Monday, July 17, 2017

Fraser Prepares for a Mongoose Infestation!

A hearty CoM welcome to all of our new readers!

As the foremost authority on all things Marty,  it's somewhat humbling to see so many people taking an interest in this blundering idiot.  I'm willing to bet that you've never encountered another rodent anywhere near as moronic or nasty as this one. Today I'll do my best to point out the known tactics of this nuisance and how to best rid yourself of a Mongoose Infestation. Trust me, you don't want one in your town. Kinda like pubic lice, but without the glitz and glamour!  

And you people thought that the sinkhole was the worst that could happen. Tsk tsk...

I've seen many residents of Fraser asking how they were unfortunate enough to suffer a Mongoose infestation. There's a simple explanation for the arrival of this disgusting and odoriferous vermin. It's naturally drawn to television news crews or reporters. I'm sure everyone noticed Marty standing in the background while people were being interviewed for the local nightly news. That's the burning instinct of the Mongoose. Make sure you're in camera view at all cost! The lure of the news crew is so strong on the Mongoose, he once chased a news van all over Metro Detroit after a storm so he could be interviewed as a storm damage expert, calling every station to try to give an on-air report! No one answered and he went back home to his hotplate and Dinty Moore. Hell, that's how this asshole found you in the first place. Having no family or friends to celebrate Christmas Eve with, the loser went sewer hopping in hopes of being on the news! 

There are several sure signs your town has become a nesting area for the Mongoose. Speaking in front of your city council talking more about his own delusions of self importance than the issue he's supposedly interested in. Hanging around as close to news crews as possible. Spewing baseless crap about people involved in the issue that brought the media there in the first place. Claiming he's an expert on the subject even though it's obvious he's absolutely clueless on the subject. Dropping as many names of elected official and celebrities as possible while claiming to be "good friends" with them. And most importantly, taking credit for things he had absolutely nothing to do with. Here's a recent example:

Once you realize your city hall has been infested by this vile creature,
 the most important rule to remember is this: Never, under any circumstance, do you feed the Mongoose. I promise you, not only will he bite the hand that fed him, he'll include their children, distant relatives, friends, and employers.

I'm sure by now you're thinking: "Oh No! We're infested, now what do we do?" Fear not, my new friends in Fraser, hope is not lost. Even though your embattled mayor is providing plenty of food for this rodent, he can still be stamped out. Just like a cockroach in your kitchen, the Mongoose will flee when you turn the light on and expose him. And with Marty, there is plenty to expose. The truth about him is the brightest light of all. Marty has told so many lies that he can't possibly back up, picking them apart is child's play.

As an experience Mongoose Elimination Expert, I'll try to arm you with the tactics needed to run this rodent off. You must shine the light on  him at the place he's most strongly drawn to, televised city council meetings. Marty can't resist the urge to speak in front of cameras so this is where he's most vulnerable. You have to use stealth when getting ready to expose him. Marty will attempt to wait until he's going to be the last speaker so no one can follow him and point out his idiocy. So, be patient! Don't get in position to speak until after Marty has committed himself and gone to the podium before you. If he doesn't know who else might be speaking, he also can't make a preemptive strike before they get the chance.

Arm yourselves with the truth about this rodent. If he claims to be an elder advocate, point out his treatment of his mother. Also a good time to mention Florence Iverson - trust me. If he claims Reagan had the Berlin Wall torn down as a favor to Marty for his father, point out no U.S. official would go out of their way to appease a former Nazi soldier. If he calls for a "forensic audit", ask why when the probate court that was handling his mother's case asked him for financial records of where his parent's money went, he took a contempt of court charge instead of complying. 

When he claims to be an experienced, but non-specific 
"Special Agent" of some sort with a yet to be named three letter agency, ask him where he bought that ratty hat. "Good friends" with government officials? Ask what proof he has other than campaign rally photo bomb pictures posted on Facebook. Maybe ask Carey "Hot N Ready" Torrice about Marty claiming that "being her bodyguard was the best job he ever had", with the requisite sexual innuendo. Ask other city councils and mayors about the times he infested their city hall. Ask all of his "media friends" if he's the reason they are covering the news in your town. Better yet, ask Peter Lucido if Marty is helping him draft legislation in Michigan and why he allows Marty to post his crap on his Facebook page.

In order to save enough bandwidth for comments, I'll wrap this report up. In short, my Fraser friends, be aware of the Mongoose but don't be afraid. Marty can be very ferocious and there is no depth he won't sink to, as he knows no shame. But there is no need to fear him. His below average intelligence, along with his constant grandiose delusions about himself, makes it easy to expose him as the worthless, powerless loser he really is. Educate yourselves and you'll have no problems pointing out what a lying ass he really is. Actually, most of the time, he points it out himself. Read just about any random page of this blog - it's Mongoose Kryptonite!

"Now the healing needs to begin."

God speed.


PS: Be sure to stop by the CoM booth at this weekend's fair and browse our gift shop, featuring CoM T-shirts and Mongoose Signature Collection© Lunchboxes!


  1. Try to read this, word for word, out loud:


    His undeveloped brain just can't put a coherent sentence together.

    But he tries. Oh Lord, he tries...

    He fails. Probably those damn paint chips on Cubberness. Couldn't eat just one.

    1. He laughs in the face of danger. Unless you're his roommate who was half his size. Then, when the roommate yelled at him for stealing change for gas money, Marty called the cops and filed domestic violence charges on him. Go SECRET AGENT MAN!

    2. He's a survivor, that Mongoose...


      Sissy-ass wimp.

  2. Mongoose WhispererJuly 17, 2017 at 7:41 PM

    Not looking good for Marty as Grand Marshall on Sunday, Must be Flem's fault.

    Trudy Campbell will probably cancel her concert in the median now, too.

    Gotta run - I've got a bunch of little flags to take back to Walmart.

  3. "Marty Prehn
    Kathy here is a thought. We should see about contacting Mel Gibson as he had trouble with his father being in a guardianship situation and I think that Brittany Spears is still trying to get out from a guardianship as well. I often times get signs from the heavens as a few years back I made what was suppose to be a one way trip with the bright lights and all and I know that Travis Campbell made that same trip up to heaven and we were both told NOT YET. He and I are twins now as we have matching defibulators that keep us alive. Let Kerri know that I believe I was sent a message from her father and took a photo of a sign that was sent to me as well. It is of a very beautiful and unique flower shaped like a star in a really breath taking purple and white color scheme and the words that came to me were AND NEVER FORGET TO REACH FOR THE STARS. Of course the purple color represents elder and guardianship abuse awareness. Click on my name below these comments to see a picture of this unique flower. As the sun sets the points of this star flower close to cover the flower and it looks like the flower is praying.
    16 minutes ago · Current version"


    1. Mongoose WhispererJuly 18, 2017 at 6:54 AM

      The way he tries to strike a chord with the grieving is nothing short of disgusting.

      Always chillin' with dead celebrities, that Marty.

      Does he just lay there on his horse blanket at night and come up with these same tired tactics? No one ever buys into it.

      People of Fraser, you need to keep this asshole away from your meetings and out of your city!

      By the way, I suspect that the Mongoosemobile doesn't have insurance. Perhaps you can start there. Getting that filthy bucket towed from the municipal parking lot is a step in the right direction.

      Hell, you probably should have called an ambulance after he started crying at the first meeting. Very unstable and obviously mentally ill.

  4. Marty Prehn is nothing more than a poser. He's a lonely, bitter, friendless man because quite frankly, in person he's an asshole. He wants to be the center of attention or the big fish in the pond. People can't stand to be around him because he is so fake. There is no mystery when it comes to him. His entire life he's wanted everything just handed to him without having to work for it. He's been like this since he was a child. The worst thing you can do to Marty is ignore him and treat him like he deserves to be treated. He wants to be feared and respected, all without doing anything to deserve that respect. Bottom line, he's a big nobody who desperately wants to fool people into thinking he's not.

    1. It must really suck to wake up every morning and still be Marty Prehn.

    2. Yep. It almost sucks as hard as it does for the people of Michigan that Marty Prehn woke up again today.

    3. Mongoose WhispererJuly 18, 2017 at 6:12 AM

      I'm sure his adoptive mother in Minnesota ain't thrilled, either.

      After all of these years, Marty never utters the name, Florence Iverson.

      Why is that, Marty?

  5. Mongoose WhispererJuly 18, 2017 at 7:15 AM

    You really shouldn't engage this idiot on any level.


    Trust me. He hates the world and it hates him right back. He'll eventually make your life miserable and has probably driven by your house already.

    He knows he's going to hell and wants company.

    Maybe you people from Fraser aren't as smart as you think you are.

    Have fun! Don't claim that you weren't warned.

  6. Mongoose WhispererJuly 18, 2017 at 7:36 AM

    Bitter, dirty and homeless - "yet he's a dynamo on open mic night at Chaplin's Comedy Club!"

  7. Quick on his feet?

    He's been recycling the same bullshit lies for years.

    Reagan, RICO, Doc Chism, Forensic Audits and Terry Jones.

    Change it up, Marty. What was that definition of insanity that you screwed up the other night?

  8. Mongoose WhispererJuly 18, 2017 at 8:33 AM

    Fraser gains some concessions, OKs city manager contract

    This isn't over. Marty will ramp up his stalking of O'Neal until he finds vindication.

    "I told you not to hire him!"

  9. I see that Marty will helping the Kasem Cares Foundation with Cyber Stalking. People who harass and threaten the children of the iconic entertainers. Interesting. So, Marty promising advocating for you yet doing noting but yammering on his keyboard is a great advocate?

    within the public comments, I Marty writes, "I will be listening to the web broadcast on my phone so I won't have the ability to type in comments so I'll just play by ear at this point and I go from there and see I'm assuming I know who the advocate is that is harassing you guys and I can talk to you individually off the computer internet but I gave you what information I had with what was discussed and that we can go from there and I'm more than willing to fly out to California and testify if you have to go back to court to stop this nonsense"

    Of course if you don't know the story about Marty injecting himself into the Falk vs Kasem battle. Talk about great news gossip that has made it on TMZ. Marty who acts as a double agent kissing up to the Falk family while at the same time wanting to be buddies with the Kasem family. Read here and notice who is in the comments of the story. This is by Marty news crush Andrea Isom.

    Marty says, "Does threatening to have my effing head blown off with a shotgun if I came down to Nashville to help support the legislation that they were trying to pass at a legislative hearing constitute harassment or threats? LOL as the saying goes in The Lion King I laugh in the face of danger because I'm a Secret Agent Man LOL Dream Team? I think not. More like PSYCHOS ARE US."

    Marty claims that he was threatened to be shot at. Which is far from the truth.

    Finally Marty trying to make the great convincing plea, "athy here is a thought. We should see about contacting Mel Gibson as he had trouble with his father being in a guardianship situation and I think that Brittany Spears is still trying to get out from a guardianship as well. I often times get signs from the heavens as a few years back I made what was suppose to be a one way trip with the bright lights and all and I know that Travis Campbell made that same trip up to heaven and we were both told NOT YET. He and I are twins now as we have matching defibulators that keep us alive. Let Kerri know that I believe I was sent a message from her father and took a photo of a sign that was sent to me as well. It is of a very beautiful and unique flower shaped like a star in a really breath taking purple and white color scheme and the words that came to me were AND NEVER FORGET TO REACH FOR THE STARS. Of course the purple color represents elder and guardianship abuse awareness. Click on my name below these comments to see a picture of this unique flower. As the sun sets the points of this star flower close to cover the flower and it looks like the flower is praying."

    " Let Kerri know that I believe I was sent a message from her father" .....

    Marty always talks to the dead. They can't stop listening

    1. Travis isn't Marty's twin. Trudy is.

    2. Did Marty finally give up stalking Melissa "Half Pint" Gilbert?

      I'm thinking she got the cops involved. That one was pretty bad.

  10. Mongoose WhispererJuly 19, 2017 at 10:01 AM

    Oh, oh. They said the magic word - "FREE"...


  11. Someone get the drone!

  12. Mongoose WhispererJuly 19, 2017 at 3:28 PM

    From the "Things You'll Never See on Facebook" file:

    "Here's a picture of me posing with my good friend, Marty Prehn."

  13. [IMG][/IMG]

    Tru dat.

    1. Don't get your hopes up, Marty.

      I'm sure Jessica meant it as a joke.

    2. Mongoose WhispererJuly 19, 2017 at 6:01 PM

      Certainly caught the discerning eye of the Mongoose...

  14. Marty will not be hijacking the SCS Memorial Day parade with Kerri Kasem

  15. Dee bowman-Lindroth campaigning on name recognition hmmm. How's that working for Coleman young jr.?

    1. Mongoose WhispererJuly 21, 2017 at 7:46 AM

      Hell, Marty's running her campaign!

      Telltale Mongoose droppings everywhere.

      Except for a picture posing with Marty Prehn, of course.

      Should have warned her at Ram's Horn before the parade.

    2. Mongoose WhispererJuly 21, 2017 at 8:34 AM

      This Word Vomit reeks of the Mongoose.


      I hope she got her father's military service correct.

      Manchurian Mongoose.


      Yeah, right. More like stop at Grady's and smell the marijuana.

    4. Mongoose WhispererJuly 21, 2017 at 9:37 AM

      I'm predicting that, with Marty's guidance, she'll get at least 10℅ less than the 1,231 votes she got last time.

      Some people are too stupid to run for public office.

    5. "The Bowman name is synonymous with a dedication to public service"

      And the Prehn name is synonymous with failure.

    6. Who boasts about a plaque given to you on behalf of your brothers military service. Further are why does anyone care about what your family members have done. Isn't the resume of what you've done important?

    7. Mongoose tutoring! You know, ride the accomplishments of others and act like it somehow reflects on you. That's lesson one.

    8. Mongoose WhispererJuly 21, 2017 at 12:40 PM

      Marty will turn on her and throw his massive political weight behind her opponent as soon as he spends his rent money on fast-food.

      A White Castle can't have two Burger Kings...

    9. Ha! Now that's the funniest thing I've seen today.

    10. Why doesn't Marty Join the Fraser FAIR group? BTW Marty I will be having a conversation with Paul Walton soon. Your Idle threats of Proof for the Prosecutors office does nothing to me. You farting in the wind would be more damaging.

    11. Mongoose WhispererJuly 21, 2017 at 7:48 PM


      'Nuff said.

  16. Today is the fraser parade. Will Marty be walking with the Mayor?

    1. He will if he finds a good spot to step off the curb in the middle of the parade. You know, gotta act out the special agent/bodyguard role.

    2. Mongoose WhispererJuly 23, 2017 at 9:42 PM

      Fraser mayor, councilman, no-shows at Sunday’s parade

      - Wayne O'Neal √
      - Batman √

      "No Show Joe" and Elder Dawg are boycotting Unity in the Community this year...

  17. Had a great conversation with some guy from roseville when I got home tonight.

  18. Mongoose WhispererJuly 25, 2017 at 7:18 AM

    Typical Mongoose.

    Dee might as well prepare her concession speech and file it with her candidate paperwork that is due today.

  19. All I know is that Fraser is damn lucky to have a Guardian Angel like Marty Prehn looking out for their best interests.

    Bless you, Mongoose.

  20. This guy is going on and on about my dad. I've seen some of his screen shots and you would think a special agent of his caliber would know that my dad wasn't born in January or 1952.

  21. With all of the other crap going on, I'm sure Joe is glad to be associated with Marty Prehn and to have more negative attention thrown his way.

    As this blog has said repeatedly for four years, nothing good happens when Marty is involved and absolutely no one is glad to have met him.

    Can't say he wasn't warned. Are you a CoMmie yet, Joe?


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