Saturday, June 20, 2015

Marty Prehn Hits Laziness Nirvana!

Gentle CoMmies;

Your favorite blog, The Chronicles of Marty, has gone high tech!

That's right. We no longer have to wait on Marty's sausage fingers to type his lies and hate. Thanks to voice recognition and MetroPCS having a sale, we are now tapped directly into Marty's idiotic stream of consciousness, as he can now entertain us by simply blathering every evil thought that pops in his fat head and posting it directly to Facebook.

Laziness of this magnitude does have it's drawbacks. The accuracy of his lies and inaccuracies suffer in the translation, but when has that ever stopped him?:

"Marty Prehn
I am having to get used to talking into this phone to do my text messages but that is the greatest pitcher that there ever was. And then I can always have an ambulance come and pick you up so you could be in the parade just let me know if your got C or if you're in that much pain I understand but I think would be great for you to at least be in the parade with me and people see the greatest baseball pitcher that there ever was. Of course we can always have a parade for you once you're inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame which hopefully will happen in the near future you deserve it so does bill for him I see his son is has been picked up by the by the Detroit Tigers for the farm club that's great news.
Like · 1 · More · Jun 16 at 7:57am"

His unending litany of lies and hate are overwhelming our staff.  There are so many to choose from we've had to hire a couple of temps just to weed through the Gratiot Cruise nonsense. This particular one-sided exchange caught our eye, as it captures the true essence of Marty and his inability to think of anyone but himself, and to a lesser extent, his current man-crush, Denny McLain:

"Minister Malik Shabazz
8 hrs ·
... Lastly but certainly not least August, 2014, 17 year old Aundrea Garland was mudered by criminals with a AK 47, shot 3 times & BLED 2 DEATH ON THE STREET LIKE A HOG ! This 17 year old child was a Honor Student that was Graduated by her School posthumously. She was innocent. We believe that there is a tie-in to the murder of a Rapper & his girlfriend @ East Land Mall last year & possibly 7 other murders r connected.... Aundrea's mom has been recieving DEATH THREATS 4 POSTING UP CRIME STOPPER FLYERS/JUSTICE Sunday, 6-21-2015 @ 2:30 pm 16651 Edmore Btwn Cushing & Shakespeare Det MI 48205. We will Pray, Rally march throughout the neigborhood, go Door 2 Door, hit Intersections & Businesses. We will also have a Love Offering 4 the mother as we MUST FIND A NEW PLACE 4 HER 2 LIVE! Please Instagram, FB, Tweet, Email Text but most of all COME OUT & PARTICIPATE ! For Detroit Love In Action! 313-646-3375, 313-718-6008 1-800-SPEAK-UP ! THE CRIME STOPPERS
Marty Prehn likes this.
Marty Prehn
Minister Malik Shabazz let's talk tomorrow about a Unity night at Comerica Park on Friday July 17 when the Tigers play the Baltimore Orioles with fireworks afterwards. 1 586 563 0989 and the renaming of Roosevelt Park to the Roosevelt UNITY Park and I have some other ideas to make the city sparkle and get national media attention.
Like · 1 · More · 5 hours ago
Marty Prehn
We need to get John Roach, Alexis Wiley, Mayor Duggan, Tom Wilson and the Illitch family on board to honor 2 Detroit Sports Legends Bill Freehan and Denny McLain. Let's get this done.
Like · 1 · More · 5 hours ago
Marty Prehn
Let's have a press conference and get the media involved and Crime Stoppers.
Like · 1 · More · 5 hours ago
Marty Prehn
And the PEPSI company is already a sponsor that night.
Like · 1 · More · 5 hours ago
Marty Prehn
Looking to get CHEVROLET, FORD, CHRYSLER involved as sponsors as well.
Like · 1 · More · 5 hours ago
Marty Prehn
I will see if I can attend on Sunday my friend.
Like · More · 1 hour ago"

So, we have a black minister, outraged by the violent death of a young woman, attempting to raise money for the decedent's mother and do something positive for the community.  Marty, however, hijacks the Facebook thread and turns it into another one of his circus acts. Four hours later, he realizes that no one took the bait and offers to possibly stop by the original event. Right. Only if he can be assured that a news crew with a camera will be there.  Same story, different day. If nothing else, Marty is predictable.

This is one of maybe thousands of similar inappropriate posts by Marty - just this week! And he does it without being burdened by a pesky keyboard to deal with. He just sits there and spews like Teddy Ruxpin on crack!  Picture Stephen Hawkings, but void of anything resembling intelligence.

A fat, stupid, incredibly lazy, hate filled liar.


  1. LMAO ok--check out THIS moronic comment. Actually, I think Marty gets confused when talking into the phone text ap. He thinks it's a real conversation or something. There are a few comments that are fricken crazy hard to understand. So, Marty is claiming he bought this car for Denny? But "they" need to come up with the money for it? HAHAHAHA idiot!! Not even funny.

    "Marty Prehn 2 hrs ·
    Hey Denny McLain I went out and bought you a 1957 Bel Air that I rode in the parade today and they just have to come up with 35,000 dollars I hope that was in the ballpark of what you wanted this sucker is absolutely beautiful and so I'll have to get with you I think August 9th he's got some relatives that are coming from Texas and he wants to find out about being able to come to the ball game with his family member so I told him I would check with you and see what they might be done so give me a call later let me know how you're feeling all the ladies doing and what the status is I wish you could have been here but a lot of people are up on for you and praying for you so rest up and we'll get together once you're feeling better talk to you later my friend by"

    Also funny is that Flo got miffed at Marty being disrespectful with his womanizing post about "Cougars." See, if Flo really knew just how sleazy Marty really is in real life? That post was nothing. Marty is a true womanizing pig in all aspects.

    "Florence Iverson-- Marty You are above this kind of jargon. You help people not destroy birtue."
    "Florence Iverson-- s/b/ virtue."

    "Marty Prehn-- Yes Mother"

    (Sick! Can't believe she's still allowing him to call her that, after he abused his own mother)

  2. I can't believe Denny's wife and agent have not put a stop to Marty and his bullshit about Denny, involving him in scams to solicit monies etc ... BTW Denny doesn't even have tickets to a game w/o paying for them, how the hell does Marty twist that around like, Denny is special or means anything to the current Tiger's organization and owners? Or, can get game tickets?

  3. What's the buzz on the street in Menlo Park?

  4. [IMG][/IMG]
    "Look away, children. It's not nice to laugh at the fat imbecile on display... "

    1. "But Mommy. I wanna throw more peanuts at it. You promised!"

      "Come, children. Let's look at the cars. "

  5. Too bad a investigative reporter from one of the local TV stations doesn't do some research on Mr.Prehn and expose his STAR-STALKING- FAKE AGENT- FAKE advocacy for hundreds of events-charities etc .... OMG, the reporter could show his manic-psycho fakeness from the Eastside to the Westside with just the vid's of City Council meetings from, Berkley, W.BLoom, Saint Clair Shores, Roseville, Eastpointe etc.... throw in any court case that generates attention and he'd find Mr.Prehn in the courtroom. C'mon local Metr-Detriot media, the public should be warned about this sick man IMHO

  6. Update: The black minister, referenced by Tuttle above, has deleted Marty's hijack attempt and unfriended him.

    Just another day in the life of the most hated person in Detroit...

    1. He may have deleted the hijack thread but they are still friends. I think Marty is in Facebook time out land once again...
      Personally I think Facebook should ban his account permanently.

  7. He may be handicapped with the fake friends on Facebook for awhile.

    Now he has to actually talk to his demented marks...


  8. "This year's annual Detroit Fireworks show is brought to you by the Ford Motor Company and MVP Productions, featuring Denny McLain's foot... "

  9. How can any one person be so ridiculously stupid?

    1. Easy. When called out, he just claims "Cyberstalkers" are the problem, and not the fact he got caught in another lie. Until everyone calls out the complete fraud he's committing on a daily basis, with use of some kind of con to obtain money, he'll continue on looking for unsuspecting pawns. Flo is the perfect example. After all this time she still can't compute she's been played and conned out of money.

      This is the disturbing part. Marty has been allowed to claim he's undercover LE, which is then used to create a false illusion he's legitimate. He's not. Who's looking out for their interests when complaints are made, yet blown off? It's very disturbing.

  10. Good thing Marty shared that picture 47 times to everyone of his fake friends before he was suspended - again - because Denny apparently refuses to allow it on his timeline...

    Toxic Mongoose.


    1. HAHAHHAHAHHAHA ... Hopefully Denny will wisely delete Fatty Prehn from his life.

  11. It's all so clear now...

    Carla Sauer-Iyer
    "...I see life as an opportunity to help the disabled and the infirm among us so I see myself as an opportunist in that sense.
    2 · More · Monday at 1:41pm"

  12. MVP PRODUCTION COMPANY LLC Does not exist. It's not even a 501c3. I love how some people make the most delusional claims.


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