Tuesday, April 14, 2015

2Phat Prehn vs Flemshady: Epilogue

Greetings to all of our loyal CoM readers and a special shout out to our newest fan, Matt Drudge.

I'm sure everyone reading today knows what yesterday was - the great PPO hearing between 2Phat Prehn and Flemshady. The lies and threats leading up to this hearing were very entertaining to say the least. While we chose not to send an operative into the courtroom for the actual hearing, we did have a crew outside to record Marty's parade of witnesses. As expected, Marty was alone and looking quite terrified and sweaty. I can only assume Carla's police escort to court was stuck in traffic or delayed by a few donut stops. Either that or she was sidetracked spreading her cheer to the Muslim community in Dearborn. Regardless of the reason, she was not present. Go figure.

Not having anyone inside the courtroom
to report on what happened during the hearing has left us to either speculate or simply examine the various Mongoose droppings

After several Facebook messages to Sean Fleming asking what happened, I received back a simple no comment from him. But have no fear, CoMmies, we all know that Marty and his perverted stooge Carla would never be able to keep their mouths shut. It's common knowledge that those two are completely unable to control their Facebook diarrhea and it was only a matter of time until that expected stupidity was back on display. Carla fired the opening shot with this public communiqué to her bulbous, piss-soaked partner in crime:

"Carla Sauer-Iyer Marty Prehn
1 hr · Plant City, FL · 
Congratulations Marty Prehn. The judge really threw the book at your and my cyberstalker and deviant pathological liar Sean. That judge is awesome."

This comment is pretty much the standard idiocy these morons use all the time. Carla tried to act like she was at the hearing but she didn't bother to change her location when she started lying. And as for her claim that the judge threw the book at Flemshady, we all know Marty would be screaming from the rooftops, or at least the 7-11 parking lot, about his great victory. It just didn't happen. Marty then gives us a hint at what might have actually happened at the hearing:

"Marty Prehn
We need to avoid any reference to who you are referring to and move on and let the ongoing investigation into the alleged cyber stalking take its course. There was an admission of being the individual that contacted the secret service against you and new information of the suicide death of another victims son from the Grand Rapids area as a result of relentless harassment and intimidation. Again let's let law enforcement and the judicial system do their jobs. But yes I am pleased with today's outcome and believe that my integrity has been restored.
Like · More · 1 hour ago"

This Mongoose comment gives us a little insight into the results of yesterday's hearing. Marty starts out by telling Carla they need to avoid referencing Sean. In my humble opinion, that could only be the result of the judge telling Marty to shut up and leave Flemshady alone. Nothing short of a court order could make Marty attempt to tamp down his idiocy. I would also think that if Carla was at the hearing to see the judge "throw the book" at Sean, she wouldn't need Marty to tell her not to reference Sean on his page. You know it didn't go well for Elder Dawg if he is telling the stooge he sent after Sean to now move on. Calling your mutt off now, Marty?

The next portion of this comment is exactly what we've come to expect from the Mongoose. Another threat of an investigation into someone who hurt his whittle feelings. How many pending investigations has this idiot prattled on about the last couple of years? Has there ever been a single arrest, or anything at all, that was the result of an investigation Marty claimed was ongoing? Silly questions. Our keen readers know the answers.

Another part of this comment is straight out of the "Marty is a Big Fat Liar Playbook". Once again, Marty tries to blame a suicide on one of his "cyber stalkers". If these people who Marty claims are stalking him are so powerful they make people commit suicide, then why haven't they caused Marty to do the same?  Some things will just never change. Or maybe he's actually trying to eat himself to death. If you've taken a gander at who he's been sleeping with, you know he does seem to have a death wish of sorts. Regardless, I'm sure it's just another example of Marty trying to slander his target with a baseless claim.

The last part of this comment really highlights the joy Marty brings to us all. I was overtaken with uncontrollable laughter when I saw Marty say he thought his integrity had been restored! That is one of the funniest things I've ever seen the dumb ass Mongoose type!  Read it again with me, CoMmies:

"But yes I am pleased with today's outcome and believe that my integrity has been restored."

Does Marty even know what the word integrity means? Wouldn't Marty have had to possess some integrity to lose and then have restored? How can a proven serial liar even mention his integrity? Marty, you've never had integrity and you never will. People who've known you for your entire worthless life - family and an entire graduating class - are gasping for air from laughing!

At this point in time Marty, your best bet would be to shut up, give up, and return to your life as a bottom feeding loser who will never be anything more than a waste of excessive skin. You dodged a figurative bullet yesterday, as the judge was tired of looking at you and didn't want to see you back.  Don't push it.

And as for Carla: How desperate are you for friendship of any sort that you would stoop so low and play into Marty Prehn's pathetic lifestyle?

So that's it, CoMmies. Check back often, as the list of people Marty pisses off grows like a convoy of cars down Gratiot on a Saturday night...


  1. At least the idiot STALKER (not just of SF) has been tamped down. Although, I think the judge erred in not issuing the protective order, maybe she's unaware of what a stalking menace to people in general, Marty is.

  2. I was there...problem was Sean did not say much. That was the problem. Sean did not mention how Mr. Phehn was not once but twice in front of the SCH council and said he was a stalker. Mr. Phehn however said that he works for law enforcement, how he is an elder abuse adovacte, knows Sheriff Bouchard, Atty General McQuad. And the judge did not challenge him on his claims. He also throw in there how he is on the Gratiot Cruise committee. He also accussed Sean of stalking someone to point that person killed themselves. I have suggested to Sean to get the vidoes of the SCH council meetings and the transcripts from yesterday and seek civil damages. The Judge told both of them to knock it off. There was no order issued by the Judge.

    Here's what else I have to say, Sean has a great job, he is engaged to my sister and has a beautiful daughter. He has a wonderful life. What does Mr. Prehn have?? I find it very sad that this is all that man has. That it appears his life is filled with nothing. As for this Carla person, I am appalled that she's a nurse. The things that I have seen that she spews is so unprofessional. Apparently they have nothing better to do...as Mr. Prehn tries to ride the coat tails of others and she rides the coat tails of her time when she took care of someone.

    Very sad indeed.

    1. First of all, I assume the suicide Marty was lying about is Michael, since Marty had a post that he attended the facebook event for him recently. Now, THIS is the biggest crock of SHIT ever. Maria has paraded all over FB and the internet littering it with allegations that Michael was unhappy that he was deprived his mother and THAT is why he did this. NOT because of Fleming! I am really sickened that Marty would make such a horrendous lie like this, and I pray the Karma keepers do a swift sweep on Marty for this. There are a few inexcusable lies and THIS is one of them.

      I am really irked at the Judge. I don't care if Fleming was nervous, that Judge should have asked him if he had any evidence. Those recordings of Marty at the Counsel meeting were enough to earn a Restraining order. That was totally unethical for a Judge to believe "he said she" (she is marty the big ass girly man) said crap. I also hope that when the transcripts become available, it will be used against Marty for impersonating and officer etc.

      If Fleming can pull himself together enough to file an appeal, he might think about that. All those blatant lies should be shown to the Judge. Including ALL the postings and ramblings by Maria about her sons suicide. See, this is my theory. Marty won't stop. He is incapable of it. Fleming wasn't "stalking" Marty. Marty chose to make those claims because he was parroting Windsor--who also made those claims and lost. Making comments against someone who takes radical lines in Anti Government rhetoric isn't "Stalking" is free speech. However, the defining factor here is that Marty DID stalk Fleming. He actually went in person to slander, harass, and defame him to the City Counsel, he said he called him employer, would get him fired, spoke to court clerks about Fleming, his ex wives, and others. He had his Carla buddy do the same. THAT is a far cry from making comments or asking questions. Marty and his solicited stalker buddies went personal, dug information and made direct slanderous, libelous, defaming comments about Fleming. Not ONCE did Fleming do that.

      Marty has always ASSumed that Fleming was someone else, and therefore blamed him for things he could never prove. Fleming has never posted as anyone other than Fleming. I know, Marty claimed I was Fleming!!

    2. Disappointed, but certainly not surprised by the way Flem handled things yesterday.

      If it went down the way it's being reported, Fleming was outsmarted by a total simpleton.

      So tell me something newsworthy...

    3. Very well said by fiancé's sister & Ninja~

    4. Yup, Spam ..sadly I think you're correct.

    5. it is critical to be prepared BEFORE you get into court!

    6. Agree with SFW - excellent posts by fiance's sister and Ninja.

      I just wish that Fleming had filed for the PPO in the county where Prehn resides --- and thus, where Marty's B.S stalking games are well known.

      I don't think it's a matter of Fleming being "outsmarted" by Prehn, but more of an issue of Prehn being slick as snot, and perhaps Fleming not being prepared.

      I've had my own dealings with Prehn regarding an OIDV survivor he was exposing because she turned down his offers. I'm still shaking my head, three years later, at all the b.s he put the victim through when I tried to confront him time and again. I have never dealt with anyone like Prehn and I hope to never again.

    7. Oh, you are giving probably the dumbest primate to ever stand erect way too much credit...

      Flem f&cked up, plain and simple.

    8. I would like to add that Sean was prepared. He had all the documents. Once Mr. Prehn stated all the name dropping that Jugde just let him continue to talk. He is very good at playing the victim. I only went for moral support since my sister had toto work. Unfortunately Sean is not a very good speaker. Loke I said....Sean has a great life and it appears that Mr. Phehn lives a very sad and empty life. One of these days he will pick a fight with someone who has the "balls" to stand up to him.

    9. Pure slickness. Slick little friends, too.

      "Marty Prehn
      12 hrs ·
      OK who wants to play a game of RED ROVER, RED ROVER to someone on the west coast?
      Carla Sauer-Iyer likes this.
      Florence Iverson
      We used to play Annie,Annie over. Kids don't have that fun any more.
      Like · More · 9 hours ago
      Carla Sauer-Iyer
      Is this some kind of subliminal message?
      Like · More · 6 hours ago
      Marty Prehn
      No we are just going to do some shout outs for some west coast celebrities that I know to come and join us for this years Cruisin' Gratiot Car shows and Cruise Day. Who would you like to ask to come and join us. CYBER STALKERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE THERE.
      Edited · Like · 1 · More · 5 hours ago
      Marty Prehn
      Here is what you have to say to make it work. RED ROVER. 4 LEAF CLOVER. LET DAN HAGGERTY COME OVER. And watch what happens. Now you try it.
      Like · 1 · More · 5 hours ago "

    10. Grizzly Adams is coming to the Gratiot Cruise?
      That "Has-Been" will fit in nicely with the rest of the unemployed, grubby, classless, beer & shot drinkin' cruise goer's ..lol

    11. STOP !!!! Spammy, ..just STOP ..LOL !!!

    12. Dan Haggerty was in The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams. The picture was a surprise hit and spun off into a popular TV series. He also starred in the 1989 film "Spirit of the Eagle".
      His fame was fleeting, however, as a well-publicized drug arrest (supposedly for selling drugs to obtain money to treat his wife's cancer) and motorcycle crash slowed his acting career. During the late 1980s, Haggerty often appeared in direct-to-video productions, and by the early 1990s he had devoted most of his energies to the Studio City restaurant "Haggerty's Bistro" and marketing his own barbecue sauce.
      Haggerty continued to work as both an actor and infomercial spokesman. One of his endorsements was for a fraudulent piece of medical equipment, the PAP-IMI. He claimed he had only been hired as a spokesperson and was found not to be part of the fraud itself.

    13. If Fleming were smart & for his own peace of mind-safety, he should apply in Macomb Co for a protection order, I thought that it was the county the stalker resides in, that you apply for a protection order in, anyway.

    14. "If Fleming were smart"

      That's a pretty big "if"...

  3. Exactly, Ninja .. everything you said is right on point. Just the comments from Marty stalking Erica and her son Wyatt (including some of the local media) begging Marty to leave her and Wyatt alone should have been screenshot by Mr.Fleming & presented to the judge, as well.
    Mr.Fleming should have @the hearing immediately questioned Marty's claims of being law enforcement and knowing the sheriff, etc .. as well as screenshots of his personal close relationship with Lisa Brown from Oakland Co who he claimed was supplying him with doc's about Mr.Fleming .. that is totally unethical ..and I believe he has made claims about knowing this judge as well, again if true totally unethical .. even his most recent posts about "calling the judge" were wrong and should have been presented to the judge. The meetings from Saint Clair Shores CC should gave been presented as well ( Mr.Fleming should have listened to you, anon@3:54) and Mr. Fleming should have shown the comments/posts of Marty siccing the now jailed Mr.Windsor on Mr.Fleming.
    However, Mr.Fleming apparently chose not to fight fire with fire and I believe that all this will do is empower Marty and his stalking, slandering and outright lies about folks will now be escalated ..SMDH

  4. all Sean did by not fighting and having his I's dotted and T's crossed is turn Marty into a bigger megalomaniac than he already is! We were all hoping Flemshady would put an end to his shenanigans with this court hearing!

    1. *not having his I's dotted........

    2. I concur, Crybaby ... Marty is going to be a Nightmare megalomaniac, now.

  5. an interesting read…http://archive.freep.com/article/20110924/NEWS01/109240441/Another-wrong-turn-troubled-ex-Tiger-Denny-McLain

  6. Read the comments of this article not everyone is happy with Marty’s choice of celebrity. http://www.macombdaily.com/lifestyle/20150412/cruisin-gratiot-adds-denny-mclain-new-car-show-to-cruise-schedule

    1. "In addition to McClain, Bill Windsor will be appearing to sign copies of his book 'Round America... "

    2. Are there any other fugitive/felon friends of Marty who'll be in attendance?


    3. Marty Prehn... Hey #17 Denny McClain . Did I ever tell you that you are my HERO?. Me and about 1,000,000 other people. Just to let you know Big Guy that it is time to get you and Bill Freehan inducted into the Major League Baseball of Fame in Cooperstown and have the Detroit Tiger organization have a THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES day for both you and Bill Freehan and a ceremony retiring the numbers of two all time greats #17 and #11. — at Tiger Stadium at Michigan and Trumbull.
      Marty Prehn BLESS YOU BOYS!May 20 at 10:31am · Like
      Denny McLain Thank you Marty.May 20 at 6:01pm · Like
      Marty Prehn May 20 at 6:11pm · Like Not sure if the Tigers are in town on July 11, 2013 but I am working with the corporate office of 7/11 to make that 17/11 day as well and have free slurpees to Honor My Heroes Denny McClain and Bill Freehan. Denny do you have any contact info for Bill Freehan or his family or care giver. Wiull you be able to join me in the SCS Memorial Day Parade? I need to know so I cAN MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR A CONVERTIBLE FOR YOU to ride in. For your jersey what do you need a 1x, 2x or 3x? I assume McClain and the number 17 on the back of the jersey. Do you have an agent that you are working with and are you up to appearing on the ELLEN show and Jay Leno with me? Remember this is a public relations event that needs to be done to show national support.
      Marty Prehn Denny Which of the Tigers from the 68 team are still around and that you have contact with? Ever been on a box of Wheaties Breakfast of Champions? Stand by.
      May 20 at 10:51pm · Like

    4. Didn't Mr.Prehn also promises Mr.McLain would be the special guest star at Dimitri's for Father's day, a few years back? I seem to recall reading something about it.

  7. OMG ..Marty IS pulling out his usual "causes" that he has NOTHING do with WAKE UP , Eastpointe !!!!

    "Marty Prehn, a member of the cruise’s board of directors, said the board
    wants to work with cruises in other cities this year — like St. Clair Shores’
    cruise or the Woodward Dream Cruise — to raise awareness of issues such
    as domestic violence, child and elder abuse, and human trafficking.
    Besides the cruise itself, Prehn said the Cruisin’ Gratiot fundraising sock
    hop — scheduled at Gratiot Manor on May 13 — will now have a special
    guest: former Detroit Tigers pitcher Denny McLain, who played on the
    team from 1963-1970 and who won 31 games during the World Series
    championship season of 1968.
    “That should draw a lot of interest of cruisers and baseball fans,” Prehn
    said. “I’m looking to get a keyboard, too, because he’s also an accomplished pianist" eastpointe-cruise-festivities-expand-additional-day-82717

  8. More Comments regarding McLain appearance from MD's Facebook ...Folks DO NOT want Denny at this event.

    Bob K Oh great. Add a con artist/crook to the mix!
    Like · Reply · 2 · April 13 at 12:16pm

    Erik Really? They get a scamm artist to appear at a fund raiser? Whats next Kwame at an economics lecture?
    Like · Reply · 3 · April 13 at 1:15pm

    Tom P odds r he wont show lol
    Like · Reply · April 14 at 6:21am

    1. What happened to his big fake event at Andiamo's that he was selling tickets to?
      Marty Prehn created a event
      Join this event page and let's plan this event to coincide with the Friday October 10th Homecoming football game. E-mail me atmprehn2004@yahoo.comor call me at1 586 563 0989to add input and ideas.
      Marty Prehn changed the location to Andiamo Celebrity Show room with a half off price on dinner.
      Sat ·
      LikeCommentGet Notificatition

      Marty Prehn changed the location to Looking to get a price of $50.00 for 2 with a $25.00 discount for their 25th anniversary so the meal would in fact be $12.50 per person.
      Sat ·
      LikeCommentGet Notification"

    2. More Marty Bullshit - "Tara's Walk" ....
      ''Tara's Walk'' ( Marty Prehn 9 hrs Edited ..." My friend Ronnie Dahl, from Channel 7 ACTION NEWS, was kind enough to play hostess and Jamie Cook from the Macomb Daily was there covering this covering this event as well as Eric D. Lawrence who is a reporter from the Detroit Free Press and sits across the room at the Detroit Free Press HQ from both my good friend Bill Laitner and Robert Allen. " It appears that Marty kept his promise and not only attended the Tara Grant walk / run event but also participated in it. As always he was able to talk with the media which included Ronnie Dahl from Channel 7 ACTION news, Jamie Cook from the Macomb Daily and Eric D. Lawrence from the Detroit News. He was also seen shaking hands with the Macomb County Sheriff Anthony Wickersham and the head of TURNING POINT Sue Coats. So what was this about him not showing up? And yes it is very interesting how Robert Cookout III has gone silent as has Robin the RNH. I have to assume that Sean D. Fleming has not had the chance to read the letter that Detective Jeremy Dixon sent to Marty Prehn acknowledging that Sean Fleming was slandering Marty Prehn and how he should have him served with a PPO to stop the cyber stalking. There also seems to have been a lot of activity at the house on 10 mile where zoning enforcement officers were taking photos of a black car that was on display with a FOR SALE sign in a residential area and a drone was used to videotape the excessive clutter in the back yard of this home. And one must assume that there are several people who have not seen the photo of Marty Prehn talking with Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson and what appears to be illegal activity going on at a auto repair place in Eastpointe that is not properly registered with the State of Michigan and has avoided paying sales tax on the sales of cars without a license to be a used car dealer. Rumor has it that the MONGOOSE will be meeting again with Ruth Johnson and several others this week. Maybe this is when those fireworks will start going BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! ) "

    3. Not understanding, is Mr.Martin E Prehn a resident of Saint Clair Shores as he's proclaimed and spoke numerous times at SCS city council meetings or a resident of Eastpointe?

      Martin E. Prehn Sr., National Elder Advocate, Eastpointe
      Approved by the Commission on July 25, 2013.

    4. Apparently Marty's address changes to suit whatever event he's trying to hijack. One does not need to produce a stitch of proof of residency before stepping in front of the mic, only a "My address is confidential due to my need to make up fake cyberstalkers in order to lie by omission so I can get on camera and babble" excuse.

      Actually, in reading ALL the "Events" he's professed to be part of, the plethora of names dropped for showboating purposes, and the fact that not one person he's spewing to (whether it's a Judge, Mayor, LEO etc) has ever asked Marty to prove anything--kind of looks like Michigan in general is a bunch of monkeys running up and down a field with a football--if you get my drift. It's laughable really, and makes me think that perhaps Marty types are running the entire state. As long as you are a fast talker with nothing but nonsensical ramblings and a shit-ton of names to throw around, fake claims of fame to pat their own backs--it's all good in the 'hood'. SMH

    5. Sadly, too true @9:41 ...
      Marty has made a mockery out of Michigan & apparently nobody cares.
      I too don't understand all those he tags & name-drops about don't call him out on his Lies & Bullshit. They can see the tags, read his lies about being best friends/working for them ...yet, none of them .. not Law Enforcement inc. 2 sheriffs, the media, Gov't officials, the Detroit Tigers .. etc do anything to stop him from lying and scamming the public- DISGUSTING !!

  9. Just giving the Detroit area tv stations a heads up to plan to come with your tv cameras and best news reporters to cover this rally. My understanding is that Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette is scheduled to attend and would be a great opportunity to ask him questions regarding him protecting the pensions of those from Detroit. If I can get out of a previous engagement I too plan on attending and discussing the $30,000.000 lawsuit against the Macomb County Sheriff's department and Clinton Township for an illegal drug raid whereby I was falsely and incorrectly named on a bogus after the fact search warrant claiming that I Martin Prehn was running an illegal drug house in Clinton Township and was a drug dealer and the false incarceration of my son Martin Prehn Jr.for over 22 days with a $25,000 bond and the physical assault of Detective Justin Locke who kicked my son in the head while in the prone position once he asked to see the search warrant.

    There was also an incident in Detroit where a Detroit Free Press Photographer was falsely incarcerated for doing her job and taking photos of a police arrest. Her name is Mandi Wright.

    Please go to you tube and in the search box type in my name Marty Prehn and watch the 35 minute filmed interview that I did last year with documentary film producer Bill Windsor of Lawless America. It is titled the Prehn Family

    I will also be asking for the resignation of Troy Mayor Dane Slater who still has not come clean on the missing $40,000 in drug forfeiture money or the missing police files and the coverup in the brutal rape and attempted murder of Lisa Wood by the hands of Ron Ilitch son of Mike and Marion Ilitch in 2004. I will be demanding that the FBI and the US Attorney's office investigate both cases where peoples constitutional rights were violated by law enforcement officers.

    Martin E. Prehn

    Macomb County and National Elder Advocate

    1. "Attorney General Bill Schuette is scheduled to attend and would be a great opportunity to ask him questions regarding him protecting the pensions of those from Detroit."

      Maybe Denny can speak to this, as well...

    2. did macomb county sheriff pay him $30,000.000? I never saw anything in the news about his winning the lawsuit.

    3. Yeah, did Mr.Prehn prevail in the $30,000.000 lawsuit against the sheriff dept?
      ..Anybody, know? Thank you

    4. A quick search of Macomb County 16th Circuit court will show that Jr pled guilty to...Controlled Substance possession FELONY...Pled guilty to Maintaining a drug house and Pled guilty to possession of Marijuana. The charge of possession of analogous was dismissed. Also Jr pled guilty to assault to do great bodily harm less then murder. So the answer is no...there is no law suit against Clinton Township PD or the Macomb Co So.

  10. Does anyone have a compiled list of all of Marty's supposed events he claimed to be the organizer of?

    1. Here's another event-umm I mean LIE of Mr.Prehn's ...

      "Marty Prehn
      I need the sizes of each of the incarcerated soldiers for a Detroit Tiger baseball jersey the name they want on back and their favorite number and the type of new vehicle they would like to drive home in. It has to be American made. Ford, GM or Chrysler Many times we have not because we do not DREAM BIG DREAMS. My job is to make DREAMS and HOPES a REALITY.
      Like · 1 · May 31, 2011
      Marty Prehn
      Keith Cooper founf out this weekend just how crazy I am and How determined I am to get MY BOYS SET FREE! He will be getting a brand new red convertible Corvette on or about 7-11 and will have his Purple Heart pinned on his chest by me before 60,000 people. I tookm issue with how it was first presented to him. He was in a drug induced coma and the government official who will remain unnamed just set his purple heart on the food tray table."

    2. Letter to Ellen Degeneres begging for money because he's homeless - August 26 2013
      I also used to work for JCP and have some videos of different events that I was involved in that will have your viewers either laughing in their seats or peeing in their pants. One is a pie throwing contest and the other is myself and another brutish Nordsman dressed in drag for the JCP dress carninal. I had boobs that made Dolly Parton look average. I would like to share these videos with your viewers. On a serious note thank you for keeping America laughing. Oh did I mention that I am now homeless?: My e-mail address is mprehn2004@yahoo.com and my address is Marty Prehn PO Box 80732 St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48080. I just got out of the hospital for a 9 day stay for atrial fibulation so I am good for another 100,000 miles. Sorry that I cannot say the same thing about my 2002 Trailblazer with over 185,000 and a bad transmission. And if by chance you have an extra $10,000 laying around I do accept charitable contributions and most likely will use it to help others. Finally did I mention that I got Ronald Reagan to get the Berlin Wall torn down for my father? It's true check out my fb photos as I was on RWR's security detail back in 1980 before working for JCP for 17 years. I hope to hear from your producers to set up a time and make this 1st time a reality.

  11. Nearly two years ago...

    "Marty Prehn
    Jun 15 ·
    Ok for all you GREAT dad's out there how about a FREE meal for you in Honor of father's day. Click on the link below for the details and make sure to bring a camera as I am working on trying to have a VERY special baseball legend stop by to say Hi to you all and see about getting him into the Baseball Hall of Fame. "

  12. Who wants to bet he doesn't show?

    "Marty Prehn May 20 at 6:11pm · Like Not sure if the Tigers are in town on July 11, 2013 but I am working with the corporate office of 7/11 to make that 17/11 day as well and have free slurpees to Honor My Heroes Denny McClain and Bill Freehan. Denny do you have any contact info for Bill Freehan or his family or care giver. Wiull you be able to join me in the SCS Memorial Day Parade? I need to know so I cAN MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR A CONVERTIBLE FOR YOU to ride in. For your jersey what do you need a 1x, 2x or 3x? I assume McClain and the number 17 on the back of the jersey. Do you have an agent that you are working with and are you up to appearing on the ELLEN show and Jay Leno with me? Remember this is a public relations event that needs to be done to show national support.
    Marty Prehn Denny Which of the Tigers from the 68 team are still around and that you have contact with? Ever been on a box of Wheaties Breakfast of Champions? Stand by.
    May 20 at 10:51pm · Like "

    1. Wow, did anyone confirm in Eastpointe ( like the mayor, cruise committee members ) confirm personally that Denny MClain was appearing at the Sock Hop ?
      Or, were they foolish enough to just take Marty Prehn's word for it?
      How embarrassing for the city of Eastpointe if they let Marty Prehn get his face & name in the media based on a lie ..

    2. I don't see Denny acknowledging Marty's post he tagged Denny in about the cruise & Denny appearing. In fact despite Marty tagging 25+ "Facebook Friends" including Denise Ilitch ( maybe he should tag her in this post of his https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.604774122868399.1073741831
      Only one person like his post.

    3. Assuming that Detroit Free Press article is correct, the larger question is after being suspended from baseball, rehab, three bankruptcies, two prison stints and a bunch of arrests, has Denny finally hit bottom in being friends with Marty Prehn?

    4. WOW !!! I can't believe the city of Eastpointe & Cruise Organizers are allowing Marty to hijack & ruin the cruise and destroy the city's of Eastpointe's reputation.

      Marty Prehn - English please. Get your tickets for the May 13th Sock Hop. My friend and 1968 World Series Champion Legend Detroit Tiger Denny McLain will be just 1 of my HOMETOWN HEROES who will be joining me. Later this week I hope to be on LIVE TV to announce this years 2015 EASTPOINTE CRUISIN' GRATIOT Grand Marshall(s). They(he or she) wont know until the formal announcement is made and NO it is not my cyber stalker from Oakland County.
      April 12 at 2:14pm · Edited · Like ·

  13. This? is so gross!


  14. If any of you could help...please send me any and all screenshots where Mr. Prehn states that he works under cover for any law enforcement agency. Any where he claims to be an agent. Also of any of his claims of the people he knows. Here is my email address. ladyduran@yahoo.com....I am the fiancé's sister. Thank you :-)

    1. On his FBook wall ... claiming/lying he is "friends" with the mayor of Detroit

      Marty Prehn Carla get me his number and we will get him and Detroit Mayor to make a bet as to which hockey team wins the 1st round in the playoffs.
      April 12 at 8:17pm · Like · 1

    2. Anon@11:59 ... Be careful posting your private email address as Marty WILL stalk you, & mess with you anyway he can ...Seriously, he'll give it to the FBI or police or something and twist and lie and say you're emailing him ... You can trust Spammy or Tuttle with your email address but, I'd be cautious giving Marty any of your personal info .

    3. @Anon 7:39....I hope he does.

    4. Fleming should have shown the judge photo-shots of the above comments.

    5. Did you get these screen shots, RE: Prehn claiming to be LE? I worked on this for 'someone' last year and have the file somewhere, if you need it. Let me know. R

  15. Just for Laughs ..Happy Saturday everybody ....

    "Marty Prehn shared Brenda Battle Jordan's photo.
    58 minutes ago
    Think of me as the John Walsh of Elder and Guardianship Abuse and if you financially exploit a vulnerable adult we will be coming after you. Looks like America's MOST WANTED tv producers are interested in doing a pilot program to see what kind of viewing response they will get. This should be interesting. California here I come."

  16. Lying Sack of Putrid Crap =

    Marty Prehn
    February 15 · Change.org ·
    "I am signing this petition because no one in authority wants to address the issue of cyber stalking and cyber bullying. I have been cyber stalked and cyber bullied for over 1 year now by what appear to be mentally ill and emotionally disturbed people and started and continue to harass and attempt to intimidate me by creating a HATE blog group called the Marty Prehn Chronicles. There are several contributors to this hate blog group including a former military communications person named Sean D. Fleming who lives in Madison Heights, Michigan. Another is Robin Heaps Williams of St. Clair Shores. A third person appears to be an estranged sister Marlene Nelson-Rhoades and a fourth person from Irving, Texas named Megan Van Zelfden who operates another HATE blog called Joey is a Little Kid. The rest of the internet haters hide under made up names or under the name of anonymous. A federal law needs to be passed that requires anyone using the internet rouse their real name and to have their IP address registered with the host server and with the Secretary of State of the state they live in. "

    1. LMFAO the fat wimp removed the above lie from his post after he was called out on it here. WIMP !!!!!



      Erik Benson I would gratefully request that you take this down off your page you do not know erica or Wyatt you have nothing to do with them and you need to leave them alone take this off your page you scam piece of shit
      January 13 at 9:11pm · Like · 12

      Debbie Schumacher Walker What the hell is wrong with you. You say you are a defender of cyber stalkers but you are yourself stalking Erica and Wyatt. You know neither of them and are passing yourself as her agent/partner in Wyatt's Law. Where do you get off? You need to remove...See More
      January 17 at 12:02pm · Like · 8

      Marty Prehn Debbie Schumacher Walker for your information I am NOT a defender of CYBER STALKERS. I have met Erica Hammel and was in the courtroom on January 8th and talked with her and her father and then again on January 14, 2014. I will save your comments as I take them as being slanderous and your are defaming my character. The same goes for Erik Benson. Most likely friends of one of my cyber stalkers who have been harassing me for over 1 year now.
      January 17 at 12:59pm · Like · 1

      Debbie Schumacher Walker No Marty I think you claiming to be Erica's Agent and helping to bring about Wyatt's Law is slanderous. Your actions speak volumes and my contacts in law enforcement and media are very interested in you.
      January 17 at 1:03pm · Like · 8

      Marty Prehn I have made no such claim as being her agent and I am working to get people to sign Erica's petition and have been in contact with legislators in the house and senate to get them to sign on as co-sponsors of the legislation that would require a registry for child abusers. I would ask that you have no further contact with me as any further contact will be viewed as harassment.
      January 17 at 1:07pm · Like · 1

      Erik Benson I am one Erica's best and no you don't have her permission to post the stuff you do not have the right to post the stuff she wants nothing to do with you she is told you that many times if you continue to post and harass my friend I will be forced to take action
      January 17 at 2:27pm · Like · 8

      Robert J. Hammel Marty, please leave my daughter alone, stop using her name in your posts, please quit showing up to the court appearances and quit taking credit for being involved with Wyatt's law. Erica doesn't need your help, nor does she want it. You are just giving her more stress and anxiety and she does not need that.
      January 17 at 2:49pm · Like · 17

      Amy Brock Here's why everyone is mad: He HAS stated he worked with her to get Wyatt's Law passed which is a LIE! He may have spoken to her but it came down to her being held in a separate room because of the harassment. He is done NOTHING for Erica or Wyatt besides giving her more stress that she doesn't need. LEAVE HER ALONE!!! YOU ARE NOT NEEDED OR WANTED!!!!!
      January 17 at 4:56pm · Like · 8

      Mark A Walker This man is nothing but a scam. Yes it is a legit petition but he has had no part in it other then posting it on his page. He proclaims to be something he is not and has harassed Wyatt's mom Erica even going as far as showing up to her court appearances unwanted. On her last court date Erica and her brother had to be put in a room so he would leave her alone.
      Erica is not the first person he has done this to. He just needs to STOP NOW.
      January 19 at 4:28am · Like · 5

      Mandi McGee Nothing but a scam. This man has NOTHING to do with Erica or Wyatt.
      January 19 at 2:35pm · Like · 3

    3. Cont - More Comments telling Marty the stalker to quit Stalking.

      Robyn Thornhill Marty we are friends with Erica we know the truth. Please take this down and stop bulling Erica. There will be a story done by the Detroit Free press that clearly states by Erica that you are not in any way shape or form a voice for her or Wyatt. You are not only creepy but way out of line and this will NOT be tolerated.
      January 19 at 2:38pm · Like · 5

      Kellie McDougald He's STILL at it!! Right now!! Just contacted The Detroit Free Press claiming to be Erica's 'agent'!!
      Gawd Almighty! #LawEnforcement must stop this stalker!
      January 19 at 2:59pm · Like · 4

      Bethany VandeVorde Marty leave Erica alone I know her longer then you she wants you to take this down now or she going to the fbi
      January 19 at 8:30pm · Edited · Like · 2

      Carrie Ambrose This is not YOUR fight....you have no business callling ANYONE regarding anything to do with Wyatt's Law. What is wrong with you??? This is not about you, it's about a mother who is fighting for her son. How dare you try and take any type of credit. None of these people knew nothing about you...and if you want to blame someone for outing you...then blame me.

      The registry for child abusers is Erica's, I am just completely dumbfounded that you would call anyone in regards to this. All you had to do was post the petition, sign it and be done. And as far as you being harrassed....are you kidding me?? I hope that she knows a good lawyer and reads the Stalking laws here in Michigan because you sure do fit it. Now do the right and decent thing and leave them alone. And you can't call it harassment when you're the one who started it.
      January 20 at 10:41am · Like · 2

      Brenda Mora So...let me get this straight....this man at BEST met this woman once and may have spoken to her briefly. The woman, her family and her friends have all repeatedly told him to get lost and leave her alone and that they do not want him or his name associated with their cause in any way, and he STILL continues to post the same ish AND threaten these ppl with charges of defamation? What the holy hell!? This guy is a creeper and should be ashamed of himself.
      February 8 at 2:12am · Like · 1

    4. And more ....
      Marty Prehn Jan 17 2015

      Robyn Thornhill You are not Wyatt's agent not Erica's. Stop pretending to be or you will be charged with harassment. Erica has made Wyatt's law happen by herself not with help from you. You are the scum that preys on people to get publicity. There are many people that...See More
      January 19 at 2:33pm · Like · 3

      James Shepard LEAVE ERICA ALONE!!!!
      January 19 at 2:54pm · Like · 3

      Bethany VandeVorde FOR GOD SAKE LEAVE Erica Hammel ALONE YOU SCUMBAG
      January 19 at 8:31pm · Like · 3

      Pamela Gordon Crosson Moron.
      January 20 at 8:21am · Like · 1

      Mary Powell You got some serious issues. Who would do this to a mother and her child with all she has been through. I hope the authorities get you and stop you from all your scams and stalking. When someone asks you to leave them alone, you leave them alone, at least that is what sane people do.
      January 21 at 6:06am · Like · 3

  17. So, it appears Marty thinks he is a some type of special agent. I don't want to hear another peep from him about investigations he is taking part of or that there is one going on and that he is some law enforcement agent when he is not or he is working on some stupid Taskforce at all. If I do and it pertains to me, I will be filing a complaint in regards to just that. That I am being harassed by some guy that states he is law enforcement and he keeps on intimidating me with investigations.

    1. Screenshot his posts that are STILL on his page and save them, Sean !!
      If you have him blocked, have your sister-in-law or somebody screenshot them .

    2. Sean, I have a file of those type of screen shots - I just have to locate them, if you still need them. R

    3. Renee please send those to me. I am his Fiancé's sister. My email is ladyduran@yahoo.com. Unlike Mr. Prehn I do have many contacts with law enforcement.

    4. Let me check my files - I should be getting back with you by the end of the day :)

    5. Tis sent - check your email. I had an incredible friend helping me today to insure that we got 'er done :) Now go kick some arse, my friend :)

    6. That's great, Renee !!! Hope it helps get fatty under control.

    7. Anything I can do to help: don't hesitate to contact me.

  18. What city is special agent Prehn addressing, lying to and impersonating LE at their city council meeting, tonight?
    Saint Clair Shores, Eastpointe, Madison Heights, Berkley, Troy, Roseville ....etc what city will he claim to be a resident of tonight, but not reveal his real address because of his fake stalkers claim?

    1. LMAO - all of the above plus federal because he's a "special agent" ;)

  19. on the way to the city council meeting

    1. What one (city) did he plop his humongous ass into two chairs at?
      That's a issue too, his waddling from city to city stalking CC meetings ... and using two chairs because his ass is so fat .. thereby denying actual residents of the city a chair.

  20. Ninja April 14 @ 4:48 Fat mouth Marty has never met my grandson Michael.He is even to stupid to read Michaels Wish to understand the issues that Michael's life consisted of..We lived the horror of Michaels life and for him to even hint that he knows anyone in our family is pure lies....It horrifies me to even see that this p.o.s. has the nerve to mention him is evil at best....He needs to stick to his specitily of abusing the poor and elderly with his lies and abuse.

    1. I am truly sorry that Marty opened this hurt for your family, and used yet ANOTHER lie to propel himself into the spotlight of pretending he had the inside track of issues related to Michael. This is the crap that a Judge should take seriously. Claiming someone was the reason of the death of another, is the most heinous crime I can think of. He's done this more than once.

      Marty has no filter. Marty will say whatever he wants, as the versed fast talker, bullshit spewer he's been for years. He is a Narcissist. He never takes responsibility or is held accountable for his actions. Ever! It's always someone else's fault, and if he isn't sure who? He just pulls names out of his ass.

      If there is ONE thing in those transcripts from the restraining order hearing that could be used against Marty to hold him accountable--I would pray it is making a false allegation that Fleming was the one responsible for Michaels death. This is below anything I can comprehend as tolerable.

      Again, my condolences for your family and their tragic loss, and the never ending pain. I know when someone like Marty uses this story to garner popularity, it re-opens the wounds all over again. And for that, I am truly sorry. He needs to be held accountable!

  21. Anon @ 7:29 am, I am so sorry that Marty is re-victimizing you and your family, through your tragic loss.
    As Ninja mentioned, this is not the first time Marty has inflicted this pain. The tragic suicide of Trish Kruas and what Marty, David Schied, and Windsor put Trish's husband through with their twisted spin on her death, comes to mind.

  22. Mart nominates himself for "Michigander of the Year" ..WOW !!!

    Nominate MARTY PREHN as a Michiganian of the Year
    Jan 13
    Public · Hosted by Marty Prehn
    "It's that time of year when the Detroit News seeks nominations
    for Michiganians of the Year. Since 1978 honorees are Michigan residents who have set and achieved big dreams, are leaders in the community or workplace, or have made a difference in the lives of others in some way. To submit Marty Prehn as a nominee outline his accomplishments and or contributions on a one page e-mail and include his name MARTY PREHN and his e-mail address which is mprehn2004@yahoo.com. Send your e-mail nomination to the Detroit News email address for this event which is; features@detroitnews.com. Please put "Michiganians of the Year" in the subject line and send a cc to Marty Prehn as well. Some of his many unsung hero activities have been Saving the Life of Army Vet Dr. Jim Chism last year in a well publisized Elder Abuse case in Macomb County. Marty becoming a National Elder Advocate to help put a STOP to Elder and Guardianship Abuse. Marty advocating for our wounded soldiers nationwide. Marty advocating for the soldiers incarcerated at Fort Leavenworth known as the Leavenworth 10. Go to www.defending michael.com for more information. Marty securing a Macomb County emergency resolution for the wife and family of Staff Sgt. Joey Jordan who was killed in Iraq that declared Joey Jordan a national HERO and Marty driving 5 hours to Cincinatti, Ohio to present it to Joey's wife at his military funeral. Marty advocating and protecting the right of lake access to ALL members of the public at Michigan lakes. Marty getting Ronald Reagan to get the Berlin Wall torn down that freed a captive nation. Marty fighting for others inspite of being forced into 2 foreclosures by fraud and becoming homeless yet maintaining his sense of humor and protecting everyones right to their 1st amendment rights of FREE Speech and putting himself in harms way to do so at 3 seperate occasions in Dearborn, Michigan and becoming a spokesperson for Bill Windsor and LAWLESS AMERICA and providing Congressional testimony as to the fraud and corruption that is taking place in our judicial system either through Probate Court or Child Protective services cases and becoming a voice for those whose voices have been taken from them which are the children and vulnerable adults with Alzheimers and Dementia and not giving up until his finds JUSTICE "

    1. "...and becoming a spokesperson for Bill Windsor and LAWLESS AMERICA..."

      Who, incidentally, sits in jail on numerous PPO violations.

    2. "Some of his many unsung hero activities have been Saving the Life of Army Vet Dr. Jim Chism..."

      Who's attorney told Marty to STFU and stop claiming he was involved.

      "...and protecting everyones right to their 1st amendment rights of FREE Speech..."

      Except for those who highlight Marty's lies...those he calls "Cyberstalkers" and stalks, slanders, and defames at every waking moment--on line and in person.

    3. Lol ...

      "Marty getting Ronald Reagan to get the Berlin Wall torn down that freed a captive nation."

    4. Not bad for a guy waiting on a lifesaving heart transplant, eh?


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