Friday, April 14, 2017

Happy Birthday, Flo!


  1. Still trying to figure out how Merle Haggard recieved the MOH without Trump presenting it to him. Merle had no Military service and the actual MOH is not given out like a honorary diploma at a college.

    1. @12:10 Flo was a distinquished military veteran. Why hasn't she been awarded the medal of honor? #MedalsforFlo

    2. At 95, I just hope she doesn't have to wait for Marty's birthday party at Comerica Park, Freedom Hill or the Cruise before she gets a cake, like all the other military heroes and meros did.

      In fact, they're all still waiting. She might not make it.

    3. [IMG][/IMG]

  2. I enjoy reading the Marty Prehn Chronicles, and also as a precautionary measure to be aware of sightings. But every once in a while I get blocked out and it says I need an invite from the blog owner. I sure hope I stay unblocked as warmer weather is approaching and I like to check the site before I head up north.

  3. Can't wait until Mary Peters responds to me. Will be one awesome conversation.

  4. He has to have imaginary Easter dinner with dead celebrities. No living person wants to have anything to do with him. People just don't like attention seeking liars.

  5. ...who beg for money and smell bad.

  6. Good luck on Thursday, Steve, Laurie, Curt and whatever other brats are floating around out there.

    With a National Elder Advocate like Marty Prehn in your corner, this will be a cakewalk. Even without an attorney.

    DBD and Semper Fi!

  7. I am sure Marty will be shut down again from being a witness or expert like always. Should be an interesting night in Washington township at the Pete Lucido Meetup.

    1. I'm sure the judge just hasn't seen his business card.

      If they get laughed out of court, it's Flem's fault.

    2. I'm surprised Marty didn't attend the big Lucido meeting like he said he would.

      Doesn't he realize that we're having a Daylight Savings Time crisis in America and need an advocate of his caliber?

    3. Two words for you:

      Gas Money.

    4. But it was just down the street from the Dan Haggerty Eagle at Ye Ol'Lambert Dairy Farm?

      Doesn't he go there every day and light a candle or something?

  8. How many real mothers/fake mothers, real siblings/fake siblings and real friends/fake friends does this asshole burn through?

    Oh, well. He still has the respect and adoration of his daughter and granddaughter.

    What am I saying? He has nothing and no one.

    Have a Mongoospactacular day, Marty!

  9. How's that National Elder Advocate gig working out for you, Marty?

    Seems like a man of your pedigree and experience, not to mention your close personal friendship with the judge, would be enough to make Karen's family run for the hills after personally handing the checkbook to you.

    Nope. Now sit down and shut up or the bailiff will remove you from the courtroom.

  10. [IMG][/IMG]

    No comment necessary. Hilarious on it's own.

    1. Those two haters are named Stephanie and Marty Jr.

    2. The results of his silly Facebook test are inconclusive at best, considering that he had at least twice as many haters lined up to publicly complain about him in front of the SCS City Council.

      That ain't adoration nor jealousy. That's hatred.

      Simple bastard.

    3. That's hilarious. His successes?? I'll do a quick review.

      Family hates him.
      His first born is a convicted felon and child predator.
      Has a job fitting of a teenager.
      Owns no property.
      Lives in a pay weekly boarding house.
      Has no retirement hopes at 60yrs old.
      Relies on public assistance to feed himself.
      Two failed marriages.
      Laughed at by almost everyone who comes in contact with him.

      That's a pretty long list of successes!
      Marty WOW!

    4. Dan Haggerty Humanitarian Awards Dinner keeps popping in my head, along with every other annual flop he attempts.

      His biggest success is this blog paying attention to him for laughs.



    People Of Baltimore Voted Least Attractive In US

    Go Orioles!

  12. Attention CoM Court Watchers - breakfast meeting at Big Boys, 7:45 and we can all carpool together.

    1. I'll point out all the different examples of how stupid they are as soon as I quit laughing.

    2. [IMG][/IMG]

      FYI - "Behind the scenes" is Mongoosespeak for "I wasn't involved because I'm an idiot".

    3. I am going to start guessing that either that Lisa Damon is one Gullable woman or she is more than just facebook friends with Marty. Not sure of the answer but those are my thoughts. At first I thought she was above Marty intelligence wise but I am rethinking that now.

    4. Ok, just at first glance:
      1. Getting your petition accepted is basically a formality, not a victory.
      2. They are clueless about what actually happened. Didn't even know the name of the judge that held the hearing.
      3. Didn't see the look on anyone's face, they weren't there. If they were, they'd know who the judge was.
      4. Marty had to post a screen shot because Carla didn't want the post on her page and she quickly deleted it.
      5. A person who wasn't there or involved in any way, is thanking Marty for his "behind the scenes" work.
      6. No thanks from any of the Chism kids.

      The only real news from today is the Chism's attorney quit

      And P.S. Marty, I'm not going to tell you which judge held the hearing. You'll have to find out on your own then see if you can convince Carla to lie for you again.

    5. Yeah, the Legendary Team Chism gang rode into the Ponderosa and their horses promptly took a shit on the Mongoose.

      How did he think it would end?

    6. MArty provides me with the entertainment I need to make it through the day. It's awesome. I am a big fan of his blown up tales and tribulations. If I ever have to go back to court I will simply tell the judge of course I read his stuff and bust out laughing. I can simply give a run down on everything I read posted to the public so that he gets notariety for it.

    7. I have even given it thought to actually cover Marty on my YouTube channel in a way that's promoting his stuff like the upcoming Route 66 cruise or the funds that he's getting the city of Frasier. Now his victory in court with the Chisms. It's big Detroit News

    8. Apparently Wells Fargo and Flo's relatives really enjoy reading about him. Over 60 views between the two of them today.

    9. I do have a call into Jamie to interview him because he's Mclains Bodyguard

    10. How long before Marty starts cutting down Flo, like he did Robin and Guy?

      You've not seen the last of him either, Team Chism.


    11. Lay with a dog, expect to get fleas.
      Lay with a pig, expect to get dirty.

      Lay with a Mongoose, expect to get screwed, laughed at and a bad case of body odor. Might be a good time to check for lice, too.

      Marty Wow!

  13. Damn Marty, Wells Fargo Corporate in St Louis must be a really big Elder Dawg fans.


    1. Hey Marty! Pretty interesting mix of people in that office, don't ya think?


    2. They're just a bunch of cyberstalkers.

      Go git 'em, Marty!

  14. Poor Marty. All he has left is his Terry Jones lie, and that's only because Jones has no idea who the fat guy selling t-shirts was.

    Even still, I wouldn't go around ripping on Muslims in Detroit area.

    Then again, my life has value, whereas Marty's, not so much.

    Sell the hell out of those Crusade shirts, Mongoose!

  15. It wouldn't surprise me if Marty stakes out the Shelby laundromats, hoping to retrieve Lisa's dryer lint after she leaves. Wouldn't be the first Lisa, either.

    Scary stuff.

    1. She's going to get what she deserves from him. Never feed the Mongoose.

  16. For our newest fans in Saint Louis and Minnesota...

    Marty Tries to Con Ellen

    Yep. Been going on for years.

    1. [IMG][/IMG]

      Good times.

  17. I want to know this is the last comment on the blog I have decided to no longer comment here at all. I have marty there putting my personal information on FB pages. Things are about to get interesting.

    1. Being kicked out of Team Chism, along with his son being thrown in prison, only proves his original assertion - it's all Flem Ling's fault.


  18. Saving the life of the Legendary Doc Chism is right up there with hosting the Dan Haggerty Humanitarian Awards dinner and being on the Executive Cruise Committee.

    Now he needs to write "Former" on his National Elder Advocate business cards.

    I only wish Karen was around to see the day.

    1. The only thing that will save that relationship is for Marty to share Steve's April 5th post a couple of hundred times more.

  19. This last week proves that any association with Marty Prehn never turns out well.

    It's like eating dog vomit from a dirty ashtray, with an occasional toenail clipping thrown in to keep things interesting.

    Starts out bad, only to get worse.

  20. [IMG][/IMG]


  21. [IMG][/IMG]

    How did they think it would turn out?

  22. Flem: 55
    Marty: -0-

    And that's just this month.

    Rock on, Mongoose!

  23. Deal reached to give Macomb County $3 million grant for sinkhole

    Courtesy of:
    Marty Prehn
    Sewage Advocate


    1. "We did it!"

      No one begs for money better than Marty Prehn, and even then, he wasn't involved.

      Hell, when was the last time he paid a water or any other utility bill?

      Regardless, his best friend, Joe Nichols, should take him to El Charro's tonight.

      Not quite Del Taco, but free food is free food. Ain't that right, Steve?

  24. "Your Honor, may I present my expert witness..."


  25. Since that sweet sweet man is always dedicating songs to complete strangers, this is for you, Mongoose.

    Hang in there, Marty. The weekend is just around the corner!

  26. I called it


    I'm sure The Good Reverend would say "You, too and thanks for keeping me safe, Mongoose", if he only knew who the hell you are.

    Pathetic bastard.

  27. If her very own Guardian Angel won't wine, dine and sixty nine her, maybe Marty should set Jessica up with his son for a conjugal visit so she can stop feeling sorry for herself all over the internet.

  28. [IMG][/IMG]

    "Yep. Those crazy Korbinski brothers are at it again, checking the 'Chronicles of Marty' from their water toys and making fun of the fat guy in Detroit."

  29. Behold the power of a Mongoose endorsement:


    Everything he touches fails. Not even that shout out from Ellen could save them.

    1. You've been warned, Cloverleaf. You, too, Andary's.

    2. Just one less dumpster to dive for dinner.

      Five day rule.

  30. Hijack Alert!


    1. Five bucks says Marty will try to turn this into his early birthday party.

  31. Question: Why does Marty have so much free time on his hands?


    He really should beg for more hours at Carquest.

    1. Nope. Birthday, Father's Day, Annual Dan Haggerty Day, daughter's wedding and various cruises will all come and go unceremoniously.

      Yet Flem is jealous of his successes?

      Maybe he can have Carla make some up for him again.

  32. [IMG][/IMG]


    PS: Mo Cherries hates your pathetic carcass, just like everyone else.

    Now go back to your room and fly an imaginary drone while jerking off to Pete's niece's pictures.

  33. Sue those charitable bastards for trademark infringement!

    Hotcakes for Hunger this Sunday at Freedom Hill in Sterling Heights

    But not until after you've gotten your free food.

  34. "We did it!"

    State House passes bill to allow idling of vehicle

    "Thanks, Mongoose, for all of your good works behind the scenes!"

    1. "Marty Prehn
      I work with legislators and Senators on both sides of the isle and so I don't think you would be proud problem getting this revised legislation done..."

      Just like so many masturbation fantasies.

    2. Just as messy, too.

      Ask Rusty Crowe in Tennessee.

  35. So Kerri Kasem mentioned on air that there's this mentally ill guy in Detroit that pretended he knew her...

    "National media attention."

    1. [IMG][/IMG]

      Prophetic. This blog always calls it.



    We all know what's coming next.

    "My good friend Pete Lucido has requested Marty the Mongoose AKA Elder Dawg, ride in the parade with him in order to bring awareness to the elder abuse epidemic"


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