Monday, May 22, 2017

Marty Prehn: "Master Baiter" Extraordinaire!

Oh, he's good. A Master, in fact:

Nice to see that he hasn't lost his "touch"...

Justice is a fickle bitch.

Having made zero traction with four years of threats of RICO lawsuits, immediate arrests and lengthy prison terms, the Special Agent has taken matters "into his own hands", as it were, and the hunter has now become the hunted.

That's right, Flem Ling, you are now officially being hunted, stalked, harassed or whatever the hell Marty does in his abundant spare time.

As is par, this moron can't even use the jargon correctly:

I can assure you, Marty, no one on earth is interested in any romantic relationship with you - even deceptively - online or in the real world.

While we all celebrated the greatest birthday in the world since the first Christmas, Marty went into stupidity overload, sitting in the Boarding House of the Stars alone and miserable like every other Saturday night. He decided he needed to lash out at Sean Fleming in an attempt to equalize his pain. The bitter realization that there is still nobody in this world that gives a rat's ass about his birthday, or any other day in his life for that matter, must have pushed the Special Ed Agent over the cliff. You're a pathetic, immature loser, Marty.

Most of the posts Marty made during his great day of birth were his same old cyberstalker empty threats aimed at Flem Ling. There is no point in reposting them here because we've seen them all before. For some reason, Marty seemed to think posting the transcript from his big PPO hearing bothered Flem because he kept doing it over and over. It was fun watching him tag Pete Lucido and all of the lawyers on his friends list. That should really scare the crap out of Fleming.

News Flash, Marty: Those lawyers couldn't care less about your pissing match with Sean. At least not until you pony up what they call a retainer. And no, Special Agent, I don't mean one of those things kids get after they get their braces removed. Pay up or shut up, you idiot. Besides, who in their right mind would even consider representing you?

The most exciting part of Marty's day of posting was the debut of his latest superhero persona - CATFISH HUNTER now joins the ranks of Marty the Mongoose, Elder Avenger and Elder DAWG! In reality, he's really only known as that fat, retarded guy who wanders up and down Gratiot bothering people.

Judge "Corsica" will be interested in hearing about Marty's new, aggressive identity and mission in life.

Marty Wow!


  1. Hurry up and get your screen shots Marty. You need to post this on Facebook, blame it all on Fleming, and tag the lawyers you don't know.

    It's coming Boy!

    1. He's busy hiding needles and razor blades in the candy for Sunday.

  2. I wonder how Marty made out at Pete's "Target Rich" event today?


    Seniors, veterans and Senior Veterans!

    Probably had them peeing their pants again.

    Semper Fi and pass the Depends!

  3. "But Pete, you said anyone is invited and you promised me a shirt and candy?"


    "Driver, speed up. He's getting out of breath."

  4. I understand old "Red Hat Pat" Suits gave Pete an earful this afternoon.

    "Oh, he's a horrible person, Mr Lucido..."

  5. Since Windsor wants everyone to meet his granddaughters, perhaps Marty can mail Jr their pictures to hang in his cell. They're certainly the right age for him.

    It'd be a nice sentiment. Maybe an early birthday present.

  6. [IMG][/IMG]

    Said Stephanie never.

  7. WOW Glenda Lewis, daughter of Diana Lewis. I know them personally and many others at Channel 7. I am part of the Channel 7 family per say.

    1. Marty's in reruns again. Circa 2013.

      "Glenda Lewis how would you like to be one of my co hosts of I NEED A HERO program that I am putting on in the City of St. Clair Shores on Saturday August 10th to address the issues of Elder and Guardianship Abuse, Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Adults, Bullying, Human Trafficking and to see about raising money to keep me alive with a pacemaker that my cardiologist say I need as I have just been told that without it my days are numbered. Call me at 1 586 563 0989 and let me know when channel 7 is having a dinner in Cheryl Chodoun's honor as I want to be invited and speak as to her greatness as a tv journalist. I will be having a contest between the 3 major Detroit Networks to see which Michigan Heroes and which Hollywood legends we can have come to raise national awareness of these crimes against the elderly. I am thinking of also have Bise from Channel 4 and Taryn Asher or Amy Lange from FOX 2 news Detroit as my other co hosts as well. Call me and let's make this happen and I figured out a way to reprive you in your mother's role as the reporter who interviewed the future Heavy Weight Champion of the world. I think you will like it. Youwill be very suprised who the 2 Super Heavy Weights are that will go into the ring to Fight to STOP Elder and Guardianship Abuse. Many do not know this but I was Sylvester Stallone's speech coach and had to teach him to talk with that Philidelphia accent and east coast drawl. Absolutely."

      Poor Jessica doesn't even get an original scam.

    2. Maybe Marty can run her as "Miss Saint Clair Shores" for "his parade" Sunday.

      "My theme for this year's parade is to Stamp Out and STOP Jessica from being single..."

      Note to Flem - Think GoPro.

    3. Meet and greet in the median. "Pass the potato salad and Captain Morgan's..."

      Entertainment by Detroit's newest dynamic duo, Danny D and Trudy.

    4. "He has nothing to do with either the parade or the city. Let him go back to bothering the Cruise Committee in Eastpointe." - Cheryl Furdos

    5. "Hello, Glenda? This is Marty Prehn.
      Marty Prehn.
      Is that with a P?
      Yes, Prehn. Marty Prehn.
      What can I do for you, Mr Penn?
      I need you to interview a good friend of mine, Jessica, for that Bachelor show.
      Good friend? How do you know her?
      Have you met her?
      Why do you want me to interview her?
      Because I said you would and I'm trying to impress her uncle.
      Because I'm a National Elder Advocate and Special Agent.
      (uncomfortable silence)
      *Click* "

  8. "Ride, Lena. Ride!"


    "And wish your daughter a Happy Birthday from Uncle Marty.

    See you in Lansing!"

    1. How ironic that her political ambitions died on her birthday.

      "Thanks, Mongoose!

      Senator Debbie Stabenow"

    2. "Marty Prehn - I am VERY interested who the 3 police officers were. Well the other 2. I have 2 names besides Dane Slater's who were involved with what appears to be a coverup and crime scene evidence being tampered with and destroyed in order to protect the son of a high profile family in the Detroit Metro area. He was given special treatment and was not arrested on the scene of a very brutral sexual assault cae and let's not forget the special treatment that the husband of US Senator Debbie Stabenow got when he was caught in a hotel room with a teenage escort. I have the video of the police interogation. It is my understanding that Captain Dane Slater headed up that investigation as well and look who is contributing to his campaign war chest to be elected the Mayor of Troy. Another Pay to Play situation with an unethical Mayor to be?
      May 2, 2013 at 8:27pm · Like "

      Go git 'er, Marty! Work that case!

  9. "the world gravely needed a mero so she friended the biggest loser on Facebook and remained alone and bitter."


    1. "My theme for this year's cruise is 'Strong Women I Mentor' and Jessica will be named Cruise Queen 2017 as my good friend Helen Reddy sings her hit single from the 70's..."

      "I'm her Guardian Angel. Making dreams come true is my job."

    2. "Then, my Queen and her Knight will ride the white stallion SUV back to the Boarding House of the Stars for cocktails - shaken, not stirred.

      Like my good friend Curly say's - M3 is the place to be!"


    Just walk away and don't look back. If we come it will be to arrest you."

    1. "Due to the nature of my activites and the access I have each year I am required to take a mental aptitude test so to refute one of the comments made on the Joey blog. I am not an idiot.

      I have put many people behind bars as their actions require it and it was their actions not mine that put them there."

    2. Marty will probably start an $80 GoFundMe campaign, just to see the boob pic.

    3. Kevin Chewie may be Marty cat fishing Jessica.

  11. It can't get any better than a HOMETOWN DRAMA on Memorial Day. Marty getting his butt handed to him by a woman and then his comeback to scare her off. Is a photo of him next to Ronald Regan and his dad chiseling sat the Berlin Wall. Oh, My! Some get me some popcorn. Maybe someone catfishes and hacked into this woman's account too.

    1. That's Rawhide to you, buster.

  12. Hanging out with friends at th SCS parade today will have my blogging camera with the zoom lense for those close up shots.

  13. Seen lucido and company stroll by. What an awesome view.

  14. Marty Followed Pete around like a good pup. taking photos. With his "Special Agent" hat on. Rushing over for every stop Pete made to greet people to take photos and be there just incase. I swear he was probably wearing his body armor waiting save Pete just incase. He was probably thinking about the old days when he was in college and Ronald Regan was there and he followed Rawhide around the entire campus on watch for anyone with tomatoes. Marty was Pete's guardian Angel today as he appeared more to be like some special agent for hire and supposed bodyguard rather than a person who was there passing out candy and just there for support. Kevin Costner would be proud.

    1. That's not quite the story, either.

      "Those damn parking lot security cameras at Ram's Horn on Jefferson..."

    2. I am sure on June 1st there won't be any media coverage unless they are there to cover the sentencing of child predator Martin Prehn Jr.

    3. Marty is looking for Flo's replacement in a little old lady with a white Buick.

      How many adoptive mothers can one 61 year old man burn through?

    4. Cudos, however, to the petroleum based textile industry, even if it is made in China.

      That black and blue polyester shirt that Marty's been wearing for the last 20 years has served him well through both suburban parades and urban racial protests and marches.

    5. "Oh, how Pete loved my dimples..."

    6. The joke's on you, cyberstalkers.

      Jr's child molesting ruling will be overturned when his father cites the legal precedent of the famous Houghton Lake Dock case. Slam dunk.

  15. Pinched nerves on dogs IS animal abuse.


  16. Steve should be riding in to the Ponderosa anytime now.

    First fight will be over who gets the mattress on the floor.

    I'll be monitoring the police scanner for a Domestic Violence call at the abandoned resale shop on Gratiot...


  17. Mentioning any detail of your personal life to Marty, no matter how insignificant, will only invite a hijack attempt for fortune or fame.

    This includes anyone who can't get a date or has a sick dog.

    As this blog has warned for years, never feed the Mongoose. Never ever. It's like intentionally kissing someone with a big, pus-oozing herpe blister on their lip. What did you think would happen?

  18. One could ask why Marty hasn't mentioned his "good friends" Senators Stabenow and Levin being at the parade, but the better question is why they haven't mentioned their good friend Marty Prehn being there?

    Compound sentence, Marty. I know it's a little complicated. Maybe have someone explain it to you.

  19. He can't be because he wants to put stabenow out of a job supporting the other candidate. The more important case is at 8:30am hopefully there is a showing.

    1. Time to Whiteout® last month's writ.

      If they're smart about it, they just ordered a preprinted pack of 10.

  20. Marty has body odor. Real bad body odor.

    Yeast infected dead hooker in the sun body odor.

  21. Hey Marty! Did you have a little trouble while trying to call into Marti Oakley's radio show? They wouldn't let you tell your lies this time?


    1. Very delusional still trying to make an event about elder fraud about people trying to scam the elderly into giving away money on their own is somehow was an elder abuse conference. Interesting. Of course he's not friends or ever was with Jessica cooper or Barbara Mcquade. Both said Marty Who when I called the office and also nobody at the Lucido office knows about this supposed Bill he's talking about either. Why doesn't Pete make an announcement to the press.

    2. Marty Prehn is not delusional. He is fully aware of the lies he tells. He knows he's full of shit. That doesn't make him delusional, it makes him a liar and a fraud.

  22. - No birthday party.
    - No cruise.
    - No Team Chism Reunion.
    - No Flo.
    - No Truth Squad.
    - No nothing.

    And it's not even summer yet.

    Good job, FlemShady.

  23. "It was a sea of yellow shirts and smiles, as tax paying residents, family and friends gathered to show support for Pete Lucido.

    Oh, and that idiotic public disgrace, Marty Prehn showed up, too."

  24. "Seminole case" today. Media trucks should be setting up about now.

    I'm expecting them to issue an arrest warrant for Karen.

    "Go dig her up and slap the cuffs on her, Mr Prehn. God's speed."

    In actuality, he'll be on the outside looking in, as usual.

    No Del Taco for the Mongoose.


    1. Busy day for Agent Idiot.

      Umpteenth sentencing for the "Sex Offender to the Stars", followed by Marty giving his Expert Testimony on stealing from the dead or dying.

      It's a Prehnfabulous day in Mount Clemens!

  25. Nothing Marty touches end well.

    Shaggy was doomed since Monday.


    1. Has nothing in his own pathetic life, so he babbles incessantly about anyone he's accidentally bumped into online.

      This blog is the best thing to ever happen to Marty Prehn. When we stop talking about him, he ceases to exist.

  26. Huge difference between a critic and and an enemy.

  27. Reminder: Both morning and afternoon Court Watcher teams are advised to use the private channel on the CoM Insider page.

    1. As expected, morning shift can go home. Afternoon shift on standby.

  28. More than 200 pictures of the SCS Memorial Day Parade on the Macomb Daily website, but nary a fat slob in a silly hat.

    Several young girls, though. Presumably a subliminal message of solidarity for Jr. Several dogs, too. Tribute to Shaggy, I suppose.

    "Thanks, Mongoose! Your control of the media behind the scenes is working!"

  29. I'm on lunch just seen heather catallo entering the court

  30. Forgot to mention that I also seen Jamie cook talking to Charlie Langton in the parking deck. They were looking at Charlie's phone.

    1. My guess is that they're planning a surprise birthday party for a certain someone.

  31. I see him in the court room now

  32. "In addition to calling me son, Ronald Reagan used to call me 'Screenshot Marty'. He was my forefather. And, oh how Nancy loved my screenshots - almost as much as my dimples."

  33. Woohoo! The weekend is here and the Mongoose is sure to be on the loose, sitting in his filthy underwear at the Boarding House of the Stars and rekindling memories of his fake Facebook life!

  34. Jr's civil rights aren't the only thing being violated lately. Least of his worries.

    "Marty Prehn Aug 4 ·
    More illegal conduct from law enforcement officers who are on a power kick just like Detective Justin Locke of the Macomb County Sheriff's Special Drug Enforcement Team. I reached out to Sheriff Wickersham in an e-mail for an opportunity to meet with myself, Prosecuting Attorney Eric Smith and Macomb County Executive Mark Hackell who were people that I personally know and respect and Mark is the former Sheriff to discuss this matter and all he would reply is that if my son had a complaint that he could file one with his department. I will do better then that and file a complaint with Barbara McQuade of the Department of Justice with the US Attorney's Office of the Eastern District and file one with Eric Holder the US Attorney and with the American Civil Libertties Union since my son's civil rights and his 4th amendment rights were VIOLATED and abuse of power was used by a member of the Macomb Counties Sheriff's Department which is appears that Sheriff Wickersham condones since he has to this date has not done or asked for an investigation into this serious matter. Please forward this fb post to your Macomb County Commissioner and ask why this case is NOT being investigated that could via a federal lawsuit cost the County and the Macomb County Sheriff's Department over $30,000,000. Look at the minutes of the July 11, 2013 Macomb County Commisioners meeting in the public comments as I did bring this to their attention and nothing has been done to correct this situation. So I am being left with no alternative then to file a federal civil rights lawsuit against the Macomb County Sheriff's Department and Macomb County and the Macomb County County Prosecuting Attorney's Office for not protecting the rights of its citizens from civil rights violations. Is my son Martin (Jr) the next Trevon Martin to be shot and killed because my son owns a flat screen tv or has cash in his pocket from his gainful employment or has a car in his driveway that is not even his but mine. When will this Police and Law Enforcement vigilanty abuse STOP! So what does a drug house look like? No Guns. No Weapons. and NO SEARCH WARRANT and drugs plantewd on my son in order to arrest him. And you think I will not speak up for my son? I did not have the luxuary of having a deputy sheriff to call me and tell me that my son was publically intoxicated and making a fool of himself by ripping off his shirt and telling the police" Don't you know who my dad is? He is the Sheriff and there is nothing you can do to me" and then come and thank my officers for watching my back and driving my son and his 3 drunk friends home so that they would not get arrested. As I have been told this is NOT the first time that this has happened I wonder if this is what they mean when they say POLICE PROTECTION? The other difference between Sheriff Wickersham and myself is that I am not allergic to horses but he is and cannot be near the horses in the mounted division of 12-14 horses due to this."

    Oh, those mischievous Prehn boys...

  35. Shaggy licked Marty's face? And now he's dead?

    There's a shocker.

  36. Tell us again, Marty, about the love and good times you and your adoptive brother Steve had at the Boarding House of the Stars.

    Pillow fights, ear piercings, eating cookie dough, talking about boys, etc.

  37. Guess court did not go well ..".Probate court is a scam. Its not like criminal court because the constitution is out the window. It is a corrupt machine that is hard to believe until you experience it yourself. The judges and the lawyers are mostly all in bed together. The courts and the lawyers don't make money on wins or losses, they make it on the "be back". Red means blue, yes means no, and this doesn't mean that. It's a complete juggernaut of bull shit that is designed to line the pockets of every one involved, with no regard for justice. They should all be arrested"

    1. In that case, Marty should have felt right at home, although I suspect even his own kind rejected him.

    2. Bitter, Patti Curt?

      How can you accuse Marty's best friend, the judge, of being corrupt?

    3. Personally, I think Marlinga should have recused himself, being best friends with Marty and all.

    4. "Oh, what the hell. Let's go chow down at Del Taco and try to bill the estate!"

  38. Is it true that Lester Holt is doing his broadcast from the "New to You Boutique" tonight?

    Drinks for the crew at Grady's after the show.

  39. You still are not "friends" Ruth Johnson, Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard or Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette. Facebook friends and going to political meet ups really don't make you personal friends. Heck if I counted everyone I met as a friend I have thousands and many who are very famous.

  40. I would like to know poor Marty is stalked and cyberbullied. Can he explain how? I never knew reading public Facebook posts and making comments online somewhere is consided any of these. What a joke. I suggest Marty you hobble back to your best friend Billy and ask him what stalking is all about he knows he's a convicted stalker who is owing me $360,000 collection of the debit will be awesome. They might even call you looking for him.

    1. "I am in fear. Cease and desist."

  41. Today lifetime has a "Stalker" marathon of movies.

  42. I can't wait to meet Kerri Kasem maybe she will get a police escort to the county court for her testimony. Of cousesame with her testifying on the NON-EXISTANT Pete Lucido Bill on Elder Abuse.

    1. Pretty interesting he didn't tag Pete Lucido on his latest load of crap. Wonder why??

  43. What's more interesting is that he says the Dr was the first man ever to be cured of Dimensia and alztimers.

    1. Somehow I'm sure the Berlin Wall and Half Pint are involved.

  44. I just can't wait to watch the judicial hearing testimony and his delusional claims. Should be fun to watch. Might even make a YouTube video about it.


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