Thursday, December 3, 2015

Mongoose Life Cycle: Lie, Rejection, Repeat...


Our continuing coverage of Marty Prehn may seem like a rerun. However, our keen readers know that Marty Prehn not only recycles his lies periodically, but they always eventually result in rejection and failure.

Over the last week or so, we've once again seen plenty of failure and stupidity from the Mongoose. Marty has been a very busy super hero as he attempts to find someone famous he can attach himself to, now that apparently Denny figured out he was a lying idiot and gave him the boot. We all know that the poor Elder Avenger has an insatiable appetite for both food and the need to project the image of his great importance on Facebook. Marty usually does this by claiming to have famous or important friends. In reality, he actually has no friends or life and virtually everyone who knows him in person hates his guts, but the Mongoose can't let his fake Facebook friends find out.

Marty's most recent recognizable name association attempt was Catherine Falk, the daughter of one of Marty's television "heroes", Peter Falk (who, incidentally Marty claims he may be related to). Ms Falk has an organization that deals with an elder issue that Marty sometimes pretends to advocate for. He started by sharing everything she's ever posted on Facebook over the last several years, then moved on to one of his now infamous Facebook "like" campaigns (think Camp Patriot). Marty quickly progressed to the requisite song dedications and pending Michigan state legislation ("commonly referred to as the Chism-Falk law") that he was in the process of having passed:

Marty obsessed over this woman's organization for two or three days. Of course, this caused what has become the standard reaction from one of Marty's obsession targets. She did a little research, including a cursory reading of this blog, figured out what Marty really is, deleted his crap (but we caught it) and immediately blocked him. She went so far as to make a post about people's behavior (Marty's) being unacceptable.

After Marty figured out his latest hard Facebook work had all gone to waste, he found yet another famous daughter to target. Country singer Glen Campbell's daughter is also a champion of some sort of elder issue involving her father. Without so much as a plea for help, in swoops The Elder Dawg to the rescue! Marty begins sharing anything he can find on Facebook about Glen Campbell or any of his family members. During this process, Marty's Mongoose senses must have begun to twitch. The Chism-Falk legislation mysteriously changed into the Chism-Campbell law! He decided before his latest target started to look into who the crazy stalker that was sharing her every post was, he'd better dress up his Facebook page with all the proof of what an important and connected man he is. A defensive tactic he picked up on Paris Island, no doubt.

All of our regular readers know that Marty is at his entertaining best when he's trying to show people just how incredibly great he is. He began to fill his Facebook page with his numerous accomplishments. He hit all the highlights of course; The great Terry Jones body guard event. The saving of Dr Chism. The various movie projects he has going, including one that he now claims was written by him and the Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson. It's kinda funny that he just finished working on a "Hallmark Lifetime" movie with this woman but can't seem to find the time to answer or return numerous recent calls from her office. What's that all about, Marty?

The part of Marty's greatness display that I found interesting though, was his rehash of his Ronald Reagan claim to fame. Here is a screen shot from his page:

Yes, we're all very familiar with how Marty is responsible for the reunification of Germany in honor of his former Nazi soldier father. The part of this I find interesting is his friend's comment. Marty doesn't actually claim in his comment that he was a Secret Service employee that day. This picture was taken when Reagan was just a presidential candidate so he wouldn't have garnered Secret Service protection. Marty's "friend" Richard asked Marty if he was a former agent. Instead of Marty telling the truth and saying no, he just ignores the question and never answers it. No need to prevent someone from just assuming Marty was actually an agent in the past right?

I know what our readers are thinking now. "Standard Marty, I've seen all of this before" and that's correct. But as is the way of the Mongoose, one post on Facebook about a subject is never enough. I next witnessed this on his page:

Another "friend" of Marty's, a self proclaimed "smart woman" believes that Marty was the actual person who pushed Reagan into the limo during an assassination attempt. I imagine Marty must have had a spontaneous, total body orgasm when he read this comment. Marty then comments back that, no, it wasn't him but supplies the first name of his buddy, Jack, and notates that he recently died. As if Marty was acquainted with or was a "coworker" of this man. Marty's "smart woman" friend then reassures Marty that she knows he was "in the mix of things". Are these crazy people actually allowed to drive... and vote? How does Marty find them? Is there a Facebook social group for the criminally stupid?

This being the exact image Marty so desperately wants to portray, there is no way in hell he would consider correcting this person. The more people who believe his complete bullshit, the better. It wouldn't surprise me if soon Marty is calling on this woman to verify his role in this moment in history. This is just one more example of how the complete fraud that is Marty Prehn operates.

I'll close this review of Mongoose stupidity with a few thoughts for Marty: Do you honestly think you'll be able to continue lying or avoiding the truth forever? All the people whose names you continue to drop are getting tired of it, you idiot. Why do you think Ruth Johnson's office keeps calling? It's not to try to make dinner plans or a last minute change to the movie script you claim you co-wrote. How long will it be until all the various elected officials in Michigan become so tired of you using their names that they are forced to take action? Have you considered what those actions could possibly be Marty? Or, are you so desperate to portray yourself as some powerful, well connected person that you are willing to risk mental lockup or worse to continue the lie?

After all, three squares and a matress would be an improvement over stolen Slim Jims and Jr's living room floor. Go for it, Marty. You'll get there.


  1. I'm stunned Special Aagent MongMoose is avoiding taking Mrs. Ruth Johnson's calls. He's been throwing her name around so much, it's simply a miracle the woman doesn't have whiplash.

  2. I'll just leave this here. You know, in case anyone is interested.


  3. All I know is that when Marty gets mad, there's hell to pay...


  4. I don't have to make things up when I have official transcripts. Unlike the inverse where Marty has to make a story up to tell the judge that he works for Law Enforcement so she doesn't slap him with a PPO.

  5. Flem Boy Ant needs to learn the difference between the words for and with. A careful read of the transcript shows that Marty Prehn said that he works "with" law enforcement and not "for" law enforcement. Big difference there Howard

    1. Back off, Tuttle!

      He's undercover...

    2. Hes under cover. I wonder in what capacity that Oakland county uses him for. Is it for being a bum in Pontiac somewhere? Since he is not a cop is he the snitching informant? Is Marty a mole in some gang of transient homeless guys? Id like to know he said that peoples lives would be in danger if his identity was given away. Again, you don't "work with" them at all. go back to watching TV and dreaming.

    3. Back off, Fleming!

      He still has those granted emergency ex parte PPO's he's been promising to serve you with...

  6. Always cracks me up how much he throws around his pet term "cyber stalkers", when the truth is no one stalks him. Everyone just laughs at how ridiculously stupid he is.


    "Marty Prehn
    8 hrs · Edited ·
    A video produced by one of my cyber stalkers Renee Harrington who appears to be Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs and believes that I am the Michigan director for lawless in America. This woman should be considered armed and dangerous and in need of some serious mental help. To my knowledge I have never met this whack job in person and believes herself to be the savior of any victim of domestic violence. RENEE HARRINGTON."

    1. Renee Harrington was so oblivious to Prehn, that when I sent her a giggling message yesterday, after having read here, she said "WHO?"
      Yup. Again. #MartyWho

    2. Marty and his bestie should be careful

    3. Remember, Marty. Everyone is counting on you to be at the DIA to protest, well, paying bills and stuff...

      Sorry your big, black man crush won't be there.

    4. :) The state of Michigan needs to yank Marty's free cell phone from him, eh.

  7. Anyone who wants to help elder or change elder law is a better person the you. Do you have nothing better to do with your time the. To obsess on someone else's life. How about donating your time to homeless veterans or hungry children. What others do with their freedom of speech shouldn't bother you. If people believe Marty then it's their choice. It just makes you seems childish. Especially since you sent this with a fake identity. Own your shit.

    1. Thank you. I've seen the errors of my ways.

      Tuttle, take down this blog and fire the employees.

      God bless us, everyone.

    2. Glenn why does Marty tell judges in my court case he does undercover work for law enfocemwnt when he doesnt and why does he involve himself with a lawsuit im in?

    3. Glen Campbell Obsessing lady is just a misguided goof who doesn't actually know Marty and only recently became his "friend" on Facebook.

      Unless she's senile like Flo, I'm sure she'll figure it out on her own eventually. They all do. Think Erica, Robin, Eva, Helen, Terry and every news reporter/weather girl in Southeast Michigan, not to mention anyone in or running for office.

      Otherwise, who really cares. Pretty time-wasting herself...

  8. Free Glen Csmpbell (AKA Lory Lee Happney) you'll figure out who and what Marty Prehn is soon enough. I just hope you don't actually depend on him to supply anything he promised you. It won't happen.

  9. To Free Glen Campbell... these folks here are doing service to community by watching the mongoose and alerting the unsuspecting of his evil scams. I for one am grateful for the updates, and find solace that I am not the only person he has stolen from. I know for some this is entertainment, but for me this is like a victim support site. Regardless of reason for reading, what we choose to do with our time is our business.

    1. Thank You for that, Anon@12:38 as I too feel exactly a you do and am also a victim of the perverted pig prehn. Thank you Mr.Tuttle as well for your hard work and dedication to warning others of pig prehn.

  10. Someone's feeling that Holiday Cheer...

    "Marty Prehn liked this post from July 2013
    Marty Prehn
    July 31, 2013 at 7:13am ·
    What is the best way to get in touch with a person posting as "retired cop" I would like more information regarding this abuse of power with the Troy Police Department and then Captain Dane Slater. It appears as though this is something that the FBI and the US Justice needs to look into and the newspapers and tv stations need to ask why everything about this case has been deleted from the internet. Can anyone verify for me if Mayor Dane Slater owns or is a part owner in a bar near where the Red Wings training center in Troy is. Is it true that he owns a place in the exclusive area of Harbor Springs, Michigan Also if Mayor Dane Slater holds events for the City of Troy at this sports bar called Joe Kool's at 1835 E. Big Beaver and gets paid or charges for these public events. Am I mistaken or is there an severe conflict of interest going on here and whose name is on the liquor license. I am sure the Commissioner of the Liquor Commission will have the answers as he is former Senator Dennis Olshove. There appears to be many, many questions regarding the transit Center in Troy and the ouster of Janet Daniels and a connection to Chris Ilitch and Dane Slater. There is new information out there and cell phone records may confirm if it was Captain Dane Slater of the Troy pollice department who notified Chris Ilitch about the kidnapping and brutal rape of Ron Ilitch's girlfriend Lisa Wood and that there was a cover up as claimed by verifiable truth and if this ownership in Joe Kool is compensation to Mayor Dane Slater for his cooperation in this coverup against prosecution of a repeat domestic violence offender. It also appears that there is still an outstanding warrant for Ron Ilitch out in Colorado. Something Captain Dane Slater neglected to include in his repport and could be why he removed by his own admission of 10 to 15 boxes of police files. The investigative reporters in Detroit need to start asking questions and do a FOIA request to that specific case file number and ask what is Dane Slater and the Troy Police Department hiding and why?. Instead of a group called Keep Troy Strong maybe there should be an effort to Keep Troy Honest and FREE of fraud and corruption."

  11. Back off, Tuttle!

    He was risking his life to protect your right to write about him...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I do report that I did see and talk with Mayor Duggan at the Menorah in the D. It was great to see him.

  14. Hey you dumb ass Fleming. You played right into the trap that was set for you. The only was that your post could be removed from the Chronicles of Marty Prehn blog is if you were the author and administrator and creator of this hate blog group. It looks like the screen shots of the stuff you got erased from his fb page also incriminate you. It looks like you have a real problem on your hands.

    1. Drats. Foiled again by the superior Mongoose intellect!

      That Marty Prehn is one shrewd character, I tell you what...

    2. Oh Marty, you complete moron. Anyone that comments on this blog using a Google account can remove their comment. If you weren't so stupid, you'd have noticed that under Fleming's name it says the comment was removed by the author. That means the author of the comment, not the blog. It's still amazes me every day that a person as absolutely idiotic as you still tries to act like he can set a trap on someone. I BEG YOU MARTY, PLEASE TAKE FLEMING BACK TO COURT! That's almost a gauranteed way for you to get put in a mental lockup. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO TO COURT MARTY!!!!!!!

  15. So Sean Fleming is a Constable and on a Homeland Security Task Force. That is what he claims and that he has never been to the apartment complex on 12 mile in St. Clair Shores or made threats to the apartment manager there or to the owner of that apartment building. Liar! Liar! Your khaki's are on fire. Fleming is a Howard Stern wanna be. His videos on You Tube get 3-5 hits, mostly from him or his dog Ginger and some videos he gets no views at all. Why did he remove the ones that he did about Marty Prehn? Weren't they his freedom of speech or was slander and defamation of character? As Dennis Lawrence said, It is sad that he has nothing better to do with his time and life then to stalk and harass people.

    1. Ahh, the trusty old "third person" writing style, eh?

      Bill Windsor taught him well. He's so incredibly clever. Completely insulated from scrutiny, except for the telltale retarded grammar and that pesky IP thing...

  16. Its rather odd that Marty watches many of my videos. He watches them and looks at my lips and nose and my face and comments on how great i look. He knows the name of my dog. He keeps track of the fact feom his buddy kloostra that i volunteer for the county and state homeland security offices. Does that scsre you marty belonging to a group questioned by its motive by the fbi? You were the "regional director" of lawless america and present when you all knew about planning citizen grand juries with Dennis Lawrence. I digress and sorry but here are some facts. No im not a constable. No i did not visit your appartment. I did make a complaint about that appartment manager after you tried to file a false police report with the police. I did talk to the police chief there about it. I wonder why you never brought that letter to court though it was so important. I dont write this blog and nonyou dont have my ip address that matches the owner of the blog either. If you have my ip address what is your plan for it. Your friend billy already lost his case agsinst me once and he owes 350,000 now. You have been stickingnyourselfninto the middle of my litigation and harassing me in retaliation for mr windsor. Your threat i was under investigation by macomb county another lie in court was funny
    Me and the cyber crimes prosecutor spoke that day. If your such a great community activist why do you make such ridiculous claims about your public appearances
    Like how you have been able to speaknon the behalf of peoplenin cases youve worked on. Maybe i can get a copy of all the court videos better yet maybe thw fox 2 hall of shame will get them for us. I heard you could not speak at all. Anyhow have a great day. Thanks again for being my super fan because of youbi get those 4-5 views every time.

    1. Pardon my runon words cell phone writing never works out well

  17. Buried by the county in an unmarked grave for the homeless. No mourners, not your siblings or children.

    No military honors, Patriot Guard or Nationally Televised service. Not streamed live on Facebook for your 2,000 close personal friends, either.

    On the bright side, you might be reunited with your stupid souvenir statue in the Lenox landfill.

    And everyone will collectively laugh...

  18. Neither does talking in court.

    1. Another Mongoose Blitzkrieg!

      Well played, indeed!

  19. Here's a good example of how full of shit Marty is. This was almost two years ago. Marty, you might want to call that special prosecutor back and get an update, I don't think they've locked Meagan up yet. Lying dumb ass.


    1. Let me guess. She's going to be charged with a 5yr felony too. This guy just doesn't get how stupid he makes himself look does he?

    2. 11:17 pm, eh?

      Sure does talk late at night to those government officials....

    3. I'll have to dig through Cookout's old crap but I bet I can find a screenshot of him claiming he has MVZ's IP address and can use it to prove she writes this blog. Sound familiar to anyone?

    4. Spammy, Balloon Betty Krenik keeps late hours. You know, those kids parties tend to run late into the night.

    5. Why yes, Special Agent Marty, LE always posts their 'secret' missions on FB. DUH!

    6. It's something how Marty is always making these outlandish claims about us having committed crimes against him. If Marty wants to talk about crimes, why doesn't he talk about how his son was arrested and convicted for strangling someone?


      750.84 Assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder; assault by strangulation or suffocation; "strangulation or suffocation" defined; other violation out of same conduct.
      Sec. 84.

      (1) A person who does either of the following is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 10 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both:

      (a) Assaults another person with intent to do great bodily harm, less than the crime of murder.

      (b) Assaults another person by strangulation or suffocation.

      (2) As used in this section, "strangulation or suffocation" means intentionally impeding normal breathing or circulation of the blood by applying pressure on the throat or neck or by blocking the nose or mouth of another person.

      (3) This section does not prohibit a person from being charged with, convicted of, or punished for any other violation of law arising out of the same conduct as the violation of this section.

    7. Keep looking. Jr's criminal career was just getting started...

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. After listening to trish krause last night talk on talkshoe if she was in charge this entire lawless america would have had about 3 years of programing by now. She had a host professional experience and more. The only trouble was it was goinf to be on public access. I only watch that to see .arty spew.

  21. YES, YES Marty, Take Flem Shady to court and Mayor Slater, and the Eatpointe mayor and Chris Ilitch.'You are sure to be victorious with your professional law enforcement/special agent background.

  22. Ha! Great new video.

    Point FlemShady...

  23. 2013, eh?

    "Now is the time, the time is now" blah blah blah...

    Friggin joke.


    1. Retard is so giddy, now that he's figured out how to do a screen shot with his silly phone.

      Only took seven months, and even then, I'm sure someone had to show him...

  24. Next time, try the zoom setting on your video, Flem.

    All things considered, might need wide angle, too.

  25. And,by the way, Marty, there isn't a chance in hell of you hanging out with the bruthas on Belle Isle later today and you know it!

  26. Still won't answer poor Richard's questions about being in the Secret Service...

    1. Finally, after asking twice over two weeks, idiot Richard has his answer!

      "Richard G. Rondeau
      Marty, were your secret service?
      Like · Reply · More · 1 hour ago
      Marty Prehn
      If I told you Richard it would no longer be a secret would it?
      Like · Reply · More · 6 minutes ago"

    2. He knows better than to claim he did, so he plays it off without actuall denying it. Typical liars tactic. "I didn't actually tell the lie, I just never answered the question".

    3. Marty Prehn
      International Man of Mystery and Advocate at Large

    4. Yeah. That, too.

  27. I don't believe that marty is in that photo.

    1. Probably wasn't. I remember when someone else stumbled upon it and he had never seen it before.

      The rest is mental illness history...

  28. "Marty who?"

    "Marty Prehn
    Even my friend US Senator Carl Levin admitted to me that Reagan was one of the greatest Presidents ever.
    Like · 1 · Reply · More · 4 hours ago"

  29. Leading people into believe your secret service, i wonder what the secret service will say about that. Guess we will find out monday.

  30. Holy Mongoose Droppings!! Marty is spewing so much self aggrandizing lies and bullshit I can't keep up. I'm going to have to call in a couple of staff members to pull weekend duty to get it all organized. I'll get a report out as soon as i can.

  31. Wow hard to believe that he's got a group of naive people thinking he does a line of work where he's refered to as special agent. Theres a song, california dreaming. Nows its Martys a dreaming. Again people who come here and find out that hes not a special agent anywhere

  32. He's like a Terminator from a future of stupidity robots.

    He'll never stop...

  33. I believe marty has some deep facination about me that is very disturbing. He spends alot of time posting photos of myself on his facebook page. It make me wonder. I wonder how many photos are on the wall of his house of me. He surely is my superfan in a not so good way. I feel i have to barf now.

    1. If I had to wake up and look in the mirror and see your face every morning I would barf too.

    2. Poor Marty. So now you've been reduced to coming on this blog to attempt to insult Fleming's looks? How pathetic. Not to mention you said something might make you barf? It's a proven fact that the smell in your old room was so bad, several people had to run outside to vomit after they entered. God you're the biggest loser I've ever witnessed.

    3. Legendary loser...

      How's Denny, Marty? How about your attorney, Barry?

    4. Marty searches the Internet for pictures of ugly people or things to post with one of his "haters" name's attached. But if people want to post an ugly picture of Marty, all they have to do is go to his Facebook page and get one of the actual pictures he's posted of himself. Like this one:


    5. Give that man a bath.

  34. Fat, stupid and incredibly immature, playing with those silly Facebook sites geared towards teenage girls...


  35. Everyone hates Marty.

    Most repulsive excuse for a human to ever stand upright.

  36. Still blind and swinging in the dark...



    1. No, I did. Don't twist it Prehn.
      I'm not Mr. Flemming, never met him.
      Anytime I see your blatant lies that you are a veteran of any branch of the military? I'm going to go out of my way to tell the truth. Don't lie and you won't be stealing valor.
      My name is Kellie McDougald.
      Plain enough, you simpleton?

    2. Another lie perpatrated. I never spoke to ryan hunt at camp patriot.

    3. Umm, the visual discrepancies alone between SFW and Flem are, to say the least, startling...

      Marty is such a pitiful loser, hold the pity.

    4. I never spoke to Ryan either. I made a factual public post for all to read.
      I don't have a problem taking credit for what I do.
      I work for the NTxVA and closely with USVeterans everyday.
      Prehn never served, doesn't volunteer, and attempts to glom onto the accomplishments our Veterans selflessly gave us.
      Bellying up to a VFW bar and Fakebooking his lies don't count as service to our nation.
      #WannaBe and too ignorant to use his smart phone capabilities continues to elude Prehn, similar to his negligence he refers to as 'care' of his elderly mother. Her health only improved after escaping the filth hole he kept her hostage in for years, she too served in the military.
      Prehn is an AssRag.


  37. This same judge had a bias because Marty told her he worked with law enfoecment a blatant lie. She took his word. I hope shes removed also.

    1. Then go back. I'm sure Marty won't be so lucky with another judge.

    2. Yeah Flem Go back to court and request another judge OR just keep on letting Farty Prehn make fun of you and your looks along with stalking, threatening n harassing you.

    3. Yeah Sean go back to court and get that big boy Judge that will hold a jury trial after the Prosecutor's office charges you with aggrevated stalking. There is a SEMPER FI Wife and then there is you the SEMPER FI Wife life. The judges decision to deny your request was because you claim lacked any merit and she based het decision on what the Madison Heights Police Detective wrote tgat you lacked any credibility and spent an enormous amount of tine slandering Mr. Marty Prehn. Were you stupid enough to contact the secret service on Monday like you said you were going to do. Mr. PREHN has never claimed that he was in the service. Only that he advocated for them. You should find something else to do with your pathetic life besides harassing and intimidating people and contacting people that you know nothing about. You are no Howard Stern. You are a wanna be that lies and are a very sick and twisted individual that needs to be locked up for the cyber crimes that you have committed against Mr. Prehn and others.

    4. Get a clue. I'm SemperFiWife on Google & SemperFiWifeLife on Facebook. Duh.
      Same woman. Me. KellieMcDougald.
      Pointing out Prehn's lies is not a crime.
      Anytime you feel froggy? Jump. I look forward to it.

    5. Wasn't Marty the one claiming he was going back to the judge and have Fleming sentenced to 5 years? Did he change his mind? Oh wait, I bet the broke idiot can't afford the filing fee. That loser can't even get his own son to give him a ride to his job as a delivery boy.

    6. People!

      Cut Marty some slack, will ya?

      It was only a couple of years ago that he laid in hospital bed in a coma after being jumped by a bunch of Arab thugs from Dearborn...

    7. BAHAHAHAHA Marty's SCARED and shaking in his dirty poop stained boxers that Fleming contacted the Feds about Marty impersonating a Federal agent ..LOL !!

    8. After all this time and now that the Special Aagent has that handy dandy 'smart' phone, why hasn't the DoucheCanoe created a Google Blogger account? The hilarity of his comments would be monumentally more hilarious if he'd use a pic of himself in the background of a pic with the Gipper. Or the Berlin Wall. Or at the podium yammering at a city council meeting. Sigh....the choices are virtually endless.
      Go ahead Aagent MongMoose, go for it. If you're going to spout off? Own it. The emphasis of your absurdity would be amplified with one of your tired, overused images. Heck, just take a selfie! Giggle! C'mon, next to your Christmas tree? With any one of your badges?

      #TheTimeIsNow #NowIsTheTime

      ℗ ♛

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. :)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. So, Marty is for the Judge to no be punished for the custody case that they have mistreated the children in. Interesting. Just like his is for Muslims, then against Muslims. He is all for the Judge yet he stands by his buddy Melinn who wants the judge off the bench. So what about that lie about me having any part in harassing Melinn's son and causing him to commit suicide. that will go to the waste side. Did I call the secret service. That is a secret. I also know he is never going to post the transcripts that will show his 2500 plus friends he lies. Marty should know that unless you have a written order from the court it's not an order. we all know the truth of what went on that day.

    1. Yes we do. Sean D. Fleming was exposed as the complete jackass that he is and even Alison Black his fiance and others admitted that he was out matched and outclassed in court and admitted that Marty Prehn was "slick as snot". They even posted that he fucked up. Now we have Kellie McDougal post that she and Sean Fleming and others conspired to try to bring Bill Windsor down. This admission will now allow Bill Windsor to bring a federal RICO lawsuit against Fleming and the others for organized crimes and racketeering and violating his 1st, 4th and 14th amendment rights as protected by the US CONSTITUTION.

    2. Wow. Flem is outsmarting Marty finally.

      Keep up the "good works"...

    3. Go git him Sean!

    4. Prehn's comprehension skills are sorely lacking, along with everything else of his.
      Once more for the dipshit: I don't know Mr. Flemming. I would have never known OF him or numerous others, including Prehn, had it not been for the vextacious Sovereign Citzen Windsor.
      Duh. Re-read real slow or get some 3rd grader to read it to you Prehn, until it sinks thru your fat head.
      Just 24 hours ago, you were convinced I and Mr. Flemming were the same person. Duh duh duh.
      And? Windsor has far exceeded $20,000 that he owes me. However, his debt to me is merely pocket change in comparison to what he owes Mr. Flemming.
      Prehn? If you or your mentor Windsor wanna take another at bat? I'm confident my attorney is up to another BillBitchSlap in any court. You're laughable, imbecile, literally laughable.

    5. Come a long way from Megan VanWhatever, Robin and Guy, Lisa Wood, John Dinardo, blah blah, I've lost count. I think Cookout created a drinking game out of it. Probably why he's an alcoholic now.

      Anyway, you're it, SFW. Live it up.

      That pea brain can't grasp that everyone hates him.

    6. Mr. Prehn: Have you ever considered one or more of the local government officials that you've annoyed for years with your incessant lies and wasting of everyone's time?

    7. More proof of what a HUGE LIAR Marty Prehn is!


      If you look above, you can see no comments were removed. Why would I remove Marty's idiotic spew? It's fun to laugh at his empty threats and complete stupidity.

    8. Still getting a chubby over Windsor, eh Marty?

    9. I thought you said qindsor was coming to deteoit again. I guess you were wrong. Hes stucke in missoula shacked up in some hotel atleast that is what he told the court which was a lie because he signed an affidaivit in fron of a notary from idaho. How does that work? Who pays for a hotel room in missoula and stayos in idaho? Then claims they are broke. Lolol

    10. He still thinks Windsor is going to fight his battle for him. Marty's entire life he's needed someone to take care of him. After almost 60 years he's still nothing more than a child. TayTay is more of a man than Marty is.

    11. Back off, Flem!

      "Marty Prehn
      Look up in the sky it's not a bird. It's not a plane. It's ELDER D.A.W.G. aka Marty the Mongoose.
      Like · More · 7 hours ago"

  42. That was funny. He does owe me and it gets 5% interest a month that he does not pay the balance. I am not sure Marty you remember the FBI calling and asking your friend Schied about Lawless America of Michigan where you were a Regional Director. Yes the organization that was planning on holding Common Law Grand Juries. The Talkshoes I have downloaded onto my computer. So your threatening myself with another lawsuit from someone else but you. LOL what a Joke. Amazing comments about me being outclassed by a person who Perjured themselves on the record stating they worked with Sheriff Bouchard's office doing lots of undercover work. Your 1.4.14th amendment junk comes right out of a sovereign citizens mouth.

    1. Marty doesn't even know what that means. He saw someone else say that so he figured he better say it to.

  43. Excellent video, Flem. Didn't know you had it in you.

    Tuttle should post it.

  44. Another example of Marty trying to get someone to fight his battle for him. Keep tagging him you idiot, Bill doesn't care about you.


    1. I guess tagging his BFF, the Michigan AG, didn't help so he's going the criminal route...


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