rental agreement in his name. 

He has never bought real property with his own money. 

Lost at least three properties for non payment of mortgage and taxes.  

Evicted recently from renting a 10' x 15' bedroom, but is now a real estate expert.

Wouldn't this be the same thing as a man who abused his elderly mother suddenly becoming an elder advocate? Or his various "fellow veteran" crusades even though he's never served a day in his miserable life in any service? How about parading around with his stupid Secret Agent hat when everyone knows no official agency would have anything to do with him? And let's not forget claiming to be a bodyguard when he's probably the biggest wimp on the planet.

A self proclaimed graduate from BJU, he obviously lacks the spelling and grammar skills of a 10 year old. With his pilot's license, he's qualified to deliver auto parts. In fact, as a candidate for Michiganian of the Year, he's accomplished little more than pissing people off, dodging creditors and landlords and swindling a senile old lady in Minnesota for money.

If we have learned anything from watching Marty, it's that he doesn't do anything unless he's found a financial motive for it. So why is he now acting as a real estate advisor you ask? Because he has now set his sights on a elderly war veteran that is involved in the parking dispute in Berkley, MI. Marty saw an older gentleman with money and in need of advice and suddenly became an expert in the area this man needed advising in. 

The sad part about this is, as usual, Marty is in way over his head in the subject matter. He lacks the basic intelligence needed to get more than a part time remedial job, but thinks he can navigate the laws involved in deed restrictions and city zoning. This would be laughable if there wasn't an elderly victim once again being scammed by the Mongoose. 

We can only wonder what Marty is charging this newest victim for his services. How much has he already scammed from this elder? How deep has Marty worked his way into this man's financial affairs? How long until Marty gets his hands on the deed to this man's house and tricks him into signing it over to the new and improved "Elder Dawg"? 


  1. ***shudder***


    1. Hey, Flo ain't gonna live forever, you know...

  2. Sad to see how he just keeps reinventing ways to hurt people. I wish I could say I was shocked, but it's his nature to shit on people (or pee in a sewing basket) and blame someone else. Hopefully this new victim's family or friends will be watching, and press charges if he crosses the line.

  3. I spoke with Jack he says that this issue of the Vinsetta Garage is going to be handled only by the residents of Oxford street in Berkeley and that Marty is not included and is not part of the group.

    1. Then someone needs to inform Marty.

      He's been obsessing about it on Facebook since they lifted his suspension.

  4. Marty has spent the bulk of his Sunday cruising online Death Notices again.

    Must be hungry...

    1. The never ending search for a free buffet!

    2. Too bad obits don't say how much money they died with.

      He'll need to work the mourners.

      "So sorry for your loss. Did she have a bank account? Are these real butter patties or that margarine crap?"

  5. Batteries dying. Last known 42.5106945, -82.8864615
    N42° 30.6417', W082° 53.1877'

    1. Agent Marty not so smart does not understand what them numbers mean lmao

  6. So I hear Marty Makes posts that some cannot see. That is all good. He only has a few people that believe what he puts out. Those are the same people would be believe Marty if he said he was becoming an astronaut or that he was abducted by an alien.

    For all reading Marty has no proof of myself ever making threats to him. I have never made threats at all. He cannot produce the threats either. I have not stalked him. He has appeared on television specifically on the news and or posts in the public realm of Facebook which is public. These posts are open for the entire world to view along with video of himself and what he said is on record at the Berkeley city planning minutes.

    As much as Marty wants to take part in this battle, he is an outsider. BTW we made Jack younger. He should be happy. I would be. Marty says he fears for his life because I comment here. LOL I laugh. I would not want to be within a mile of Marty even more not even meet him in person.

    “Cyberstalking” Pffft. Will he say everyone is cyberstalking him when this debate goes on and he has opposition from the public who want to know more about him? Why doesn’t Marty comment in public forums on this issue?

    Does Marty plan on going to the Cheyne funeral to find Kenneth Cheyne? Weird way to meet people. He gives a new meaning to the movie “Funeral Crashers”.

    1. Why is Marty Thanking the News for the coverage? Is he giving out awards. Is this the Marty Awards? If Marty hosted an awards show what would it be like? Who would go and what would they get in the gift bag and for an award.

    2. I'm sure he knows that the various media people think he's a total joke, but Florence doesn't. He just does these posts for appearances.

      "Marty Prehn
      33 minutes ago · Edited
      Great news reporting from Jeff Vaughn on both Monday night and Tuesday night. A special thanks to Lisa G. for coming through and getting Jeff Vaughn at the neighborhood meeting in Monday night on Oxford street. This was some GREAT footage and news reporting on the fly and Jeff quickly grasped what was going on. Of course thanks also goes out to Paula Tutman from WDIV with her comment for the public to do the math regarding the lack of parking spaces and to Fox 2 news Detroit for the extensive coverage that they did all afternoon on Monday and then again on Tuesday night with Taryn Asher and Ericka. It was the article in the Detroit Free Press by Bill Laitner that started the news media frenzy with his article on page 3a on Mondays morning addition. Bill Laitner will be doing a follow up this week in the Detroit Free Press to educate the public at large and the Berkley planning commission and the owners of the Vinsetta Garage that the decision has been already made for them in the recorded deed restrictions from real estate developer Burt Eddy Taylor who was a well known and well respected real estate planner who determined that the use if the lots in question were to be used for residential purposes only and this restriction was properly recorded and is to run with the land. All that is needed now is a court injunction to prohibit the Berkley planning commission from further creating a nuisance by usurping their authority and not acknowledge that the lots in question are encumbered with this deed restriction of residential use only when the plat was approved in 1913 by the Royal Oak Township board at the time and the Oakland County Commissioners and the Michigan Auditor General at the time who was George Hauser. This is a property right that promises the property owners that those lots will never be approved for a parking lot or anything other than for residential and single family use. This was done at the time this subdivision was platted and was done to protect the value of the neighbors property values.
      Vinsetta Garage in parking lot war with Berkley residents
      People living near a popular restaurant in Berkley are hoping to put the brakes on plans for a new parking lot for its customers."

  7. Marty starts the week right, with his obligatory reference to the notorious MVZ...

    "Marty Prehn shared 7News and's photo.
    3 hours ago
    Just a reminder that Longmont, Colorado is the city or town where Mike Butler is the Police Chief there and he is the father of Megan Van Zelden who public records show that she is from Irving, Texas.
    7News and"

  8. This cracks me up. She never acknowledges his bullshit.

    "Marty Prehn Carey do you and Mike go after cyber stalkers? I have a situation that will get you national media attention and Lord knows how Carey LOVES media attention and to be on tv. Give me a call. RIDE CAREY RIDE!"

    For those who don't remember, here's a post from a few months back:

    "Marty Prehn Carey Torrice The best time I ever had was being your body guard. RIDE CAREY RIDE!
    Like · "

    Carey has no idea who he is. If he wants to engage her, she's available for hire. That means MONEY, Marty...

    1. "Marty Prehn Carey do you and Mike go after cyber stalkers? I have a situation that will get you national media attention"

      Does this mean Marty was possibly LYING when he claimed he has everyone's IP addresses and Google and Facebook were cooperating with his investigation?

      Has he given up on Big Vexi coming to his rescue and now seeks the help of a pretty, young woman to review his MVZ masturbation tapes with?

      Marty: You are the most pathetic wretch on the planet...

    2. I thought Marty had the national media on his flip phone speed dial. National attention because a blog is pointing out what a dumb ass Marty is? He should just use the same national media he was bringing to his arrest of MVZ!

    3. How does bringing a Private Investigator into the case affect all the existing protection orders he's waiting to serve?

      And I thought "the entire Michigan Law Enforcement community had his back"?

  9. This is part of a comment by Marty on his Facebook page:

    And property owner Jack Guirey is 88 years old not 85 as has been reported. And the author or the authors of the Marty Prehn Chronicles have once again slandered and or defamed me by posting inaccurate information about me

    You're right Marty, I was mistaken when I said this man was 85. I never mentioned his name though. I do thank you for confirming who your latest targeted victim was. He's now been warned about who you are and he confirmed to the caller that you don't now or will have in the future anything to do with this issue or this gentleman. Time for you to move on to your next scam I guess. Sorry for the inconvienence.

    1. He'll next claim to be, again, the victim of Domestic Violence. This time at the hands of Linda.

      Surely her dad has money...

    2. He's going to have to come up with something. He's spending his days at the library reading this blog instead of working.

    3. Isn't there another parking dispute somewhere in Detroit that he can interject himself into?

      Maybe a nice, old fashioned noise complaint or poor pizza delivery service or something like that...

    4. I wonder if that house Jr used to sell drugs out of is zoned for a commercial business...

    5. It's deed restricted-dope house only. That's why Jr rented it in the first place.

    6. Ahhh. So he could only sell smack, but not fence stolen goods?

  10. He has about as much to do with that story as he has protecting old people from being abused.

    Same play, different characters.

  11. I am appalled by these lies about Martin Prehn and am personally starting a campaign to force Google to take down this blog forever. Please join me and address your email to Google with the subject line of Save Marty Prehn and copy everyone in your address book. Fight fire with fire on the cyber bullies.


    Peace out.

    1. RC3. You should delete Anon 11:59. It's obviously Marty, Linda or a rotten Chism kid...

    2. I don't think it's them. Not sure who it is but they've defended Marty before and I just wound up deleting it, I'll let it stay for now just to show what kind of crazy people support Marty.

    3. True, but this should be a "Marty Free Zone". Hate to see this blog become their own little promotional tool.

      Just saying...

    4. Good god how stupid to support the looser// this just shows that you can not fix stupid. Bet they he or she has been doing the Jr Prehns dope again.

  12. "Yesterday at 06:20 · Edited ·
    Thanks Jon for coming out on short notice. More information regarding this situation will be sent out to the media news outlets in the next few days". This comment by Marty is so funny to me. He acts like he called Jon and the guy jumped up a ran over to Berkley just because Marty called. This reporter has never spoken to Marty or have any idea who he is.

    1. But Florence would believe anything. Hell, she probably believes that Reagan crap.

      Patiently waiting to meet him for the first time on Ellen...

    2. And at this juncture, isn't that what it's all about?

      Preserving that monthly check and possible inheritance...

    3. The most telling part of Marty's posts is that he's pretty much talking to himself and hoping his idiot friends see it and believe him.

      Jon Hewitt, the CBS/WWJ author of the article, is not one of his little Facebook friends, nor are any of the people he mentions below, yet he pretends he's communicating directly to them:

      "Marty Prehn
      Yesterday at 8:30am · Edited
      Great news reporting from Jeff Vaughn from WXYZ Detroit on both Monday night and Tuesday night. A special thanks to Lisa G. for coming through and getting Jeff Vaughn at the neighborhood meeting on Monday night on Oxford street. This was some GREAT location footage and news reporting on the fly and Jeff quickly grasped what was going on. Of course thanks also goes out to Paula Tutman from WDIV with her comment for the public to "do the math" regarding the lack of parking spaces and to Fox 2 news Detroit for the extensive coverage that they did all afternoon on Monday and then again on Tuesday night with Taryn Asher and Erika Erikson. It was the article in the Detroit Free Press by Bill Laitner that started the news media frenzy with his article on page 3a on Mondays morning addition. Bill Laitner will be doing a follow up this week in the Detroit Free Press to educate the public at large and the Berkley planning commission and the owners of the Vinsetta Garage that the decision has been already made for them in the recorded deed restrictions from real estate developer Burt Eddy Taylor who was a well known and well respected real estate planner who determined that the use if the lots in question were to be used for residential purposes only and this restriction was properly recorded and is to run with the land. All that is needed now is a court injunction to prohibit the Berkley planning commission from further creating any additional nuisances by usurping their authority and not acknowledging that the lots in question are encumbered with this deed restriction of residential use only when the plat was approved in 1913 by the Royal Oak Township board at the time and the Oakland County Commissioners and the Michigan Auditor General at the time who was George Hauser. This is a property right that promises the property owners that those lots will never be approved for a parking lot or anything other than for residential and single family use. This was done at the time this subdivision was platted and was done to protect the value of the neighbors property values."

      This guy is really f&cked up in the head...

    4. The few unfortunates in the media who actually know who he is, deny it or think he's crazy.

      Marty, you are the biggest phoney idiotic con I've ever had the displeasure to learn about.

      RC3 has your number and it's your worst nightmare. Your career of lying and ripping off people is coming to a head like a zit and it's about to pop.

      Stand back. It's gonna be messy...

  13. Word is someone just got a ppo on marty too

  14. Your all a pack of cyber bullies. If any one can get you punks arrested its Martin Prehn. If enough people email Google they have to comply.


    1. Why don't you just go soak your head no one is getting arrested/every thing on this blog has been checked and cross check to be the truth. Now move along retard.

  15. Marty is commenting here of course it is a site that is made by Maria Melinn Supporters. A woman who claims she can not move her neck even enough to read. Melinn is a Faker wasting our tax dollars. Then we have the site where deanna kloosta an outstanding citizen believes I am getting paid by her ex spouse to make comments. All of these people lately believe people who oppose them and look at facebook profiles are cyberstalking. LOL. That could mean everyone is a cyberstalker even Marty himself according to his own postings. Maybe we could get some comments up on these sites. I forget who I am and who is paying me. To sum it all up I am mike and I am paid by kloosta and some big government ring who gives me my orders via V2K.

    1. martyprehn on May 20, 2014 at 5:12 pm
      Sean D. Fleming is also a member of the HATE blog Joey is a Little Kid that I believe is run by a cyber whack job with the name of Megan Van Zelfden. Google her and see what she has been involved in. She now lives in Irving, Texas. Her father Michael Butler is a police chief in Longmont, Colorado and she may be able to use his computer to do background checks on the people she stalks on the internet. Also google my name Marty Prehn and click on the images and see what they have posted in order to stalker, slander liable, threaten, harass and intimidate. All violations of Michigan anti stalking and anti cyber terrorism laws as well as other federal laws that prohibits this kind of illegal activity.


    2. martyprehn on May 20, 2014 at 5:07 pm
      What else can you tell me about Sean D. Fleming. Please google the Marty Prehn Chronicles and see the crap he has written about me. He is for sure a cyber stalker and cyber terrorist and I want him charged and prosecuted for these federal crimes and have his guns removed from his home his FCC radio license revoked and a lifetime ban from posting on the internet. He is mentally unstable and needs to be stopped. I need other examples of people he has done this to besides myself and Bill Windsor of LAWLESS America. I can be reached at or my cell number is 1 586 563 0989.


      Once again Marty claims someone is unstable. Marty you're a dumb ass and you're the one who should be banned from posting on the Internet.

    3. Those quotes are the product of his flip phone being hack again and are thereby inadmissible.

    4. Flip phone hacked is Special Agent code for drunken idiotic rant.

    5. You're half right.

      I don't think he needs to be drunk...

  16. How's this?

    Dear Google,
    I have never met Aagent DoucheCanoe, er, MongMoose, er, Marty Prehn, however, with that being said, he is my bestest Facebook friend and I KNOW these commenters on this blog are posting true, fact based things and Marty's own words proving he is a liar and idiot. I am butthurt and a fool and I demand you, Google, make them C&D (cease & desist)! I read from Marty's Facebook hero that C&D phrase is legal! I'd add abate to it, but Marty and I heard there was a Motion for Marty's Vexi hero to Abate from Flemming's attorney, so that's probably not anything I should request!
    These meanie heads only post the truth, real documents & comments from many of his victims about how awful Marty has been to them! The nerve!
    Even though there are hundreds of millions of Google users and blogs, this TRUTH being blasted MUST stop! Marty can't properly take advantage of elderly or naive victims if this truth keeps being exposed!

    #SaveMartyPrehn. #TruthCannotBeTold

    (Do I send this to Google? Or will they just see it here? Marty's calling National Media attention, Google better be intimidated, he's a Special Agent, Elder Abuse Dawg, Veteran Advocate and much less in his spare time from delivering auto parts and using public libraries! Google? Can you see this?)

  17. Jealousy rears its ugly head on this hate site but not for long. We hope to have 100 emails to Google by this weekend and have you cyber bullies shut down for good.


    1. LOL ya ok pal I wont wait for any grass to gro under my feet waiting for this to happen it wont happen.

    2. 100?
      bwahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha hahahaha hiccup!
      100? Because Google gets so few emails to them that 100 will be overwhelming? Back away from the screen slowly....steady now.....
      #SaveMartyPrehn. is an excellent idea! Save him a spot in a free buffet line, a free room & board, free drinks, free anything! Save him a spot in a correctional facility! Those calls he makes impersonating Law Enforcement & threatening victims? He needs saving for that.
      Anon? You just keep right on with your goofy endeavor, keep an eye on Marty, too, ok? Because eventually, he always turns on the hand that feeds, clothes & houses him.
      Look what he did to his own Mother! Good grief!
      If a grown ass man will neglect, bully & abuse his own Mother? What will he do for you?
      Really, check some facts on your own. Don't take our word for it or Marty's. Google is your friend! & if not? Bing that snit! (because it's not Google).
      What exactly is it that is incorrect here, Anon? Which part?
      #SaveMartyPrehn.? #SaveYourselfFromMarty!

  18. UPDATE;

    For all of our regular readers I thought I'd update you on a previous Marty rant. The house he claimed would not pass inspection because of all the problems he reported, passed with flying colors. No snakes, rats, drugs, or piss soaked deadbeats to be found. One more Marty threat goes down in flames.

    1. I guess it's back to suing the sheriff for Marty...

    2. So Marty did leave his friends back in the white truck and not take them inside the home??? lol.

    3. Waiting, Marty...

      Would give you something other to post than the "Armageddon in Berkeley" crap you've been blasting for the last week.

      "I will be posting the inspection report on my fb page and on the internet and in a newspaper article EXPOSING all that Robin Heaps Williams and her co-conspirators have been involved in."

    4. I've been monitoring all of the Detroit area newspapers looking for the article. Has anyone seen anything anywhere about this inspection?

  19. I can understand him pretending to be attending a FREE Harley Fest on the 14th, but how does he think he's fooling anyone with his pretending to be attending a dinner with Col Allen West? He has neither the money for a ticket or a decent set of clothes to wear.

    For that matter, resurrecting his quest to be on "Let it Rip" will be futile for so many reasons, not the least of which is he is unpresentable for TV.

    That sport coat can't take too much more and his Saint Patrick's Day shirt is out of season...

  20. I honesty don't know how someone could have the gall to apply for assistance or a mortgage with his track record of lying being documented all over the internet. Even Quicken loans reads here now!

  21. Will the West dinner accept his Bridge Card or will he try to borrow money?

    1. Maybe he can get Linda to foot the bill. She can break out her formal wear and go as Mrs Mongoose.

    2. Please God, don't let it be a strapless gown...

  22. ha,ha Agent Fatty pretending
    he is a personal friend of candidate Pete Lucido, who has no clue who the hell Marty is... and has never met him.

  23. Ten years ago today, Marty's former bodyguard client, surrogate father and spouse of one of his many romantic conquests passed away.

    And Marty will only learn of it by reading this blog - if there's an open computer at the library...

    1. I see he read it.

      The most telling part of the below crap soup is the complete absence of his Ronald Reagan/Tearing Down Berlin Wall fable.

      Must have given up now that this blog has disproven his core lie...

      "Marty Prehn Interesting that the Gipper passed away on June 5, 2004. It was on June 5, 2001 that I got married for the 1st time (if at first you don't succeed try again. After the 2nd time give it up lol). And on June 5th was also the birthday of American HERO Joey Jordan who died fighting to keep our country free. As fate would have it John 3:16 was the life verse for Staff Sgt. Joey Jordan from Harrison township and he died on 3-16-2010 in Mosel, Iraq. The irony is that he never had to have been there in the 1st place. He was a recruiter for the Army and wanted to demonstrate to the guys he was recruiting what leadership was all about so he enlisted for 1 tour of duty. 1 week before he was to finish that tour and come home he was killed by an IED. His wife's only wish was that he be declared a war HERO. I saw that request in the Detroit Free Press and went to work to make her request a reality. I went before the Macomb County Board of Commissioners and requested a resolution from the entire board asking that they put together an emergency resolution declaring Staff Sgt. Joey Jordan a national HERO. We got it done and I personally drove to Cincinnati where his military funeral was to be held at a place called Jordan's Crossing as the crowd was so large that they needed a larger church to hold his funeral. At the end of the service I was able to present this resolution to his wife Jennifer and parents Richard and Kimberly Jordan. Joey's uncle the Reverend Thomas Jordan officiated the service. It truly was one of the highlights of my life being able to keep a promise that I made to the widow of a fallen soldier. REST IN PEACE Joey Jordan and know that your sacrifice and that of your families will NEVER be forgotten.. I am reminded of this sacrifice in the Ed Ames song from 1967 called WHO WILL ANSWER. In that song one of the verses talked about a soldier that is now resting very still up on a hill as a bullet has struck him down and who he will never be able to hold his wife or children again and we ask DEAR GOD OH WHY OH WHY? BUT WHO WILL ANSWER? It was a very moving service and a photo has been posted by his Uncle Thomas Joirdan that shows that sacrifice has been a way of life for the Jordan family as Joey's Grandfather is laid to rest at the same cemetaty in the Cincinatti area up on a hill and under a large water tower. REST IN PEACE JOEY JORDAN and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON!
      Like · 2 minutes ago"

    2. On behalf of women everywhere: Thank you!

      "It was on June 5, 2001 that I got married for the 1st time (if at first you don't succeed try again. After the 2nd time give it up lol). "

    3. I guess that means Linda is out luck!!!

    4. Linda is a means to an end.

      She's just either too stupid or desperate to realize it.

  24. Please send your emails to Google with the subject line Save Marty Prehn by midnight tonight. Copy everyone in your address book and encourage them to do the same. We need to have 100 emails asking for this cyber bully site to be immediately taken down. Do it for Marty who is under a coordinated attack by his jealous haters and probably enemies of people he has himself saved.


    1. Would probably have better success sending your emails to the Department of Metal Health...


  25. We only need 93 more emails to Google with the subject line Save Marty Prehn. If everyone reading this would do their part to shut this cyber bullying site down we'd be saving a wonderful man's good name. Send your email now and ask everyone in your address book to also send it out before midnight.


    1. @Anon 6:01. So you've got seven?

      Lemme guess: You, Marty, Linda, Flo and three mental patients who have internet access...

    2. I sent one just to see what response I would get.

    3. I actually did get a response from google:

      Your concerns are being investigated. Should 100 complaints in a 72 hour period arise, the Blogger account will be suspended pending further investigation.

      They better hurry with those emails. The clock is ticking!!

  26. Wonder how that rental thing has been going for the last five weeks...

    "Marty Prehn I told (Name removed) to quit playing with those matches that she had. lol Over $400,000 in damage on the inside. The neat thing was we were there 2 days before this fire I have a cottage in the East Bay that I will be renting out next year starting the 1st weekend in May 2014.
    October 11 at 10:32pm · Edited · 1"

  27. I think whoever made the false report to Google shouldn't have their google account suspended as well as their Facebook page...
    but in the meantime, hahaha and only getting
    7 emails to Google... that's just sad!

    1. Them 4 retards and the three CHISM brats make the 7 of them lol

  28. RC - 8135544685

  29. Someone is obsessing at the library again...

    "Marty Prehn
    16 minutes ago
    Here is Sean D. Fleming coming out of the closet. Does he appear to be a normal human being to you?

    Marty Prehn

    12 minutes ago 

    Sean D. Fleming appears to have some serious anger issues and has made repeated threats to myself and Bill Windsor of Lawless America. He is a Sean Connery wanna be and thinks he is a relative of Ian Fleming who created the character of James Bond aka 007. Mr.Sean D. Fleming is agent 000. A big FAT 0 and a nobody but he so desires attention that he defames other people and tries to tear them down to build himself up. If he has contacted you and threatened you as he has me and Bill Windsor PLEASE call the Michigan State Police and report this cyber stalker. He is a danger to himself and to the public at large and appears to have some very serious mental and emotional issues that requires him to be mentally evaluated for his own good and everyone elses.

    seandfleming's post on Vine

    Marty Prehn likes a link.

    2 minutes ago · 

    Looks like Sean D. Fleming has made yet another threat of physical violence against Bill Windsor. I sure am glad that Bill Windsor's movie about Sean D. Fleming is called Slanderfella because if it was called Slender fella that would be a HUGE contridiction of the facts and a misrepresentation. Bill may have had it right when he called SDF a PHATBOY.

    Bill Windsor to ask Judge to charge Sean D. Fleming with Perjury"

    1. I see another Facebook suspension in Marty's future.

      Dumber than dirt, that Marty is...

    2. Back off, Cookout!

      He's organizing...

    3. I have made no threats to Bill Windsor and or to Marty Prehn at any time. I am being followed on all social media sites now by Marty Prehn who has made comments about my lips, face, and weight. He has made comment about my military background. He supposedly has an in with the Oakland County clerk so he says and my military record is there on file. It is a concern to me. I see he also likes my vine posts these days but has no clue how vine works with hashtags. Even though all of his followers use hashtags. I guess the library is not the place of learning it is made out to be.

      I challenge again Marty Prehn to post those threats of violence again that I have supposedly made. I would love to see them, hear them, etc. Maybe the police and myself can review them all.

      I am not into name calling that is for sure. BTW when I was at the memorial day parade I met Bouchard. He is a great guy.

    4. Mike's a prince. And he is not personal friends with Marty.

      No one really is...

  30. Lemme guess: Marty is again going to Florida to give away the bride to his personal friend Mark Hackel...

  31. Poor Marty! I hear he is having a very bad day. And chances are it's going to get worse!


  32. Sean, I hope you and your attorney are preserving the social media slanderous lies that the lying pig is posting about you to give to the police & Oakland County Sheriff's Department. I also hope you are reporting him to Facebook


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