Friday, May 13, 2016

Marty Prehn's Fantasy World Grinds to a Halt!

"Damn you Flem Ling!"

"And Facebook can expect a federal lawsuit filed by my attorney Barry Powers for violating my civil rights!"


  1. Finally! :-) I want to thank Facebook. To include Mark Zuckerberg CEO who is also Jewish like me. Next goes a thank you to all those people who clicked on the "Marty Who?" Button just installed on Facebook which only appears when Marty friend requests you.

  2. The secret to his success is they've never actually met him..

    1. It's a numbers game. Statistically, there should be another senile Polish woman out there...

    2. As much as I'd like to think there can't be another one that stupid, I know you're right.

  3. Marty is Eastpointe's answer to Greektown's Stella.

  4. I was thinking last night about Marty and how he was able to get a police escort for Carla from the airport to the federal building to file charges against me. So wonder who will be escorting Corey Clagget?

    1. So far, I think it'll be Florence's niece.

    2. As soon as Marty read my comment that I had been in contact with Corey, that was cancelled. Thursday night has now been reduced to a quiet dinner with Flo at a polish restaurant. Be sure you bring your debit card Flo, I suspect Marty will forget his wallet and you'll get stuck with the check.

    3. That whole Clagget thing fell apart pretty quickly. Now his private reception has turned into dinner with Flo at a Polish restaurant.

      He went to jail for killing someone better than Marty...


  5. "Of all my thousands of friends, you'd think I'd find just one who wants to go to my stupid Goddamn party..."

    1. LMFAO, so here's the thing about Marty sending out FB friend requests. I have three accounts. So far, two have received his pathetic "Friend me so I feel special" and can brag about the fake number people "I know" requests. Seven of my actual, real life FB friends also have a few accounts, who have also been sent requests.

      Thanks special agent douchebaggery! Now I and my friends have a front row seat to your stupidity. Not saying how long ago I/we got these requests, or how long ago I/we approved them.

      Anywhoooo, we'll just sit and watch. Not "Cyberstalking" Marty. You are the dumbass who sent the request, inviting us onto your page. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    2. Back off, Anonymous 8:24!

      Only six more and he reaches Fake Friend Nirvana...

    3. LOL!! And we reach the inside track to Marty's delusional Nirvana.
      Oh, this is fun...

  6. Chad Selewski did a nice article about our favorite person.

    1. So did Marcia Southwick this morning. Apparently she doesn't appreciate something he said about Glen Campbell. Does everybody hate Marty Prehn?

    2. Where is the Marcia article?

    3. Rumor r is, Kim Campbell has obtained and ex-parte PPO and delivery will be soon.


    Marty's having a picnic lunch in the woods on Harper Avenue with Dick McAuliffe this weekend...

  8. Call me a cynic but I'm starting to think that the roof on the Ol' Lambert Dairy Farm isn't getting fixed...

    God love ya, and f&ck off, Marty.

    "Stop taking pictures of our lawn ornaments or I'm calling the cops!"

  9. "Trudy Honey? Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that the idiot in Detroit said it was a Grizzly Adams and cowboy party?

    Geez. And they think that Dad's lost it..."

  10. That Mongoose pretty much shut Flem Ling down again!

    Bye bye, Flem Ling...

    1. Marty's thrown him back in solitary confinement.

    2. LOL What a Joke. I can Friend Request Who I want. Marty and his 3,800 friends. I am friends with Dennis the Channel 7 Pilot who worked with my father at channel 7. Cheryl Chodin also knows my family. When my father passed on I had a great conversation with her husband.

      Since just about all of Marty's events conflict with current planned Cruise events I maybe going to the Cruise. I know for sure that Gratiot is a public road I will be with GoPro in hand Cruising. I can't wait. Roseville one week and Eastpointe the next.

      All I know is this. Per this article last year Last Year Marty said this;

      "August 15. 2015 is Detroit Tigers retirement day up at Houghton Lake for number 17 Cy Young Award Winner and 2 time MVP Denny McLain and number 11 and 11 time gold glove award winning catcher Bill Freehan and 1968 MLB World Series Champions. And then on May 18, 2016 I NEED A HERO / LET FREEDOM RING BIKE RALLY for the remaining members of the L 10 POW's that are incarcerated at Fort Leavenworth as war criminals and Welcome Home to those that have been SET FREE and the birthday party that was promised to one of my boys and HEROES Michael Behenna. He won his freedom on March 14, 2014 and a black tie dinner with

      no fewer than 50 of people that I consider to also be my HEROES and they will each have there own tables and people can buy tickets via MVP Productions for 50.00 apiece and all 3 events will be sponsored by one of the American car companies and be nationally televised by a 3 letter tv network. More details to follow but I am not allowed to drop any names as this upsets my cyber stalkers Flem Shady n RHW."

      We all know how this went. It never happened. It was an Epic Fantasy. Same thing year year just a different Leavenworth 10 person. What did Behenna's family say? MARTY WHO? I starting to see your new HERO Event go up faster in flames than a plate of Saganaki. Can you say OOOOPPPAA!

    3. Back off, Flem!

      Soon he'll corner the market on fake friends and you won't be able to have any of your own, per the judge's verbal order!

    4. Verbal Orders LOL there is no such thing as Verbal orders. Good luck with that.

    5. I remember the minute I walked out the courtroom I was already being told I was going to prison for months by team Carla and Prehn. I want to know if this HERO Dinner is so HUGE. Why has Jamie Victory never mentioned it to the SCS council Meeting must not be that important.

    6. They just didn't hear his cute little voice.

    7. ... and he couldn't reach the microphone.

  11. [IMG][/IMG]


    I have it on good authority, upon information and belief, Florence Iverson will NOT be coming to Detroit next month.

    Ain't that right, Marty?


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