Zdravstvujtye, CoMmies!
It's now been a week since the beginning of Marty's great weekend of good works. Nautical Smile was scheduled to kick of the festivities last Friday night. Operation Patch Adams was going to be the big closing event (fireworks?). All the local stations plus the national media were going to be lined up to interview the person responsible for this incredible weekend tribute to Robin Williams - none other than the Elder Avenger himself, Marty Prehn.
After searching all week, our research department was unable to find a single video clip, newspaper article or flip phone picture of any Marty's moments of greatness. How could all of the media that was present not make Marty their lead story on the weekend news or on Sunday's front page? Where was TMZ? Didn't anyone get Marty's numerous emails or voicemail messages pointing out their chance to interview the greatest Michigan resident since Henry Ford? Marty couldn't even provide coverage of his own greatness on his Facebook page. Perhaps Walmart was unable to meet the demand for all the smiley face buttons that he proudly boasted to SCS City Council he was in the process of procuring. Or maybe he simply couldn't bum gas money from Linda.
All of Marty's planning and preparation for the tribute has caused a problem that I'm afraid he didn't see coming. Marty had been neglecting his true calling - investigating and prosecuting all of the numerous federal crimes committed against him. With the announced departure of Marty's "business associate" Eric Holder at the DOJ, these investigations have been hampered even further. Let's review a few of them to see if we can remind Marty that these criminals will get away with their crimes if he doesn't get busy.
When I began going through the pile of research the previous editor of this blog left behind, I kept seeing updates from Marty about a federal crime that he was the victim of. RC3 sufficiently covered his murderous, mom-kidnappin', arsonistic, embezzling sister - who should be about 1/3 of the way through her 20 year stint in the federal pen - so we'll move down the list a bit to his illegal retaliation eviction at the hands of Guy and Robin. I saw numerous rants spread over several months about this heinous act. Marty claimed that although his rent was paid in full, the locks were illegally changed and proper notice wasn't served informing him that he wasn't invited back. Imminent arrest for these crimes was predicted several times by the Special Agent. I believe every time Marty went to court as a battered wife, this crime was to be addressed and the perpetrators were to leave the courthouse in handcuffs. Suddenly, we have stopped hearing about Marty's progress in getting justice against these criminals. Has this investigation been put on the back burner because of the sudden passing of Marty's dear friend, comedian Robin Williams? Will Guy still be deported and his fiancé be picked up for her mental evaluation?
A spin off investigation related to these crimes was also started by the Mongoose. All of the people involved in the theft of his intellectual properties, like his bottle of lotion and the infamous MVZ masturbation tapes, would soon be brought to justice. His standard 20 years in federal prison was the sentence Marty kept threatening. This investigation was being conducted by Marty the FBI Agent. Not to be confused with Marty from the DOJ or the Secret Service. I can only assume this investigation has been delayed because Marty the CIA Agent realized all of his critical international documents in locked briefcases were compromised. This would cause the investigation to be transferred from the FBI to the CIA. Although Marty is the Agent in charge of this for both agencies, finding the gas money to transport the files from one library office to the other apparently became problematic.
Another crime we haven't seen an update on are the postal crimes committed by Robert Cookout. The Postmaster General was informed of these crimes by Marty several months ago. He and his sidekick Flo had nabbed "Booby" in a Facebook sting! The posting of Flo's letter explaining to Marty that he was bleeding her dry was the act that sealed Cookout's fate. Have we not heard anymore about this crime because the shadowy master criminal Mr Cookout fled the county? Is Marty the Postal Police Agent busy working on the extradition of Bob or is the USPS handling that now? Maybe he's hired his "good friend" Dog the Bounty Hunter to retrieve this felonious absconder. I'm sure we'll get an update on that case soon.
These are just a few of the open investigations Marty has been leading. Due to bandwidth restrictions, we can't report on Marty's war on cyberstalkers that he continues to reference revenge porn laws when addressing the cases. Nor his ongoing prosecution of Flemshady that is based on a letter from the police stating that no crimes were committed by said goofball.
Has the Mongoose finally spread himself too thin? Other than the underwear he stole from JC Penney 20 years ago and continues to wear today, is it even possible for any mention of Marty to include the word "thin"? Has Marty's preoccupation with producing star filled events and TV shows forced him to push his crime fighting activities to the side? Stay tuned for more updates as I'm sure now that we've reminded Marty about these lies - I mean investigations - more news will be coming soon.
Keep the craziness going, Marty. I'm up for my 30 day performance review soon...