As a public service to residents of Fraser, and any other metro Detroit city, here is a partial list of people you should contact about Marty Prehn. Most people on this list Marty has claimed he works closely with on a regular basis. Contact them and see if they'll give you a reference or their opinion about him.
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette
Secretary of State Ruth Johnson
Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard
Oakland County Prosecutor Jessica Cooper
Macomb County Sheriff Anthony Wickersham
Every Police Department in the Detroit area
US Attorney Daniel Lemisch
Michigan FBI
Michigan State Police
Representative Peter Lucido
Michigan Senator Steve Bieda
Eastpointe Mayor Suzanne Pixley
Fraser Mayor Joe Nichols
POTUS Donald Trump
Reverend Jessie Jackson
"Hot-N-Ready" Private Investigator Carey Torrice
Kerri Kasem and the Kasem Cares Foundation
Jamie Cook, Macomb Daily
Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianship
Dr Sam Sugar
Rich Black
That's just a few that come to mind. This list could take all day if I continue. It might also be very interesting to see what either of Marty's ex wives might have to say about him. Or I'm sure siblings would give you an earful about his various lies. Perhaps you could also send a letter to his son c/o Michigan Department of Corrections, Prisoner #719487.
Happy Hunting to all the new CoMmies out there!
"And that's why we love Fraser... "
P.S. I have a new favorite drink CoMmies, it's BOURBON ON THE ROCKS! You really should give it a try.
Bourbon on the Rocks
Work that case, Mongoose!
Hard to believe that this idiot can sit up and take nourishment several times a day.
Bourbon on the Rocks
Work that case, Mongoose!
Unbridled Stupidity. |
Hard to believe that this idiot can sit up and take nourishment several times a day.